female mating preferences
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2021 ◽  
Ammon Perkes ◽  
Bernd Pfrommer ◽  
Kostas Daniilidis ◽  
David White ◽  
Marc F Schmidt

It is the female response to male signals that determines courtship success. In most songbirds, females control reproduction via the copulation solicitation display (CSD), an innate, stereotyped posture produced in direct response to male displays. Because CSD can be elicited in the absence of males by the presentation of recorded song, CSD production enables investigations into the effects of underlying signal features and behavioral state on female mating preferences. Using computer vision to quantify CSD trajectory in female brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater), we show that both song quality and a female's internal state predict CSD production, as well as the onset latency and duration of the display. We also show that CSD can be produced in a graded fashion based on both signal strength and internal state. These results emphasize the importance of underlying receiver state in determining behavioral responses and suggest that female responsiveness acts in conjunction with male signal strength to determine the efficacy of male courtship.

Behaviour ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-25
Jenell A. Glover ◽  
Matthew S. Lattanzio

Abstract Despite recognition that colour can vary continuously, colour expression in colour polymorphic species is usually treated as discrete. We conducted three experiments to evaluate the extent that discrete and continuous male coloration influenced female mating preferences in long-tailed brush lizards (Urosaurus graciosus). Each experiment provided females with a different social context: a dimorphic choice between a yellow and an orange male (coloration treated as discrete), and a choice between either two orange males or two yellow males (coloration treated as continuous variation). Females preferred orange males over yellow males in the first experiment, and the findings of our second experiment suggested that males with moderate orange coloration were most preferred. In contrast, females behaved randomly with respect to two yellow males. Our findings show that females in colour polymorphic species can evaluate both discrete and continuous aspects of morph coloration during mate assessment, which may help maintain their polymorphism.

Evolution ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 73 (9) ◽  
pp. 1759-1773 ◽  
Roman Yukilevich ◽  
Elizabeth K. Peterson

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-316 ◽  
Martin Plath ◽  
Kai Liu ◽  
Diane Umutoni ◽  
Guilherme Gomes-Silva ◽  
Jie-Fei Wei ◽  

Abstract While many mating preferences have a genetic basis, the question remains as to whether and how learning/experience can modify individual mate choice decisions. We used wild-caught (predator-experienced) and F1 laboratory-reared (predator-naïve) invasive Western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis from China to test whether mating preferences (assessed in a first mate choice test) would change under immediate predation threat. The same individuals were tested in a second mate choice test during which 1 of 3 types of animated predators was presented: 1) a co-occurring predator, 2) a co-evolved but not currently co-occurring predator, and 3) a non-piscivorous species as control. We compared preference scores derived from both mate choice tests to separate innate from experiential effects of predation. We also asked whether predator-induced changes in mating preferences would differ between sexes or depend on the choosing individual’s personality type and/or body size. Wild-caught fish altered their mate choice decisions most when exposed to the co-occurring predator whereas laboratory-reared individuals responded most to the co-evolved predator, suggesting that both innate mechanisms and learning effects are involved. This behavior likely reduces individuals’ risk of falling victim to predation by temporarily moving away from high-quality (i.e., conspicuous) mating partners. Accordingly, effects were stronger in bolder than shyer, large- compared with small-bodied, and female compared with male focal individuals, likely because those phenotypes face an increased predation risk overall. Our study adds to the growing body of literature appreciating the complexity of the mate choice process, where an array of intrinsic and extrinsic factors interacts during decision-making.

2018 ◽  
Vol 285 (1884) ◽  
pp. 20181248 ◽  
Rachel L. Moran ◽  
Rebecca C. Fuller

Agonistic character displacement (ACD) occurs when selection to avoid maladaptive interspecific aggression leads to the evolution of agonistic signals and/or associated behavioural biases in sympatry. Here, we test for a pattern consistent with ACD in male colour pattern in darters (Percidae: Etheostoma ). Male colour pattern has been shown to function in male–male competition rather than female mating preferences in several darter species. Additionally, males bias their aggression towards conspecific over heterospecific males in sympatry but not in allopatry, consistent with divergent ACD in male behavioural biases. We use a common garden approach to show that differences in male colour pattern among four closely related darter species are genetically based. Additionally, we demonstrate that some aspects of male colour pattern exhibit enhanced differences in sympatric compared to allopatric populations of two darter species, consistent with ACD. However, other male colour traits are more similar between species in sympatry compared with allopatry, indicating that not all signal components are under strong divergent selection in sympatry. This study provides evidence that interspecific male–male aggressive interactions alone can promote elaborate male signal evolution both between and within species. We discuss the implications this has for male-driven ACD and cascade ACD.

2018 ◽  
Rachel L. Moran ◽  
Rebecca C. Fuller

AbstractA growing number of studies are demonstrating that interspecific male-male competitive interactions can promote trait evolution and contribute to speciation. Agonistic character displacement (ACD) occurs when selection to avoid maladaptive interspecific aggression leads to the evolution of agonistic signals and/or associated behavioral biases in sympatry. Here we test for a pattern consistent with ACD in male color pattern in darters (Percidae: Etheostoma). Despite the presence of traditional sex roles and sexual dimorphism, male color pattern has been shown to function in male-male competition in several darter species, rather than female mating preferences. A pattern consistent with divergent ACD in male behavioral biases has also been documented in darters. Males bias their aggression towards conspecific over heterospecific males in sympatry but not in allopatry. Here we use a common garden approach to show that differences in male color pattern among four closely related darter species are genetically based. We also demonstrate that male color pattern exhibits enhanced differences in sympatric compared to allopatric populations of two darter species. This study provides evidence that interspecific male-male aggressive interactions alone can promote elaborate male signal evolution both between and within species. We discuss the implications this has for male-driven ACD and cascade ACD.

Behaviour ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 155 (6) ◽  
pp. 481-503 ◽  
Ákos Pogány ◽  
Ernő Vincze ◽  
Zita Szurovecz ◽  
András Kosztolányi ◽  
Zoltán Barta ◽  

Abstract Consistent individual behavioural differences (‘animal personalities’) are documented across a variety of animal taxa. Sexual selection, especially assortative mating has been suggested as a possible mechanism contributing to the maintenance of different personality types within populations but little is known about non-random pair-formation with respect to personality traits in unconstrained choice tests. We here tested whether female mating preferences were non-random with respect to male and female neophobia in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), an important avian model of mate choice and animal personality research. Male and female neophobia was assessed by attaching novel objects to birds’ feeders. Females’ mating preferences were tested with randomly assigned, unfamiliar males in a four-way choice apparatus. Females associated most with males with neophobia scores similar to their own. These results provide evidence that mating preferences and personality traits can covary, supporting evolutionary scenarios of assortative mating contributing to the maintenance of personality traits.

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