physics potential
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2021 ◽  
Vol 104 (9) ◽  
Austin Schneider ◽  
Barbara Skrzypek ◽  
Carlos A. Argüelles ◽  
Janet M. Conrad

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Nazar Bartosik ◽  
Paolo Andreetto ◽  
Laura Buonincontri ◽  
Massimo Casarsa ◽  
Alessio Gianelle ◽  

AbstractIn recent years, a Muon collider has attracted a lot of interest in the high-energy physics community, thanks to its ability of achieving clean interaction signatures at multi-TeV collision energies in the most cost-effective way. Estimation of the physics potential of such an experiment must take into account the impact of beam-induced background on the detector performance, which has to be carefully evaluated using full detector simulation. Tracing of all the background particles entering the detector region in a single bunch crossing is out of reach for any realistic computing facility due to the unprecedented number of such particles. To make it feasible a number of optimisations have been applied to the detector simulation workflow. This contribution presents an overview of the main characteristics of the beam-induced background at a Muon collider, the detector technologies considered for the experiment and how they are taken into account to strongly reduce the number of irrelevant computations performed during the detector simulation. Special attention is dedicated to the optimisation of track reconstruction with the conformal tracking algorithm in this high-occupancy environment, which is the most computationally demanding part of event reconstruction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Ryuta Kiuchi ◽  
Yanxi Gu ◽  
Min Zhong ◽  
Lingteng Kong ◽  
Alex Schuy ◽  

AbstractThe precision of the yield measurement of the Higgs boson decaying into a pair of Z bosons process at the Circular Electron Positron Collider is evaluated. Including the recoil Z boson associated with the Higgs production (Higgsstrahlung) a total of three Z bosons are involved for this channel, from which final states characterized by the presence of a pair of leptons, quarks, and neutrinos are chosen for the signal. Two analysis approaches are compared and the final statistical precision of $${\sigma }_{\mathrm {ZH}}{\cdot }$$ σ ZH · BR($$H \rightarrow ZZ^{*}$$ H → Z Z ∗ ) is estimated to be 6.9% using a multivariate analysis technique, based on boosted decision trees. The relative precision of the Higgs boson width, using this $$H \rightarrow ZZ^{*}$$ H → Z Z ∗ decay topology, is estimated by combining the obtained result with the precision of the inclusive ZH cross section measurement.

2021 ◽  
Jonathan Feng ◽  
Milind Diwan ◽  
L Anchordoqui ◽  
A Akitaka ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Sabya Sachi Chatterjee ◽  
P.S. Bhupal Dev ◽  
Pedro A.N. Machado

Abstract The full physics potential of the next-generation Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is still being explored. In particular, there have been some recent studies on the possibility of improving DUNE’s neutrino energy reconstruction. The main motivation is that a better determination of the neutrino energy in an event-by-event basis will translate into an improved measurement of the Dirac C P phase and other neutrino oscillation parameters. To further motivate studies and improvements on the neutrino energy reconstruction, we evaluate the impact of energy resolution at DUNE on an illustrative new physics scenario, viz. non-standard interactions (NSI) of neutrinos with matter. We show that a better energy resolution in comparison to the ones given in the DUNE conceptual and technical design reports may significantly enhance the experimental sensitivity to NSI, particularly when degeneracies are present. While a better reconstruction of the first oscillation peak helps disentangling standard C P effects from those coming from NSIs, we find that the second oscillation peak also plays a nontrivial role in improving DUNE’s sensitivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (07) ◽  
pp. 055
Mainak Mukhopadhyay ◽  
Carlos Cardona ◽  
Cecilia Lunardini

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (11) ◽  
S. Cao ◽  
A. Nath ◽  
T. V. Ngoc ◽  
Ng. K. Francis ◽  
N. T. Hong Van ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 103 (11) ◽  
Kingman Cheung ◽  
Zeren Simon Wang

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Kaustav Chakraborty ◽  
Debajyoti Dutta ◽  
Srubabati Goswami ◽  
Dipyaman Pramanik

Abstract We study the physics potential of the long-baseline experiments T2HK, T2HKK and ESSνSB in the context of invisible neutrino decay. We consider normal mass ordering and assume the state ν3 as unstable, decaying into sterile states during the flight and obtain constraints on the neutrino decay lifetime (τ3). We find that T2HK, T2HKK and ESSνSB are sensitive to the decay-rate of ν3 for τ3/m3 ≤ 2.72 × 10−11s/eV, τ3/m3 ≤ 4.36 × 10−11s/eV and τ3/m3 ≤ 2.43 × 10−11s/eV respectively at 3σ C.L. We compare and contrast the sensitivities of the three experiments and specially investigate the role played by the mixing angle θ23. It is seen that for experiments with flux peak near the second oscillation maxima, the poorer sensitivity to θ23 results in weaker constraints on the decay lifetime. Although, T2HKK has one detector close to the second oscillation maxima, having another detector at the first oscillation maxima results in superior sensitivity to decay. In addition, we find a synergy between the two baselines of the T2HKK experiment which helps in giving a better sensitivity to decay for θ23 in the higher octant. We discuss the octant sensitivity in presence of decay and show that there is an enhancement in sensitivity which occurs due to the contribution from the survival probability Pμμ is more pronounced for the experiments at the second oscillation maxima. We also obtain the combined sensitivity of T2HK+ESSνSB and T2HKK+ESSνSB as τ3/m3 ≤ 4.36 × 10−11s/eV and τ3/m3 ≤ 5.53 × 10−11s/eV respectively at 3σ C.L.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (5) ◽  
Ilja Doršner ◽  
Svjetlana Fajfer ◽  
Ajla Lejlić

Abstract We introduce a novel mechanism for the leptoquark pair production at LHC that is of a t-channel topology and is quark-quark initiated. This mechanism operates under fairly general conditions. One of them is that the two leptoquarks in question couple to the same lepton and the other one is that the fermion numbers of these two leptoquarks differ by two. The strength of the proposed mechanism provides an alternative way to the conventional processes to efficiently constrain the parameter space of the two leptoquark scenarios at LHC whenever the aforementioned conditions are met. We accordingly present one case study to outline the physics potential of this novel production mechanism.

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