usability problem
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 344-351
Aldhiqo Yusron Mubarok ◽  
Umi Chotijah ◽  

Game is a digital activity that is very popular in the modern era, both among young and old. One game that is very popular with E-sports competition is Warcraft 3. However, in 2020 it immediately fell because Blizzard company has released a new version of those games which is called warcraft 3 reforged. The purpose of this study was to find out the reason this could happen by using the heuristic evaluation of playability method. With this method, you can find the scale of the problem in a game that will be released. The data used for this study uses the player persona as the source of the assessment that will be carried out in this game. The player persona is created by providing 10 respondents who will be required to perform and assess each task given according to the scenario codes. The benefits of this research can be used to analyse the readiness of games to be released to the market and to find out customer tastes in RTS (Real Time Strategy) type games. This assessment is based on the mean rating which will later be categorized as the level of problem in the running of the game. The results of this study indicate that the mean rating in this game is 2.91 or can be referred to as the Major Usability Problem with the highest value of percentage with the highest problem category found in the game usability with a percentage value of 41.7%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (05) ◽  
pp. 1014-1020
Linda Harrington ◽  
Cheryl Parker ◽  
Kathleen Ulanday ◽  
Craig Harrington

Abstract Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usability of a top-rated diabetes app. Such apps are intended to markedly support the achievement of optimal health and financial outcomes by providing patients with substantive and continual support for self-management of their disease between periodic clinician visits. Poor usability can deter use which is especially concerning in patients with diabetes due to prevalence of the disease and impact of self-management on long-term prognosis. Methods A diabetes app was selected due to the prevalence and seriousness of the disease. A heuristic evaluation was then performed to collect and analyze data on the usability of the app based on Nielsen's heuristics. Pareto analysis was used to illustrate the contribution of each type of heuristic violation, augmented by a stacked bar chart illuminating associated severity. Results There were 51 heuristic violations on the opening screen, violating 6 of Nielsen's 10 heuristics. Pareto analysis revealed 29 (57%) of the heuristic violations involved a match between system and real world and 8 (16%) aesthetic and minimalist design. Severity ratings ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 (mean: 3.01) with 80% comprising a major usability problem and 6% a usability catastrophe. Conclusion Studies show that people with diabetes are more likely to receive greater benefit from a diabetes app if they are easy to use. The number and severity of heuristic violations in this study suggest that the commercialization of mobile health apps may play a factor in bypassing experts in clinical informatics during the design phase of development. Usability and associated benefits received from mobile health apps can be enhanced by debugging the user interface of identified heuristic violations during design. Waiting to correct ongoing usability issues while apps are in production can result in patients disengaging from use of digital health tools engendering poorer outcomes.

Indah Kusuma Ayu ◽  
Nuryasin Nuryasin

SIMPUS merupakan suatu Aplikasi Manajemen Puskesmas dimana fungsi utamanya adalah memanage data pasien mulai dari pendaftaran, registrasi, pemeriksaan (diagnosis) serta pengobatan pasien. Dalam pelaksanaannya, SIMPUS perlu dilakukan evaluasi usability untuk mengetahui kualitas dan masalah usability yang ada dan menjadi acuan untuk perbaikan selanjutnya. Maka dari itu penelitian ini bertujuaan untuk mengevaluasi SIMPUS dan mengetahui tingkat usability pengguna terhadap SIMPUS. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Heuristic Evaluation dengan menggunakan skala likert dalam mengevaluasi setiap pertanyaan yang diberikan setiap responden dengan rentang nilai yaitu STS=Sangat Tidak Setuju (dengan nilai 1), TS=Tidak Setuju (dengan nilai 2), S=Setuju (dengan nilai 3), SS=Sangat Setuju (dengan nilai 4). Semakin besar nilai yang dipilih responden maka menunjukkan bahwa tanggapan responden positif dan semakin kecil angka yang dipilih memberikan kesan negatif. Hasil analisis website Sistem Informasi Management Puskesmas menggunakan metode Heuristic Evaluation bahwa Nilai rata-rata Severety Rating 1,65 masuk di skala severaty rating 2 dimana merupakan kategori minor usability problem, perbaikan masalah ini diberikan prioritas yang rendah.

2021 ◽  
Mustafa Khanbhai ◽  
Joshua Symons ◽  
Kelsey Flott ◽  
Stephanie Harrison-White ◽  
Jamie Spofforth ◽  

BACKGROUND There is an abundance of patient experience data held within healthcare organisations but stakeholders and staff are often unable to use the output in a meaningful and timely way to improve care delivery. Dashboards, which use visualised data to summarise key patient experience feedback, have the potential to address these issues. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to develop a patient experience dashboard with an emphasis on FFT reporting as per the national policy drive. An iterative process involving co-design involving key stakeholders was used to develop the dashboard, followed by heuristic usability testing. METHODS A two staged approach was employed; participatory co-design involving 20 co-designers to develop a dashboard prototype followed by iterative dashboard testing. Language analysis was performed on free-text patient experience data from the Friends and Family Test (FFT) and the themes and sentiment generated was used to populate the dashboard with associated FFT metrics. Heuristic evaluation and usability testing were conducted to refine the dashboard and assess user satisfaction using the system usability score (SUS). RESULTS Qualitative analysis from the co-design process informed development of the dashboard prototype with key dashboard requirements and a significant preference for bubble chart display. Heuristic evaluation revelated the majority of cumulative scores had no usability problem (n=18), cosmetic problem only (n=7), or minor usability problem (n= 5). Mean SUS was 89.7 (SD 7.9) suggesting an excellent rating. CONCLUSIONS The growing capacity to collect and process patient experience data suggests that data visualisation will be increasingly important in turning the feedback into improvements to care. Through heuristic usability we demonstrated that very large FFT data can be presented into a thematically driven, simple visual display without loss of the nuances and still allow for exploration of the original free-text comments. This study establishes guidance for optimising the design of patient experience dashboards that healthcare providers find meaningful which in-turn drives patient-centred care.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. e100191
Simon de Lusignan ◽  
Harshana Liyanage ◽  
Julian Sherlock ◽  
Filipa Ferreira ◽  
Neil Munro ◽  

BackgroundAtrial fibrillation (AF) is a common cardiac arrhythmia which is a major risk factor for stroke, transient ischaemic attacks and increased mortality. Primary care management of AF can significantly reduce these risks. We carried out an evaluation to asses the usability of an AF dashboard developed to improve data quality and the quality of care.MethodWe developed an online dashboard about the quality of AF management for general practices of the Oxford Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre network. The dashboard displays (1) case ascertainment, (2) a calculation of stroke and haemorrhage risk to assess whether the benefits of anticogulants outweigh their risk, (3) prescriptions of different types of anticoagulant and (4) if prescribed anticoagulant is at the correct dose. We conducted the think aloud evaluation, involving 24 dashboard users to improve its usability.ResultsAnalysis of 24 transcripts received produced 120 individual feedback items (ie, verbalised tasks) that were mapped across five usability problem classes. We enhanced the dashboard based on evaluation feedback to encourage adoption by general practices participating in the sentinel network.ConclusionsThe think aloud evaluation provided useful insights into important usability issues that require further development. Our enhanced AF dashboard was acceptable to clinicians and its impact on data quality and care should be assessed in a formal study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Vincent Vandewalle ◽  
Alexandre Caron ◽  
Coralie Delettrez ◽  
Renaud Périchon ◽  
Sylvia Pelayo ◽  

Abstract Background Usability testing of medical devices are mandatory for market access. The testings’ goal is to identify usability problems that could cause harm to the user or limit the device’s effectiveness. In practice, human factor engineers study participants under actual conditions of use and list the problems encountered. This results in a binary discovery matrix in which each row corresponds to a participant, and each column corresponds to a usability problem. One of the main challenges in usability testing is estimating the total number of problems, in order to assess the completeness of the discovery process. Today’s margin-based methods fit the column sums to a binomial model of problem detection. However, the discovery matrix actually observed is truncated because of undiscovered problems, which corresponds to fitting the marginal sums without the zeros. Margin-based methods fail to overcome the bias related to truncation of the matrix. The objective of the present study was to develop and test a matrix-based method for estimating the total number of usability problems. Methods The matrix-based model was based on the full discovery matrix (including unobserved columns) and not solely on a summary of the data (e.g. the margins). This model also circumvents a drawback of margin-based methods by simultaneously estimating the model’s parameters and the total number of problems. Furthermore, the matrix-based method takes account of a heterogeneous probability of detection, which reflects a real-life setting. As suggested in the usability literature, we assumed that the probability of detection had a logit-normal distribution. Results We assessed the matrix-based method’s performance in a range of settings reflecting real-life usability testing and with heterogeneous probabilities of problem detection. In our simulations, the matrix-based method improved the estimation of the number of problems (in terms of bias, consistency, and coverage probability) in a wide range of settings. We also applied our method to five real datasets from usability testing. Conclusions Estimation models (and particularly matrix-based models) are of value in estimating and monitoring the detection process during usability testing. Matrix-based models have a solid mathematical grounding and, with a view to facilitating the decision-making process for both regulators and device manufacturers, should be incorporated into current standards.

Work ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (4) ◽  
pp. 945-962
Carolina Bozzi ◽  
Claudia Mont’Alvão

BACKGROUND: Marketing clothes online can be challenging for those who buy and sell them. They are products that people still feel the need to have direct contact with. Some of their attributes are not easily communicated digitally, such as the fit and the feel of the fabric. Besides, the lack of standardization of sizes practiced by the Brazilian clothing industry raises several doubts to the user. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this paper is to present the results of an investigation concerning the user experience (UX) resulting from the interaction with female e-commerce websites. METHODS: The methods were organized into two stages: exploratory and descriptive. The former consisted of an exploratory interview (19 interviewees), an online questionnaire (205 respondents), and semi-structured interviews with 5 fashion specialists. In the latter, 60 users were divided into two groups of 30 participants to undertake a usability test on an e-commerce website ( to evaluate the UX when buying clothes. Group A used a desktop/laptop and Group B used a smartphone. The users were then debriefed and answered the AttrakDiff2™ questionnaire. RESULTS: Users lacked technical knowledge on clothing attributes and were extremely wary about the size and fit information provided (60% in Group A and 83% in Group B were not sure about fit and size information). Surprisingly, the AttrakDiff2™ showed no significant difference between the mobile or the desktop/laptop UX (Group A: M = 4.0 SD = 0.1; Group B: M = 4.1 SD = 0.2). CONCLUSIONS: The most significant problem faced by the users concerned the fit and sizing information, as these attributes are usually poorly communicated digitally. In addition to being a usability problem, by inducing users to errors, its greatest impact was on the UX.

2020 ◽  
Vincent Vandewalle ◽  
Alexandre Caron ◽  
Coralie Delettrez ◽  
Renaud Périchon ◽  
Sylvia Pelayo ◽  

Abstract Background Usability testing of medical devices are mandatory for market access. The testings’ goal is to identify usability problems that could cause harm to the user or limit the device’s effectiveness. In practice, human factor engineers study participants under actual conditions of use and list the problems encountered. This results in a binary discovery matrix in which each row corresponds to a participant, and each column corresponds to a usability problem. One of the main challenges in usability testing is estimating the total number of problems, in order to assess the completeness of the discovery process. Today’s margin-based methods fit the column sums to a binomial model of problem detection. However, the discovery matrix actually observed is truncated because of undiscovered problems, which corresponds to fitting the marginal sums without the zeros. Margin-based methods fail to overcome the bias related to truncation of the matrix. The objective of the present study was to develop and test a matrix-based method for estimating the total number of usability problems. Methods The matrix-based model was based on the full discovery matrix (including unobserved columns) and not solely on a summary of the data (e.g. the margins). This model also circumvents a drawback of margin-based methods by simultaneously estimating the model’s parameters and the total number of problems. Furthermore, the matrix-based method takes account of a heterogeneous probability of detection, which reflects a real-life setting. Results We assessed the matrix-based method’s performance in a range of settings reflecting real-life usability testing and with heterogeneous probabilities of problem detection. In our simulations, the matrix-based method improved the estimation of the number of problems (in terms of bias, consistency, and coverage probability) in a wide range of settings. We also applied our method to five real datasets from usability testing. Conclusions Estimation models (and particularly matrix-based models) are of value in estimating and monitoring the detection process during usability testing. Matrix-based models have a solid mathematical grounding and, with a view to facilitating the decision-making process for both regulators and device manufacturers, should be incorporated into current standards.

2020 ◽  
Vincent Vandewalle ◽  
Alexandre Caron ◽  
Coralie Delettrez ◽  
Renaud Périchon ◽  
Sylvia Pelayo ◽  

Abstract Background. Usability testing of medical devices are mandatory for market access. The testings’ goal is to identify usability problems that could cause harm to the user or limit the device’s effectiveness. In practice, human factor engineers study participants under actual conditions of use and list the problems encountered. This results in a binary discovery matrix in which each row corresponds to a participant, and each column corresponds to a usability problem. One of the main challenges in usability testing is estimating the total number of problems, in order to assess the completeness of the discovery process. Today’s margin-based methods fit the column sums to a binomial model of problem detection. However, the discovery matrix actually observed is truncated because of undiscovered problems, which corresponds to fitting the marginal sums without the zeros. Margin-based methods fail to overcome the bias related to truncation of the matrix. The objective of the present study was to develop and test a matrix-based method for estimating the total number of usability problems.Methods. The matrix-based model was based on the full discovery matrix (including unobserved columns) and not solely on a summary of the data (e.g. the margins). This model also circumvents a drawback of margin-based methods by simultaneously estimating the model’s parameters and the total number of problems. Furthermore, the matrix-based method takes account of a heterogeneous probability of detection, which reflects a real-life setting. As suggested in the usability literature, we assumed that the probability of detection had a logit-normal distribution.Results. We assessed the matrix-based method’s performance in a range of settings reflecting real-life usability testing and with heterogeneous probabilities of problem detection. In our simulations, the matrix-based method improved the estimation of the number of problems (in terms of bias, consistency, and coverage probability) in a wide range of settings. We also applied our method to five real datasets from usability testing.Conclusions. Estimation models (and particularly matrix-based models) are of value in estimating and monitoring the detection process during usability testing. Matrix-based models have a solid mathematical grounding and, with a view to facilitating the decision-making process for both regulators and device manufacturers, should be incorporated into current standards.

I G A A Diah Indrayani ◽  
I Putu Agung Bayupati ◽  
I Made Suwija Putra

Seiring berjalannya waktu teknologi terus berkembang semakin canggih. Dimulai dari website, sampai dengan teknologi mobile. Teknologi website dan mobile memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai sumber informasi. iBadung merupakan sebuah aplikasi mobile yang memiliki fungsi sebagai wadah yang menyediakan berbagai jenis buku bacaan atau dapat disebut perpustakaan digital yang dapat diakses oleh semua orang. Untuk dapat mengukur tingkat kenyamanan user, kelayakan aplikasi, dan interface aplikasi maka dilakukan pengujian usability, tujuan untuk menganalisis user experience dalam penggunaan aplikasi iBadung. Fungsi dari metode Heuristic Evaluation adalah mengetahui tingkat usability pada iBadung. Pengujian ini mengisi kuesioner dilakukan oleh 17 orang responden dengan kategori pengguna awam, pengguna biasa dan pengguna administrator. Hasil yang didapat dari pengujian pertama pengguna awam mendapat nilai severity rating skala 2 kategori minor usability problem, pengguna biasa dan pengguna administrator mendapat nilai severity rating skala 1 kategori cosmetic problem. Temuan permasalahan yaitu pada logo aplikasi, tata letak icon menu, tampilan menu login, penambahan pop up exit pada tampilan aplikasi iBadung dan dilakukan perbaikan tampilan sesuai rekomendasi user selanjutnya melakukan pengujian kedua setelah perbaikan tampilan selesai dikerjakan.

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