infrared problem
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2021 ◽  
pp. 2150032
Paweł Duch

We propose a mathematically rigorous construction of the scattering matrix and the interacting fields in models of relativistic perturbative quantum field theory with massless fields and long-range interactions. We consider quantum electrodynamics and a certain model of interacting scalar fields in which the standard definition of the scattering matrix is not applicable because of the infrared problem. We modify the Bogoliubov construction using the ideas of Dollard, Kulish and Faddeev. Our modified scattering matrix and modified interacting fields are constructed with the use of the adiabatic limit which is expected to exist in arbitrary order of perturbation theory. In the paper, we prove this assertion in the case of the first- and the second-order corrections to the modified scattering matrix and the first-order corrections to the modified interacting fields. We study the physical properties of our construction. We conclude that the electrons and positrons are always surrounded by irremovable clouds of photons. Moreover, the physical energy-momentum operators do not coincide with the standard ones and their joint spectrum does not contain the mass hyperboloid.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1148 ◽  
pp. 012007 ◽  
Sanghita Sengupta ◽  
Dennis P Clougherty

2017 ◽  
Vol 95 (5) ◽  
Dennis P. Clougherty ◽  
Sanghita Sengupta

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 ◽  
pp. 1-20 ◽  
Ulrich Herbst ◽  
Ralf Hofmann

We compute the phase and the modulus of an energy- and pressure-free, composite, adjoint, and inert field in an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory at large temperatures. This field is physically relevant in describing part of the ground-state structure and the quasiparticle masses of excitations. The field possesses nontrivial -winding on the group manifold . Even at asymptotically high temperatures, where the theory reaches its Stefan-Boltzmann limit, the field , though strongly power suppressed, is conceptually relevant: its presence resolves the infrared problem of thermal perturbation theory.

2011 ◽  
Vol 308 (2) ◽  
pp. 543-566 ◽  
Christian Gérard ◽  
Fumio Hiroshima ◽  
Annalisa Panati ◽  
Akito Suzuki

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