finite temperature
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2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Huai-Min Chen ◽  
Cheng-Jun Xia ◽  
Guang-Xiong Peng

2022 ◽  
Vol 105 (1) ◽  
Matteo Ciardi ◽  
Tommaso Macrì ◽  
Fabio Cinti

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 05012
A.Yu. Kotov ◽  
M.P. Lombardo ◽  
A. Trunin

We study the properties of finite temperature QCD using lattice simulations with Nf = 2 + 1 + 1 Wilson twisted mass fermions for pion masses from physical up to heavy quark regime. In particular, we investigate the scaling properties of the chiral phase transition close to the chiral limit. We found compatibility with O(4) universality class for pion masses up to physical and in the temperature range [120 : 300] MeV. We also discuss other alternatives, including mean field behaviour or Z2 scaling. We provide an estimation of the critical temperature in the chiral limit, T0 = 134−4+6 MeV, which is stable against various scaling scenarios.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 02004
M.N. Khalil ◽  
A. Bakry ◽  
X. Chen ◽  
M. Deliyergiyev ◽  
A. Galal ◽  

The potential and the density profile of the QCD flux-tube are investigated within the framework of the Luscher-Weisz (LW) string action with two boundary terms. The Numerical simulations involve 4D SU(3) Yang-Mills LGT at finite temperature. In general, we detect signatures of the two boundary terms considered in the LWstring action. Near the end of QCD Plateau, the LW string is yielding a static potential which is in a good agreement with the lattice data for source separations R ≥ 0.3 fm. However, at T/Tc = 0.9, the fit to the potential data improves with a good fit attained at R ≥ 0.7 fm. The mean-square width of the energy profile at T/Tc = 0.9 matches well the width of the LW string over distance scales R ≥ 0.5 fm.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
Nathan G. Caldeira ◽  
Eduardo Folco Capossoli ◽  
Carlos A. D. Zarro ◽  
Henrique Boschi-Filho

AbstractIn this work we study fluctuations and dissipation of a string in a deformed anti-de Sitter (AdS) space at finite temperature and density. The deformed AdS space is a charged black hole solution of the Einstein–Maxwell–Dilaton action. In this background we take into account the backreaction on the horizon function from an exponential deformation of the AdS space. From this model we compute the admittance and study the influence of the temperature and the chemical potential on it. We calculate the two-point correlations functions, and the mean square displacement for bosonic and fermionic cases, from which we obtain the short and large time approximations. For the long time, we obtain a sub-diffusive regime $$\sim \log t$$ ∼ log t . Combining the results from the admittance and the correlations functions we check the fluctuation-dissipation theorem for bosonic and fermionic systems.

2022 ◽  
pp. 101612
Yan Chen ◽  
Wengen Ouyang ◽  
Ke Zhou ◽  
Huasong Qin ◽  
Yilun Liu

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
pp. 013301
Li-Ming Fan ◽  
Ming-Gen Li ◽  
Jing-Dong Bao

Abstract Using the quantum generalized Langevin equation and the path integral Monte Carlo approach, we study the transport dynamics of low-dimensional quantum disorder systems at finite temperature. Motivated by the nature of the classical-to-quantum transformation in fluctuations in the time domain, we extend the treatment to the spatial domain and propose a quantum random-correlated potential, describing specifically quantum disorder. For understanding the Anderson localization from the particle transport perspective, we present an intuitive treatment using a classical analogy in which the particle moves through a flat periodic crystal lattice corrugated by classical or quantum disorder. We emphasize an effective classical disorder potential in studying the quantum effects on the transport dynamics. Compared with the classical case, we find that the quantum escape rate from a disordered metastable potential is larger. Moreover, the diffusion enhancement of a quantum system moving in a weak, biased, periodic disorder potential is more significant compared with the classical case; for an effective rock-ratcheted disorder potential, quantum effects increase the directed current with decreasing temperature. For the classical case, we explore surface diffusion on a two-dimensional biased disorder potential at finite temperature; surprisingly, the optimal angle of the external bias force is found to enhance diffusion in the biased disorder surface. Furthermore, to explain the quantum transport dynamics in a disorder potential, we adopt the barrier-crossing mechanism and the mean first passage time theory to establish the probability distribution function.

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