spaceship earth
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Jonathan F. Krell

Ecocritics have long been at odds against humanism. What is needed is an “ecological” or “inclusive” humanism, which includes humans and nonhumans, rather than regarding humans as the crown of creation. Several contemporary French intellectuals affirm that one cannot be an ecologist without being a humanist. Claude Lévi-Strauss disparages traditional Western humanism, which denies dignity not only to nonhumans, but to non-Western humans. Pierre Rabhi calls for a “universal” and “true” humanism that respects the earth. Edgar Morin writes that “spaceship Earth” has no pilot: humans must be “ecologized” in order to save the planet. Michel Maffesoli’s “ecosophy” is a plea for Dionysian “progressivism” to replace Promethean “progressism.” His humanism—etymologically linked to “humus” and “humility”—entails a deep respect for the earth. Finally, the American Thomas Berry rejects traditional Christian humanism in favor of an ecological humanism that embraces an “interdependent biological community of the human with the natural world.”


Povzetek Aktualna osredotočenost na hibridne grožnje in asimetrično bojevanje se morda zdi komaj kaj več kot le vrnitev v preteklost. Kako daleč v preteklost pa je treba iti, da prepoznamo resnico? Številne doktrine in teorije iz industrijske dobe danes več ne veljajo. Treba se je bolj usmeriti k algoritmu kot vodilu za ukrepanje in ne ostati pri statični paradigmi. Združena interakcija civilnega in vojaškega področja je ena izmed možnosti, ki omogoča odprto varnostno kodo za združevanje strokovnjakov in strokovnega znanja na zahtevo ter ob pravem času. Treba je torej združiti prizadevanja in izboljšati mednarodne mehanizme kriznega upravljanja, da bi zagotovili hitrejši, natančnejši in učinkovitejši odziv. Geografija ne zagotavlja več varnosti. V krizi ni pomembno, iz katere smeri prihaja grožnja. Vsi smo v istem čolnu ali na vesoljski ladji Zemlja. Ključne besede Asimetrično bojevanje, vojaške doktrine, hibridne grožnje, interakcija civilnega in vojaškega področja, odpornost, solidarnost, končno stanje, način razmišljanja. Abstract The current focus on hybrid threats and asymmetric warfare can seem little more than a return to the past. How far into the past should we go to recognize this truth? Many doctrines and theories from the Industrial Age are not valid today. We need to move closer to the algorithm as a guide to action rather than remaining stuck using a static paradigm. Joint Civil-Military Interaction is one option offering an open security code, combining experts and expertise on demand and on time. We must unite our efforts, and improve international mechanisms of crisis management to respond faster, more accurately, and more efficiently. Geography no longer provides security. In a crisis, it does not matter from which direction the threat comes. We are all in the same boat or on Spaceship Earth. Key words Asymmetric warfare, military doctrines, hybrid threats, civil-military interaction, resilience, solidarity, end state, way of thinking.

Jonathan R. Eller

The naming of Dandelion Crater as a lunar navigation point by the Apollo 15 crew establishes the baseline for assessing Bradbury’s continuing role as a Space Age visionary and talisman. The chapter offers deeper context through a brief summary of his earlier rise to Space Program prominence as described in the previous volume, Ray Bradbury Unbound. As the Apollo program came to an end, Bradbury began work designing the basic ride concept and narrative for what would become Spaceship Earth at Disney World’s EPCOT. Chapter 1 closes with the termination of Apollo, long-term setbacks in Disney’s Spaceship Earth planning efforts, and the effect of these twin disappointments on Bradbury.

2020 ◽  
pp. 122-126
Jonathan R. Eller

Bradbury’s long association with WED (later Walt Disney Imagineers) resulted in the 1982 opening of EPCOT and the Spaceship Earth geodetic sphere that he had worked on for more than a decade. Chapter 17 describes the milestones of Bradbury’s participation in Spaceship Earth’s ride display, themes, and audio narration, and his opening-day experiences at Disney World. This cross-country trip included rail and automobile mishaps, and Disney executives, including Roy Disney, were able to convince Bradbury to return to Los Angeles by way of his first airline flight. Chapter 17 includes brief context for the Disney Studio filming of his novel Something Wicked This Way Comes.

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