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Published By Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces

2463-9575, 2232-2825


Povzetek Namen te presečne kvantitativne raziskave je ugotoviti, katera oblika nasilja je v madžarskih zdravstvenih ustanovah najpogostejša. Z njo želimo oceniti, ali se v teh ustanovah izvaja usposabljanje za komunikacijo, simulacijo in samoobrambo. Cilj je ugotoviti, ali bi se zaposleni udeležili takega usposabljanja, ter oceniti povezanost med usposobljenostjo (komunikacija, simulacija, samoobramba) in stopnjo samozavesti. Žrtve večine nasilnih dejanj pacientov so zdravstveni delavci. Najpogostejša oblika agresije pacientov in njihovih svojcev je verbalna agresija, vključno z zbadanjem, verbalno zlorabo in grožnjami z zlorabo. Podatki kažejo, da zgolj usposabljanje v komunikaciji ni dovolj za dvig samozavesti pri zdravstvenih delavcih. Treba jim je zagotoviti orodje, kot so na primer praktične vaje po usposabljanju iz samoobrambe ali simulacija, saj to olajša komunikacijo zaposlenega. Ključne besede Agresija, zdravstvo, preventiva, usposabljanje, samoobramba, samozavest. Abstract The present cross-sectional quantitative research aims to gain a sense of which form of violence is the most common in Hungarian healthcare institutions. It aims to assess whether communication, simulation, and self-defence training is provided in institutions, to find out whether workers would participate in such training, and to assess the relationship between training (communication, simulation, self-defence) and confidence. Healthcare workers are affected by most acts of violence coming from patients. The most common type of aggression on the part of patients and relatives is verbal aggression, including teasing, verbal abuse, and threats of abuse. The data show that communication training alone is not enough to make health workers confident. They should have a tool in their hands, e.g., practice after self-defence education, simulation practice, as this makes it easier for the employee to communicate. Key words Aggression, healthcare, prevention, training, self-defence, confidence.


In 2021, the French publishing house L'Harmattan published a monograph entitled Darfur peacekeepers the African Union peacekeeping mission in Darfur (AMIS) from the perspective of a Hungarian military advisor. The author of the 234-page monograph is Janos Besenyo. In addition to the author's preface and the conclusion, the monograph includes six substantive chapters. In the first chapter entitled Geography and history of Darfur, the author presents the geography, climate, flora and fauna, major cities, economy, infrastructure, different nationalities, ethnic groups and religions, and the history of Darfur. In the second chapter, entitled AMIS, he focuses on the African Union's mission in Sudan I (AMIS I), in which he presents the causes of the Darfur conflict, its outbreak and the African Union’s engagement in the conflict with the African Union's mission in Sudan. This is followed by a chapter entitled AMIS II, which presents the history, structure and operation following the decision to engage additional civilian and military observers, soldiers, police officers and additional financial and other resources. The fourth chapter presents a new mission called AMIS II E or AMIS III, which is also the title of the chapter. The letter E in the acronym stands for the word “enhanced,” which implicated the enhanced character of military presence in this mission. This chapter is composed of a subchapter entitled The Foreshadow of the Fall and the additional engagement of the United Nations, followed by the UN and African Union mission in Darfur, known as UNAMID. In the fifth chapter, entitled The Support Mission of the European Union, and its four substantive subchapters, the author presents several phases of the European Union's participation in the mission led by the African Union. Chapter six, entitled Hungarian Experience, describes Hungarian experiences from the missions in Darfur. Hungary first deployed its military observer to Darfur in 2004. Hungary's involvement in the mission in Africa seems unusual, as it was the only one of all the participating countries that had no colonial history, economic or any other interests in this part of the world, and at the same time had no previous experiences. The monograph has only one drawback, and that is the fact that it is not scientific. However, this is at the same time its advantage. Besenyo was an officer in the Hungarian Armed Forces for 31 years and was deployed in Darfur in the second half of 2005. He was strongly marked by his personal experience as a peacekeeper. Ever since, he has been devoting much attention to Africa-related security topics. His return from the mission of the African Union, the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and other organisations in Darfur coincided with his doctoral studies. Both of these activities have achieved the same effect as two rivers, which merge at the confluence and gain a lot of power and speed as their flow continues. After completing his military career, the author of the monograph being a prolific writer and restless researcher became actively involved in the academic environment as a university professor at the Obuda University in Budapest. In 2019, the Africa Research Institute was established within Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences, University of Óbuda, headed by Assistant Professor Besenyo, PhD. Considering the amount and quality of publications on the African continent, the institute is clearly very successful. From a European point of view, Africa is a very distant continent; however, the developments in that region and their results are increasingly affecting all of us in the European Union and beyond. The migration flow, which brought many African migrants to the shores of the Mediterranean over the last decade and peaked in 2015, has significantly changed and affected all the countries along their way, especially those that migrants had chosen as their target countries. Since everyone should have the right to live at home in peace, in their own way, with their family, it would be right that they are enabled to do so. Unfortunately, climate change, water scarcity, disease, poverty, differences in culture, religion, political order and natural resources, but sometimes only individuals or smaller associations, lead to various frictions, conflicts or even genocide, as was the case in Darfur. In such cases, the international humanitarian community and various security and other organizations are usually involved to assist the helpless population. In his monograph, Besenyo presented the full breadth and magnitude of international humanitarian efforts, but also the harsh reality where all those who want to help are exactly where they need to be, but despite all their efforts, they are completely powerless. I recommend Darfur Peacekeepers to be read by all those who care about the future of all of us and our descendants, but especially by those who have the opportunity and ability to influence the security of the country, the society and the individual. The content of the book provides an invaluable insight into the experience of a military officer. It is a valuable learning resource for all of us, but especially for members of the armed forces, police and civilian institutions that lead or support the activities within international missions.


Povzetek Vojaški urad za družbene raziskave Vojaškega centra za državljansko vzgojo, ki se ukvarja z družbenimi raziskavami v vojaškem okolju, med drugim proučuje tudi delovanje in dejavnosti Teritorialne obrambe Poljske ter vedenje njenih pripadnikov. Poljake so spraševali, ali menijo, da bi morale biti naloge te nove formacije predvsem pomoč pri obvladovanju posledic naravnih in drugih nesreč, obramba lokalnega prebivalstva in infrastrukture ali druge oblike vojaškega delovanja. Teritorialna obramba je sodelovala tudi pri obvladovanju posledic pandemije na Poljskem. Glavni cilj članka je predstaviti veliko poljsko raziskavo na temo Poljske Teritorialne obrambe. Ključne besede Teritorialna obramba, družbene raziskave, družbena percepcija, SARS-CoV 2, krizno upravljanje. Abstract The functioning and activities of the Territorial Defence Forces and the behaviour of its soldiers are among the many interests of the Military Office of Social Research in the Military Centre for Civic Education, which conducts social research in the military environment. Poles were asked if they believed that the tasks of this new formation should primarily be assistance in actions to combat the effects of natural and other disasters, defence of local people and infrastructure, or other military operations. The Territorial Defence Forces engaged in the fight against the consequences of the pandemic in Poland. The main goal of this article is to present the major Polish research dedicated to the Polish Territorial Defence Forces. Key words Territorial Defence Forces, social research, social perception, SARS-CoV 2, crisis management.

The final issue of Contemporary Military Challenges in 2021 focuses on specific demanding topics. Despite the variety of such topics, this issue focuses mainly on Covid-19 and the situations it has created in the area of security, and how that has impacted individuals, the country as a whole, and its public institution representatives. The focus lies on the security of an individual as a value which is also crucial for the individual personally. This becomes even more important when the individual comes in contact with others, in particularly those who work in state institutions. Last but not least, the issue highlights the importance of the security of the state as the broadest multitude of individuals. In the time marked by Covid-19, the attention of individuals and society as a whole has been focused on people’s health and security. In trying to ensure the latter, the people involved in this process find themselves in variously difficult situations in which even those whose primary occupation is to provide care for others are in one way or another exposed to risks due to their work. Communication and the way in which we communicate are very important even in normal circumstances. In special circumstances, which the Covid-19 period definitely has been, communication is essential. In his recent article published in the Dnevnik daily newspaper’s Saturday supplement “Objektiv”, Igor Kotnik, who holds a PhD in defence studies, writes about the importance of communication in the times of Covid-19. In his article, entitled “Communication in the Times of Covid: From Fear to Peace”, he addresses the importance of the management conducted by the state and its institutions while taking into account the social, mass situations, feelings and responses. He writes that “we have entrusted their management to the state and its institutions by means of a contract, and the latter should strive to reduce the number of citizens who might respond to such situations with denial or fear through the work they put into the management of unpleasant and dangerous situations”. This is a very difficult process, which puts to the test the knowledge and integrity of each person at an individual level in both the domestic and work environments. With regard to the professions in charge of managing the crisis marked by this disease at the national level, the main things put to the test are leadership skills, interpersonal relationships, stress management, public performance, self-protective behaviour, and managing the masses, all with the intent of minimizing the feeling of fear, mistrust and insecurity to the greatest extent possible, and establishing a feeling of security by emphasizing logical explanations and thinking, which should prevail over uncontrolled emotions and possible distress. The example of Covid-19 has many characteristics of a crisis. Whenever a crisis period lasts a long time and is very specific, it can lead to serious changes in the fields of ethics, morale, law, human rights, social values, and security, which can be quite alarming. The papers in this issue address specific aspects of managing the special situations and circumstances that the authors have decided to share with others. In his paper, Suicidality in the Police, Bruno Blažina reveals the research in this field and compares it to the occurrence of the phenomenon and the resulting intervention in the Slovenian Armed Forces and in certain foreign states which are dealing with this issue in a more or less effective way. He assesses that the Slovenian Armed Forces are addressing suicidality in the Slovenian Armed Forces in a systemic way, while the police have not yet established such a system. He proposes new measures for the prevention of suicidality in this state body. Małgorzata Zielińska, Joanna Łatacz and Joanna Zauer write about The Public's Perception of the Territorial Defence Forces in Poland. Poland introduced territorial defence at the beginning of 2017. The researchers focus mainly on the public opinion of its tasks, which the TDF is supposed to carry out within the Polish national security system. The territorial defence is supposed to be active in the system of protection, rescue and relief, be in charge of the safety of the inhabitants and critical infrastructure, and even participate in the implementation of military tasks. The Polish Government has included its territorial defence in the fight against Covid-19. In her paper, Gabriella Ráczkevy-Deák studied the occurrence of Violent Acts against Healthcare Institutions and Workers in Hungary. Their expert knowledge in the field of healthcare does not suffice for confronting challenges such as violent patients, their family members, and even co-workers. In state institutions, additional knowledge and experience from other fields are becoming increasingly sought after. The author focuses mainly on knowledge in the field of communication, self-esteem and self-defence, and offers some system solutions. Rok Filipčič writes about Cultural Heritage and its Preservation in the Times of Armed Conflict. He presents a chronological overview of the development of this field, the key milestones in contemporary history and in the international legal order, and the measures that were introduced for the purposes of protecting cultural heritage at home and abroad. The author presents Slovenian successes and lessons learned, and attributes special emphasis to the protection of this field from the aspect of a military organization. The Military Museum, working within the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia, gives special attention to the protection of military cultural heritage in Slovenia.


Published in June 2021 by La Route de la Soie – Éditions, ‘Une géopolitique de la Slovénie’ (A Geopolitics of Slovenia) by Laurent Hassid PhD is a monograph in French on the geopolitics of Slovenia. The author is an associated researcher at the Université Sorbonne Paris Nord in France, specializing in geography and borders. The foreword by Barthélémy Courmont PhD, Assistant Professor at the Catholic University in Lille, France, introduces the book as an opportunity for the reader to expand their knowledge about Slovenia by obtaining an insight into its geography, history and identity. Indeed, the 223-page monograph is structured in three parts following the destiny of Slovenia from a community of a language to an independent nation (1: Unity of a nation; 2: Diversity of a nation; and 3: From unity during independence to the division of an European state). From introduction to conclusion the author looks at the geographical, historical, and political factors that led to the emergence of Slovenia as a sovereign state, which can at the same time be seen as belonging to Central Europe, the Balkans, and the Mediterranean region. The conclusion points only briefly to some challenges which could put into question the European commitments of the country and its ability to face the current and upcoming effects of globalization. The storyline develops gradually from parts one to three, which are broken down into two to three chapters each. The multiple headings within the chapters, and the various maps, pictures and tables which underpin the argumentation, render the book reader-friendly. The article “une” (in English “a”) in the book’s title seems to suggest that this monograph touches upon one of several possible ways of looking at the geopolitics of Slovenia. In particular, the introduction outlines the geographical features of the Slovene territory and refers to several historic facts which explain the state building process of a nation with its own language and territory, but without any particular statehood history. The first part portrays the emergence and evolution of the Slovene nation. This is closely associated with the Slovene literature of the 16th century and onwards, which laid the foundations of a national awakening. The author refers to the history of Carantania and the Counts (Dukes) of Celje as myths that played a significant part in the nation and state-building process of the 19th and 20th centuries. The second part of the book focuses on the differences and challenges within the young country. It describes the historical regions and their dialects, and touches upon the composition of minorities, the Slovene diaspora, and the various ex-Yugoslav nationalities living in Slovenia and their relationships with the native Slovenes. The third part talks about the political developments of the late 1980s and of the post-independence period. The author describes the late 1980s up to 1992 as a time of national unity, which was followed by 20 years of political stability (from 1992 to 2011). Since 2011, he considers that Slovenia has been confronted by an emerging political instability. He offers a snapshot of the contemporary political system, and the main political personalities and events. The book ends with a short reflection of the potential challenges ahead for Slovenia. The book is a welcome addition to monographs written in French. The scarce literature dedicated to Slovenia and its geopolitics is most likely due to the fact that Slovene territory had not been independent historically before 1991. If ever mentioned, it was within the Austrian, Italian, or Yugoslav (Balkan) geopolitical context. In his preface to the book, Barthélémy Courmont indicates this when mentioning that he crossed Slovenia a few times in the early 1990s without even realizing it. This observation is very similar to the one made by Robert Kaplan in his geopolitical bestseller, Balkan Ghosts , where he explains how he crossed the Yugoslav-Austrian border and came to Zagreb (Croatia) in the late 1980s, without noticing any territory or (geo)political entity in between. Timewise, its publication coincides with the anniversaries of two key geopolitical moments in Slovene history. June 2021 marks 30 years since Slovenia became a sovereign and independent state and a full member of the international community. It is also the anniversary of the “Vidovdan” constitution of June 1921 which consecrated the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; it put an end to the very first independent appearance of Slovenes on the geopolitical chessboard, which had begun in October 1918. This monograph assembles an important amount of geographic, linguistic, cultural and (mostly contemporary) political data and events, which together help to understand the geo(political) landscape of Slovenia. These also explain, in the view of the author of the monograph, the birth of the Slovene nation and its development into an independent country. As more than a quarter of the book is focused on contemporary Slovene politics and related actual (geo)political events , the reader can get a sound insight of the first three decades since Slovenia’s independence. What the book does not provide to the reader, and in particular to the French-speaking audience, is a geostrategic analysis. The author refers briefly to the Napoleonian Illyrian provinces and the Illyrian movement, but he falls short of offering any assessment of the strategic impact of France or other main powers with regard to this territory. One might have expected a closer look at France’s strategic reasons for establishing the Illyrian provinces (1809-13), and at its role in the formation of the Versailles Yugoslavia in 1918-19. The involvement of France in the drawing of the Slovene borders with Austria and Italy , and its current and future strategic stance with regard to Slovenia and the region it belongs to, would have also deserved further consideration. All in all, Une géopolitique de la Slovénie has the merit of offering to the reader, especially to the francophone one, an insight into the geography, identity, and history of Slovenia. It could be a reference for future writing on this young country. It offers a starting point to those who wish to learn more about Slovenia, be it for professional or personal reasons. To Slovene academia, the book provides an insight into how the overall Slovene geopolitical context is perceived through the lens of a foreign (French) author, and it may generate an interest in future writing on this topic accessible to foreign readers.


Junija 2021 je pariška založba La Route de la Soie – Éditions izdala monografijo v francoskem jeziku z naslovom »Une géopolitique de la Slovénie«. Avtor je dr. Laurent Hassid, geograf in strokovnjak za meje ter pridruženi raziskovalec na Univerzi Sorbonne Paris Nord v Franciji. Spremno besedo je napisal dr. Barthélémy Courmont, docent na Katoliški univerzi v Lillu v Franciji, ki to monografijo vidi kot priložnost za poglobitev znanja o Sloveniji, še posebej o njeni geografiji, zgodovini in identiteti. Knjiga obsega 223 strani in je sestavljena iz treh delov. Predstavlja razvoj nekega naroda od jezikovne enotnosti na nekem ozemlju do narodove neodvisnosti (1 – Enotnost naroda, 2 – Razlike v narodu in 3 – Od enotnosti v obdobju osamosvajanja do razlik v obdobju članstva v Evropski uniji). V knjigi so predstavljeni geografski, zgodovinski in politični dejavniki, ki so prispevali k razvoju Slovenije kot neodvisne države in ki to državo vmeščajo tako v Srednjo Evropo kakor tudi na Balkan in v Sredozemsko regijo. Avtor v sklepnem delu opozori na nekaj izzivov, s katerimi bi se Slovenija morala spoprijeti, če bi postavila pod vprašaj svojo zavezanost evropski ideji in zmožnosti spoprijemanja s sedanjimi in prihodnjimi učinki globalizacije. Strukturno je monografija razdeljena v tri dele, od katerih ima vsak del od dve do tri poglavja. Nadaljnja členitev v podpoglavja ter opremljenost z zemljevidi, slikami in preglednicami omogočata avtorju, da podkrepi argumentacijo zgodbe in jo predstavi pregledno in berljivo. Člen »une« (»ena« ali »eden izmed«) v naslovu knjige je lahko razumljen v smislu odpiranja možnosti, da interpretacija geopolitike Slovenije, kot jo vidi avtor, ni absolutna, temveč je ena izmed mogočih. V uvodu avtor naniza nekaj geografskih podatkov o ozemlju Slovenije in jih naveže na zgodovinske dogodke, s čimer pojasni razvoj vzpostavljanja slovenske nacije, ki sicer ima svoj jezik in ozemlje, vendar je zgodovinsko brez državotvorne tradicije. Prvi del zaznamuje opis nastanka in razvoja slovenskega naroda. Ta proces je neločljivo povezan z nastankom prvih knjižnih del v slovenskem jeziku v 16. stoletju, s čimer so se po avtorjevo vzpostavili temelji za narodno prebujanje v naslednjih stoletjih. Zgodovino Karantanije in Celjskih grofov (knezov) vidi kot del mitologije, ki je pomembno prispevala k oblikovanju državotvorne zavesti v 19. in 20. stoletju. Drugi del knjige se osredotoča na razlike in izzive mlade države. Predstavljeni so zgodovinske dežele, pokrajine, njena narečja in narodne manjšine. Dotakne se tudi tematike slovenske diaspore in tistih, ki so po rodu iz drugih republik nekdanje Jugoslavije, ter razmerij in odnosa večinskega prebivalstva do njih. Tretji del govori o političnem razvoju od konca 80. let prejšnjega stoletja do poosamosvojitvenega obdobja. Avtor to deli v tri obdobja. Prvo poimenuje obdobje narodne enotnosti (od začetka 80. let do leta 1992), drugo imenuje obdobje stabilnosti, ki traja 20 let (od leta 1992 do 2011). Tretje obdobje, imenovano čas politične nestabilnosti, se začne z letom 2011 in traja do vključno izida knjige leta 2021. Avtor predstavi tudi sodoben slovenski politični sistem, glavne politične osebnosti in dogodke. Monografija se konča s kratkim premislekom o morebitnih izzivih Slovenije v prihodnosti. To delo je pomemben prispevek k zelo redki literaturi v francoskem jeziku na temo geopolitike Slovenije. Vzrok je verjetno to, da na ozemlju Slovenije pred letom 1991 nikoli ni bilo samostojne države in je bilo to obravnavano kot del avstrijskega, italijanskega ali jugoslovanskega oziroma balkanskega geopolitičnega konteksta. To je opazil tudi pisec spremne besede Barthélémy Courmont, ki navede, da je v 90. letih prejšnjega stoletja nekajkrat prečkal Slovenijo, ne da bi se tega dobro tudi zavedal. Podobne vzporednice je mogoče potegniti z geopolitično uspešnico Balkanski duhovi , v kateri avtor Robert Kaplan opisuje prečkanje jugoslovansko-avstrijske meje in prihod v Zagreb konec 80. let, ne da bi vmes zaznal ali opisal kakršnokoli ozemlje ali (geo)politično tvorbo. Časovno izid knjige sovpada z dvema ključnima geopolitičnima trenutkoma iz slovenske zgodovine. Junija 2021 je Slovenija praznovala 30 let samostojnosti in neodvisnega nastopanja v mednarodnem diplomatskem okolju. Drugi ključni dogodek zaznamuje stoletnico vidovdanske ustave junija 1921, ki je pravno konsolidirala Kraljevino Srbov, Hrvatov in Slovencev, hkrati pa končala obdobje prvega samostojnega pojavljanja Slovencev na geopolitični šahovnici, ki se je začelo oktobra 1918. Monografija združuje pomembno število geografskih, jezikovnih, kulturnih in večinoma sodobnih političnih podatkov in dogodkov, ki pomagajo vzpostaviti sliko slovenske (geo)politične krajine. Vse to tudi pomaga pojasniti nastanek slovenskega naroda in njegov razvoj do samostojne in neodvisne nacije. Glede na to, da je več kot četrtina knjige posvečena sodobni slovenski politiki in z njo povezanim geopolitičnim dogodkom , dobi bralec dober vpogled v dogodke, povezane s prvimi tremi desetletji slovenske neodvisnosti. Kar ta knjiga bralcu ne ponuja, še posebej to velja za francosko govoreče bralce, je geostrateška analiza. Avtor na kratko povzema obdobje Napoleonovih Ilirskih provinc in ilirskega gibanja, vendar ne poda nobene ocene strateškega vpliva Francije ali drugih velikih sil na te dogodke na slovenskem ozemlju. Še posebej manjka opis vzrokov in strateškega ozadja francoske ustanovitve Ilirskih provinc (1809–1813) ter vloge Francije pri oblikovanju versajske Jugoslavije v letih 1918–19. Analiza vpliva Francije na oblikovanje slovenskih meja z Avstrijo in Italijo , pa tudi trenutna in prihodnja pozicija Francije vis-a-vis Slovenije in regije, ki ji ta pripada, bi bili dobrodošli. Naj končamo z mislijo, da monografija avtorja Dr. Laurenta Hassida Une géopolitique de la Slovénie ponuja, predvsem francosko govorečemu občinstvu, dober vpogled v geografijo, identiteto in zgodovino Slovenije. Prav tako odpira vrata za nadaljnje raziskovanje in pisanje o geopolitiki Slovenije v francoskem jeziku. Za vse tiste, ki iz osebnih ali pa strokovnih vzgibov želijo izvedeti več o Sloveniji, ponuja ta knjiga solidno osnovo. Slovenskemu akademskemu svetu pa knjiga odstira vpogled v to, kako je slovenski geopolitičen kontekst viden skozi prizmo tujega, v tem primeru francoskega, avtorja, kar lahko spodbudi zanimanje za prihodnja dela na to temo, dostopna tudi tujemu občinstvu.

This year, the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces issued the monograph Vojaška strategija (Military Strategy) by Branimir Furlan, PhD, a retired Brigadier General . After the Nacionalna (varnostna) strategija (National (Security) Strategy), issued last year under the collection Teorija in praksa strategije (The Theory and Practice of Strategy), this is his second monograph issued under the same collection. It is a continuation of the discussed theory and practice of strategy. Both monographs can serve as science-based tools for the better work of theoreticians and practitioners. The monograph Vojaška strategija was written almost in parallel with the process of military strategic consideration and the drafting of Slovenian military strategy within the Slovenian Armed Forces. Once the results of this process are issued, the monograph will be an excellent tool for a better understanding and assessment of their content, and their implementation in theory and practice. The monograph is a comprehensive scientific work with a logical structure: an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. In the first chapter following the introduction, which acquaints us with the theory of military strategy, the author states the required bases for the study of this scientific field. In the second chapter on war and warfare, the author presents the different views on war and the legal, ethical and moral aspects of war and of armed conflict, and indicates how and where to carry out research and what future wars will look like. The author writes about warfare in general, selected means of warfare, the warfare of the future, and the theory of victory. In the third chapter, in which he addresses the military as an instrument of national power, the author writes about the use of military power and the characteristics and effectiveness of the military. In the Slovenian environment, this is the first time that a military instrument of power has been addressed at a scientific level. In the fourth chapter, on the formation of military strategy, he presents his view on strategists, strategic leaders and strategic thinking, on the process of developing military strategy, on the strategic concept, and on the impact of technology on the strategic concept. He also presents certain challenges in the process of developing military strategy. In the fifth chapter, which addresses the implementation of military strategy, the author presents the different concepts of and views on military operation, defence planning, operational skill, and military doctrine. In the conclusion, the author underlines the importance of the military instrument of power and the need as well as the necessity for military strategy, especially in times of crisis, and supports his statements with examples from history. He stresses that these examples should serve as a reminder that peace must not be taken for granted and that we should thus not neglect the development of strategic thought, the anticipation of the development of the future security environment, the assessment of the likelihood of the risk posed to vital Slovenian interests in the future, and the preparation of relevant strategies, including the military strategy. We owe this to our successors who rightfully expect it. The book provides a comprehensive view of the development and the fundamental concepts of military strategy. It explains the significance of the developmental and operational dimension of military strategy. It is informative and a good tool for strategic military operation, including for the developers of other strategies, especially the defence strategy, as well as of military and strategic documents. It helps the understanding of the military as a national instrument of power, which is also important for other stakeholders in the national security system or for the holders of the instruments of national power. At the same time, the book affords relevant attention to the relationship between military strategy and politics. The author notes that it is the civilian authorities who are the final decision-makers in the civil-military dialogue, which usually includes the authorization of military strategy even though the strategy is a professional military document. This is especially important because, in the modern world, we tend to connect the use of military force with the use of different instruments of national power. Military strategy must therefore be a product of civil-military interaction. The work is challenging; it contains citations of numerous important and intertwining concepts by different authors, which the author, more often than not, neither comments on nor assesses. The work thus represents a good research starting point for future theoreticians and researchers. The author establishes that not all military strategies are necessarily publically recognized or formalized. This may be the reason why the book does not offer explicit solutions, but rather requires the reader’s strategic thinking in trying to apply the different concepts. It therefore seems that the author's ambition is to contribute to the critical thinking of the developers of actual strategies. Such an approach demands a great deal of knowledge on the side of the user, which is also reflected in this book. Although the author claims that the work is application-oriented, it mainly supports the strategic process and requires an in-depth study approach from the reader. The reader can obtain answers primarily to the following questions: What is military strategy?; What is its purpose and why do we need it?; Who develops the military strategy?; How do we obtain it?; What makes it successful?; Which challenges appear during the development of the strategy?; and What is required for the strategy to be implemented? The monograph suggests how and where to gain competencies for good military strategists, but at the same time opens more questions than it provides answers to, especially for the operation of a military such as the Slovenian Armed Forces. It encourages the study of theory and practice through which it can also contribute to the strategic reinforcement of military thought. The author strives to use Slovenian terminology and substantiates concepts and terms that are relevant to the military and the scientific field of military strategy. The monograph includes a lot of Slovenian terms. Some, such as vojska (military)/vojaška sila (military force)/oborožena sila (armed forces), moč vojske (military power)/vojskovalna moč (fighting power)/instrumenti moči (instrument of power), vojskovanje (warfare)/bojevanje (conduct of battle), and operativna veščina (operational skill)/(operational art) are not fully explained. In spite of this, the monograph fills not only content gaps but also terminological gaps, thus encouraging the use of Slovenian terminology in the field of military strategy. With scientific justification and the intertwining of theory and reality, Dr Furlan has shown a direction, to military officers among others, for the reinforcement of strategic thought and the formation and implementation of military strategy. The book will be reference material for Slovenian soldiers, in particularly those officers who are responsible for the development and use of the military at a strategic level. At the same time, it is no less welcome to all those who are involved in the national security strategy, including the political decision-makers. Generally speaking, a strategy is a path of development of a favourable military strategic position, for small states or the military, while on the other hand, it is a path of searching for a favourable strategic military position. For officers and generals at the strategic level, this search is one of the basic missions for which this monograph can be of great use. We hope that Dr Furlan will be able to support us in this also in the future.

V zadnji številki Sodobnih vojaških izzivov leta 2021 smo se posvetili nekaterim zahtevnim vsebinam. Takih je sicer veliko, v tej številki pa smo se osredotočili predvsem na covid-19 in odzive, ki jih doživljata posameznik in država oziroma njeni predstavniki v državnih institucijah na področju varnosti. Pri tem imamo v mislih varnost posameznika kot vrednoto, ki je bistvena zanj osebno. To je še pomembneje takrat, ko stopa v stik z drugimi posamezniki, še posebej s tistimi, ki delajo v državnih ustanovah. Na koncu pa je pomembna tudi varnost države kot najširše množice posameznikov. V času, ki ga je zaznamoval covid-19, je vsa pozornost posameznikov in družbe kot celote namenjena zdravju in varnosti ljudi. Pri zagotavljanju tega prihajajo vpleteni v zelo različne položaje, pri katerih so zaradi opravljanja svojega dela ogroženi tudi tisti, ki sicer skrbijo za druge. Komunikacija in način komuniciranja sta zelo pomembna v povsem običajnih okoliščinah. Kadar pa gre za posebne okoliščine, med katere spada čas, zaznamovan s covidom-19, je komunikacija toliko pomembnejša. O pomenu komunikacije v času covida-19 je nedavno pisal tudi Igor Kotnik v prilogi Objektiva v časniku Dnevnik. V prispevku z naslovom Od strahu k miru omenja pomembnost upravljanja države in njenih institucij z družbenimi, množičnimi situacijami, občutki in odzivi. Navaja, da smo »za njihovo upravljanje z družbeno pogodbo poverili državi in njenim institucijam, ki naj bi s svojim delovanjem pri obvladovanju neprijetnih in nevarnih okoliščin čim bolj zmanjševale delež državljanov, ki bi se nanje odzivali z zanikanjem ali strahom«. To je zelo zahteven proces, v katerem so na preizkušnji znanje in integriteta prav vsakega na individualni ravni v domačem in službenem okolju. Pri poklicih, ki na državni ravni upravljajo krizo, ki jo je zaznamovala bolezen, so na preizkušnji predvsem veščine vodenja, medsebojni odnosi, upravljanje stresa, nastopanje v javnosti, samozaščitno ravnanje in upravljanje množic. Vse zato, da se občutek strahu, nezaupanja in negotovosti čim bolj zmanjša in se vzpostavi občutek varnosti s poudarkom na logičnih razlagah in razmišljanju, ki naj prevladajo nad nenadzorovanimi čustvi in morebitnimi stiskami. Primer covida-19 ima številne značilnosti krize. Kadar krizno obdobje traja dlje časa in je zelo specifično, lahko pride do resnih sprememb, včasih že kar zaskrbljujočih, na področju etike, morale, prava, človekovih pravic in družbenih vrednot pa tudi varnosti. Prispevki v tej številki obravnavajo nekatere vidike spoprijemanja s posebnimi razmerami in okoliščinami, za katere so se avtorji odločili, da jih delijo z drugimi. Bruno Blažina v prispevku z naslovom Samomorilnost v policiji razkriva raziskovanje na tem področju in ga primerja s pojavnostjo in ukrepanjem v Slovenski vojski ter z nekaterimi tujimi državami, ki se spoprijemajo s tem pojavom bolj ali manj učinkovito. Ugotavlja, da se s pojavom samomorilnosti Slovenska vojska ukvarja sistemsko, v Policiji pa se to še ne dogaja. Predlaga nove ukrepe za preprečevanje samomorilnosti v tem državnem organu. O javnem mnenju o teritorialni obrambi Poljske pišejo avtorice Małgorzata Zielińska, Joanna Łatacz in Joanna Zauer. Teritorialno obrambo je Poljska uvedla v začetku leta 2017. Raziskovalke je najbolj zanimalo javno mnenje o nalogah, ki naj bi jih izvajala v sistemu poljske nacionalne varnosti. Teriotrialna obramba naj bi bila dejavna v sistemu zaščite in reševanja, skrbela za varnost prebivalcev in kritične infrastrukture ali pa morda tudi pri opravljanju vojaških nalog. Pri spoprijemanju s covidom-19 je poljska vlada vključila tudi svojo teritorialno obrambo. Gabriella Ráczkevy-Deák je preučevala pojav nasilnih dejanj nad zdravstvenimi ustanovami in njihovimi zaposlenimi na Madžarskem. Njihovo profesionalno znanje na področju zdravstva pri spoprijemanju z nasilnimi pacienti, njihovimi družinski člani in tudi sodelavci niso dovolj za reševanje tovrstnih izzivov. Dodatno znanje in izkušnje tudi iz drugih vsebin so vedno bolj potrebni v državnih institucijah. Avtorica se je najbolj osredotočila na znanje na področju komuniciranja, samozavesti in samoobrambe ter predlagala nekaj sistemskih rešitev. O kulturni dediščini in njenem varovanju v času oboroženih spopadov piše Rok Filipčič. Predstavlja kronološki pregled razvoja tega področja, pomembne mejnike v novejši zgodovini in mednarodnem pravnem redu ter ukrepe, ki so bili vzpostavljeni za zaščito kulturne dediščine doma in v tujini. Avtor predstavlja slovenske uspehe in naučene lekcije ter daje poseben poudarek zaščiti tega področja z vidika vojaške organizacije. Vojaški muzej v okviru Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije posebej skrbi za zaščito vojaške kulturne dediščine v Sloveniji.


Povzetek Kulturna dediščina oziroma kulturne dobrine so izraz zgodovinske tradicije nekega naroda. V zgodovini vojskovanja je bila kulturna dediščina pogosto uničena, poškodovana in izropana. Prispevek predstavlja zgodovinski razvoj mednarodnopravne zaščite kulturnih dobrin, obveznosti, ki jih imajo visoke pogodbenice Konvencije o varstvu kulturnih dobrin v primeru oboroženega spopada, nekatera najpomembnejša pravila glede varovanja kulturnih dobrin med oboroženimi spopadi, slovensko delovanje na obravnavanem področju ter pozitivne in negativne posledice (ne)varovanja kulturnih dobrin. Ključne besede Varovanje kulturnih dobrin, oboroženi spopadi, Haaška konvencija. Abstract Cultural heritage and cultural property are an expression of the historical tradition of a certain nation. Throughout the history of warfare, cultural heritage has often been destroyed, damaged and looted. The article presents the historical development of international legal protection of cultural property, the obligations of the High Contracting Parties to the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, some of the most important rules regarding the protection of cultural property in armed conflicts, Slovenian activities in this field, and the positive and negative consequences of the (non-) protection of cultural property.

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