beluga whale
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2022 ◽  
Ayumi Hirose ◽  
Ryo Kodera ◽  
Yasuhiro Uekusa ◽  
Hiroshi Katsumata ◽  
Etsuko Katsumata ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
Gianna Perugini ◽  
Jamela Orrego

Beluga whales in captivity currently show signs of mental distress through stereotypical behaviors such as repetitive pacing. It is currently well established that the social structure of beluga whale pods can alter beluga whale social behavior. This study aims to determine how differing social structures of beluga whale pods correlate to the frequency of repetitive pacing. In this context repetitive pacing is when a beluga whale paces three or more laps in the same pattern and direction. To test the hypothesis that beluga whales in larger more diverse pods will repetitively pace less than beluga whales in smaller more uniform pods, a behavioral observation was conducted at Seaworld Orlando and Georgia Aquarium. Over 20 observation periods, the amount of times repetitively paced, amount of laps while repetitively pacing, and the amount of laps repetitively paced per hour were all noted. The results supported the hypothesis, correlating the more diverse pod to less frequent repetitive pacing. These results suggest that pod social structure can play a role in captive beluga whales’ mental wellbeing. On this basis, during future transfers, more diverse pods should be put together to try to limit the amount of repetitive pacing and improve the mental wellbeing of captive beluga whales.

2021 ◽  
Steven H. Ferguson ◽  
David J. Yurkowski ◽  
Justine M. Hudson ◽  
Tera Edkins ◽  
Cornelia Willing ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
Kathryn J. Frost ◽  
Tom Gray ◽  
Willie Goodwin, Sr. ◽  
Roswell Schaeffer ◽  
Robert Suydam

The Alaska Beluga Whale Committe (ABWC) was formed in 1988 to conserve beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and manage beluga subsistence hunting in western and northern Alaska in cooperation with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). When the ABWC was formed, there was no consistently funded research or management programme for belugas in Alaska, and co-management was a new concept. The ABWC brought together representatives from beluga hunting communities; federal, state, tribal and local governments; and beluga researchers to develop and implement a programme to manage belugas. With funding from NMFS and others, the ABWC has collected data necessary for informed management decisions including the following: harvest data; aerial surveys of belugas in Bristol Bay and the eastern Bering and Chukchi seas; beluga tracking studies, including training hunters to attach transmitters; a pioneering genetics study of beluga stock identity that has facilitated collection of >2000 beluga skin samples; and a genetics-based mark–recapture study to estimate beluga abundance in Bristol Bay and validate aerial survey estimates. The ABWC is currently engaged in regional management planning in Kotzebue Sound and the eastern Bering Sea. It produces results that are scientifically valid, locally accepted and cost-effective and is an example of what can be achieved when Native hunters, scientists and managing agencies respect and listen to one another and work together. However, the current NMFS co-management funding process has fundamentally altered the relationship between NMFS and ABWC, with NMFS now acting more like a funding agency than a partner.

2021 ◽  
Babett Günther ◽  
Eve Jourdain ◽  
Lindsay Rubincam ◽  
Richard Karoliussen ◽  
Sam Cox ◽  

Abstract Following the sudden appearance, and subsequent rehabilitation of an assumed previously captive beluga whale off the coast of Norway, we investigate the animal’s ability to readapt to life in the wild. Using DNA analysis, a survey was set up to assess diet throughout the rehabilitation process, and during a return to wild foraging when rehabilitative feeding had ceased. Metabarcoding of collected feces, confirmed the diversification of the beluga whale’s diet to local prey. These findings are indicative of improved foraging behavior, and the ability of this individual to readapt to life in the wild following a period of rehabilitation. Beyond the case study presented here, we demonstrate the power of DNA analysis as a non-intrusive tool to assess the diet of large mammals, and assess progress adapting to life in the wild following release from captivity and rehabilitation programs.

2021 ◽  
Kristin H Westdal ◽  
Jeremy Davies ◽  
Steve Ferguson

Segregation of older adult males from females and immature males is known to occur in some beluga whale populations, but it is unclear if adults accompanied by calves segregate in Hudson Bay, where the largest summering population is found. Using imagery from a photographic aerial survey conducted in August 2015, we considered a number of environmental variables that might explain distribution by age class of beluga near two of three main estuaries (Churchill and Seal River) used by Western Hudson Bay belugas in the summer season. Belugas were identified and classified by age manually using an identification decision tree and GPS coordinates were plotted in ArcGIS.  Distribution by age class was examined in relation to distance to coastal habitat and bathymetry to test the predation risk hypothesis, sea surface temperature (thermal advantage hypothesis), and extent of river plume (forge-selection hypothesis). Habitat characteristics and the proportion of age classes in both estuaries were similar between age class groups (with and without calves) indicating no segregation and suggesting the environmental data assessed were not driving patterns of distribution and density of age classes at the spatial and temporal scale being investigated. Results provide a greaterunderstanding of spatial patterns of beluga whale habitat use in western Hudson Bay and information useful in conservation and management advice.

Carl Christian Kinze ◽  
Richard Czeck ◽  
Helena Herr ◽  
Ursula Siebert

Abstract The occurrence of 19 cetacean species along the German North Sea coastline as well as the lower reaches of the major rivers discharging into the German Bight is reviewed for the period 1604–2017 based on records of dead animals, either stranded dead or put to death. The harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is considered the most abundant and only native species in German coastal and riverine waters. Based on written sources its presence can be traced back to at least 1651, although with statistical data only available from 1990. Finds of further 18 species have been documented: white-beaked dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris), bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), Atlantic white-sided dolphin (Lagenorhynchus acutus), common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba), Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus), long-finned pilot whale (Globicephala melas), killer whale (Orcinus orca), beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas), narwhal (Monodon monoceros), Sowerby's beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens), northern bottlenose whale (Hyperoodon ampullatus), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), sei whale (Balaenoptera borealis), fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus), blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) and humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). This review corrects several false species assignments earlier introduced in literature based on incorrect scientific or ambiguous German vernacular names and recovers lost records of beluga whale, northern bottlenose whale, sperm whale and fin whale.

Steven Ferguson ◽  
David Yurkowski ◽  
Justine Hudson ◽  
Tera Edkins ◽  
Cornelia Willing ◽  

Identification of phenotypic characteristics in reproductively successful individuals provides important insights into the evolutionary processes that cause range shifts due to environmental change. Female beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from the Baffin Bay region (BB) of the Canadian Arctic in the core area of the species’ geographic range have larger body size than their conspecifics at the southern range periphery in Hudson Bay (HB). We investigated the mechanism for this north and south divergence as it relates to ovarian reproductive activity (ORA = total corpora) that combines morphometric data with ovarian corpora counted from female reproductive tracts. Based on the previous finding of reproductive senescence in older HB females, but not for BB whales, we compared ORA patterns of the two populations with age and body length. Female beluga whale ORA increased more quickly with age (63% partial variation explained) in BB than in HB (41%). In contrast, body length in HB female beluga whales accounted for considerably more of the total variation (12 vs 1%) in ORA compared to BB whales. We speculate that female HB beluga whale ORA was more strongly linked with body length due to higher population density resulting in food competition that favors the energetic advantages of larger body size during seasonal food limitations. Understanding the evolutionary mechanism of how ORA varies across a species’ range will assist conservation efforts in anticipating and mitigating future challenges associated with a warming planet.

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