design competition
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 586
Meiskha Bahar ◽  
Hany Yusmaini ◽  
Erna Harfiani

ABSTRAKCovid-19 merupakan masalah kesehatan global, belum ada obat yang terbukti efektif mengobati penyakit ini. Penularan Covid-19 terutama terjadi antar manusia, semakin dekat dan semakin lama interaksi maka semakin besar pula resiko penularan yang akan terjadi. Meningkatnya angka kejadian Covid-19 pertengahan tahun ini juga disebabkan oleh varian delta yang tingkat penularannya sangat tingggi dibandingkan dengan varian lainnya. Pemerintah Pusat melalui Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia pun telah mengeluarkan Surat Edaran Menteri Kesehatan Repubik Indonesia tentang Protokol Pencegahan Penularan virus Covid-19, yang salah satu caranya dengan menggunakan masker bagi masyarakat jika ingin keluar rumah. Hasil studi Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) menunjukan bahwa menggunakan Dua Lapis Masker efektif menyaring virus Covid-19 sampai dengan 90%. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah melalui pemberian edukasi cara menggunakan masker (double masker) serta pelatihan cara membuat desain infografis mengenai Covid-19 dan penggunaan masker. Kegiatan dilakukan secara daring melalui zoom meeting pada 55 siswa SMA Negeri 1 Tambun Selatan Bekasi. Siswa diberikan pre dan post test pada saat pelaksanaan pelatihan untuk menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan setelah pemberian pelatihan. Selain itu juga diadakan perlombaan pembuatan desain infografis yang diikuti oleh beberapa peserta. Dari kegiatan ini diharapkan peserta dapat membantu menyebarkan informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya penggunaan masker (double masker) untuk mencegah penularan Covid-19 Kata kunci: covid-19; infografis; masker. ABSTRACTCovid-19 is a global health problem, no drug has been proven effective in treating this disease. Covid-19 transmission mainly occurs between humans, the closer and longer the interaction, the greater the risk of transmission that will occur. The increase in the incidence of Covid-19 in the middle of this year is also caused by delta variants whose transmission rate is very high compared to other variants. The Central Government through the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia has also issued a Circular Letter of the Minister of Health of The Republic of Indonesia on the Protocol to Prevent Transmission of the Covid-19 virus, which is one way to use masks for the community if they want to leave the house. The results of a Study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) showed that using two layers of masks effectively filtered the Covid-19 virus up to 90%. The method of implementing this activity is through the provision of education on how to use a mask (double mask) and training on how to create infographic designs about Covid-19 and the use of masks. The activity was conducted online through a zoom meeting on 55 students of State High School 1 Tambun Selatan Bekasi. Students are given pre and post-tests at the time of training to show an increase in knowledge after the training. In addition, there was also an infographic design competition that was attended by several participants. From this activity, it is hoped that participants can help spread information to the public about the importance of using masks (double masks) to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. Keywords: covid-19; infographic; mask. 

2021 ◽  
Nina Price

<p>This thesis looks at Wellington's Waitangi Park, through the specifics of the Chaffers Park Design Competition, in order to explore the repercussions mistrust can have on social vision and political response. In examining aspects of this competition over a piece of public land, and comparing various accounts of events leading up to it, an interpretative impasse is reached that factual explanations alone cannot minimise. Because the search for truth proves elusive, other forms of evidence must be relied upon as sources of knowledge. In this instance, an analysis of experiences demonstrates the effect differing expectations has on human interaction, ones that are shown to have a significant impact on placemaking processes and organizational structures. When debates over public land degenerate into power struggles, the issue of control is brought to the forefront of attention. It raises questions concerning who owns public land, whether it properly belongs to local authorities or the public itself. Who gets to designate how these spaces are used, and select what ought and ought not to go on these sites? Here, the issue of representation is troublesome because so many different groups claim to speak for the public's interest, leaving the reader wondering whose interpretation to believe and place trust in. Where the perception is that democratic rights are being undermined, then doubt in the principles underpinning consultation processes soon emerges. And once mistrust becomes entrenched, organizational tinkering is not sufficient in itself to reverse a negative state of affairs; only joint satisfaction will do. But if satisfaction proves unforthcoming, then a withdrawal from engagement can be anticipated as committed individuals quit the field in disillusionment. This in turn causes a narrowing of vision and leads to uncreative political responses traits associated with acts of obliviousness.</p>

2021 ◽  
Nina Price

<p>This thesis looks at Wellington's Waitangi Park, through the specifics of the Chaffers Park Design Competition, in order to explore the repercussions mistrust can have on social vision and political response. In examining aspects of this competition over a piece of public land, and comparing various accounts of events leading up to it, an interpretative impasse is reached that factual explanations alone cannot minimise. Because the search for truth proves elusive, other forms of evidence must be relied upon as sources of knowledge. In this instance, an analysis of experiences demonstrates the effect differing expectations has on human interaction, ones that are shown to have a significant impact on placemaking processes and organizational structures. When debates over public land degenerate into power struggles, the issue of control is brought to the forefront of attention. It raises questions concerning who owns public land, whether it properly belongs to local authorities or the public itself. Who gets to designate how these spaces are used, and select what ought and ought not to go on these sites? Here, the issue of representation is troublesome because so many different groups claim to speak for the public's interest, leaving the reader wondering whose interpretation to believe and place trust in. Where the perception is that democratic rights are being undermined, then doubt in the principles underpinning consultation processes soon emerges. And once mistrust becomes entrenched, organizational tinkering is not sufficient in itself to reverse a negative state of affairs; only joint satisfaction will do. But if satisfaction proves unforthcoming, then a withdrawal from engagement can be anticipated as committed individuals quit the field in disillusionment. This in turn causes a narrowing of vision and leads to uncreative political responses traits associated with acts of obliviousness.</p>

2021 ◽  
Daniel Castaneda ◽  
Matthew Benson ◽  
Jaren Li ◽  
Cheyenne Gonzalez ◽  
Khanh Le ◽  

2021 ◽  
Santiago A. Velez ◽  
Juan J. Mejía ◽  
Laura Duque ◽  
Jorge M. Serna ◽  
Sebastián Zapata ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ali Attarwala ◽  
Alexander Chiu ◽  
Kelly Heilman ◽  
Katherine Layton ◽  
Samuel Luttrull ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ruben Fernandez ◽  
Hernando Lugo ◽  
Georfe Dulikravich

The SAE Regular Class Aero Design Competition requires students to design a radio-controlled aircraft with limits to the aircraft power consumption, take-off distance, and wingspan, while maximizing the amount of payload it can carry. As a result, the aircraft should be designed subject to these simultaneous and contradicting objectives: 1) minimize the aerodynamic drag force, 2) minimize the aerodynamic pitching moment, and 3) maximize the aerodynamic lift force. In this study, we optimized the geometric design variables of a biplane configuration using 3D aerodynamic analysis using the ANSYS Fluent. Coefficients of lift, drag, and pitching moment were determined from the completed 3D CFD simulations. Extracted coefficients were used in modeFRONTIER multi-objective optimization software to find a set of non-dominated (Pareto-optimal or best trade-off) optimized 3D aircraft shapes from which the winner was selected based to the desired plane performance.

2021 ◽  
Michael Thorogood

<p>The Lille Langebro (Little Langebro) pedestrian and cycle swing bridge opened to the public in August 2019. The bridge provides a quay-level crossing of the harbour for pedestrians and cyclists and was the outcome of an international design competition. In order to enable the passage of marine craft along the harbour the central sections of the bridge rotate. This paper gives a brief overview of the operating equipment associated with the movement of the two rotating spans before a more detailed discussion on the innovative moment connection developed to secure the joint between the two moving spans when in the bridge closed position.</p>

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