bacterial blight pathogen
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Arra Yugander ◽  
Md Ershad ◽  
Pitchiah P. Muthuraman ◽  
Vellaisamy Prakasam ◽  
Duraisamy Ladhalakshmi ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 211-215
Yamini sousheel N. ◽  
Bharati Narayan Bhat ◽  
Gouri Shankar Laha ◽  
S. Triveni

Attempts were made to isolate beneficial bio agents from rice rhizosphere which resulted in isolation of  46 Bacillus spp and 15 fluorescent Pseudomonas spp which were further investigated for their potential aginst BB of rice diseaseAmong twenty six isolates of Bacillus, two isolates were most antagonistic and showed highest inhibition percentage (57.09) The potential isolates of Pseudomonas (P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7 and P-8), Bacillus (ARI 1-2, ARI 2-4, ARI 1-3, D1-1-2 and D2-1-1) were tested in vivo under glass house conditions for antagonism against Xoo which revealed that P-7 was effective in reduction of lesion length (18.5cm) when compared to control (20.37cm). The potential isolates of Pseudomonas (P-4, P-5, P-6, P-7 and P-8), Bacillus (ARI 1-2, ARI 2-4, ARI 1-3, D1-1-2 and D2-1-1) were tested in vivo under glass house conditions for antagonism against Xoo which revealed that P-7 was effective in reduction of lesion length (18.5cm) when compared to control (20.37cm). The present study indicated that PGPR isolates P-4, P-6, P-7 and P-8 can be used as biofertilizers, which will add up for enhanced growth of rice.   

Rice ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Yongrun Cao ◽  
Yue Zhang ◽  
Yuyu Chen ◽  
Ning Yu ◽  
Shah Liaqat ◽  

Abstract Background Plant cell walls are the main physical barrier encountered by pathogens colonizing plant tissues. Alteration of cell wall integrity (CWI) can activate specific defenses by impairing proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis, degradation and remodeling, or cell wall damage due to biotic or abiotic stress. Polygalacturonase (PG) depolymerize pectin by hydrolysis, thereby altering pectin composition and structures and activating cell wall defense. Although many studies of CWI have been reported, the mechanism of how PGs regulate cell wall immune response is not well understood. Results Necrosis appeared in leaf tips at the tillering stage, finally resulting in 3–5 cm of dark brown necrotic tissue. ltn-212 showed obvious cell death and accumulation of H2O2 in leaf tips. The defense responses were activated in ltn-212 to resist bacterial blight pathogen of rice. Map based cloning revealed that a single base substitution (G-A) in the first intron caused incorrect splicing of OsPG1, resulting in a necrotic phenotype. OsPG1 is constitutively expressed in all organs, and the wild-type phenotype was restored in complementation individuals and knockout of wild-type lines resulted in necrosis as in ltn-212. Transmission electron microscopy showed that thicknesses of cell walls were significantly reduced and cell size and shape were significantly diminished in ltn-212. Conclusion These results demonstrate that OsPG1 encodes a PG in response to the leaf tip necrosis phenotype of ltn-212. Loss-of-function mutation of ltn-212 destroyed CWI, resulting in spontaneous cell death and an auto-activated defense response including reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst and pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, as well as enhanced resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). These findings promote our understanding of the CWI mediated defense response.

2021 ◽  
Yongrun Cao ◽  
Yue Zhang ◽  
Yuyu Chen ◽  
Ning Yu ◽  
Shah Liaqat ◽  

Abstract Background: Plant cell walls are the main physical barrier encountered by pathogens colonizing plant tissues. Alteration of cell wall integrity (CWI) can activate specific defenses by impairing proteins involved in cell wall biosynthesis, degradation and remodeling, or cell wall damage due to biotic or abiotic stress. Polygalacturonase (PG) depolymerize pectin by hydrolysis, thereby altering pectin composition and structures and activating cell wall defense. Although many studies of CWI have been reported, the mechanism of how PGs regulate cell wall immune response is not well understood. Results: Necrosis appeared in leaf tips at the tillering stage, finally resulting in 3-5 cm of dark brown necrotic tissue. ltn-212 showed obvious cell death and accumulation of H2O2 in leaf tips. The defense responses were activated in ltn-212 to resist bacterial blight pathogen of rice. Map based cloning revealed that a single base substitution (G-A) in the first intron caused incorrect splicing of OsPG1, resulting in a necrotic phenotype. OsPG1 is constitutively expressed in all organs, and the wild-type phenotype was restored in complementation individuals and knockout of wild-type lines resulted in necrosis as in ltn-212. Transmission electron microscopy showed that thicknesses of cell walls were significantly reduced and cell size and shape were significantly diminished in ltn-212.Conclusion: These results demonstrate that OsPG1 encodes a PG in response to the leaf tip necrosis phenotype of ltn-212. Loss-of-function mutation of ltn-212 destroyed CWI, resulting in spontaneous cell death and an auto-activated defense response including reactive oxygen species (ROS) burst and pathogenesis-related (PR) gene expression, as well as enhanced resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). These findings promote our understanding of the CWI mediated defense response.

Euphytica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 217 (2) ◽  
Hanan Elassbli ◽  
Abdelraheem Abdelraheem ◽  
Yi Zhu ◽  
Zhonghua Teng ◽  
Soum Sanogo ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 100164
Dangping Luo ◽  
Jose C. Huguet-Tapia ◽  
R. Taylor Raborn ◽  
Frank F. White ◽  
Volker P. Brendel ◽  

Plant Disease ◽  
2020 ◽  
Yang Xue ◽  
Ming Hu ◽  
Shanshan Chen ◽  
Anqun Hu ◽  
Shimao Li ◽  

Rice bacterial blight is a devastating bacterial disease threatening rice yield all over the world and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) is traditionally believed as the pathogen. In recent years, we have received diseased rice samples with symptoms of blight leaves from Sichuan and Guangdong Provinces, China. Pathogen isolation and classification identified two different enterobacteria as the causal agents, namely as Enterobacter asburiae and Pantoea ananatis. Among them, E. asburiae was isolated from samples of both Provinces, and P. ananatis was only isolated from the Sichuan samples. Different from rice foot rot pathogen Dickeya zeae EC1 and rice bacterial blight pathogen Xoo PXO99A, strains SC1, RG1 and SC7 produced rare cell wall degrading enzymes (CWDEs) but more extrapolysaccharides (EPS). E. asburiae strains SC1 and RG1 produced bacteriostatic substances while P. ananatis strain SC7 produced none. Pathogenicity tests indicated that all of them infected monocotyledonous rice and banana seedlings, but not dicotyledonous potato, radish or cabbage. Moreover, strain RG1 was most virulent, while strains SC1 and SC7 were similar virulent on rice leaves, even though strain SC1 propagated significantly faster in rice leaf tissues than strain SC7. This study firstly discovered E. asburiae as a new pathogen of rice bacterial blight, and in some cases, P. ananatis could be a companion pathogen. Analysis on production of virulence factors suggested that both pathogens probably employ a different mechanism to infect hosts other than using cell wall degrading enzymes to break through host cell walls.

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