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Published By Universitas Trisakti


Wiryawan Purboyo

<em>RPJMN 2015 – 2019 dan draft RPJMN 2020-2024 mentargetkan kemantapan jalan Provinsi sekitar 75% dan jalan Kabupaten sekitar 65%. Sampai saat ini masih terjadi </em>backlog<em> atas target kemantapan tersebut sekitar 6%.</em><em> Maksud pekerjaan ini adalah melakukan penilaian teknis sebelum pra-verifikasi yaitu diantaranya berupa Penilaian Teknis dan pengadaan/tender untuk semua kontrak di dalam PHJD serta memberikan masukan perbaikan terhadap kualitas pekerjaan fisik dan pemenuhan item tata kelola sebelum verifikasi dilakukan. Verifikasi dilakukan sebagai syarat untuk pencairan hibah. Besaran alokasi dana hibah untuk konstruksi dan dana insentif sesuai dengan yang tercantum di dalam SPPH dan PHD. Dalam pelaksanaan PHJD, pemerintah daerah melakukan pembiayaan terlebih (pre finances )dahulu atas kegiatan penanganan jalan provinsi/kabupaten dan peningkatan tata kelola penanganan jalan. Tim Teknis melakukan pendampingan teknis mulai dari tahap perencanaan sampai dengan tahap pelaksanaan, monitoring dan evaluasi serta melakukan verifikasi atas hasil pekerjaan. Adapun verifikasi dilaksanakan melalui mekanisme verifikasi tahap I, tahap II dan tahap III sesuai dengan PMM. Hasil verifikasi terhadap Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan hasil diperoleh: a.Tahap I dari 18 dokumen output institusi 3 belum terpenuhi, b. Tahap II dari 20 dokumen output institusi semua terpenuhi, c. Tahap III dari 24 dokumen output institusi 1 belum terpenuhi. Total Nilai </em>reimbursment<em> lebih besar yaitu Rp.24.289.859.998,34 dari Nilai kontrak sebesar Rp.23.336.596.000,00; persentase penggantian adalah 104,8% dari nilai kontrak. Nilai penggantian dapat melebihi nilai kontrak maupun kurang dari nilai kontrak pekerjaan tergantung hasil verifikasi pelaksanaan pekerjaan. Program PHJD juga dapat m</em><em>embantu secara teknis untuk meningkatkan kualitas tata kelola penyelenggaraan jalan daerah di wilayah penerima PHJD</em>

M Zaki ◽  
Wardani SPR ◽  
Muhrozi Muhrozi

<p><em>Construction on soft soil, often creates problems. The Semarang North Ring Bridge and Kali Jajar Bridge are the Recent soft Marine Alluvium zones located in the Pantura area which have very soft soil characteristics with a depth of more than -30.0 meters this has resulted in a very large settlement due to very small grains, flood, rob, pore water pressure increases so that the shear strength of the soil will be small, the compression is large and the permeability coefficient is small so that if the construction load exceeds the critical bearing capacity, the damage to the foundation soil will occur. To get the increase in soil bearing capacity, it can be achieved by changing the properties of the soil from the shear angle (</em>f<em>), cohesion (c) and unit weight (</em>g<em>). The settlement can be reduced by increasing the cavity density from the compression of the soil particles (Wesley, 1977). Soil improvement takes a long time, aiming to increase shear resistance so that it requires a fast time in this case is to use Pre-Fabricated Vertical Drain (Bowles 1981). The results of the analysis of the pattern of decline and the effectiveness of the use of PVD (pre-fabricated vertical drain) at the Oprit Bridge in the two research locations have the same decrease in the range of the same heap height at (H = 4 meters) there is a decrease of 117.53 cm at 64 months on the bridge. Kali Jajar (STA. 3 + 200) and there was a decrease of 268.94 cm at 37 months at the Semarang North Ring Bridge</em></p>

Rahmad Hidayat ◽  
Sjelly Haniza ◽  
Randhi Saily

Daerah Irigasi Hilir Tanjung terletak di Kelurahan Ganting Kota Padang Panjang Provinsi Sumatra Barat. Permasalahan pada irigasi ini adalah terjadinya kehilangan air pada saluran sekunder sehingga tidak mencukupi kebutuhan air tanam seluas 25,56 Ha. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai kehilangan air pada saluran sekunder, serta mengetahui nilai kebutuhan air tanam pada Daerah Irigasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksploratif-survey dengan dengan mengumpulkan data primer dan data sekunder yang diolah dengan pendekatan-pendekatan keruangan. Hasil evaluasi analisa yang didapat adalah nilai kebutuhan air Daerah Irigasi Hilir Tanjung sebesar 0,238 m<sup>3</sup>/dtk. Kehilangan air pada saluran sekunder sebesar 0,029 m<sup>3</sup>/dtk. Kekurangan debit air yang terjadi sebesar 0,070 m<sup>3</sup>/dtk.

Ulfa - Jusi ◽  
Harnedi - Maizir ◽  
Randhi - Saily

<p align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>Light brick is an alternative material in the construction sector that has an efficiency value, in addition to being lighter than conventional bricks for building loads, lightweight bricks also reduce the use of materials during construction. One of the uses of light bricks is on walls. This is because the walls contribute to the heavy load on the building structure. Along with the development of the use of light bricks, research was carried out on light bricks with quick lime mixture as a substitute for part of the cement on light bricks which refers to the mechanical properties of light bricks which include free compressive strength testing, while the variation of the mixture used is 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% of the volume of cement used. The results of the compressive strength of light bricks at the age of 28 days, respectively, the variation of the lime mixture 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20% obtained compressive strength of 0.96 Mpa, 0.81 Mpa, 0.43 Mpa, and 0.32 Mpa where compressive strength The maximum is obtained in the lime mixture as much as 5%, is 0.96 Mpa.</p><p> </p>

Iqbal Mirza Fuqhoha ◽  
Raflis Raflis

<span id="docs-internal-guid-6c8762c6-7fff-339a-602e-44f79fb187d7"><span>Leadership is very important in a construction project. As with current conditions, the impact of the virus outbreak has disrupted activities in Indonesia, one of which is construction project activities. So it takes a leader who has a leadership style that can influence maximum employee performance. This study aims to determine the factors of leadership style that most influence employee performance on construction projects during the pandemic. The research method uses the exploratory method and is processed using themethod Structual Equation Modeling. From the results of data analysis, there are 4 factors and 15 indicators of leadership style, managing work productivity is the indicator that most influences a leadership style, which is 0.955.</span></span>

Teddy W Sudinda

<p> </p><p class="BodyAbstract">The impact of coal mining will produce a reservoir due to cutting and excavation from the mined area. If it is left without any effort to improve the environment due to mining it will have an impact on the surrounding environment. Research conducted by the author to determine the effect that occurs with a reservoir due to coal mining in the surrounding area. Based on measurements using the geoelectric method, it can be seen the condition of the soil layer in the reservoir and surrounding areas so that it can be estimated the movement of underground water in the aquifer layer. By using a piezometer around the reservoir it can be seen the change in the level of the underground water level at a certain time and the water level in the reservoir is measured in elevation so that it can be predicted the flow direction that occurs. From the results of the study obtained the underground water level has a greater value than the water level in the reservoir, especially in the rainy season. This activity is the initial stage of the study to determine the effect of the reservoir on underground water conservation. For the next stage measurements are needed throughout the year by installing logers so that data can be recorded automatically digitally and doing model simulations using Modflow software to predict the effect of reservoirs on underground water conservation in the long.</p>



Hera Zetha Rahman ◽  
Azaria Andreas ◽  
Akhmad Dofir ◽  
Perdana Miraj Sejatiguna ◽  
Nina Kade Nirmala

<p class="FormatUI"><em>A train is a mass transportation means that can carry passengers or goods on a large scale, so that the Indonesian people use it as a means of transportation both within cities and intercity/ Along with this, the train station is the main requirement needed in the movement of the rail transportation mode. Apart from the main function of the station as a place for passengers to get on or off, stations can be developed into centers of urban activities by maximizing the use of space at the station and the utilization of the surrounding space which is integrated with the development of properties high density and other supporting facilities. To realize this, an effort is needed to maximize the potential for station development through the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) approach. The development of TOD at a railway station can create an ideal distance or radius from a transportation node to occupancy, creating lower cost, time and energy efficiency so as to improve the quality of life in urban areas, and it is hoped that it can reduce the maintenance costs of the station itself through additional functions that can generate revenue. In order to optimize the function of railway stations, especially in urban areas, this study was conducted to create a concept for regional development with the concept of TOD based on railway stations. This study used a qualitative approach with the study area located in Banten Province (outside the BPTJ working area), and data collection was carried out using purposive sampling method. The result is a station that has the potential to be developed into a transit-based area in Banten Province is the Serang Station</em><em>.</em></p>



Priscilla Azzahra Chairani

<p><em>As a country that surrounded by active volcanoes, Indonesia has a very diverse clay soil content. However, in reality, clay soil is an unfavorable condition for construction activities because of its low-level of stability. Therefore, when the clay soil receives a static load on it, the soil will slowly have a settlement due to the dissipation of pore water. This settlement usually occurs over a very long period of time, thus, it is necessary to do the soil improvement using Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) combined with preloading in order to shorten the time of soil consolidation so that the consolidation process becomes faster. Soil settlement analysis is calculated using two soil parameters derived from the NSPT correlation data and laboratory test data to determine the most efficient soil parameters. Furthermore, a theoretical soil improvement analysis was carried out by comparing Baron's theory and Hansbo's theory and using the Settle3D analysis program. The analysis results show that the calculation of consolidation settlement using soil parameters from laboratory test results has the closest value to the actual results in the field with a efficiency of 91%. Meanwhile, for soil improvement, the most effective PVD design was chosen using the Hansbo theory with a triangular installation pattern and a spacing of 150 cm combined with a gradual embankment.</em></p>

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