Toruńskie Studia Polsko-Włoskie
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Published By Uniwersytet Mikolaja Kopernika/Nicolaus Copernicus University

2391-7865, 2083-1986

2021 ◽  
pp. 29-38
Lóránt Csink

In the first days of 2020, the nations of Europe could hardly imagine that their lives were going to change so drastically in a couple of months. SARS – Covid 19, aka coronavirus resulted in a great change in all societies on the globe. Most countries introduced a state of emergency and made restrictions on many aspects of people’s lives. The present paper intends to give an overview of the measures that the Hungarian government has taken so far. For this purpose, it first analyses the legal background of state of emergency that would help understand the present situation. Secondly, it describes the measures taken, and finally it evaluates how the measures affect human rights, especially free movement, freedom of enterprise and free speech.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-54
Mónika Márton

A pandemic can provide a textbook example for the restrictions of fundamental rights and freedoms. Romania has decided to derogate from the application of the European Convention on Human Rights during the state of emergency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The questions discussed in this paper are whether the derogation of Romania fulfils the criteria established by the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. If the answer is affirmative: does it have any effect on the inherent limitations on the freedom of expression as stated in art. 10 of ECHR?

2021 ◽  
pp. 99-126
Piotr Sadowski

Freedom of speech and freedom of conscience and religion are essential human rights which are protected, among others, by the ECHR. The number of the European Court of Human Rights’ decisions on wearing religious symbols (in a form of a Christian cross, a Muslim veil or a headscarf) at work remains small. Nevertheless, some interpretation guidelines can be identified in particular on how to ensure that an interference with Article 9 of the 1950 Convention has to be proportionate and “necessary in a democratic society”. Owing to a lack of European-wide consensus on states’ approach to religion, a state exercises a wide margin of appreciation. Nevertheless, a state always has to take into account rights of the others, in particular those who are dependent on (e.g. patience at hospital) employees or are prone to an impact of employees (e.g. pupils and students). Thus, dress codes confirming a secular nature and religious neutrality of a State not always violates Article 9 of the ECHR. Rules apply mainly to public bodies, but a state liability may also be found to private company’s cases. Details of each employment contract and of the employee’s conduct have to be always analysed. The dress code rules applied to man and women and irrespective to their religion, so the Court has not declared it to be discriminatory because of sex or religion of employees.

Szabolcs Stock

The aim of the article is to present how one can excercise their freedom of expression through acts. I focus ont the decisions of the Hungarian Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights and the U. S. Supreme court. I analyze these decisions, and compare the fundamental rights that can collide, such as freedom of expression versus the right to property, which one should prevail when they come into collision. I also study how one can decide, whether the act should fall within the protected circle of the freedom of expression, or it should be penalized as a crime, or misdemeanor.

2020 ◽  
pp. 55-63
Katarzyna Witkowska-Chrzczonowicz ◽  
Maciej Serowaniec

E-administration is a relatively new concept related to the broader technological progress and development of modern technologies, as well as a key condition for the development of an effective information society. E-administration means that the state provides as much of its own public services as possible via the Internet in order to facilitate numerous entities, including its own citizens, enterprises, the academia, etc., as well as to guarantee access to various public services and make the access more affordable. Thanks to such measures, citizens’ satisfaction with the administration increases, and the competitiveness of countries and enterprises increases as well.

2020 ◽  
pp. 191-204
Alfredo Luzi

La poetica della parola è l’asse portante della scrittura di Mario Luzi, a partire dalle prime prove ermetiche impostate sull’idea neoplatonica della parola come rivelazione dell’essere fino agli assillanti interrogativi che intessono gli ultimi componimenti e che sono la traccia di un profondo dubbio epistemologico, non risolto dall’adesione del poeta alla fede cristiana.I saggi critici, che accompagnano come una sorta di autocommento la produzione in versi, sono disseminati da una serie di riflessioni sulla potenzialità dell’atto poetico che si configurano come complesso “itinerario del dicibile”.Nell’arco di più di mezzo secolo Luzi  progressivamente innesta il concetto ebraico di davar  a quello greco di logos, perno  filosofico e teologico della poetica ermetica.

2020 ◽  
pp. 217-226
Joanna Janusz

Michele Mari, który zadebiutował pod koniec lat 80. XX wieku, jest autorem dzieł z zakresu prozy, poezji i dramatu i uważa się go za jednego z klasyków literatury. Jego nazwisko bardzo często wymienia się obok takich sław jak Gadda i Consolo. Już jego debiut literacki ukazał go jako stojącego w opozycji do współczesnego stylu i tematów, które rządziły literaturą do tamtej pory. Jeśli chodzi o te dwa aspekty dzieła literackiego, Mari korzysta z bagażu tradycji literackiej, zarówno włoskiej, jak i europejskiej, nie ograniczając się jedynie do postmodernistycznej techniki cytowania i odniesienia. Tradycja w jego twórczości jest wykorzystywana w sposób twórczy i przekształcana w materię, która pozwala na oryginalną interpretację współczesności. Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu ukazanie wybranych elementów językowych i tematycznych, które zostały przekształcone w ten sposób w trzech pierwszych powieściach autora.

2020 ◽  
pp. 7-28
Ana Neves

The digital transformation of public administrations is visible in the way several services are being delivered, in the communication tools that are being used and on access to administrative information. Technology intervenes more deeply in decision-making procedures. The administrative decisions are increasingly based on automated processing, either partially or fully. Automated decision-making can facilitate the correctness of decisions, insofar as computing and algorithms potentially make the application of law less conducive to errors of fact and errors of law, and to motivations beyond the protected legal interests. It, however, poses interesting challenges: it redefines the very concept of executive application of the law (e.g., creating or making use of an administrative intermediate rationality), of procedural information gathering, of the duty to give reasons for decisions and of the way of reviewing them. Regardless of the automatization of decision-making, the administrative information systems interoperability conciliated with the data portability right redefine the gathering of information and evidence, reinforcing the principle of investigation, which can mean a higher accuracy of fact-finding with less burden on individuals. In both cases, the use of technology in the administrative procedure demands rethinking the meaning of central values of the exercise of administrative powers.

2020 ◽  
pp. 65-84
Stanisław Bułajewski

W ramach artykułu została przeprowadzona analiza wybranych kwestii, związanych z problematyką nadzoru nad działalnością samorządu terytorialnego. Problematyka ta została scharakteryzowana w konfrontacji z najważniejszym konstytucyjnym podmiotem do tego powołanym, tj. z wojewodą. Swoje rozważania rozpocząłem od analizy nadzoru w kontekście konstytucyjnym. Następnie przeszedłem do próby przedstawienia poglądów na temat dwóch ściśle powiązanych ze sobą pojęć, a mianowicie do pojęcia kontroli i pojęcia nadzoru. Kolejnym elementem artykułu było przedstawienie wojewody – jego umiejscowienia w strukturze władzy, z jednoczesnym zaprezentowaniem wybranych uprawnień i obowiązków, głównie w kontekście nadzoru, jaki ten organ pełni w stosunku do jednostek samorządu terytorialnego. Niezwykle istotnym elementem pracy była również krótka charakterystyka przedmiotu nadzoru, kryterium nadzoru oraz środków nadzorczych, jakie w stosunku do jednostek samorządu terytorialnego wojewodzie przysługują. Niemal każda część artykułu odnosiła się do licznych poglądów doktryny, aktualnego prawodawstwa i orzecznictwa. Bez prezentacji owego orzecznictwa nie byłoby możliwe prawidłowe zinterpretowanie spornych kwestii. Całość zwieńczyło krótkie podsumowanie.

2020 ◽  
pp. 227-238
Patrycja Przełucka

La riflessione sul fantastico nella letteratura è nata nella cultura europea durante il Romanticismo. La nascita del termine, il processo della formazione delle varie accezioni del suo significato e gli inizi del dibattito attorno al tema del fantastico prendono forma proprio in quell’epoca.L’argomento del fantastico nella letteratura è stato discusso in modo approfondito sia dagli scrittori stessi che dai critici letterari in quasi tutti i paesi occidentali. Per questo motivo, qualsiasi nuovo studio sul tema può suscitare il sospetto di rielaborare le idee già esistenti. Però, il semplice fatto che dai primi commenti su Hoffmann fino ad oggi siano state scritte tante opere contrassegnate con il marchio del fantastico così diverse tra di loro rende legittima la necessità di una definizione dettagliata e minuziosa fornita con somma diligenza e scrupolosità. Pertanto, lo scopo di quest’articolo è di affrontare una questione a cui non è stata data una risposta adeguata nelle ricerche precedenti in questo campo di studio, cioè l’analisi profonda degli inizi del fantastico. Però si intendono qui non gli inizi letterari, poiché quelli sono già stati descritti in modo dettagliato nella letteratura critica, ma le origini linguistiche ed il principio cognitivo da cui deriva il lemma fantastico. Pertanto, per colmare questo gap di ricerca, prenderò libertà di occuparmi al primo posto della definizione lessicografica fornita dai dizionari moderni, poi traccerò le trasformazioni storiche del significato di fantastico nella lingua italiana fin dalle origini dell’italiano come lingua nazionale.

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