Lentera: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies
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Published By IAIN Langsa

2654-9220, 2655-0873

Erha Saufan Hadana Hukum Islam

This research was written with the background to find out how Islamic law responds to the issue of adoption, the rights obtained by adopted children and their position in inheritance. This research is a normative juridical research based on library data. The results of the study found that adoption in the perspective of Islamic law does not recognize adoption which makes it an absolute biological child, but the fulfillment of their rights such as clothing, food and education must still be fulfilled by adoptive parents. Regarding the position in inheritance, the child does not have the right to the inheritance of the adoptive parents, but may get a will not more than one third (1/3) of the assets left behind.

Abdul Hamid

To control / supervise the implementation of Islamic Shari'at in the field the Regional Government establishes a Wilayatul Hisbah (WH) body whose work procedures and authorities are regulated in the Decree of the Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam Number 01 of 2004. In applying certain aspects of sharia law. Therefore, improving the quality of human resources through the Islamic structural values approach is considered by many to be the right step, because it can control deviations and is also in accordance with the cultural values of the Acehnese people, which have historically been known with three features, namely, education , religion and customs.

Samsul Bahri

In Aceh Tamiang, there are still many unmarried couples such as in Paya Bedi Village, Kejuruan Muda District. The practice of siri marriage in Aceh Tamiang District has been going on for a long time in Lhok Medang Ara and Sampaimah Villages, Manyak Payed District and is considered a normal thing by the community even though it is done covertly and is difficult to detect. Social implications for children's life in the family environment such as the loss of civil relations with their fathers. Social implications for children's lives in the community are considered to be underestimated as illegitimate children and often become tools of exploitation, as well as social implications for the life of children after the death of parents, namely children cannot claim inheritance rights from their father

Cahayu Astina

This study aims to find out the perspective of the people in Banda Aceh regarding gender relations and to find out how the implementation of gender relations in the household life of the community in Banda Aceh City. The theory that forms the basis of this research is Bourdieu's theory which views power in the context of the theory of society, where he sees power as a culture and artificial symbolism which is continually legitimized through agent interaction and structure. The main way this happens is through what is called "habistus" or socialized norms or tendencies to guide behavior and thinking. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach with data collection techniques carried out by observation and interviews. The results of this study are gender perspectives on the people of Banda Aceh City, especially those who are considered to have higher education (Strata one and two) can be well understood. even though it turns out that there are still those who place the freedom of role for women to choose their desire to work outside the home or become fully housewives without increasing the purpose of freedom of work for women to become the second backbone in household finance. Helping wives to complete domestic work is not a taboo thing for them, but for some they still have an understanding that domestic work is entirely the responsibility of a wife.

Suhela Yanti

Artikel ini focus pada analisis kebijakan pendidikan. Kajian berawal dari fenomena tantangan dan peluang pendidikan dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman. Dalam hal ini didapatkan bahwa kebijakan pendidikan harus dievaluasi. Evaluasi Lingkungan sosial kebijakan publik terbagi menjaddi dua yang pertama evaluasi lingkungan formulasi kebijakan menghsilkan sebuah deskripsi bagaimana lingkungan kebijakan dibuat dan kenapa kebijakan seperi itu. Kedua evaluasi lingkungan implementasi kebijakan berkenaan dengan faktor-fakor lingkungan apa saja yang membuat kebijakan gagal atau berhasil.

Syafieh Syafieh

This article discusses God 's omniscience and interference in the theological and Islamic’s theological perspectives. Theodical problem that centered on causality and the administration of God since the days of Greece God presented as a defendant. Berger uses theodicy concept to give meaning to the suffering experienced by humans in the world, while simultaneously promising happiness "in the world there". In this connection religion is clearly a force of alienation. Crime and suffering as a privacy are always present in reality and life. While Islamic’s theological reject the theodetic concept, according to Muttahharri, that on the plains of phenomena there is no "real evil" or "true goodness", while on plain noumena there is only one essence, namely goodness, because the substance of evil is truly pure nothingness.

Iskandar Budiman

Tulisan ini focus pada epistimilogi ilmu ekonomi Islam yang ditelaah dengan menjadikan filsafat ilmu sebagai pisau analisis. Dari kajian didapatkan ilmu ekonomi sepatutnya ditelaah dengan menggunakan filsafat ilmu. Filsafat ilmu sebagai sebuah proses pengelaborasian tentang karakteristik disiplin ilmiah (scientific discipline ) dan bagaimana cara memperolehnya (epistimic), menjadi hal yang sangat mungkin sekali untuk dijadikan referensi dasar sebagai pengembangan ekonomi Islam

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