banda aceh
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Taufik Abdullah ◽  
Mr. Hamdani ◽  
Mr. Mulyad

The legitimacy of local political parties in Aceh results from a peace agreement between the Free Aceh Movement and the Government of Indonesia. Local political parties provide new hope and alternative for people who previously only voted for national parties. Since participating in the election for the first time, local political parties have obtained the people's mandate to fill legislative and executive powers. But along the way, local political parties experienced a crisis of trust. Parliamentary seat gains declined dramatically over the three election periods. This is the starting point for studying local political parties in a limited scope in Banda Aceh City. Through a qualitative approach, the results of this study describe contextual conditions from the perspective of civil society or city residents. The study results explain the lack of seats for local political parties. Residents see that local political parties have not strengthened as a catalyst in influencing policy and have not appeared unique and specific to distinguish them from national political parties. In the future, the role of local political parties is expected to be more critical in fighting for local democracy substantially.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Azmalina Adriani ◽  
Elfariyanti Elfariyanti ◽  
Nazila Amelia ◽  
Irfan Mustafa

Kalsium merupakan mineral yang paling penting bagi manusia yang berfungsi sebagai pembentukan tulang dan gigi, mengatur pembekuan darah serta mencegah osteoporosis. Kalsium banyak dijumpai pada buah-buahan salah satunya pada buah pisang. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui berapa kadar kalsium yang terkandung dalam buah pisang yang banyak terdapat di Banda Aceh yaitu pisang Awak, pisang Kepok dan pisang Raja Sereh secara Kompleksometri. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling.  Perlakuan sampel pisang dengan menentukan kadar abu dan  analisis volumetric secara kompleksometri dengan menggunakan larutan standart Na2-EDTA. Hasil didapat kadar kalsium dari buah pisang  awak pasar Aceh sebesar 0,532 %, pisang awak pasar Lambaro 0,532%, pada buah pisang kepok pasar Aceh sebesar 0,566 %, pisang kepok pasar Lambaro 0,569% dan pada pisang raja sereh pasar Aceh sebesar 0,537 % dan pisang  raja sereh pasar Lambaro 0,549%.  Kadar kalsium yang tertinggi terdapat pada buah pisang kepok. Ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya ialah struktur tanah dan iklim yang berbeda- beda serta tersedianya unsur hara, baik unsur hara makro dan juga unsur hara mikro.

Muhammad Erwin SP ◽  
Saparuddin Siregar ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto

Bank Syariah Indonesia has sharia contracts that can make it easier for customers to get consumptive financing such as financing in the purchase of cars/motorcycles, but many people do not know that Islamic banks have such consumptive financing products. Based on the results of research on the mechanism and application of consumptive financing on the Oto iB Hasanah BNI Syariah Banda Aceh product, this can be done in three stages, namely: First, the customer applies for consumptive financing for the Oto iB Hasanah BNI Syariah Banda Aceh product by completing the file, second, checking data or verifying data for completeness and the truth of the file, thirdly, a field survey with the 5C principle (Character, Capacity, Capital, Condition and Collateral). murabahah namely an agreement on profit, payment method, sale and purchase agreement and delivery of goods.

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nurleli Nurleli ◽  
Ainal Mardhiah ◽  
Lathifah Hanum

Background: Breast cancer is an abnormal growth of cells that form in breast tissue. In Aceh, breast cancer is the third most non-communicable disease with most breast cancer patients having a period of late treatment. The results of research on women in Lueng Bata District Banda Aceh City in 2015 found data that the majority of respondents had never had regular breast examinations. This can result in breast cancer being detected at an advanced stage where the therapy often cannot make the patient recover and end up in pain and death. To prevent the occurrence of these problems, health promotion is held about breast cancer and breast self-examination (BSE).Objectives: This study aims to increase women's knowledge and understanding of breast cancer and increase awareness for early detection and appropriate treatment.Methods: was carried out for 3 days from 12 to 14 September 2018 to the community in the work area of the Batoh Health Center in Banda Aceh. The method used is filling out questionnaires, lectures accompanied by questions and answers to explain risk factors, early signs of breast cancer, as well as demonstrations of breast self-examination.Results: From the evaluation of the results obtained from the community service activities, among others, is to increase awareness and understanding of the community, especially women about breast cancer and breast self-examination. It is thus expected to continue on a will that is applied in daily behavioral changes to prevent and routinely examine breast cancer in order to prevent complications and improve quality of life.Conclusion: There is an increase in knowledge and understanding of the meaning, risk factors, early signs and symptoms of breast cancer, and how to detect breast cancer early.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-113
Maghfirah Ulfa ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Ismul Huda ◽  
Suhrawardi Ilyas

 Kurangnya berpikir kritis peserta didik dalam mempelajari ilmu fisika, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai keseharian mereka dengan rata-rata fisika sekitar 65.00 lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan pelajaran lain. Tujuan masalah penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan konstruktivisme radikal terhadap kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Jenis penelitian ini adalah menggunakan eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimental research) Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh peserta didik kelas VII MTsS Darul Ulum Banda Aceh, sedangkan sampelnya diambil dua kelas secara purposive sampling yaitu kelas VII kelas Eksperimen (VII-1) yang terdiri atas 30 peserta didik, sedangkan kelas kontrol (VII-3) yang terdiri atas 30 orang peserta didik. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes tertulis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata pretest untuk kelas kontrol adalah  22,36, sedangkan rata-rata untuk kelas eksperimen adalah 32,16. Perolehan tersebut menunjukkan rata-rata pretest baik kelas kontrol maupun kelas eksperimen masih dalam kategori rendah. Dan rata-rata posttest untuk kelas kontrol adalah 47,60, untuk kelas eksperimen 64,25. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan berpikir kritis pada kelas kontrol melalui model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing tetapi masih dalam kategori rendah yaitu 0,26, sedangkan pada kelas eksperimen menunjukkan peningkatan berpikir kritis melalui model pembelajaran inkuiri terbimbing dengan konstruktivisme radikal sebesar 0,50 dengan kategori sedang. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran inkuiri dengan konstruktivisme radikal dapat mempengaruhi terhadap berpikir kritis peserta didik.

Furqan Furqan ◽  
Yuli Khairani ◽  
Erdi Surya ◽  
M Ridhwan ◽  
Armi Armi ◽  

Sariakin Sariakin ◽  
Muchsin Muchsin ◽  
Razali Abdullah ◽  
Muslem Daud ◽  
Ratna Mutia

Almukarramah Almukarramah ◽  
Ainal Fitri ◽  
Fitri Meliya Sari

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