Historiographia Linguistica
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Published By John Benjamins Publishing Company

1569-9781, 0302-5160

Christopher Joby

Summary Linguistic historiography analyzes how linguistic knowledge has been acquired, stored, used and diffused. This article examines what can happen if linguists rely on copies of source data rather than the source data itself. It takes as a case study linguistic data from Siraya, a now-extinct Formosan language. Documents compiled in the seventeenth century by Dutch missionaries in Taiwan form a significant source of data for Siraya. One such document, a wordlist known as the Utrecht Manuscript (UM), is the principal source for the lexicon of one variety of Siraya, “Siraya Proper”. It has been published three times. Each edition, however, contains many errors. These editions, rather than the manuscript, have been used by scholars investigating Siraya. This article aims to correct errors in the editions and secondary literature on the UM with my readings of the manuscript itself. It therefore presents a more accurate record of the lexicon of “Siraya Proper” as well as illustrating the importance of using primary rather than secondary sources of linguistic data. Finally, it introduces an online edition of the UM, which will provide scholars and language revivalists with a useful resource for this lexicon.

Clemens Knobloch

Zusammenfassung Der von Wilhelm von Humboldt geprägte und von Heymann Steinthal Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts propagierte Begriff der Inneren Sprachform hat eine bewegte und von Diskontinuitäten geprägte Geschichte und eine äußerst vage und plastische Bedeutung. Der Text rekonstruiert einige Stationen dieser Begriffsgeschichte, mit Blick auf deren Brüche und Richtungswechsel. Besonderes Augenmerk gilt der Rezeption und der heuristischen Weiterentwicklung des Begriffs in den USA. Kontrastiert wird die US-Rezeption (in Sprachpsychologie, Spracherwerbsforschung und Ethnolinguistik) mit der zeitgleichen ideologischen Verwendung des Ausdrucks in der sprachnationalistischen deutschen Tradition.

Georg Orlandi

Summary The present paper seeks to discuss and clarify the notions of ‘Grades’ and ‘Calls’ of traditional Chinese rime tables, which are commonly related to the presence or absence of glides, and continue to be taken as a basis for reconstructing vocalic and semi-vocalic portions of the post-initial elements in medieval and pre-medieval Chinese syllables. It is argued that, based on the discussions of Grades/Calls by Chinese scholars of the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries, they were probably conceived as degrees of stricture of the phonatory apparatus, with progressive narrowing of the articulatory aperture, from wide and open to narrow and close. It is concluded that the linguistic perspective underpinning the classification of “sounds” in the linguistic tradition of China appears to be remarkably close to concepts long held in other linguistic traditions.

Falco Pfalzgraf

Summary The discovery of Karl Tekusch as a key player and significant link in the history of Austrian and German linguistic purism is the subject of this article. Tekusch was the last chairman of the Vienna Branch of the Deutscher Sprachverein (DSV), from the Austrian Anschluss until its dissolution, and he was also the first chairman of its post-WWII successor, the Viennese Verein Muttersprache, which is still active today. The existence of the hitherto lesser-known Germanischer Sprachverein, founded and chaired by Tekusch for 15 years, proves that the alleged ’gap’ in organised Austrian linguistic purism does in fact not exist, and that Austrian linguistic purism must indeed be regarded as a continuous phenomenon. Strongly influenced by the völkisch movement and later the national socialists, Tekusch had developed and continuously worked on his concept of Sprachechtheit, ‘linguistic authenticity’. The concept was very influential on purist organisations in Austria and Germany until at least the late 1970s. Moreover, Sprachechtheit was discussed beyond the realm of linguistics purism, by academics in German Philology, Sociology, Social Psychology, and German Folklore Studies / European Ethnology.

Aimée Lahaussois

Summary In this article, I explore glossing practices in the period surrounding the publication of the Linguistic Survey of India (LSI), the large-scale survey of languages spoken on the Indian subcontinent at the turn of the 20th century, under the stewardship of George Abraham Grierson (1851–1941). After a brief discussion of the reasons that the LSI constitutes a useful corpus for studying glossing practices, I provide a detailed examination of the glossing practices used in the text specimens which accompany language descriptions in the LSI. I then contrast these practices with glossing in materials produced both prior to and subsequent to the LSI, in order to place the glossing practices established by Grierson within a historical context, thereby contributing a description of one step in the history of glossing of descriptive linguistic materials.

Bruce Nevin

Summary Toward the end of his life, Zellig Harris (1909–1992) wrote a brief account of the origins and development of his work to establish the foundations of a science of language on mathematical principles. A French translation was published in 1990, and in the same publication appeared a parallel appraisal from a mathematical point of view by André Lentin (1913–2015). Early the following year, having reread Lentin’s essay several times, Harris wrote him the letter which is presented here. More than a gesture of thanks and appreciation, this letter further illuminates the comprehensive overview afforded by the two essays, both of which appeared in English in 2002.

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