The Impact of Shame on the Therapeutic Alliance and Intimate Relationships

2013 ◽  
Vol 69 (6) ◽  
pp. 646-654 ◽  
Rebecca S. A. Black ◽  
David Curran ◽  
Kevin F. W. Dyer
Santiago Boira Sarto ◽  
Yolanda López del Hoyo ◽  
Lucía Tomás Aragonés ◽  
Ana Rosa Gaspar

La tardía implantación en España de programas de intervención con hombres maltratadores enfatiza la necesidad de desarrollar investigaciones que maximicen la eficacia de los tratamientos. Hasta el momento, han sido escasos los estudios publicados que evalúen las variables relacionadas con la permanencia o el abandono del tratamiento y su eficacia, y todavía más escasos los que han estudiado este tema desde un punto de vista cualitativo. El objetivo del estudio es identificar aspectos clave en los programas de intervención que puedan mejorar la eficacia de los tratamientos para hombres condenados por un delito de violencia de género a los que se les ha suspendido o sustituido la ejecución de la pena de prisión por la realización del programa terapéutico. Para ello se ha analizado cualitativamente la información obtenida en dos grupos de discusión formados por los psicólogos que aplicaron el programa y distribuidos según el tipo de terapia, individual o grupal.Los resultados reflejan la conveniencia de considerar la especificidad de este contexto de intervención en el diseño de los programas y en la evaluación. Deberán mejorarse las estrategias que aumenten la motivación, la alianza terapéutica y la adherencia de los hombres al tratamiento. Además habrá que ampliar las estrategias de evaluación para que ofrezcan una información cualitativamente diferente y permitan una valoración global del impacto del tratamiento y el riesgo para la víctima.The late implementation in Spain of intervention programmes for male abusers stresses the need to carry out research that can maximise the effectiveness of such treatment. Up till now, very few studies have been published that assess the variables relating to the continuation or abandonment of the treatment and its efficiency, and there are even fewer studies that examine this subject from a qualitative standpoint. The object of the study is to identify key aspects in the intervention programmes that can enhance the efficiency of the treatment offered to men that have been convicted for a crime involving domestic violence, and who have had their prison sentence suspended or commuted to a programme entailing therapy. With this aim in mind, a qualitative analysis is conducted of the data obtained in two discussion groups formed by psychologists who applied the programme and who are distributed in accordance with the type of therapy �individual or group-oriented� they administered.The findings reflect the convenience of considering the specifics of this context of intervention in the design of such programmes, along with their assessment. Strategies should be improved to enhance motivation, and also to strengthen the therapeutic alliance and ensure that the men stick to the treatment. We will also have to broaden our assessment strategies so that they offer data that is qualitatively different and can enable an overall assessment to be made of the impact of the treatment and the risk to the victim.

2020 ◽  
Francesco Cataldo ◽  
Shanton Chang ◽  
Antonette Mendoza ◽  
George Buchanan

BACKGROUND During the COVID-19 pandemic, people are being encouraged to maintain social distance. Technology is helping people to reschedule meetings from “face-to-face” interactions to remote videoconferencing. Psychologists are in high demand, due to an increase in stress as a result of COVID. Many seek to both keep treating their current patients, and welcome new ones, given the current high demand for their services. Videoconferencing provides an opportunity to do this. However, shifting treatment from face-to-face to the videoconferencing is not simple as both the psychologist and the patient miss the in-person information and cues, such as body language provides. OBJECTIVE A new theoretical framework is proposed to guide the design of future studies on the impact of the computer as a mediator of psychologist-patient relationships, and the influence of videoconferencing on the whole relationship process. METHODS A literature review has been conducted, screening studies focusing on communication, and the key concepts of therapeutic relationship and therapeutic alliance. RESULTS Studies report that patients are generally satisfied with videoconference therapy in terms of the relationship with their therapists and the establishment of the “therapeutic alliance”. However, psychologists report difficulties in establishing same quality of therapeutic relationship and therapeutic alliance. The analysed studies lead us to interpret data under a different perspective. A new model of relationship is proposed, along with further hypotheses. CONCLUSIONS It is important to consider the computer as having an active role in psychologists and patients’ relationships. CLINICALTRIAL

Rebecca Forgash

This chapter examines the complex procedures known as the “marriage package.” It explains that during the early 2000s, marriage package procedures were required by U.S. Marine Corps headquarters in Washington as the only legitimate means for marines and navy corpsmen to legalize a marriage in Japan. The process has been streamlined in recent years but it remains an instructive and relevant ethnographic example for understanding the nature of U.S. military and Japanese and U.S. government regulation of intimate relationships. The chapter focuses on institutional representations of marriage and family found in official documents and the mandatory premarital seminar. It analyzes the impact of institutional discourses on service members' expressions of military affinity and affiliation and the voices of Okinawan spouses as they articulated subject positions markedly different from their feminist counterparts in the antibase movement.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. e0156120
Lucy P. Goldsmith ◽  
Graham Dunn ◽  
Richard P. Bentall ◽  
Shôn W. Lewis ◽  
Alison J. Wearden

Sexual Abuse ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 29 (7) ◽  
pp. 709-728 ◽  
Rachael Watson ◽  
Stuart Thomas ◽  
Michael Daffern

The therapeutic relationship is a critical component of psychological treatment. Strain can occur in the relationship, particularly when working with offenders, and more specifically, those offenders with interpersonal difficulties; strain can lead to a rupture, which may affect treatment participation and performance. This study examined ruptures in the therapeutic relationship in sexual offenders participating in offense-focused group treatment. Fifty-four sex offenders rated the therapeutic alliance at the commencement and completion of treatment; at the completion of treatment, they also reported on the occurrence of ruptures and whether they believed these ruptures were repaired. Ruptures were separated by type, according to severity—Each relationship was therefore characterized as experiencing no rupture, a minor rupture, or a major rupture. Offender characteristics including interpersonal style (IPS) and psychopathy were assessed at the commencement of treatment; their relationship with ruptures was examined. Results revealed that more than half of the offenders (approximately 55%) experienced a rupture in the therapeutic alliance, with one in four of these ruptures remaining unresolved. Offenders who did not report a rupture rated the therapeutic alliance significantly higher at the end of treatment compared with those offenders who reported a rupture that was not repaired. Offenders who reported a major rupture in the therapeutic relationship were higher in interpersonal hostility and hostile-dominance. No interpersonal or offense-specific factors affected the likelihood of a rupture repair.

2007 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 794-815 ◽  
Jennifer J. Harman ◽  
Vernon E. Smith ◽  
Louisa C. Egan

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-181 ◽  
Penelope Richards ◽  
Susan Simpson ◽  
Tarun Bastiampillai ◽  
Giada Pietrabissa ◽  
Gianluca Castelnuovo

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