The ‘Mediterranean’ Ramalina Panizzei North of the alps: Morphological, Chemical and rDNA Sequence Data

1997 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 441-454 ◽  
Urs Groner ◽  
Scott LaGreca

AbstractRamalina panizzei De Not. is reported from Switzerland and north of the Alps for the first time. Recent collections and thalli found amongst specimens of R. fastigiata (Pers.) Ach. are described; the species is obviously not restricted to the Mediterranean. The confusion in several herbaria around this and related corticolous species, particularly R. subgeniculata Nyl. and R. fastigiata, can be traced back to imprecise original and subsequent diagnoses, all of which lack a clear species delimitation. Similarities and differences of these species are discussed. In addition, sequences from the rDNA ITS regions were determined for two individuals of R. panizzei and two of R. fastigiata, including one of each from a site where both species grow intermixed. Kimura 2-parameter genetic-distance estimates indicate that R. panizzei and R. fastigiata are as different from each other as either is from the reference species R. siliquosa (Hudson) A. L. Sm. s.l. A broad-based taxonomic revision of involved species is not possible due to the limited number of analyses, but the results demonstrate the potential for using DNA sequence data to investigate species-level questions in lichens. Based on morphology, chemistry, and DNA sequence data, R. panizzei is retained as a distinct species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-138
Yuri I Kantor ◽  
Nicolas Puillandre ◽  
Philippe Bouchet

Abstract According to a recent taxonomic revision by Kantor et al. (2001), the neogastropod genus Exilia Conrad, 1860, comprises ten mostly rare species that live at depths between 200 and 2000 m. Adult Exilia measure between 30 and 90 mm in shell length, and the genus is mostly represented in museum collections by empty shells. The abundance of this genus is low in the wild, but recent expeditions organized by the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle have yielded several dozen specimens. These new collections include samples preserved for molecular studies. Here, we present the results of the first molecular systematic study of Exilia. Our aim was to investigate the species limits proposed by Kantor et al. (2001) on the basis of shell and anatomical characters. Analysis of DNA sequence data for the cytochrome c oxidase I gene suggests that Exilia hilgendorfi, previously considered to be a single, polymorphic and broadly distributed species, is a complex of at least six species (four of which we sequenced). Two of these species, Exilia cognata n. sp. and E. fedosovi n. sp., are described as new to science. Exilia gracilior, E. claydoni and E. prellei are resurrected from the synonymy of Exilia hilgendorfi; of these three, only the last was sequenced. Exilia vagrans is a well-defined taxon, but our molecular systematic data shows that it consists of two distinct species, which occur sympatrically off Taiwan and are strikingly similar in shell and radular morphology; due to the absence of DNA sequence data from the type locality of E. vagrans (Vanuatu), it is unclear to which of these two species the name would apply. Exilia karukera n. sp., which is conchologically very similar to E. vagrans, was discovered off Guadeloupe, represents the first record of the genus from the Atlantic. For E. elegans, which was previously known only from a single shell, we provide new data including new distributional records (South Africa and the Mozambique Channel), details of the radula and DNA sequence data.

2011 ◽  
Vol 43 (6) ◽  
pp. 561-567 ◽  

AbstractThe phylogenetic placement of the genus Maronina was studied, based chiefly on phenotypic characters such as thallus colour and anatomy, secondary chemistry, the anatomy of the excipulum and the ascus-type. DNA sequence data of mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal loci from some of the species support the hypothesis that Maronina is nested within Protoparmelia. Hence, Maronina is reduced to synonymy with Protoparmelia. Comparison of genetic distances suggests that the two varieties within M. orientalis should be regarded as distinct species. Consequently, the new combinations Protoparmelia australiensis (Hafellner & R. W. Rogers) Kantvilas et al., P. corallifera (Kantvilas & Papong) Kantvilas et al., P. hesperia (Kantvilas & Elix) Kantvilas et al., P. multifera (Nyl.) Kantvilas et al., and P. orientalis (Kantvilas & Papong) Kantvilas et al. are proposed.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 204 (4) ◽  
pp. 253 ◽  
Zhong-Jian Liu ◽  

A new orchid species, Liparis wenshanensis, discovered in Yunnan, China is described and illustrated in this study based on morphological and molecular analyses. A detailed comparison between the newly discovered orchid and other members of the genus, Liparis, was conducted. The new plant is characterized by the combination of the following features: a long rachis with 45 to 55 flowers; white sepals, petals and column; a greenish lip with a purplish center; strongly recurved and revolute dorsal sepals and petals; strongly recurved, oblong lateral sepals; a cordate lip that is strongly deflexed below the middle, with a two-lobed apex and a two-lobed callus at the base; an arcuate column with a lamella extending along the center almost to the stigma, and with a pair of broad wings toward the apex. These features distinguish the new orchid from all other known species of Liparis. We proceeded to a phylogenetic analysis to ascertain the systematic position of this enigmatic species. Molecular analyses based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid matK DNA sequence data supports the recognition of L. wenshanensis as a distinct species.

2016 ◽  
Vol 54 (11) ◽  
pp. 2813-2819 ◽  
Kerry O'Donnell ◽  
Deanna A. Sutton ◽  
Nathan Wiederhold ◽  
Vincent A. R. G. Robert ◽  
Pedro W. Crous ◽  

Multilocus DNA sequence data were used to assess the genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships of 67Fusariumstrains from veterinary sources, most of which were from the United States. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that the strains comprised 23 phylogenetically distinct species, all but two of which were previously known to infect humans, distributed among eight species complexes. The majority of the veterinary isolates (47/67 = 70.1%) were nested within theFusarium solanispecies complex (FSSC), and these included 8 phylospecies and 33 unique 3-locus sequence types (STs). Three of the FSSC species (Fusarium falciforme,Fusarium keratoplasticum, andFusariumsp. FSSC 12) accounted for four-fifths of the veterinary strains (38/47) and STs (27/33) within this clade. Most of theF. falciformestrains (12/15) were recovered from equine keratitis infections; however, strains ofF. keratoplasticumandFusariumsp. FSSC 12 were mostly (25/27) isolated from marine vertebrates and invertebrates. Our sampling suggests that theFusarium incarnatum-equisetispecies complex (FIESC), with eight mycoses-associated species, may represent the second most important clade of veterinary relevance withinFusarium. Six of the multilocus STs within the FSSC (3+4-eee, 1-b, 12-a, 12-b, 12-f, and 12-h) and one each within the FIESC (1-a) and theFusarium oxysporumspecies complex (ST-33) were widespread geographically, including three STs with transoceanic disjunctions. In conclusion, fusaria associated with veterinary mycoses are phylogenetically diverse and typically can only be identified to the species level using DNA sequence data from portions of one or more informative genes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 228-260 ◽  
H. Voglmayr ◽  
M.B. Aguirre-Hudson ◽  
H.G. Wagner ◽  
S. Tello ◽  
W.M. Jaklitsch

Based on DNA sequence data, the genus Leptosillia is shown to belong to the Xylariales. Molecular phylogenetic analyses of ITS-LSU rDNA sequence data and of a combined matrix of SSU-ITS-LSU rDNA, rpb1, rpb2, tef1 and tub2 reveal that the genera Cresporhaphis and Liberomyces are congeneric with Leptosillia. Coelosphaeria fusariospora, Leptorhaphis acerina, Leptorhaphis quercus f. macrospora, Leptorhaphis pinicola, Leptorhaphis wienkampii, Liberomyces pistaciae, Sphaeria muelleri and Zignoëlla slaptonensis are combined in Leptosillia, and all of these taxa except for C. fusariospora, L. pinicola and L. pistaciae are epitypified. Coelosphaeria fusariospora and Cresporhaphis rhoina are lectotypified. Liberomyces macrosporus and L. saliciphilus, which were isolated as phloem and sapwood endophytes, are shown to be synonyms of Leptosillia macrospora and L. wienkampii, respectively. All species formerly placed in Cresporhaphis that are now transferred to Leptosillia are revealed to be non-lichenized. Based on morphology and ecology, Cresporhaphis chibaensis is synonymised with Rhaphidicyrtis trichosporella, and C. rhoina is considered to be unrelated to the genus Leptosillia, but its generic affinities cannot be resolved in lack of DNA sequence data. Phylogenetic analyses place Leptosillia as sister taxon to Delonicicolaceae, and based on morphological and ecological differences, the new family Leptosilliaceae is established. Furfurella, a new genus with the three new species, F. luteostiolata, F. nigrescens and F. stromatica, growing on dead branches of mediterranean fabaceous shrubs from tribe Genisteae, is revealed to be the closest relative of Delonicicola in the family Delonicicolaceae, which is emended. ITS rDNA sequence data retrieved from GenBank demonstrate that the Leptosilliaceae were frequently isolated or sequenced as endophytes from temperate to tropical regions, and show that the genus Leptosillia represents a widely distributed component of endophyte communities of woody plants.

Shinichi Nakahara ◽  
Thamara Zacca ◽  
Fernando M.S. Dias ◽  
Diego R. Dolibaina ◽  
Lei Xiao ◽  

We provide the first comprehensive taxonomic revision of the poorly known South American butterfly genus Zischkaia Forster, 1964, hitherto regarded as including three described species. A phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequence data shows that Zischkaia is monophyletic and consists of two morphologically diagnosable clades. Morphological characters and DNA ‘barcodes’ support the recognition of twelve species in the genus, a significant increase even for the relatively poorly studied subtribe Euptychiina. Consequently, nine new species are described and named herein, including Z. arctoa Nakahara, sp. nov., Z. chullachaki Nakahara & Zacca, sp. nov., Z. baku Zacca, Dolibaina & Dias, sp. nov., Z. arenisca Nakahara, Willmott & Hall, sp. nov., Z. argyrosflecha Nakahara, L. Miller & Huertas, sp. nov., Z. abanico Nakahara & Petit, sp. nov., Z. josti Nakahara & Kleckner, sp. nov., Z. mielkeorum Dolibaina, Dias & Zacca, sp. nov. and Z. warreni Dias, Zacca & Dolibaina, sp. nov. In addition, a neotype is designated for Satyrus pacarus Godart, [1824], and lectotypes are designated for Euptychia amalda Weymer, 1911, Euptychia fumata Butler, 1867 and Euptychia saundersii Butler, 1867.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 436 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-195

Trillium Linnaeus (1753: 339) species have a reputation for being difficult to distinguish from one another, both on morphological (e.g. Freeman 1985, Schilling et al. 2019) and initial studies with standard plastid markers (Osaloo et al. 1999). Thus, the species that is sister to the rest of the Parideae, Pseudotrillium rivale (Watson 1885: 378) Farmer (2002: 687), was only recognized to be distinctive after DNA sequence data became available (Farmer & Schilling 2002). In the somewhat similar case discussed here, an entity that was considered to be only a form or variety of one species, T. ovatum Pursh (1803: 216), has turned out to be so genetically distinct that it is not even placed in the same clade as T. ovatum (Farmer 2006, Lampley et al. unpubl.).

Phytotaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 395 (3) ◽  
pp. 168 ◽  

To better understand the phylogeny of Isoetes species in the Mediterranean region, sequences of the second intron of a LFY-like homolog were determined for six populations of three Mediterranean Isoetes species and analyzed with other LFY and ITS sequences of Euro-Mediterranean species available in GenBank. Nomenclature of selected species was updated according to recent literature. Investigations of voucher specimens from previously sequenced taxa revealed that a specimen of I. histrix from Crete, Greece used in several previous molecular studies is probably I. phrygia. Analysis of the limited LFY and ITS DNA sequence data presented here agrees with the organization of Mediterranean species into three groups as suggested by worldwide phylogenies of the genus: first, an older group, including I. longissima, I. histrix, I. durieui, I. libanotica and similar species in addition to other probably “Laurasian” species; second, an intermediate endemic relict group, including only I. malinverniana and I. anatolica; and third a younger group, including the Mediterranean I. delilei, I. phrygia and I. todaroana, along with the widely-distributed I. echinospora and I. lacustris and other species. Preliminary remarks on the evolution and biogeography of the genus in the Mediterranean region are presented.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 323 (2) ◽  
pp. 182

A new orchid species, Liparis meihuashanensis, from Fujian, China is described and illustrated based on morphological and molecular analyses. Detailed morphological comparisons indicate that L. meihuashanensis is similar to L. auriculata and L. pauliana, but it can be distinguished from them by the shorter inflorescence, triangular floral bract, and a lip with a truncate-emarginate and mucronate apex and 2 small subconical calli on contracted base. Molecular analyses based on nuclear ITS and plastid matK DNA sequence data support the L. meihuashanensis as a distinct species.

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