The Young Einstein’s Physics Education: H.F. Weber, Hermann von Helmholtz, and the Zurich Polytechnic Physics Institute

David Cahan
1891 ◽  
Vol 32 (823supp) ◽  
pp. 13152-13154
Hugo Kronecker

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 128
Lalu A. Didik ◽  
Muh. Wahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Kafrawi

This study aims to determine the misconceptions and level of understanding of physics education students on dynamic electricity. The method used is descriptive quantitative research methods. The research sample was 33 students of the tadris physics study program who are currently taking basic physics courses 2 even semester 2019/2020. Data collection used a 3-tier diagnostic test. In the concept of current and electric voltage, students who are included in the full understanding category are 26% and 29% understand partially with the low category and the level of misconception reaches 45%. In the concept of ohm law and electrical resistance, it was found that students with a full understanding level of 23% and partially understanding 14% were in the low category and the level of student misconception showed the largest percentage, namely 63% with the high category. In the concept of electrical circuits, students with a full understanding level of 29% and partially understanding 50% and included in the medium category with student misconceptions showed the smallest percentage was 21% with the low category. As a whole, it shows that the average level of students' understanding and misconceptions on dynamic electricity material is still low with a percentage of 26% and partial understanding is moderate with a percentage of 31% and a misconception of 43% with a moderate category. Keywords: Misconception, level of undertanding, 3-tier diagnostic, electricicity.ABSTRAK.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui miskonsepsi dan tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa tadris fisika pada materi listrik dinamis. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian adalah 33 orang mahasiswa program studi tadris fisika yang sedang menempuh mata kuliah fisika dasar 2 semester genap 2019/2020. Pengumpulan data menggunakan 3-tier diagnostic test. Pada konsep arus dan tegangan listrik, mahasiswa yang termasuk dalam kategori pemahaman penuh sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian sebesar 29% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mencapai 45%. Pada konsep hukum ohm dan hambatan listrik didapatkan bahwa mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh sebesar 23% dan paham sebagian 14% dengan kategori rendah dan tingkat miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling besar yaitu sebesar 63% dengan kategori tinggi. Pada konsep rangkaian listrik, mahasiswa dengan tingkat pemahaman penuh 29%, paham sebagian 50% dengan kategori sedang serta miskonsepsi mahasiswa menunjukkan persentase paling kecil yaitu 21% dengan kategori rendah. Secara kesuluruhan rata-rata tingkat pemahaman dan miskonsepsi mahasiswa pada materi listrik dinamis masih tergolong rendah dengan persentase sebesar 26% dan paham sebagian tergolong sedang dengan persentase 31% dan miskonsepsi sebesar 43% dengan kategori sedang.Kata kunci: miskonsepsi, tingkat pemahaman, 3-tier diagnostic, listrik dinamis

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-203
Hristina Petrova ◽  

A particularly important aspect of learning physics is using models of physical objects, processes and phenomena. Modeling is an important component of learning and cognitive activity. This determines its importance for the formation and development of students’ knowledge and skills. The Physics Education Technology (PhET) project creates useful simulations for teaching and learning physics and makes them freely available on the PhET web site: The simulations are interactive, animated and visual. Some ideas for their using in physics education are presented. They can be used in various of ways, including demonstration experiment as part of lecture, student group work or individual worksheets, homework assignments or labs. The possibility for using simulations in remote education is considered. Students are given interactive assignments. They include interactive problems in the form of computer simulation and questions related to it. The students work with data which they analyze and present tabular and graphically. This approach suggest activities based on enquiry. In result their motivation and interest in physics increases.

2019 ◽  
Ahmad Toni Pr ◽  
Muhammad Syarif Hidayat

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui dan menganalisi hubungan gaya gravitasi dengan massa benda dan jaraknya (2) mendeskripsikan kelayakan simulasi virtual PhET dalam pembelajaran SMA dengan materi gravitasi. Penelitain ini menggunakan methode Eksperimen melalui alat digital yaitu simulasi virtual PhET Colorado dengan materi gaya gravitasi Newton dan menggunakan method kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitain menunjukan bahwa (1) gaya gravitasi berbanding lurus dengan massa benda, dan berbanding terbalik dengan jarak kuadrat. (2) simulasi virtual PhET Colorado ini layak digunakan sebagai pembelajaran didalam kelas sebagai penganti praktikum pada materi gravitasi. Alasan kami memilih simulasi virtual menggunakan PhET Colorado karena praktikum untuk materi gravitasi memerlukan alat dan bahan yang cukup lumayan, kami mengantisipasinya dengan laboratorium virtual, karena setiap peserta didik pada abad 21, sudah menggunakan teknologi dan pemilihan PhET ini sangatlah mudah untuk diakses.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Hariawan Hariawan ◽  
Muslimin Muslimin ◽  
I Komang Werdhiana

The skills to construct and interpret graphs are a form of science skills and are an important component in learning physics. The purpose of this study was to describe the ability of undergraduate physics education students to construct graphs based on practicum data and interpret them. Data obtained through respondent answer sheets, thinking-aloud recordings, and interviews. The research was conducted at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) Untad and the research subjects of the Physics Education Study Program students were 6 people obtained based on the values of Basic Physics I and Basic Physics practicum II then divided into three groups of levels (high, medium, and low) with each category as many as 2 people. The results of this study indicate: 1) in general, respondents in the high, medium, and low categories can construct graphs but are not based on the prerequisite ability to construct graphs, especially in determining the x-axis and y-axis variables, 2) on the ability to interpret graphs, respondents can interpret graphs the relationship between variables on the graph but not supported by an explanation or evaluation based on proper physics concepts, 3) The strategy used by respondents in constructing graphs, in general, is to convert data in decimal form or scientific notation and 4) The difficulties experienced by respondents when constructing graphs are converting data, determining the scale and how to determine the variables on each graph axis.    

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