Differential Stabilization of Left-Handed Z-DNA and Z-RNA In Vitro and In Vivo

1988 ◽  
pp. 190-199 ◽  
Thomas M. Jovin ◽  
Donna J. Arndt-Jovin
2000 ◽  
Vol 6 (S2) ◽  
pp. 900-901
C.E. Gagna ◽  
H.R. Kuo ◽  
R. Schulz ◽  
R. Cordova ◽  
G. Crippen ◽  

The goal of this project was to analyze the cellular localization of Z-RNA, within middle fibers (MF) of the adult dog ocular lens (1.5 yr) (Fig. 1), using anti-Z-RNA IgG polyclonal antibodies. B-DNA can adopt the left-handed Z-DNA conformation in vitro (1). Right-handed A-RNA can be transformed into left-handed Z-RNA (2). Z-RNA has been studied in cultured cells (3). Evidence supports the presence of Z-DNA in vivo (1). Removal of DNA binding proteins by fixatives can initiate supercoiling which stabilizes Z-DNA sequences (1).Anti-Z-RNA polyclonal antibody probes were developed in rabbits immunized with multiple injections of Z-RNA: Br-poly[ribosomal(G-C)]. Regarding immunohistochemistry, lens tissues were fixed in Carnoy's, embedded in paraffin and sectioned (2.5 μm) (Fig. 2). Computerized image analysis was performed using a Leitz DM-RB microscope and Leica Quantiment 500 + image analyzer.

1999 ◽  
Vol 5 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1290-1291
C.E. Gagna ◽  
H.R. Kuo ◽  
W.C. Lambert

Our goal was to determine the cellular localization of left-handed Z-RNA, within preeguatorial zone (PZ) epithelium of the normal adult dog ocular lens (1.5 yr) (Fig. 1), employing anti-Z-RNA IgG polyclonal antibodies. B-DNA has the ability to adopt the Z-DNA configuration in vitro(1). A-RNA can be transformed into Z-RNA under certain conditions (2). Z-RNA has been localized in cultured cells (3). Strong evidence supports the presence of Z-DNA in vivo (1). Elimination of DNA binding proteins by certain fixatives can initiate DNA supercoiling which stabilizes Z-DNA sequences (1). Z-DNA may play a role in regulating in vivo transcriptional enhancement (1).Anti-Z-RNA antibody probes were produced in 3 rabbits immunized with injections of Z-RNA: Br-poly[ribosomal(G-C)]. Concerning light microscopy [immunohistochemistry (ABC method)], lens tissues were fixed in Carnoy's, embedded in paraffin and sectioned (3 μm) (Fig. 2). Image analysis was performed using a Leitz DM-RB microscope and Leica Quantiment 500 + image analyzer.

Hong-Liang Bao ◽  
Tatsuki Masuzawa ◽  
Takanori Oyoshi ◽  
Yan Xu

Abstract Z-DNA is known to be a left-handed alternative form of DNA and has important biological roles as well as being related to cancer and other genetic diseases. It is therefore important to investigate Z-DNA structure and related biological events in living cells. However, the development of molecular probes for the observation of Z-DNA structures inside living cells has not yet been realized. Here, we have succeeded in developing site-specific trifluoromethyl oligonucleotide DNA by incorporation of 8-trifluoromethyl-2′-deoxyguanosine (FG). 2D NMR strongly suggested that FG adopted a syn conformation. Trifluoromethyl oligonucleotides dramatically stabilized Z-DNA, even under physiological salt concentrations. Furthermore, the trifluoromethyl DNA can be used to directly observe Z-form DNA structure and interaction of DNA with proteins in vitro, as well as in living human cells by19F NMR spectroscopy for the first time. These results provide valuable information to allow understanding of the structure and function of Z-DNA.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-30
Anna Kilanowicz ◽  
Małgorzata Skrzypińska-Gawrysik ◽  
Joanna Stragierowicz

4-Chloro-2-toliloamina (4-COT, 4-chloro-o-toluidyna) i jej chlorowodorek są ciałami stałymi. W warunkach laboratoryjnych 4-COT jest stosowana jako barwnik w immunochemii i w biologii molekularnej. W Polsce narażenie na 4-chloro-2-toliloaminę i/lub jej chlorowodorek zgłaszały wyłącznie laboratoria. Zgłoszona do rejestru liczba narażonych na 4-COT wyniosła 262 osoby w 2012 r., a w 2017 – 12 osób. W warunkach narażenia zawodowego 4-COT wchłania się głównie przez skórę i drogi oddechowe. U osób narażonych stwierdzono działanie methemoglobinotwórcze związku oraz występowanie objawów ze strony dróg moczowych w postaci ostrego, krwotocznego zapalenia pęcherza moczowego. Mediany dawek letalnych 4-COT dla gryzoni (drogą pokarmową) wynoszą 860 ÷ 1 058 mg/kg mc. Związek ten wywiera także umiarkowane działanie drażniące na skórę i oczy. Dane na temat toksyczności podprzewlekłej i przewlekłej 4-COT dla zwierząt wskazują na toksyczność ogólnoustrojową. 4-COT wykazuje działanie mutagennie i genotoksycznie zarówno w warunkach in vivo, jak i in vitro. Powoduje uszkodzenie DNA oraz tworzy addukty z DNA. W dostępnym piśmiennictwie nie ma informacji na temat wpływu 4-COT na rozrodczość ludzi. Nie ma danych na temat embriotoksyczności i teratogenności tego związku. W doświadczeniu na myszach wykazano, że 4-COT nie ma wpływu na potencjał rozrodczy samców oraz rozwój potomstwa. U osób zawodowo narażonych na 4-COT stwierdzano istotny wzrost występowania raka pęcherza moczowego. Brak jest danych o wielkości stężeń 4-COT, na jakie osoby te były narażone. 4-COT jest związkiem rakotwórczym dla zwierząt. 4-COT ma zharmonizowaną klasyfikację jako substancja rakotwórcza kategorii zagrożenia 1B. IARC zaliczyła 4-COT do grupy 2A – związków o prawdopodobnym działaniu rakotwórczym na człowieka. W dostępnym piśmiennictwie nie znaleziono danych dotyczących wydajności i wchłaniania 4-COT różnymi drogami. U zwierząt metabolizm 4-COT może przebiegać szlakami N-acetylacji i N-hydroksylacji/N-oksydacji, przy udziale CYP1A1 i/lub CYP1A2, do aktywnych metabolitów. Związek jest wydalany głównie z moczem w postaci niezmienionej oraz metabolitów, np. kwasu 5-chloroantranilowego i 4-chloro-2-metyloacetanilidu. Nie ma danych na temat toksykokinetyki 4-COT u ludzi. W większości państw nie ustalono wartości dopuszczalnych stężeń dla 4-COT w środowisku pracy ze względu na jej potencjał rakotwórczy. Jedynym krajem europejskim, w którym ustalono wartość normatywu, jest Chorwacja, gdzie wartość NDS ustalono na poziomie 0,01 mg/m3 z jednoczesną notacją „skóra”. Podstawy ustalenia tej wartości nie są znane. Jako podstawę do zaproponowania wartości NDS przyjęto działanie rakotwórcze 4-COT. Wartość NDS wyprowadzono przy wykorzystaniu współczynnika SF = 0,27 (mg/kg-dzień)-1, ustalonego na podstawie występowania nowotworów naczyniowych u myszy. Przy założonym ryzyku R = 10-4 obliczona wartość NDS wynosi 0,02 mg/m3. Nie znaleziono podstaw do ustalenia wartości chwilowej NDSCh i dopuszczalnego stężenia w materiale biologicznym (DSB). Narażenie przez skórę może mieć znaczny udział w ilości związku pobranej przez pracowników, wymagana jest więc notacja „skóra”. Zakres tematyczny artykułu obejmuje zagadnienia zdrowia oraz bezpieczeństwa i higieny środowiska pracy będące przedmiotem badań z zakresu nauk o zdrowiu oraz inżynierii środowiska.

2015 ◽  
Vol 197 (17) ◽  
pp. 2859-2866 ◽  
Javier de la Mora ◽  
Kaoru Uchida ◽  
Ana Martínez del Campo ◽  
Laura Camarena ◽  
Shin-Ichi Aizawa ◽  

ABSTRACTRhodobacter sphaeroidesis a free-living alphaproteobacterium that contains two clusters of functional flagellar genes in its genome: one acquired by horizontal gene transfer (fla1) and one that is endogenous (fla2). We have shown that the Fla2 system is normally quiescent and under certain conditions produces polar flagella, while the Fla1 system is always active and produces a single flagellum at a nonpolar position. In this work we purified and characterized the structure and analyzed the composition of the Fla2 flagellum. The number of polar filaments per cell is 4.6 on average. By comparison with the Fla1 flagellum, the prominent features of the ultra structure of the Fla2 HBB are the absence of an H ring, thick and long hooks, and a smoother zone at the hook-filament junction. The Fla2 helical filaments have a pitch of 2.64 μm and a diameter of 1.4 μm, which are smaller than those of the Fla1 filaments. Fla2 filaments undergo polymorphic transitionsin vitroand showed two polymorphs: curly (right-handed) and coiled. However,in vivoin free-swimming cells, we observed only a bundle of filaments, which should probably be left-handed. Together, our results indicate that Fla2 cell produces multiple right-handed polar flagella, which are not conventional but exceptional.IMPORTANCER. sphaeroidespossesses two functional sets of flagellar genes. The fla1 genes are normally expressed in the laboratory and were acquired by horizontal transfer. The fla2 genes are endogenous and are expressed in a Fla1−mutant grown phototrophically and in the absence of organic acids. The Fla1 system produces a single lateral or subpolar flagellum, and the Fla2 system produces multiple polar flagella. The two kinds of flagella are never expressed simultaneously, and both are used for swimming in liquid media. The two sets of genes are certainly ready for responding to specific environmental conditions. The characterization of the Fla2 system will help us to understand its role in the physiology of this microorganism.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 785-793
W P Wahls ◽  
L J Wallace ◽  
P D Moore

Tracts of the alternating dinucleotide polydeoxythymidylic-guanylic [d(TG)].polydeoxyadenylic-cytidylic acid [d(AC)], present throughout the human genome, are capable of readily forming left-handed Z-DNA in vitro. We have analyzed the effects of the Z-DNA motif d(TG)30 upon homologous recombination between two nonreplicating plasmid substrates cotransfected into human cells in culture. In this study, the sequence d(TG)30 is shown to stimulate homologous recombination up to 20-fold. Enhancement is specific to the Z-DNA motif; a control DNA fragment of similar size does not alter the recombination frequency. The stimulation of recombination is observed at a distance (237 to 1,269 base pairs away from the Z-DNA motif) and involves both gene conversion and reciprocal exchange events. Maximum stimulation is observed when the sequence is present in both substrates, but it is capable of stimulating when present in only one substrate. Analysis of recombination products indicates that the Z-DNA motif increases the frequency and alters the distribution of multiple, unselected recombination events. Specifically designed crosses indicate that the substrate containing the Z-DNA motif preferentially acts as the recipient of genetic information during gene conversion events. Models describing how left-handed Z-DNA sequences might promote the initiation of homologous recombination are presented.

1990 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 785-793 ◽  
W P Wahls ◽  
L J Wallace ◽  
P D Moore

Tracts of the alternating dinucleotide polydeoxythymidylic-guanylic [d(TG)].polydeoxyadenylic-cytidylic acid [d(AC)], present throughout the human genome, are capable of readily forming left-handed Z-DNA in vitro. We have analyzed the effects of the Z-DNA motif d(TG)30 upon homologous recombination between two nonreplicating plasmid substrates cotransfected into human cells in culture. In this study, the sequence d(TG)30 is shown to stimulate homologous recombination up to 20-fold. Enhancement is specific to the Z-DNA motif; a control DNA fragment of similar size does not alter the recombination frequency. The stimulation of recombination is observed at a distance (237 to 1,269 base pairs away from the Z-DNA motif) and involves both gene conversion and reciprocal exchange events. Maximum stimulation is observed when the sequence is present in both substrates, but it is capable of stimulating when present in only one substrate. Analysis of recombination products indicates that the Z-DNA motif increases the frequency and alters the distribution of multiple, unselected recombination events. Specifically designed crosses indicate that the substrate containing the Z-DNA motif preferentially acts as the recipient of genetic information during gene conversion events. Models describing how left-handed Z-DNA sequences might promote the initiation of homologous recombination are presented.

1998 ◽  
Vol 4 (S2) ◽  
pp. 1108-1109
C.E. Gagna ◽  
J.H. Chen ◽  
H.R. Kuo ◽  
W.C. Lambert

The purpose of this scientific investigation was to determine the presence and specific cellular localization of left-handed Z-RNA, within germinative zone (GZ) epithelium of the lens (Fig. 1), using anti-Z-RNA IgG polyclonal antibodies. Right-handed B-DNA has the ability to adopt the Z-DNA conformation in vitro (Sinden, 1994). Right-handed A-RNA can be transformed into Z-RNA under specific conditions (Hall et al., 1984), and Z-RNA has been identified in cultured cells (Zarling et al., 1990). Strong evidence supports the idea of Z-DNA in vivo (Sinden, 1994). Removal of proteins by fixatives can induce supercoiling which stabilizes Z-DNA (Sinden, 1994).Anti-Z-RNA antibodies were produced in rabbits immunized with injections of Z-RNA: brominated-poly[ribosomal(G-C)]. For light microscopy, immunohistochemical studies (ABC method), normal dog lens tissues (1 yr old) were fixed in Carnoy's, embedded in paraffin and sectioned 2 μm thick. For electron microscopy (immunogold staining), pieces of epithelium from the GZ of normal dog lens (1 yr old) were fixed with 5% glutaraldehyde in 0.05 M phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.3.

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