Productivity Index of Horizontal Wells from Shut-In Pressure Data in Reservoirs with Partial Pressure Support

D. A. Akrong ◽  
R. N. A. Akoto ◽  
L. Atepor ◽  
A. O. Igbokoyi ◽  
B. K. Mussey
2021 ◽  
Aleksander Valerievich Miroshnichenko ◽  
Valery Alekseevich Korotovskikh ◽  
Timur Ravilevich Musabirov ◽  
Aleksei Eduardovich Fedorov ◽  
Khakim Khalilovich Suleimanov

Abstract The deterioration of the reservoir properties of potential oil and gas bearing areas on mature and green fields, as well as the increase in the volume of hard-to-recover reserves on low-permeable reservoirs set us new challenges in searching and using effective development technologies to maintain and even increase the oil production levels. Based on successful international experience, Russian oil and gas companies use horizontal wells (HW) with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (MSHF) for the cost-effective development of low-permeable reservoirs. Thus, since the first pilot works of drilling technologies and completion of HW with MSHF in 2011, at the beginning of 2020, over 1,200 HW with MSHF were drilled and came on stream at the fields of LLC RN-Yuganskneftegaz, about half of which are at the exploitation play AS10-12 of the northern license territory (NLT) of the Priobskoye field. In searching the best technologies and engineering solutions, the company tested different lengths of horizontal section of HW, the number of hydraulic fracturing (HF) stages and distances between hydraulic fracturing ports, as well as different specific mass of the proppant per frac port. Recently, there has been a tendency in design solutions to increase the length of the HWs and the number of hydraulic fractures with a decreasing distance between the frac ports and a decreasing specific mass of the proppant per frac port. This work studies the actual and theoretical efficiency of HW with MSHF of various designs (different lengths of horizontal section of HW and the number of HF stages) and to assess the viability of increasing the technological complexity, as well as to analyze the actual impact of loading the proppant mass per port on performing HW with MSHF. The study is based on the results of the analysis of the factual experience accumulated over the entire history of the development of the exploitation play AS10-12 of the NLT of the Priobskoye field of the Rosneft Company. In studying the viability of increasing the technological complexity, especially, increasing the length of horizontal section of HW, increasing the number of HF stages, and reducing the distance between the frac ports: we discovered the typical methodological errors made in analyzing the efficiency of wells of various designs; we developed the methodology for analysis of the actual multiplicity of indicators of wells of various designs, in particular, HW with MSHF relative to deviated wells (DW) with HF; we carried out the statistical analysis of the actual values of the multiplicity of performance indicators and completion parameters of HW with MSHF of various designs relative to the surrounding DW with HF of the exploitation play AS10-12 of the NLT of the Priobskoye field; we performed the theoretical calculation of the multiplicity of the productivity coefficient for the HW with MSHF of various designs relative to DW with HF for the standard development system of the exploitation play AS10-12 of the NLT of the Priobskoye field; we compared the actual and theoretical results. The paper also presents the results of studying the actual effect of changes of proppant's mass per port on performance indicators of HW with MSHF of the same design and with an increase in the number of fractures of the hydraulic fracturing without changing the length of horizontal section of HW. As for performance indicators, being the basis for estimating the efficiency of HW with MSHF of various designs, we used the productivity index per meter of the effective reservoir thickness and the cumulative fluid production per meter of the effective reservoir thickness per a certain period of operation. And as the completion parameters, we used the length of the horizontal section of HW, the number of HF stages, the distance between the frac ports, and the specific mass of the proppant per meter of the effective reservoir thickness per frac port. The results of this work are the determining vector of development for future design decisions in improving the efficiency of HW with MSHF.

2021 ◽  
Yifei Guo ◽  
Pradeepkumar Ashok ◽  
Eric van Oort ◽  
Ross Patterson ◽  
Dandan Zheng ◽  

Abstract Well interference, which is commonly referred to as frac hits, has become a significant factor affecting production in fractured horizontal shale wells with the increase in infill drilling in recent years. Today, there is still no clear understanding on how frac hits affect production. This paper aims to develop a process to automatically identify the different types of frac hits and to determine the effect of stage-to-well distance and frac hit intensity on long-term parent well production. First, child well completions data and parent well pressure data are processed by a frac hit detection algorithm to automatically identify different frac hit intensities and duration within each stage. This algorithm classifies frac hits based on the magnitude of the differential pressure spikes. The frac stage to parent well distance is also calculated. Then, we compare the daily production trend before and after the frac hits to determine the severity of its influence on production. Finally, any evident correlations between the stage-to-well distance, frac hit intensity and production change are identified and investigated. This work utilizes 3 datasets covering 22 horizontal wells in the Bakken Formation and 37 horizontal wells in the Eagle Ford Shale Formation. These sets included well trajectories, child well completions data, parent well pressure data and parent well production data. The frac hit detection algorithm developed can accurately detect frac hits in the available dataset with minimal false alerts. The data analysis results show that frac hit severity (production response) and intensity (pressure response) are not only affected by the distance between parent and child wells, but also affected by the directionality of the wells. Parent wells tend to experience more frac hits from the child frac stages with smaller direction angles and shorter stage-to-parent distances. Formation stress change with time is another factor that affects frac hit intensity. Depleted wells are more susceptible to frac hits even if they are further from the child wells. Also, we observe frac hits in parent wells due to a stimulation of a child well in a different shale formation. This paper presents a novel automated frac hit detection algorithm to quickly identify different types of frac hits. This paper also presents a novel way of carrying out production analysis to determine whether frac hits in a well have positive or negative influence long-term production. Additionally, the paper introduces the concept of the stage-to-well distance as a more accurate metric for analyzing the influence of frac hits on production.

2005 ◽  
Vol 8 (05) ◽  
pp. 445-451
Huanwen Cui ◽  
Yannong Dong ◽  
Shekhar Sinha ◽  
Rintu Kalita ◽  
Younes Jalali

Summary A method is presented for estimating the distribution of a parameter related to the productivity index along the length of a liner-completed horizontal well, using measurements of well flowing pressure at multiple points along the path of flow in the wellbore. This is the concept of near-wellbore diagnosis with multipoint pressure measurements, which in principle can be made with fiber-optic sensors. The deployment mechanism of the sensors is not modeled in this study, although the temperature version of such sensors has been deployed in horizontal wells on an extended-tail-pipe or stinger completion. (The temperature sensors also have been deployed in horizontal wells with sand-screen completions, in direct contact with the formation, but that configuration is not investigated in this study.) The parameter that is estimated is known in reservoir-simulation terminology as the connection factor (CF), which represents the hydraulic coupling or connectivity between the reservoir and the wellbore (between formation gridblocks and well segments). Parameter CF has units of md-ft, similar to flow capacity, or productivity index multiplied by viscosity. Specifically, the parameter is directly proportional to the geometric mean of the permeability perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the well and is inversely related to skin. No attempts are made in this study to estimate these parameters individually, which may require recourse to other methods of well diagnosis(e.g., dynamic formation testing, transient analysis, and production logging). The method applies to flow under constant-rate conditions and yields estimates of the CF, which represents the quality of the formation in the vicinity of the well and the integrity of the completion along the well trajectory. The quality of the inversion is determined by the spatial density and accuracy of the multipoint measurements. Inversion quality also depends on knowledge of the wellbore hydraulic characteristics and the relative permeability characteristics of the formation. The basic configuration investigated in this study consists of a five-node pressure array in a 2,000-fthorizontal well experiencing a total pressure drop of approximately 60 psi when produced at 10,000 STB/D. A reasonable estimate of the distribution of the parametric group CF is obtained even when allowing for measurement drift and errors in liner roughness and relative permeability exponent. Also, the inversion can be rendered insensitive to knowledge of the far-field permeability through a scaling technique. Therefore, good estimates of the near-wellbore CF profile can be obtained with uncertain knowledge of the reservoir permeability field. This is important because the technique can be applied not only to early-time but also to late-time data. The application of the multipoint pressure method is illustrated through a series of examples, and its potential for near-wellbore formation evaluation for horizontal wells is described. Introduction Horizontal wells can be diagnosed on the basis of information derived from openhole and cased-hole surveys. These include petrophysical logs, dynamic formation testers, production logging, and pressure-transient testing. With the advent of permanent sensing technologies and the development of methods of production-data inversion or history matching, a new form of cased-hole diagnosis can be envisaged, with improved spatial and temporal coverage and without the need for in-well intervention and interruption of production. The impact of such methods on reservoir-scale characterization can also be significant. There are two main preconditions for the development of such a methodology, one concerning sensing technology and the other concerning interpretation methodology. Permanent sensing technology has made great progress during the last decade, with the development of single-point and distributed measurements that can be deployed with the completion (pressure, flow rate, and distributed temperature). However, these systems are typically developed as stand alone measurement units and do not enjoy the required degree of integration. Current modeling methods, however, can be used to provide an incentive for such integration. The well-diagnosis problem is decoupled in our investigation into diagnosis of flow condition in the wellbore and diagnosis of near-wellbore formation characteristics. (By "near-wellbore," we mean the wellbore gridblock scale.)This is partly to adhere to the conventional demarcation between production logging and dynamic formation evaluation and partly to show the natural consequence of the mathematical problem. Basically, the wellbore-diagnosis problem (determination of flux distribution, as in production logging) can treat the formation simply as a boundary condition, but the formation-evaluation problem cannot do the same (i.e., treat the wellbore interface as a boundary condition) because evaluation is based on measurements made inside the wellbore. Thus, both the wellbore and the formation have to betaken into account. (Sensors that are in direct contact with the formation, as mentioned in the Summary, are emerging.8 Therefore, the evolution of this problem is to be expected.) In this study, the permanent or in-situ analog of dynamic formation evaluation is investigated. The in-situ analog of production logging is investigated in a parallel study.

SPE Journal ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (05) ◽  
pp. 1603-1614 ◽  
Wanjing Luo ◽  
Changfu Tang ◽  
Yin Feng

Summary This study aims to develop a semianalytical model to calculate the productivity index (PI) of a horizontal well with pressure drop along the wellbore. It has been indicated that by introducing novel definitions of horizontal-well permeability and conductivity, the equation of fluid flow along a horizontal well with pressure drop has the same form as the one for fluid flow in a varying-conductivity fracture. Thus, the varying-conductivity-fracture model and PI model can be used to obtain the PI of a horizontal well. Results indicate that the PI of a horizontal well depends on the interaction between horizontal-well conductivity, penetration ratio, and Reynolds number. New type curves of the penetration ratios with various combinations of parameters have been presented. A complete-penetration zone and a partial-penetration zone can be identified on the type curves. Based on the type curves, two examples have also been presented to illustrate the advantages of this work in optimizing parameters of horizontal wells.

2003 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 175
C. Santamaria ◽  
R. Fish

The Tuna M–1 reservoir was developed in 1997 from both the new West Tuna platform and the existing Tuna A platform in the Gippsland Basin. The M–1 reservoir is contained within an anticlinal closure with an approximate gross hydrocarbon column of 85 metres. The oil column was originally 12 m thick and is supported by a large gas cap and a strong flank aquifer.Performance from the M–1 reservoir has been good, due to excellent reservoir properties. The combination of conventional and geo-steered horizontal wells has performed well with recovery efficiencies of 70% observed in many parts of the field. Lower than expected performance from the northwestern edge of the oil rim was, however, a significant anomaly, with recovery efficiencies 10% lower than from comparable rock in the southern and eastern parts of the field. The underlying cause of this lower performance was believed to be the result of an anisotropic aquifer response allowing greater pressure support along the northwestern flank of the fieldA re-entry well was drilled from a watered out horizontal well on the Tuna A platform in December 2000. This well was drilled as an oil production opportunity and as a key surveillance data point for the northwestern flank of the field. Results led to further surveillance including contact monitoring and production logging in horizontal wells. In addition to this, simulations were updated to reflect actual performance and surveillance data. Subsequent analysis supported development of a work program for new M–1 drainage points, including additional drill wells and the conversion of existing, watered out horizontal wells to conventional wells. The M–1 redevelopment work has been highly successful with production rates increasing by about 20,000 barrels per day in the first nine months of the program.

2005 ◽  
Vol 127 (3) ◽  
pp. 248-256 ◽  
Hossein Jahediesfanjani ◽  
Faruk Civan

Coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs are characterized as naturally fractured, dual porosity, low permeability, and water saturated gas reservoirs. Initially, the gas, water, and coal are at thermodynamic equilibrium under prevailing reservoir conditions. Dewatering is essential to promote gas production. This can be accomplished by suitable completion and stimulation techniques. This paper investigates the efficiency and performance of the openhole cavity, hydraulic fractures, frack and packs, and horizontal wells as potential completion methods which may reduce formation damage and increase the productivity in coalbed methane reservoirs. Considering the dual porosity nature of CBM reservoirs, numerical simulations have been carried out to determine the formation damage tolerance of each completion and stimulation approach. A new comparison parameter, named as the normalized productivity index Jnp(t) is defined as the ratio of the productivity index of a stimulated well to that of a nondamaged vertical well as a function of time. Typical scenarios have been considered to evaluate the CBM properties, including reservoir heterogeneity, anisotropy, and formation damage, for their effects on Jnp(t) over the production time. The results for each stimulation technique show that the value of Jnp(t) declines over the time of production with a rate which depends upon the applied technique and the prevailing reservoir conditions. The results also show that horizontal wells have the best performance if drilled orthogonal to the butt cleats. Long horizontal fractures improve reservoir productivity more than short vertical ones. Open-hole cavity completions outperform vertical fractures if the fracture conductivity is reduced by any damage process. When vertical permeability is much lower than horizontal permeability, production of vertical wells will improve while productivity of horizontal wells will decrease. Finally, pressure distribution of the reservoir under each scenario is strongly dependent upon the reservoir characteristics, including the hydraulic diffusivity of methane, and the porosity and permeability distributions in the reservoir.

SPE Journal ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 17 (03) ◽  
pp. 742-751 ◽  
F.. Farshbaf Zinati ◽  
J.D.. D. Jansen ◽  
S.M.. M. Luthi

Summary Recent developments in the deployment of distributed-pressure-measurement devices in horizontal wells promise to lead to a new, low-cost, and reliable method of monitoring production and reservoir performance. Practical applicability of distributed-pressure sensing for quantitative-inflow detection will strongly depend on the specifications of the sensors, details of which were not publicly available at the time of publication. Therefore, we theoretically examined the possibility of identifying reservoir inflow from distributed-pressure measurements in the well. The wellbore and nearwellbore region were described by semianalytical steady-state models, and a gradient-based inversion method was applied to estimate the specific productivity index (SPI) as a function of along-well position. We employed the adjoint method to obtain the gradients, which resulted in a computationally efficient inversion scheme. With the aid of two numerical experiments (one of which was based on a real well and reservoir), we investigated the effects of well and reservoir parameters, sensor spacing, sensor resolution, and measurement noise on the quality of the inversion results. In both experiments, we generated synthetic measurements with the aid of a high-resolution reservoir-simulation model and used these to test the semianalytical inversion algorithm. In the first experiment, we considered a 2000-m horizontal well passing through two 300-m high-permeability streaks in a background with a permeability that was 10 times lower. The location of the streaks and the SPIs along the well were detected with fair accuracy using 20 unknown parameters (SPI values) and 20 pressure measurements. Decreasing the number of measurements resulted in a poorer detection of the streaks and their SPIs. The detection performance also decreased for increasing noise levels and deteriorated sensor resolution, though the negative effect of random measurement noise was cancelled out primarily by stacking multiple measurements. The detrimental effects of measurement noise and low sensor resolution were strongest in areas where the inflow was lowest (usually close to the toe). The second experiment concerned a high-rate near-horizontal well with slightly varying inclination that intersected a dipping package of formations with strongly variable permeabilities. Additionally, a satisfactory detection of SPIs was obtained even though the heterogeneities were no longer perpendicular to the well as in the first experiment. As a result of using the simple semianalytical forward model and the adjoint method, the inversions typically required less than 90 seconds on a standard laptop. This offered the opportunity to extend the algorithm to multiphase flow and dynamic applications (pressure-transient testing), while still maintaining sufficient computational speed to perform the inversion in real time.

Geofluids ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Zhiwang Yuan ◽  
Li Yang ◽  
Yingchun Zhang ◽  
Rui Duan ◽  
Xu Zhang ◽  

For deep-water faulted sandstone reservoirs, the general practice is to design long horizontal wells improving well productivity. During the project implementation stage, well tests are performed on all drilled wells to evaluate well productivity accurately. Furthermore, multisize chokes are often utilized in a shorten test time for loosen formation, high test cost, and high well productivity. Nevertheless, the conventional productivity evaluation approach cannot accurately evaluate the well test productivity and has difficulty in determining the underneath pattern. As a result, the objective of this paper is to determine a productivity evaluation method for multisize chokes long horizontal well test in deep-water faulted sandstone reservoir. This approach introduces a productivity model for long horizontal wells in faulted sandstone reservoir. It also includes the determination of steady-state test time and the productivity evaluation method for multisize chokes. In this paper, the EGINA Oilfield, a deep-water faulted sandstone reservoir, located in West Africa was chosen as the research target. Based on Renard and Dupuy’s steady-state equation, the relationship between the productivity index per meter and the length of horizontal section was derived. Consequently, this relationship is used to determine the productivity pattern for long horizontal wells with the same geological features, which can provide more accurate productivity evaluations for tested wells and forecast the well productivity for untested wells. After implementing this approach on the EGINA Oilfield, the determined relationship is capable to accurately evaluate the test productivity for long horizontal wells in reservoirs with similar characteristics and assist in examination and treatment for horizontal wells with abnormal productivity.

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