Analitical Study of the Codimension Two Bifurcations Of the New Lorenz System

A. C. Sicardi Schifino ◽  
C. Masoller
Dusa McDuff ◽  
Dietmar Salamon

This chapter examines various ways to construct symplectic manifolds and submanifolds. It begins by studying blowing up and down in both the complex and the symplectic contexts. The next section is devoted to a discussion of fibre connected sums and describes Gompf’s construction of symplectic four-manifolds with arbitrary fundamental group. The chapter also contains an exposition of Gromov’s telescope construction, which shows that for open manifolds the h-principle rules and the inclusion of the space of symplectic forms into the space of nondegenerate 2-forms is a homotopy equivalence. The final section outlines Donaldson’s construction of codimension two symplectic submanifolds and explains the associated decompositions of the ambient manifold.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (14) ◽  
pp. 1950197 ◽  
P. D. Kamdem Kuate ◽  
Qiang Lai ◽  
Hilaire Fotsin

The Lorenz system has attracted increasing attention on the issue of its simplification in order to produce the simplest three-dimensional chaotic systems suitable for secure information processing. Meanwhile, Sprott’s work on elegant chaos has revealed a set of 19 chaotic systems all described by simple algebraic equations. This paper presents a new piecewise-linear chaotic system emerging from the simplification of the Lorenz system combined with the elegance of Sprott systems. Unlike the majority, the new system is a non-Shilnikov chaotic system with two nonhyperbolic equilibria. It is multiplier-free, variable-boostable and exclusively based on absolute value and signum nonlinearities. The use of familiar tools such as Lyapunov exponents spectra, bifurcation diagrams, frequency power spectra as well as Poincaré map help to demonstrate its chaotic behavior. The novel system exhibits inverse period doubling bifurcations and multistability. It has only five terms, one bifurcation parameter and a total amplitude controller. These features allow a simple and low cost electronic implementation. The adaptive synchronization of the novel system is investigated and the corresponding electronic circuit is presented to confirm its feasibility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (6) ◽  
Nathan Haouzi ◽  
Can Kozçaz

Abstract Starting from type IIB string theory on an ADE singularity, the (2, 0) little string arises when one takes the string coupling gs to 0. In this setup, we give a unified description of the codimension-two defects of the little string, labeled by a simple Lie algebra $$ \mathfrak{g} $$ g . Geometrically, these are D5 branes wrapping 2-cycles of the singularity, subject to a certain folding operation when the algebra is non simply-laced. Equivalently, the defects are specified by a certain set of weights of $$ {}^L\mathfrak{g} $$ L g , the Langlands dual of $$ \mathfrak{g} $$ g . As a first application, we show that the instanton partition function of the $$ \mathfrak{g} $$ g -type quiver gauge theory on the defect is equal to a 3-point conformal block of the $$ \mathfrak{g} $$ g -type deformed Toda theory in the Coulomb gas formalism. As a second application, we argue that in the (2, 0) CFT limit, the Coulomb branch of the defects flows to a nilpotent orbit of $$ \mathfrak{g} $$ g .

2021 ◽  
Vol 1764 (1) ◽  
pp. 012205
Volodymyr Rusyn ◽  
Mujiarto ◽  
Mustafa Mamat ◽  
Firmansyah Azharul ◽  
W. S. Mada Sanjaya ◽  

1993 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 801-804 ◽  
Neelam Gupta

2017 ◽  
Vol 227 ◽  
pp. 10-17 ◽  
Jinling Wang ◽  
Jinling Liang ◽  
Yurong Liu ◽  
Jin-Liang Wang

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