Secretory cells in honeybee hypopharyngeal gland: polarized organization and age-dependent dynamics of plasma membrane

2016 ◽  
Vol 366 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-174 ◽  
Katharina Natalia Richter ◽  
Daniel Rolke ◽  
Wolfgang Blenau ◽  
Otto Baumann
2005 ◽  
Vol 288 (1) ◽  
pp. C46-C56 ◽  
Camille Ehre ◽  
Andrea H. Rossi ◽  
Lubna H. Abdullah ◽  
Kathleen De Pestel ◽  
Sandra Hill ◽  

Airway goblet cells secrete mucin onto mucosal surfaces under the regulation of an apical, phospholipase C/Gq-coupled P2Y2receptor. We tested whether cortical actin filaments negatively regulate exocytosis in goblet cells by forming a barrier between secretory granules and plasma membrane docking sites as postulated for other secretory cells. Immunostaining of human lung tissues and SPOC1 cells (an epithelial, mucin-secreting cell line) revealed an apical distribution of β- and γ-actin in ciliated and goblet cells. In goblet cells, actin appeared as a prominent subplasmalemmal sheet lying between granules and the apical membrane, and it disappeared from SPOC1 cells activated by purinergic agonist. Disruption of actin filaments with latrunculin A stimulated SPOC1 cell mucin secretion under basal and agonist-activated conditions, whereas stabilization with jasplakinolide or overexpression of β- or γ-actin conjugated to yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) inhibited secretion. Myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate, a PKC-activated actin-plasma membrane tethering protein, was phosphorylated after agonist stimulation, suggesting a translocation to the cytosol. Scinderin (or adseverin), a Ca2+-activated actin filament severing and capping protein was cloned from human airway and SPOC1 cells, and synthetic peptides corresponding to its actin-binding domains inhibited mucin secretion. We conclude that actin filaments negatively regulate mucin secretion basally in airway goblet cells and are dynamically remodeled in agonist-stimulated cells to promote exocytosis.

1972 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 855-873
A. M. LEVINE ◽  

In response to salt water stress there is a marked increase in the plasma membranes of the epithelial secretory cells of the salt glands of domestic ducklings. In the present study, the fine-structural localization of the acyltransferases involved in synthesis of phospholipids has been investigated in this tissue during this increased biogenesis of plasma membranes. The specific activity of the acyltransferases of the salt gland rose in response to salt stress, and this preceded the rapid increase in weight and cellular differentiation. After the weight increase of the gland became established, the specific activity of the acyltransferases declined, but the total activity remained constant. Salt gland tissue fixed in a mixture of glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde retained 35% of the acyltransferase activity of unfixed tissue. Cytochemical studies of the localization of acyltransferase activity in fixed and unfixed salt gland showed reaction product associated only with the lamellar membranes of the Golgi complex. This localization occurred in partially differentiated cells from salt-stressed glands to the greatest extent; and to only a small extent in cells of control tissue from unstressed salt glands. Omission of substrates resulted in absence of reaction product in association with the Golgi membranes. In addition, vesicles having limiting membranes morphologically similar to the plasma membrane occurred between the Golgi region and the plasma membrane in the partially differentiated cells. The phospholipid component of the plasma membrane appears therefore to be synthesized in association with the Golgi membranes and the membrane packaged at this site from which it moves in the form of vesicles to fuse with the pre-existing plasma membrane.

2004 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 1024-1030 ◽  
Guangwei Du ◽  
Ping Huang ◽  
Bruce T. Liang ◽  
Michael A. Frohman

Phospholipase D (PLD) is a key facilitator of multiple types of membrane vesicle trafficking events. Two PLD isoforms, PLD1 and PLD2, exist in mammals. Initial studies based on overexpression studies suggested that in resting cells, human PLD1 localized primarily to the Golgi and perinuclear vesicles in multiple cell types. In contrast, overexpressed mouse PLD2 was observed to localize primarily to the plasma membrane, although internalization on membrane vesicles was observed subsequent to serum stimulation. A recent report has suggested that the assignment of PLD2 to the plasma membrane is in error, because the endogenous isoform in rat secretory cells was imaged and found to be present primarily in the Golgi apparatus. We have reexamined this issue by using a monoclonal antibody specific for mouse PLD2, and find, as reported initially using overexpression studies, that endogenous mouse PLD2 is detected most readily at the plasma membrane in multiple cell types. In addition, we report that mouse, rat, and human PLD2 when overexpressed all similarly localize to the plasma membrane in cell lines from all three species. Finally, studies conducted using overexpression of wild-type active or dominant-negative isoforms of PLD2 and RNA interference-mediated targeting of PLD2 suggest that PLD2 functions at the plasma membrane to facilitate endocytosis of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (21) ◽  
pp. 8142 ◽  
Kouji Fukuyama ◽  
Motohiro Okada

The loss-of-function S284L-mutant α4 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is considered to contribute to the pathomechanism of autosomal dominant sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy (ADSHE); however, the age-dependent and sleep-related pathomechanisms of ADSHE remain to be clarified. To explore the age-dependent and sleep-induced pathomechanism of ADSHE, the present study determined the glutamatergic transmission abnormalities associated with α4β2-nAChR and the astroglial hemichannel in the hyperdirect and corticostriatal pathways of ADSHE model transgenic rats (S286L-TG) bearing the rat S286L-mutant Chrna4 gene corresponding to the human S284L-mutant CHRNA4 gene of ADSHE, using multiprobe microdialysis and capillary immunoblotting analyses. This study could not detect glutamatergic transmission in the corticostriatal pathway from the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) to the striatum. Before ADSHE onset (four weeks of age), functional abnormalities of glutamatergic transmission compared to the wild-type in the cortical hyperdirect pathway, from OFC to the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in S286L-TG, could not be detected. Conversely, after ADSHE onset (eight weeks of age), glutamatergic transmission in the hyperdirect pathway of S286L-TG was enhanced compared to the wild-type. Notably, enhanced glutamatergic transmission of S286L-TG was revealed by hemichannel activation in the OFC. Expression of connexin43 (Cx43) in the OFC of S286L-TG was upregulated after ADSHE onset but was almost equal to the wild-type prior to ADSHE onset. Differences in the expression of phosphorylated protein kinase B (pAkt) before ADSHE onset between the wild-type and S286L-TG were not observed; however, after ADSHE onset, pAkt was upregulated in S286L-TG. Conversely, the expression of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (pErk) was already upregulated before ADSHE onset compared to the wild-type. Both before and after ADSHE onset, subchronic nicotine administration decreased and did not affect the both expression of Cx43 and pErk of respective wild-type and S286L-TG, whereas the pAkt expression of both the wild-type and S286L-TG was increased by nicotine. Cx43 expression in the plasma membrane of the primary cultured astrocytes of the wild-type was increased by elevation of the extracellular K+ level (higher than 10 mM), and the increase in Cx43 expression in the plasma membrane required pErk functions. These observations indicate that a combination of functional abnormalities, GABAergic disinhibition, and upregulated pErk induced by the loss-of-function S286L-mutant α4β2-nAChR contribute to the age-dependent and sleep-induced pathomechanism of ADSHE via the upregulation/hyperactivation of the Cx43 hemichannels.

1996 ◽  
Vol 270 (6) ◽  
pp. F927-F936 ◽  
D. Biemesderfer ◽  
J. A. Payne ◽  
C. Y. Lytle ◽  
B. Forbush

The Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC or BSC) has been described in numerous secretory and reabsorptive epithelia and is an important part of the mechanism of NaCl reabsorption in both the mammalian and elasmobranch kidneys. We have recently developed a panel of four monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) raised to the 195-kDa Na-K-Cl cotransport protein of the shark rectal gland (sNKCC1), which is expressed along the basolateral plasma membrane of secretory cells in this tissue (29). Here, we report immunologic studies of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter in the kidney of the dogfish shark Squalus acanthias. Western blot analysis of shark renal microsomes using MAbs J3, J7, and J25 identified proteins of approximately 195 and 150 kDa, whereas MAb J4 was not reactive. To define the cellular and subcellular distribution of the cotransport protein, immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy studies were performed on fixed kidneys. Immunofluorescence microscopy on semithin (0.5-micron) cryosections demonstrated that MAbs J3, J7, and J25 intensely stained the apical plasma membrane of all distal tubule segments. Weak staining was also seen along the basolateral membrane of most distal nephrons. Immunoelectron microscopy confirmed this observation and showed that some of these segments were morphologically similar to diluting segments from other species. MAbs also reacted with the brush border and, to a lesser extent, the basolateral membrane of proximal tubules. This study supports the hypothesis that the lateral bundle zone of the elasmobranch kidney functions as a countercurrent exchanger and is consistent with the presence of multiple isoforms of the Na-K-Cl cotransporter in the shark kidney.

1986 ◽  
Vol 124 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-52
O. H. Petersen ◽  
I. Findlay ◽  
K. Suzuki ◽  
M. J. Dunne

In exocrine acinar cells (pancreas, salivary gland, lacrimal gland) stimulation with hormones or neurotransmitters evokes K+ loss due to opening of K+ channels in the plasma membrane whereas in the insulin-secreting pancreatic beta-cells, stimulation with glucose or glyceraldehyde evokes membrane depolarization due to closure of K+ channels. By measuring directly the small K+ currents flowing through single channels, in electrically isolated patches of plasma membrane of intact cells, it can be shown that stimulants having no direct access to the small membrane area from which recording is made can influence the pattern of channel opening. In the case of hormonal activation of exocrine acinar cells, Ca2+ is the final messenger and the K+-selective channel involved in the response has a high unit conductance, is very voltage sensitive and can be blocked by external tetraethylammonium. In the case of the insulin-secreting cells, the K+ channel which is inhibited by metabolic stimulation is a voltage-insensitive, inward rectifier which can be blocked by quinine. In experiments on permeabilized cells or cell-free excised, inside-out, membrane patches it can be shown that ATP evokes channel closure and ATP produced by glycolysis may therefore function as the internal messenger.

Russell J. Barrnett

This report presents two examples of plasma membrane biogenesis in which the synthesis and assembly of components, phospholipid and enzyme proteins, were studies by a combination of biochemistry, cytochemistry and electron microscopy. These were: the proliferation of Schwann cell plasma membrane during the process of myelination of the trigeminal nerve in neonatal rats and amplification of the plasma membrane at the lateral and basal borders of secretory cells of the ducklings' salt gland as a result of salt stress.In the study concerning myelination a method for the ultrastructural localization of acyltransferase activities (the first two steps in phospholipid synthesis) was applied to the developing rat trigeminal nerve. Determination of acyltransferase levels in the nerve indicated that a peak of activity occurs at the 8th day after birth with gradual declines of activity up to 15 days. This peak coincided with the peak of a-glycerophosphate incorporation into phospholipids in the microsome fraction of the nerve: wheras, no incorporation was noted in the myelin fraction.

2014 ◽  
Vol 307 (1) ◽  
pp. R44-R56 ◽  
Yuki Shibata ◽  
Takahiro Sano ◽  
Nobuhito Tsuchiya ◽  
Reiko Okada ◽  
Hiroshi Mochida ◽  

Two types of aquaporin 5 (AQP5) genes ( aqp-xt5a and aqp-xt5b) were identified in the genome of Xenopus tropicalis by synteny comparison and molecular phylogenetic analysis. When the frogs were in water, AQP-xt5a mRNA was expressed in the skin and urinary bladder. The expression of AQP-xt5a mRNA was significantly increased in dehydrated frogs. AQP-xt5b mRNA was also detected in the skin and increased in response to dehydration. Additionally, AQP-xt5b mRNA began to be slightly expressed in the lung and stomach after dehydration. For the pelvic skin of hydrated frogs, immunofluorescence staining localized AQP-xt5a and AQP-xt5b to the cytoplasm of secretory cells of the granular glands and the apical plasma membrane of secretory cells of the small granular glands, respectively. After dehydration, the locations of both AQPs in their respective glands did not change, but AQP-xt5a was visualized in the cytoplasm of secretory cells of the small granular glands. For the urinary bladder, AQP-xt5a was observed in the apical plasma membrane and cytoplasm of a number of granular cells under normal hydration. After dehydration, AQP-xt5a was found in the apical membrane and cytoplasm of most granular cells. Injection of vasotocin into hydrated frogs did not induce these changes in the localization of AQP-xt5a in the small granular glands and urinary bladder, however. The results suggest that AQP-xt5a might be involved in water reabsorption from the urinary bladder during dehydration, whereas AQP-xt5b might play a role in water secretion from the small granular gland.

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