actin filaments
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2022 ◽  
Vadim Warshavsky ◽  
Marcelo Marucho

The ability of actins and tubulins to change dynamically from alterations in the number density of actins/tubulin, number density and type of binding agents, and electrolyte concentration is crucial for eukaryotic cells to regulate their cytoskeleton conformations in different cellular compartments. Conventional approaches on biopolymers solution break down for cytoskeleton filaments because they entail several approximations to treat their polyelectrolyte and mechanical properties. In this article, we introduce a novel density functional theory for polydisperse, semiflexible cytoskeleton filaments. The approach accounts for the equilibrium polymerization kinetics, length, and orientation filament distributions, as well as the electrostatic interaction between filaments and the electrolyte. This is essential for cytoskeleton polymerization in different cell compartments generating filaments of different lengths, sometimes long enough to become semiflexible. We characterized the thermodynamics properties of actin filaments in electrolyte aqueous solutions. We calculated the free energy, pressure, chemical potential, and second virial coefficient for each filament conformation. We also calculated the phase diagram of actin filaments solution and compared it with available experimental data.

2022 ◽  
Ernesto Alva Sevilla ◽  
Annitta George ◽  
Lorenzo Brancaleon ◽  
Marcelo Marucho

Actin filament′s polyelectrolyte and hydrodynamic properties, their interactions with the biological environment, and external force fields play an essential role in their biological activities in eukaryotic cellular processes. In this article, we introduce a unique approach that combines dynamics and electrophoresis light scattering experiments, an extended semiflexible worm-like chain model, and an asymmetric polymer length distribution theory to characterize the polyelectrolyte and hydrodynamic properties of actin filaments in aqueous electrolyte solutions. We used the same sample and experimental conditions and considered several g-actin and polymerization buffers to elucidate the impact of their chemical composition, reducing agents, pH values, and ionic strengths on the filament translational diffusion coefficient, electrophoretic mobility, structure factor, asymmetric length distribution, effective filament diameter, electric charge, zeta potential, and semiflexibility. Compared to those values obtained from molecular structure models, our results revealed a lower value of the effective G-actin charge and a more significant value of the effective filament diameter due to the formation of the double layer of the electrolyte surrounding the filaments. Additionally, compared to the values usually reported from electron micrographs, the lower values of our results for the persistence length and average contour filament length agrees with the significant difference in the association rates at the filament ends that shift to submicro lengths, the maximum of the length distribution.

2022 ◽  
Ondrej Kucera ◽  
Jeremie Gaillard ◽  
Christophe Guerin ◽  
Manuel Thery ◽  
Laurent Blanchoin

Active cytoskeletal materials in vitro demonstrate self-organising properties similar to those observed in their counterparts in cells. However, the search to emulate phenomena observed in the living matter has fallen short of producing a cytoskeletal network that would be structurally stable yet possessing adaptive plasticity. Here, we address this challenge by combining cytoskeletal polymers in a composite, where self-assembling microtubules and actin filaments collectively self-organise due to the activity of microtubules-percolating molecular motors. We demonstrate that microtubules spatially organise actin filaments that in turn guide microtubules. The two networks align in an ordered fashion using this feedback loop. In this composite, actin filaments can act as structural memory and, depending on the concentration of the components, microtubules either write this memory or get guided by it. The system is sensitive to external stimuli suggesting possible autoregulatory behaviour in changing mechanochemical environment. We thus establish artificial active actin-microtubule composite as a system demonstrating architectural stability and plasticity.

2022 ◽  
Santiago M Bedoya ◽  
Marcelo Marucho

An accurate characterization of the polyelectrolyte properties of actin filaments might provide a deeper understanding of the fundamental mechanisms governing the intracellular ionic wave packet propagation in neurons. Infinitely long cylindrical models for actin filaments and approximate electrochemical theories for the electrolyte solutions were recently used to characterize these properties in in-vitro and intracellular conditions. This article uses a molecular structure model for actin filaments to investigate the impact of roughness and finite size on the mean electrical potential, ionic density distributions, currents, and conductivities. We solved the electrochemical theories numerically without further approximations. Our findings bring new insights into the electrochemical interactions between a filament′s irregular surface charge density and the surrounding medium. The irregular shape of the filament structure model generated pockets, or hot spots, where the current density reached higher or lower magnitudes than those in neighboring areas throughout the filament surface. It also revealed the formation of a well-defined asymmetric electrical double layer with a thickness larger than that commonly used for symmetric models.

2022 ◽  
Robin Mark Shaw ◽  
Rachel Baum ◽  
Joseph Alexander Palatinus ◽  
Miriam Waghalter ◽  
Daisuke Shimura ◽  

Previously, we identified that GJA1-20k, an internally translated isoform of Connexin 43, mediates an actin-dependent protective form of mitochondrial fission (Shimura, Nuebel et al. 2021). We found that when GJA1-20k is present, bands of actin surround mitochondria at locations enriched with GJA1-20k, inducing mitochondrial fission which generates less oxygen free radicals, protecting hearts subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Here, we report that GJA1-20k is a direct actin binding protein and thereby identify the mechanism by which GJA1-20k is able to recruit and stabilize actin filaments around the mitochondria. Surprisingly, GJA1-20k functions as a canonical actin capping protein, producing both truncated actin puncta and stabilized actin filaments. GJA1-20k contains an RPEL-like actin binding motif, and we confirm with both computational modeling and biochemistry, that this domain is crucial for actin capping. The actin capping functionality of GJA1-20k adds GJA1-20k to the family of proteins that regulate actin dynamics. As a stress responsive protein, GJA1-20k can help explain cytoskeletal dependent responses to cellular stress, from delivery of channels to affecting mitochondrial size and function.

Dornaz Milani ◽  
Siamak Khoramymehr ◽  
Behrouz Vasaghi-Gharamaleki

Background: In most communities, the risk of developing breast cancer is increasing. By affecting the cyclooxygenase 1 and 2 (COX-1 and COX-2) enzymes and actin filaments, acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin) has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer and prevent cell migration in both laboratory and clinical studies. Methods: The purpose of this study is to determine the mechanical properties of normal and cancerous breast tissue cells, as well as the short-term effect of aspirin on cancer cells. To this end, the mechanical properties and deformation of three cell types were investigated: healthy MCF-10 breast cells, MCF-7 breast cancer cells, and MCF-7 breast cancer cells treated with a 5 µM aspirin solution. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) was used to determine the mechanical properties of the cells. Cell deformation was analyzed in all groups, and Young's modulus was calculated using the Hertz model. Result: According to the obtained data, cancer cells deformed at a rate half that of healthy cells. Nonetheless, when aspirin was used, cancer cells deformed similarly to healthy cells. Additionally, healthy cells' Young's modulus was calculated to be approximately three times that of cancer cells, which was placed closer to that of healthy cells by adding aspirin to Young's modulus. Conclusion: Cell strength appears to have increased due to aspirin's intervention on actin filaments and cytoskeletons, and the mechanical properties of breast cancer cells have become more similar to those of normal cells. The likelihood of cell migration and metastasis decreases as cell strength increases.

Biology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Nicholas M. Cronin ◽  
Kris A. DeMali

The shape of cells is altered to allow cells to adapt to their changing environments, including responding to internally generated and externally applied force. Force is sensed by cell surface adhesion proteins that are enriched in sites where cells bind to the extracellular matrix (focal adhesions) and neighboring cells (cell–cell or adherens junctions). Receptors at these adhesion sites stimulate intracellular signal transduction cascades that culminate in dramatic changes in the actin cytoskeleton. New actin filaments form, and/or new and existing filaments can be cleaved, branched, or bundled. Here, we discuss the actin cytoskeleton and its functions. We will examine the current understanding for how the actin cytoskeleton is tethered to adhesion sites. Finally, we will highlight recent studies describing how the actin cytoskeleton at these adhesion sites is remodeled in response to force.

2021 ◽  
Sophie S. Katz ◽  
Trevor J. Barker ◽  
Hannah M. Maul-Newby ◽  
Alessandro P. Sparacio ◽  
Ken C.Q. Nguyen ◽  

Apical extracellular matrices can form protruding structures such as denticles, ridges, scales, or teeth on the surfaces of epithelia. The mechanisms that shape these structures remain poorly understood. Here, we show how the actin cytoskeleton and a provisional matrix work together to sculpt acellular longitudinal alae ridges in the cuticle of adult C. elegans. Transient actomyosin-dependent constriction of the underlying lateral epidermis accompanies deposition of the provisional matrix at the earliest stages of alae formation. Actin is required to pattern the provisional matrix into longitudinal bands that are initially offset from the pattern of longitudinal actin filaments. These bands appear ultrastructurally as alternating regions of adhesion and separation within laminated provisional matrix layers. The provisional matrix is required to establish these demarcated zones of adhesion and separation, which ultimately give rise to alae ridges and their intervening valleys, respectively. Provisional matrix proteins shape the alae ridges and valleys but are not present within the final structure. We propose a morphogenetic mechanism wherein cortical actin patterns are relayed mechanically to the laminated provisional matrix to set up distinct zones of matrix layer separation and accretion that shape a permanent and acellular matrix structure.

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Zongdi Li ◽  
Chenyang Li ◽  
Shuai Fu ◽  
Yu Liu ◽  
Yi Xu ◽  

Our previous research found that NSvc4, the movement protein of rice stripe virus (RSV), could localize to the actin filaments, endoplasmic reticulum, plasmodesmata, and chloroplast, but the roles of NSvc4 played in the chloroplast were opaque. Here, we confirm the accumulation of NSvc4 in the chloroplasts and the N-terminal 1–73 amino acids of NSvc4 are sufficient to localize to chloroplasts. We provide evidence to show that chloroplast-localized NSvc4 can impair the chloroplast-mediated immunity. Expressing NSvc4 in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves results in the decreased expression of defense-related genes NbPR1, NbPR2, and NbWRKY12 and the inhibition of chloroplast-derived ROS production. In addition, generation of an infectious clone of potato virus X (PVX) carrying NSvc4 facilitates PVX infection in N. benthamiana plants. Moreover, we identify two chloroplast-related host factors, named NbGAPDH-A and NbPsbQ1, both of which can interact with NSvc4. Knockdown of NbGAPDH-A or NbPsbQ1 can both promote RSV infection. Our results decipher a detailed function of NSvc4 in the chloroplast.

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