Biosynthesis of the nicotine alkaloids in Nicotiana glutinosa

1965 ◽  
Vol 112 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-53 ◽  
William L. Alworth ◽  
Henry Rapoport
2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 727-735 ◽  
Andrew R. Russell ◽  
Tom Ashfield ◽  
Roger W. Innes

The Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrB triggers a hypersensitive resistance response in Arabidopsis and soybean plants expressing the disease resistance (R) proteins RPM1 and Rpg1b, respectively. In Arabidopsis, AvrB induces RPM1-interacting protein kinase (RIPK) to phosphorylate a disease regulator known as RIN4, which subsequently activates RPM1-mediated defenses. Here, we show that AvrPphB can suppress activation of RPM1 by AvrB and this suppression is correlated with the cleavage of RIPK by AvrPphB. Significantly, AvrPphB does not suppress activation of RPM1 by AvrRpm1, suggesting that RIPK is not required for AvrRpm1-induced modification of RIN4. This observation indicates that AvrB and AvrRpm1 recognition is mediated by different mechanisms in Arabidopsis, despite their recognition being determined by a single R protein. Moreover, AvrB recognition but not AvrRpm1 recognition is suppressed by AvrPphB in soybean, suggesting that AvrB recognition requires a similar molecular mechanism in soybean and Arabidopsis. In support of this, we found that phosphodeficient mutations in the soybean GmRIN4a and GmRIN4b proteins are sufficient to block Rpg1b-mediated hypersensitive response in transient assays in Nicotiana glutinosa. Taken together, our results indicate that AvrB and AvrPphB target a conserved defense signaling pathway in Arabidopsis and soybean that includes RIPK and RIN4.

2013 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-248 ◽  
Carlos A. Angel ◽  
James E. Schoelz

In this study, we screened 22 Nicotiana spp. for resistance to the tombusviruses Tomato bushy stunt virus (TBSV), Cucumber necrosis virus, and Cymbidium ringspot virus. Eighteen species were resistant, and resistance was manifested in at least two different categories. In all, 13 species responded with a hypersensitive response (HR)-type resistance, whereas another five were resistant but either had no visible response or responded with chlorotic lesions rather than necrotic lesions. Three different TBSV proteins were found to trigger HR in Nicotiana spp. in an agroinfiltration assay. The most common avirulence (avr) determinant was the TBSV coat protein P41, a protein that had not been previously recognized as an avr determinant. A mutational analysis confirmed that the coat protein rather than the viral RNA sequence was responsible for triggering HR, and it triggered HR in six species in the Alatae section. The TBSV P22 movement protein triggered HR in two species in section Undulatae (Nicotiana glutinosa and N. edwardsonii) and one species in section Alatae (N. forgetiana). The TBSV P19 RNA silencing suppressor protein triggered HR in sections Sylvestres (N. sylvestris), Nicotiana (N. tabacum), and Alatae (N. bonariensis). In general, Nicotiana spp. were capable of recognizing only one tombusvirus avirulence determinant, with the exceptions of N. bonariensis and N. forgetiana, which were each able to recognize P41, as well as P19 and P22, respectively. Agroinfiltration failed to detect the TBSV avr determinants responsible for triggering HR in N. arentsii, N. undulata, and N. rustica. This study illustrates the breadth and variety of resistance responses to tombusviruses that exists in the Nicotiana genus.

Bragantia ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-60 ◽  
Humberto Sacchi ◽  
Arlete Marchi Tavares de Melo ◽  
Addolorata Colariccio

Este trabalho teve como metas avaliar a reação de progênies de pimentão (Capsicum annuum L.) a um isolado de Potato virus Y (PVY), coletado em plantas de pimentão cv. Magda, em Paulínia (SP) e identificar esse isolado. O isolado foi identificado por meio de testes biológicos de inoculação mecânica em plantas indicadoras, testes sorológicos (TAS-ELISA) empregando-se anticorpos monoclonais para as estirpes, comum (PVY0), necrótica (PVY N ) e clorótica (PVY C). Trinta e cinco progênies de pimentão do programa de melhoramento do IAC, foram inoculadas com este isolado denominado PVY-Pa, e cinco cultivares comerciais foram inoculadas como controle positivo, pois têm uma reação conhecida ao PVY. O delineamento dos experimentos foi inteiramente casualizado. Os resultados dos testes biológicos e as observações em preparações de contrastação negativa evidenciaram a existência de uma infecção mista, por potivirus e tobamovirus, nas amostras provenientes de Paulínia. O PVY foi isolado de Nicotiana glutinosa com infecção sistêmica, nas quais, foram observadas inclusões cilíndricas do tipo cata-ventos, características da família Potyviridae, em cortes ultrafinos de células do mesófilo. Em TAS-ELISA, plantas de N. glutinosa, infectadas, apresentaram reação negativa para os anticorpos empregados. Porém, a ausência de sintomas em 'Myr 10' e 'Myr 29', indicou tratar-se da estirpe PVYm. A avaliação das progênies inoculadas foi feita pela utilização da taxa da proporção entre plantas com ausência e presença de sintomas de PVY. Das progênies avaliadas sete progênies F3 derivadas de híbridos triplos de pimentão apresentaram plantas com ausência de sintomas, das quais o vírus não pode ser recuperado pela inoculação em N. glutinosa, confirmando a ausência de multiplicação do vírus nestes híbridos.

2001 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-59 ◽  

Em 1996, foi feita a caracterização parcial de um isolado do vírus do mosaico do pepino (Cucumis mosaic virus, CMV) obtido de bananeira (Musa sp.) proveniente do município de Miracatu, SP. Com o objetivo de se determinar o subgrupo do isolado de CMV, recorreu-se às técnicas de ELISA, RT-PCR, RFLP e seqüenciamento de fragmentos de RNA genômico. Amostras de folhas infetadas, desidratadas com cloreto de cálcio e armazenadas à -20 °C desde 1994 na viroteca do Laboratório de Fitovirologia e Fisiopatologia, foram inoculadas em plantas de Nicotiana glutinosa. Dez dias após a inoculação, folhas apresentando mosaico foram utilizadas para DAS-ELISA e extração de RNAs totais. Em ELISA, houve reação apenas contra o anti-soro específico para CMV subgrupo I. Através de RT-PCR com primers desenhados para anelar em regiões conservadas da porção terminal 3' do gene da capa protéica, foi amplificado um fragmento de DNA com 486 pares de bases. O produto obtido via RT-PCR foi submetido à digestão com as enzimas EcoRI, HindIII, BamHI e MspI, obtendo-se um padrão de restrição esperado para o subgrupo I. Estes resultados foram confirmados através do seqüenciamento do produto de PCR, o qual apresentou homologia de 96% a 98% com os isolados do CMV pertencentes ao subgrupo I. Pelos sintomas observados na hospedeira diferencial Vigna unguiculata, o isolado foi confirmado como sendo do subgrupo Ia.

2011 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 447-452 ◽  
Baghdad Science Journal

This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different techniques for extraction and purification of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV). An isolate of the virus free of possible contamination with other viruses infecting the same host and transmitted by the same vector Bemisia tabaci Genn. was obtained. This was realized by indicator plants and incubation period in the vector. Results obtained revealed that the virus infect Nicotiana glutinosa without visible symptoms, while Nicotiana tabaccum var. White Burley was not susceptible to the virus. The incubation period of the virus in the vector was found to be 21 hrs. These results indicate that the virus is TYLCV. Results showed that Butanol was more effective in clarification the sap and eliminate of plant proteins and chlorophyll. The use of citrate buffer at pH 8 amended with reducing agents and EDTA to prevent the oxidation of phenolic compound was found to be suitable in maintaining the biological activity of the virus during extraction. The quantity of the virus obtained was 3.05 mg/100 gm leaves with absorption ratio of 1.4 at 260/280 nm which represent standard value for TYLCV.

1995 ◽  
Gad Loebenstein ◽  
William Dawson ◽  
Abed Gera

We have reported that localization of TMV in tobacco cultivars with the N gene, is associated with a 23 K protein (IVR) that inhibited replication of several plant viruses. This protein was also found in induced resistant tissue of Nicotiana glutinosa x Nicotiana debneyi. During the present grant we found that TMV production is enhanced in protoplasts and plants of local lesion responding tobacco cultivars exposed to 35oC, parallel to an almost complete suppression of the production of IVR. We also found that IVR is associated with resistance mechanisms in pepper cultivars. We succeeded to clone the IVR gene. In the first attempt we isolated a clone - "101" which had a specific insert of 372 bp (the full length gene for the IVR protein of 23 kD should be around 700 bp). However, attempts to isolate the full length gene did not give clear cut results, and we decided not to continue with this clone. The amino acid sequence of the N-terminus of IVR was determined and an antiserum was prepared against a synthetic peptide representing amino acids residues 1-20 of IVR. Using this antiserum as well as our polyclonal antiserum to IVR a new clone NC-330 was isolated using lamba-ZAP library. This NC-330 clone has an insert of about 1 kB with an open reading frame of 596 bp. This clone had 86.6% homology with the first 15 amino acids of the N-terminal part of IVR and 61.6% homology with the first 23 amino acids of IVR. In the QIA expression system and western blotting of the expressed protein, a clear band of about 21 kD was obtained with IVR antiserum. This clone was used for transformation of Samsun tobacco plants and we have presently plantlets which were rooted on medium containing kanamycin. Hybridization with this clone was also obtained with RNA from induced resistant tissue of Samsun NN but not with RNA from healthy control tissue of Samsun NN, or infected or healthy tissue of Samsun. This further strengthens the previous data that the NC 330 clone codes for IVR. In the U.S. it was shown that IVR is induced in plants containing the N' gene when infected with mutants of TMV that elicit the HR. This is a defined system in which the elicitor is known to be due to permutations of the coat protein which can vary in elicitor strength. The objective was to understand how IVR synthesis is induced after recognition of elicitor coat protein in the signal transduction pathway that leads to HR. We developed systems to manipulate induction of IVR by modifying the elicitor and are using these elicitor molecules to isolate the corresponding plant receptor molecules. A "far-western" procedure was developed that found a protein from N' plants that specifically bind to elicitor coat proteins. This protein is being purified and sequenced. This objective has not been completed and is still in progress. We have reported that localization of TMV in tobacco cultivars with the N gene, is associated with a 23 K protein (IVR) that inhibited replication of several plant viruses. This protein was also found in induced resistant tissue of Nicotiana glutinosa x Nicotiana debneyi.

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