Clinical and neurophysiological response to pharmacological treatment of DOK7 congenital myasthenia in an older patient

2015 ◽  
Vol 130 ◽  
pp. 168-170 ◽  
Nanna Witting ◽  
Clarissa Crone ◽  
Morten Duno ◽  
John Vissing
ASHA Leader ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 14-17
Harvey Abrams

1984 ◽  
Maxine L. Stitzer ◽  
Mary E. McCaul ◽  
George E. Bigelow ◽  
Ira A. Liebson

2008 ◽  
Adriana Fiszman ◽  
Mauro V. Mendlowicz ◽  
Carla Marques-Portella ◽  
Eliane Volchan ◽  
Evandro S. F. Coutinho ◽  

Phlebologie ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 32 (05) ◽  
pp. 115-120 ◽  
A. Franek ◽  
H. Koziolek ◽  
M. Kucharzewski

SummaryAim: The study of the influence of sulodexide in the treatment of venous leg ulcers. Patients and method: 44 patients with chronic venous ulceration were randomly divided into two groups. Group I: 21 patients (ulceration area: 12.7-18.9 cm2), Group II: 23 patients (ulceration size: 12.1-20.3 cm2). Both groups were treated by using Unna’s boot. This dressing was changed every seven days until the ulcer had healed. Additionally, the patients in group II received the systemic pharmacological treatment with sulodexide. Results: After 7 weeks of treatment ulcers of seven patients (35%) from group I had healed, and 3 weeks later the ulceration of two more patients had healed completely. After further 7 weeks the ulcers of 12 patients had healed completely. Whereas in group II after 7 weeks of treatment ulceration of 16 (70%, p <0.05) patient had healed completely and after further 3 weeks the ulcers of the remaining 7 patients had healed, too. Conclusion: The use of sulodexide in patients with chronic venous leg ulcers accelerates the healing process.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-40
Muhammad Khabib Burhanuddin Iqomh ◽  
Nani Nurhaeni ◽  
Dessie Wanda

Peningkatan suhu tubuh  menyebabkan rasa tidak nyaman, gelisah pada anak, sehingga waktu untuk istirahat menjadi terganggu.Tatalaksana pada anak dengan demam dapat dilakukan dengan metode farmakologi dan non farmakologi. Tepid water spongingmerupakan tatalaksana non farmakologi. Konservasi adalah serangkaian sistem agar tubuh manusia mampu menjalankan fungsi, beradaptasi untuk melangsungkan kehidupan. Perawat mempunyai peran untuk membantu anak dalam mengatasi gangguan termoregulasi. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas penurunan suhu tubuh menggunakan tepid water sponging dengan pendekatanl konservasi Levine di ruang rawat infeksi. Efektifitas diukur dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan proses keperawatan yang terdapat dalam model konservasi Levine yaitu: pengkajian, menentukan trophicognosis, menentukan hipotesis, intervensi dan evaluasi. Terdapat lima kasus yang dibahas. Hasil penerapan model konservasi Levine mampu meningkatkan kemampuan anak dalam mempertahankan fungsi tubuh dan beradaptasi terhadap perubahan. Kombinasi tepid water sponging dan terapi farmakologi mampu mengatasi demam dengan cepat dibanding terapi farmakologi.   Kata kunci: termoregulasi, tepid water sponging, teori model konservasi Levine   REDUCTION OF BODY TEMPERATURE USING TEPID WATER SPONGINGWITH THE LEVINE CONSERVATION APPROACH   ABSTRACT Increased body temperature causes discomfort, anxiety in children, so that the time to rest becomes disturbed. Management of children with fever can be done by pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. Tepid water sponging is a non-pharmacological treatment. Conservation is a series of systems so that the human body is able to function, adapt to life. Nurses have a role to help children overcome thermoregulation disorders. This scientific work aims to determine the effectiveness of decreasing body temperature using tepid water sponging with the approach of Levine conservation in the infectious care room. Effectiveness is measured in the provision of nursing care based on the nursing process contained in the Levine conservation model, namely: assessment, determining trophicognosis, determining hypotheses, intervention and evaluation. There are five cases discussed. The results of the application of the Levine conservation model are able to improve the ability of children to maintain body functions and adapt to changes. The combination of tepid water sponging and pharmacological therapy is able to overcome fever quickly compared to pharmacological therapy.   Keywords: thermoregulation, tepid water sponging, Levine conservation model theory  

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