A comparison of butanol and ethanol flame development in an optical spark ignition engine

Fuel ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 27-38 ◽  
Ben G. Moxey ◽  
Alasdair Cairns ◽  
Hua Zhao
2018 ◽  
Vol 91 (1) ◽  
pp. 163-170 ◽  
Rui Liu ◽  
Xiaoping Su ◽  
Xiaodong Miao ◽  
Guang Yang ◽  
Xuefei Dong ◽  

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to compare the combustion characteristics, including the combustion pressure, heat release rate (HRR), coefficient of variation (COV) of indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP), flame development period and combustion duration, of aviation kerosene fuel, namely, rocket propellant 3 (RP-3), and gasoline on a two-stoke spark ignition engine. Design/methodology/approach This paper is an experimental investigation using a bench test to reflect the combustion performance of two-stroke spark ignition unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) engine on gasoline and RP-3 fuel. Findings Under low load conditions, the combustion performance and HRR of burning RP-3 fuel were shown to be worse than those of gasoline. Under high load conditions, the average IMEP and the COV of IMEP of burning RP-3 fuel were close to those of gasoline. The difference in the flame development period between gasoline and RP-3 fuel was similar. Practical implications Gasoline fuel has a low flash point, high-saturated vapour pressure and relatively high volatility and is a potential hazard near a naked flame at room temperature, which can create significant security risks for its storage, transport and use. Adopting a low volatility single RP-3 fuel of covering all vehicles and equipment to minimize the number of different devices with the use of a various fuels and improve the application safeties. Originality/value Most two-stroke spark ignition UAV engines continue to combust gasoline. A kerosene-based fuel operation can be applied to achieve a single-fuel policy.

1992 ◽  
Josef Hacohen ◽  
Michael R. Belmont ◽  
Richard W.F. Thurley ◽  
Jim C. Thomas ◽  
E. Layton Morris ◽  

2019 ◽  
pp. 146808741985910 ◽  
Guillermo Rubio-Gómez ◽  
Lis Corral-Gómez ◽  
David Rodriguez-Rosa ◽  
Fausto A Sánchez-Cruz ◽  
Simón Martínez-Martínez

In the last few years, increasing concern about the harmful effects of the use of fossil fuels in internal combustion engines has been observed. In addition, the limited availability of crude oil has driven the interest in alternative fuels, especially biofuels. In the context of spark ignition engines, bioalcohols are of great interest owing to their similarities and blend capacities with gasoline. Methanol and ethanol have been widely used, mainly due to their knocking resistance. Another alcohol of great interest is butanol, thanks to its potential of being produced as biofuel and its heat value closer to gasoline. In this study, a comparative study of gasoline–alcohol blend combustion, with up to 20% volume, with neat gasoline has been carried out. A single-cylinder, variable compression ratio, Cooperative Fuel Research-type spark ignition engine has been employed. The comparison is made in terms of fuel conversion efficiency and flame development angle. Relevant information related to the impact in the combustion process of the use of the three main alcohols used in blends with gasoline has been obtained.

2004 ◽  
Vol 136 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-302 ◽  
P.G. Aleiferis ◽  
A.M.K.P. Taylor ◽  
K. Ishii ◽  
Y. Urata

F Bonatesta ◽  
P J Shayler

The charge burn characteristics of a four-cylinder port-fuel-injected spark ignition engine fitted with a dual independent variable-valve-timing system have been investigated experimentally. The influence of valve timings on the flame development angle and the rapid burn angle is primarily associated with valve overlap values and internal gas recirculation. Conditions examined cover light to medium loads and engine speeds up to 3500r/min. As engine loads and speeds exceeded about 6bar net indicated mean effective pressure and 3000r/min respectively, combustion duration was virtually independent of the valve timing setting. At lower speeds and work output conditions, valve timing influenced burn angles through changes in dilution mass fraction, charge density, and charge temperature. Of these, changes in dilution mass fraction had the greatest influence. Increasing the dilution by increasing the valve overlap produced an increase in both burn angles. The effects of mean piston speed and spark timing have also been examined, and empirical expressions for the flame development and the rapid burn angles are presented.

Y. Shekhawat ◽  
D.C. Haworth ◽  
A. d'Adamo ◽  
F. Berni ◽  
S. Fontanesi ◽  

An integrated experimental and Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) study is presented for homogeneous premixed combustion in a spark-ignition engine. The engine is a single-cylinder two-valve optical research engine with transparent liner and piston: the Transparent Combustion Chamber (TCC) engine. This is a relatively simple, open engine configuration that can be used for LES model development and validation by other research groups. Pressure-based combustion analysis, optical diagnostics and LES have been combined to generate new physical insight into the early stages of combustion. The emphasis has been on developing strategies for making quantitative comparisons between high-speed/high-resolution optical diagnostics and LES using common metrics for both the experiments and the simulations, and focusing on the important early flame development period. Results from two different LES turbulent combustion models are presented, using the same numerical methods and computational mesh. Both models yield Cycle-to-Cycle Variations (CCV) in combustion that are higher than what is observed in the experiments. The results reveal strengths and limitations of the experimental diagnostics and the LES models, and suggest directions for future diagnostic and simulation efforts. In particular, it has been observed that flame development between the times corresponding to the laminar-to-turbulent transition and 1% mass-burned fraction are especially important in establishing the subsequent combustion event for each cycle. This suggests a range of temporal and spatial scales over which future experimental and simulation efforts should focus.

2019 ◽  
pp. 146808741986474 ◽  
Seunghwan Keum ◽  
Guangfei Zhu ◽  
Ronald Grover ◽  
Wei Zeng ◽  
Christopher Rutland ◽  

It has been reported that early combustion in a spark-ignition engine determines the subsequent combustion. Also, the early combustion has a very strong correlation with cycle-to-cycle variability, which limits engine operating range. As such, accurate modeling of the early flame development is very important in accurate simulation of spark-ignition engine combustion. During the early flame development, the flame kernel, initiated by spark, grows initially at laminar flame speed. As the kernel grows, the flame surface wrinkles due to surface instability and interacts with the flow turbulence as the flame transitions from laminar to turbulent flame. In this study, a semi-empirical model is proposed to simulate the laminar-to-turbulent flame transition process during early spark-ignition combustion. A hyperbolic tangent function was used to emulate the laminar-to-turbulent flame speed transition process. The proposed transition function was evaluated during early flame kernel development for both Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes and large eddy simulation models against combustion analysis data from high-speed optical particle image velocimetry. Difference in Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes and large eddy simulation transition function was analyzed and discussed.

1985 ◽  
Vol 60 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-308 ◽  
Gautam T. Kalghatgi

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