The economic valuation of natural hazards in mountain forests: An approach based on the replacement cost method

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 318-328 ◽  
Sandra Notaro ◽  
Alessandro Paletto
2004 ◽  
Vol 27 (7) ◽  
pp. 491-494 ◽  
Eisaku SHIRATANI ◽  
Yan Wen FENG ◽  
Tadayoshi HITOMI

2016 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Johan Östberg ◽  
Johan Sjögren

Economic valuation of urban trees is important for their management and to ensure that such trees are maintained and protected. However, numerous models for valuing urban trees are currently available, which has led to great variation in the final price. It has also resulted in multiple models being used within the same country, thus confusing the courts. Against this background, researchers examined whether the horizontal cross-sectional area of the tree should be used as the basis for extrapolating tree replacement cost in a linear fashion. Researchers also developed a model, the Linear Index of Tree Appraisal (LITA) model, which uses tree cross-sectional area to extrapolate from a band of known prices to a base price for any desired tree size, which can then be adjusted using an appropriate factor depending on tree vitality/damage. The LITA model is easy to use and to update, does not have any limitations concerning tree species or sizes, and does not rely on subjective judgments except in assessment of tree damage. It provides a simple method for determining the replacement cost of urban trees and is thus designed to work where ‘soft’ values are sometimes difficult to justify.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-271
Tito Aditya Perdana ◽  
Febrianur Ibnu Fitroh Sukono Putra ◽  
Risanda Alirastra Budiantoro

Introduction/Main Objectives: This study estimates how much economic value will be lost from contact activities within the coastal areas in the research location. Background Problems: The area of Semarang City has flood and tidal problems, the damage to the mangrove forests in Semarang City began with the boom in shrimp farming between 1980 and 1990. Hopefully, this valuation can provide an overview of the current health of the ecosystem and become the basis for a mangrove management strategy in the future. Novelty: The novelty of this study is that it uses a sharper satellite (Image Pleades Resolution 0.5 m) to calculate the mangrove area in the research location. Research Methods: This research uses a total economic valuation, an estimation of the mangrove’s carbon stock and heavy metals, the replacement cost to prevent tidal flooding, and the willingness to pay. Findings/Results: We find that the existing economic value in the study area is very large and should be preserved for conservation. Conclusion: The environment cannot produce something instantly, but it needs to be preserved as a balance to nature.

2006 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-153 ◽  
Y.W. Feng ◽  
E. Shiratani ◽  
I. Yoshinaga ◽  
T. Hitomi

We estimated the reduction in nitrogen outflow load from a paddy field that had a recycling irrigation facility and, by using a replacement cost method, evaluated the economic effect of nitrogen removal by the paddy field during the irrigation period in the Yoshinuma region of Tsukuba City, Japan. The recycling ratio of outflow water (proportion of outflow reused) was 13.5%. The nitrogen (N) outflow load was reduced by about 45 kg ha−1 by the N removal function of the paddy field and by about 39 kg ha−1 by the recycling irrigation facility. The paddy field equipped with a recycling irrigation facility as an N removal facility was valued at 32.6 million Japanese yen (JPY) ha−1 and 0.72 million JPY ha−1 per year, which compare it with the construction and maintenance costs, respectively, of a water quality improvement facility. The recycling irrigation facility was costed at 17.3 million JPY ha−1 for construction and 0.21 million JPY ha−1 for maintenance per year. The cost for constructing and maintaining a recycling irrigation facility was 53% of the value of the paddy field area equipped with a recycling irrigation facility as an N removal facility.

2021 ◽  
pp. 453-476
Giorgia Bottaro ◽  
Paola Gatto ◽  
Davide Pettenella

AbstractThe effects of climate change are increasingly more visible on natural ecosystems. Being mountain forest ecosystems among the most vulnerable and the most affected, they appear to be, at the same time, the most suitable for the assessment of climate change effects on ecosystem services. Assuming this, we review the literature on the economic assessment of climate change impacts on European mountain forests. Initially, the trends in the provision of mountain forest ecosystem services are discussed. We, then, considered the effects on forest structure and tree physiology, these two being strictly associated with the capability of the ecosystem to provide ecosystem services. The results have been grouped into a table that displays the trend, the quality and the quantity of the information found. Subsequently, the main methods that can be employed to assess the economic value of the different ecosystem services have been described. For each method, some implementation examples have been introduced to better understand its functioning. Concluding, the main gaps still existing in literature concerning the effects of climate change on ecosystem services provided by mountain forests have been highlighted. Finally, some more considerations about the existing methods for the economic valuation of ecosystem services have been done.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-148
Enda Kartika Sari ◽  
Lucyana Lucyana

Sari EK, Lucyana L. 2020. Economic valuation of water quality condition ogan river against the clean water in the district of Ogan Komering Ulu. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(2): 139-148. The existence of the Ogan River has experienced a reduction in water quality, this is caused activities from the community such as disposing household waste and dumping industrial waste into the river. This fact causes the need of protecting the quality of  Ogan river water by using Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) and shallow wells to fulfill the needs of clean water for the community. The use of shallow wells and PDAM caused economic losses to the community. They raise extra costs or replacement costs that must be paid by the community. The purpose of this study was to determine the community's perception of the impact of river water quality and to determine the cost of replacement by using the replacement cost method that must be spent by the community around the Ogan River Basin Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The method used descriptive analysis, and a replacement cost approach for a year. The total population of 3,329 is family head (KK).  The samples in this study amounted to 149 KK. The perception of people who want to improve the quality of the river Ogan by 90.6 percent and of  88.6 percent of the public said it would remain in the vicinity of the Ogan River despite the condition  change or increasingly bad. . In this study was take the reason people remain 51 percent is due to an economic factor. Regarding the economic valuation of clean water aspects, 71.8 percent of the people use PDAM, 25.5 percent use well water and 2.7 percent use river water as a source of clean water. The estimated cost of replacement costs incurred for one year is Rp102,510,000 and the need for clean water is 20,502 m3/year. The total costs incurred by the community amounted to Rp 357,852,500.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138
Gita Maulida ◽  
Supriharyono Supriharyono ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti

ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove sebagai salah satu ekosistem di kawasan pesisir memiliki peran penting dalam aspek ekologi dan ekonomi. Ekosistem mangrove yang terletak di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang memiliki luas lahan 60 ha. Mengingat pentingnya peranan ekosistem mangrove tersebut maka diperlukan suatu kajian yang mampu mengestimasi besarnya nilai sumberdaya pada ekosistem mangrove dengan valuasi ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung, manfaat tidak langsung, manfaat pilihan dan nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu travel cost method, market price method, replacement cost method dan benefit transfer method. Nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi: a) ekowisata; b) perikanan tangkap dan c) perikanan budidaya dengan total nilai Rp. 6.824.069.600,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi manfaat tidak langsung ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi: a) penahan abrasi dan b) tempat mencari makan (feeding ground), tempat pengasuhan (nursery ground) dan tempat pemijahan (spawning ground) dengan total nilai Rp. 886.842.900,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi manfaat pilihan ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi nilai biodiversitas dengan total nilai Rp. 224.084.000,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang dengan total nilai Rp. 7.934.996.500,00 per tahun. ABSTRACT Mangrove ecosystem as an ecosystem in coastal area with has an important role in ecologic and economic aspects. The mangrove ecosystem which is located in Kandang Panjang Village has 60 hectares area. Considering the important role of the mangrove ecosystem, there should be a study which is able to estimate the amount of resources value in mangrove ecosystem with economic valuation. The aims of this study is calculating the value of a direct economic benefits, an indirect economic benefits, an economic benefits of choice and a total economic benefit of the utilization of mangrove. An analytical method used in this study are travel cost method, market price method, replacement cost method and benefit transfer method. The direct economic benefits of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, include: a) ecotourism b) catching fish and c) aquaculture with a total value of Rp. 6,824,069,600.00 per year. The indirect economic benefits of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, includes: a) abrasion resistance and b) feeding ground, nursery ground and spawning ground with a total value of Rp. 886,842,900.00 per year. The economic value of choice of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, includes: biodiversity value with a total value of Rp. 224,084,000.00 per year. The total economic value of the utilization of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village with a total value of Rp. 7,934,996,500.00 per year.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Iphon Nandu ◽  
Emi Roslinda ◽  
Gusti Hardiansyah

This research to determine the indirect use value of coastal protection by planting mangroves in Setapuk Besar Village and comparing the benefits between the development of coastal protection in biological and physical. research was carried out from July-August 2018. this study used descriptive quantitative method. Analyze the data using the replacement cost method. Interview was carried out only with key respondents who as acted the chairman of the SPM (Surya Perdana Mandiri) association in Setapuk Besar. The results showed that total costs incurred are based on planting, protection, work wages and inventory activities of Rp. 270.182.000 there was 4 (four) financing according to the object of expenditure in the mangrove return activities (Enrichment). The cost of returning mangroves is much cheaper than the cost of making breakwaters other than that the benefits of mangroves are far more than building protection with Breakwater.Keyword: Economic valuation, Mangrove, replacement cost

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