scholarly journals VALUASI EKONOMI PEMANFAATAN EKOSISTEM MANGROVE DI KELURAHAN KANDANG PANJANG KOTA PEKALONGAN PROVINSI JAWA TENGAH Economic Valuation of Mangrove Ecosystem Utilization in Kandang Panjang Village, Pekalongan City, Central Java Province

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 133-138
Gita Maulida ◽  
Supriharyono Supriharyono ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti

ABSTRAK Ekosistem mangrove sebagai salah satu ekosistem di kawasan pesisir memiliki peran penting dalam aspek ekologi dan ekonomi. Ekosistem mangrove yang terletak di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang memiliki luas lahan 60 ha. Mengingat pentingnya peranan ekosistem mangrove tersebut maka diperlukan suatu kajian yang mampu mengestimasi besarnya nilai sumberdaya pada ekosistem mangrove dengan valuasi ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung, manfaat tidak langsung, manfaat pilihan dan nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove. Metode analisis yang digunakan yaitu travel cost method, market price method, replacement cost method dan benefit transfer method. Nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi: a) ekowisata; b) perikanan tangkap dan c) perikanan budidaya dengan total nilai Rp. 6.824.069.600,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi manfaat tidak langsung ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi: a) penahan abrasi dan b) tempat mencari makan (feeding ground), tempat pengasuhan (nursery ground) dan tempat pemijahan (spawning ground) dengan total nilai Rp. 886.842.900,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi manfaat pilihan ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang, meliputi nilai biodiversitas dengan total nilai Rp. 224.084.000,00 per tahun. Nilai ekonomi total pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove di Kelurahan Kandang Panjang dengan total nilai Rp. 7.934.996.500,00 per tahun. ABSTRACT Mangrove ecosystem as an ecosystem in coastal area with has an important role in ecologic and economic aspects. The mangrove ecosystem which is located in Kandang Panjang Village has 60 hectares area. Considering the important role of the mangrove ecosystem, there should be a study which is able to estimate the amount of resources value in mangrove ecosystem with economic valuation. The aims of this study is calculating the value of a direct economic benefits, an indirect economic benefits, an economic benefits of choice and a total economic benefit of the utilization of mangrove. An analytical method used in this study are travel cost method, market price method, replacement cost method and benefit transfer method. The direct economic benefits of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, include: a) ecotourism b) catching fish and c) aquaculture with a total value of Rp. 6,824,069,600.00 per year. The indirect economic benefits of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, includes: a) abrasion resistance and b) feeding ground, nursery ground and spawning ground with a total value of Rp. 886,842,900.00 per year. The economic value of choice of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village, includes: biodiversity value with a total value of Rp. 224,084,000.00 per year. The total economic value of the utilization of mangrove ecosystem in Kandang Panjang Village with a total value of Rp. 7,934,996,500.00 per year.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 458-464
Septya Mega Mahardhika ◽  
Suradi Wijaya Saputra ◽  
Churun Ain

Muara Angke merupakan satu – satunya kawasan yang masih memiliki ekosistem mangrove di daerah pesisir Jakarta. Luas Muara Angke kurang lebih 964,98 ha dibagi menjadi tiga zona. Dua diantaranya berkontribusi pada sektor Perikanan dan Ekowisata, yaitu Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan (PPI) dan Taman Wisata Alam Angke Kapuk (TWAAK). Kurangnya pemahaman umum tentang manfaat ekonomi ekosistem mangrove  menyebabkan masyarakat mengeksploitasi secara berlebihan sehingga terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui nilai ekonomi yang dihasilkan ekosistem mangrove berdasarkan dua aspek yaitu Perikanan Tangkap dan Ekowisata. Data Perikanan Tangkap menggunakan data sekunder dari Pengelola PPI Muara Angke tahun 2016 – 2017. Data sosial ekonomi diperoleh menggunakan  wawancara dengan bantuan kuesioner. Data biaya perjalanan rata – rata diperoleh dengan wawancara pengunjung TWAAK. Analisis Valuasi Ekonomi Perikanan Tangkap menggunakan Market Price Method. Analisis Valuasi Ekonomi Ekowisata Mangrove menggunakan Travel Cost Method. Metode penentuan 100 responden nelayan tangkap menggunakan Random Sampling sedangkan penentuan 100 responden pengunjung TWAAK menggunakan Accidental Sampling. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai ekonomi pada aspek perikanan tahun 2016 Rp. 13.148.945.100, tahun 2017 Rp.21.087.388.300 dan tahun 2018 Rp. 370.313.869.500. Hasil penelitian didapatkan nilai ekonomi ekowisata tahun 2018 Rp.40.28.400.000 Muara Angke is the only area that still has mangrove ecosystems in the coastal areas of Jakarta. Muara Angke area is approximately 964.98 ha divided into three zones. Two of them contribute to the Fisheries and Ecotourism sector, namely Fish Landing Base (PPI) and Angke Kapuk Nature Park (TWAAK). Lack of general understanding of the economic benefits of mangrove ecosystems causes people to over-exploit so that land use changes occur. The purpose of this study was to determine the economic value generated by mangrove ecosystems based on two aspects, namely Capture Fisheries and Ecotourism. Capture Fisheries Data uses secondary data from Muara Angke PPI Manager in 2016 - 2017. Socio-economic data were obtained using interview with Muara Angke fishermen with questionnaire assistance. Average travel cost data is obtained by interviewing TWAAK visitors. Capture Fisheries Economic Valuation Analysis using Market Price Method. Economic Valuation Analysis of Ecotourism Mangroves use the Travel Cost Method. The method of determining 100 respondents of capture fishermen uses Random Sampling while the determination of 100 respondents of TWAAK visitors uses Accidental Sampling. The results of the study obtained economic value in aspects of fisheries in 2016 Rp. 13,148,945,100, in 2017 Rp.21,087,388,300 and in 2018 Rp. 370,313,869,500. The results of the study obtained the economic value of ecotourism in 2018 Rp. 40.28.400.000

2020 ◽  
Vol 007 (02) ◽  
pp. 239-248
Trisla Warningsih ◽  
Kusai Kusai ◽  
Zulkarnain Zulkarnain ◽  
Lamun Bathara ◽  

Mangrove ecosystem is a very important resource for the continuity of community life in coastal areas. Mangrove ecosystem in the coastal area of downstream Rokan district has decreased mangrove area because it is used as a pond area to reduce the production of mangrove litter as an ecological function that can be a carrying capacity of coastal capture fisheries. However, the use of coastal areas as pond areas provides economic benefits for aquaculture. This study aims to calculate the economic value of the Rokan Hilir Coastal mangrove ecosystem. This research was conducted in March-April 2019 in the survey method. Analysis to calculate the total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem is NET=ML+MTL+MP. The results showed the total economic benefit value of Rokan Hilir mangrove forest reached IDR 98.697.950.594 / year was a direct benefit value of IDR 701,425,106 / year, indirect benefits were obtained at IDR 94,606,056,000 / year, and the optional benefits reached IDR 3,512,126,520 / year. Mangrove ecosystems are ecosystems that provide many benefits to the Rokan Hilir Coastal community, so this ecosystem is highly expected to be sustainable.

Dwike Ariestantya ◽  
Rika Harini

Mangrove ecosystems have multiple functions, including economic and environmental ones. For optimal benefits, mangrove ecosystem management should be well-proportioned. The purpose of this study was to determine the most appropriate scenario for managing a mangrove ecosystem alongside aquaculture ponds, by performing an economic valuation to find out the value of management with the most beneficial scenarios, both ecologically and economically. Data were collected through interviews using questionnaires, literature reviews, and institutional data. These data were then processed through economic valuations of the total economic value and cost-benefit analysis. Data were analysed spatially and descriptive-quantitatively. The total economic value of the mangrove ecosystem was USD 6.73 million. The benefit and costs of managing mangrove ecotourism were USD 3,930.74/ha/year and USD 1,701.69/ha/year, respectively, whereas the benefits and costs of managing ponds were USD 150,433.85/ha/year and USD 55,269.46/ha/year, respectively. The prioritized scenario of mangrove ecosystem management is one with an ideal proportion of mangrove and pond areas (i.e. 50:50) and the total ecological and economic benefits for a period of 25 years is USD 19.17 million.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 147-154
Diah Hanifah ◽  
Anhar Solichin ◽  
Churun Ain

 ABSTRAK Pantai Sigandu merupakan objek wisata alam yang sangat potensial. Keberadaan Pantai Sigandu mampu membantu perekonomian daerah Kabupaten Batang. Mengingat pentingnya keberadaan objek wisata tersebut maka diperlukan suatu kajian yang mampu mengestimasi besarnya nilai ekonomi dari kegiatan wisata di Pantai Sigandu, serta menganalisa kesesuaian wisata pantai untuk rekreasi agar dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan dan pengelolaan objek wisata tersebut. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Desember 2018 - Januari 2019 dengan bertujuan untuk mengetahui profil dan tipologi wisatawan; menghitung nilai ekonomi pariwisata berdasarkan Travel Cost Method (TCM); dan menganalisa kesesuaian wisata berdasarkan Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW). Penelitian ini bersifat kuantitatif, dengan metode pengambilan data primer menggunakan teknik wawancara terhadap 100 wisatawan, dengan bantuan kuisioner serta melakukan sampling lapangan untuk analisis kesesuaian wisata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik wisatawan memiliki kisaran usia 20-40 tahun dengan tingkat pendidikan SMA/SMK. Nilai ekonomi yang diperoleh berdasarkan metode biaya perjalanan atau TCM di Pantai Sigandu yaitu sebesar Rp.,00 per tahun dengan biaya rata-rata sebesar Rp. 120.140,00 per individu. Nilai Indeks Kesesuaian Wisata (IKW) Pantai Sigandu termasuk dalam kategori sangat sesuai (S1) yaitu tidak memiliki faktor pembatas dalam suatu penggunaan tertentu secara lestari, atau hanya memiliki pembatas yang kurang berarti dan tidak berpengaruh secara nyata. ABSTRACT Sigandu Beach is a potential natural tourism object. The existence of Sigandu Beach is able to increase the economy of the Batang Regency. The existence of a tourism object is important, so it is needed a study to estimate the tourism economic value of Pantai Sigandu, as well as to analyze the suitability of coastal tourism for recreation so that it can be used in development and management of this tourism object. This study was conducted in December 2018 - January 2019. It aims to find out the profile and typology of tourists; to calculate the economic value of tourism based on Travel Cost Method (TCM); and to analyze tourist suitability based on the Tourism Suitability Index. This study is a quantitative with a primary data method use a interview technique for 100 tourist with the help of questionnaires and do measures of the field for Tourism Suitability Analysis. Results of the study show that characteristics of tourist respondents have an age range of 20-40 years old with high school/ vocational education level. The economic value was obtained based on TCM in the Sigandu Beach, which is Rp. 31,038,289,140.00 per year with an average cost of Rp. 120,140.00 per individual. The Tourism Suitability Index value in the Sigandu Beach is included in the very appropriate category (S1), it does not have a limiting factor in a particular use sustainably, or it only has a less significant limitation and does not have a significant effect.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-210
Theresia Panjaitan ◽  
Suradi Wijaya Saputra ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti

ABSTRAKPantai Wediombo terletak di  Desa Jepitu, Kecamatan Girisubo, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Pantai Wediombo merupakan salah satu ekosistem perairan yang memiliki daya tarik untuk dapat dijadikan objek wisata. Manfaat yang diberikan oleh pantai Wediombo belum terukur secara ekonomi sehingga penting untuk dilakukan studi tentang besarnya nilai ekonomi kawasan wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui potensi dan nilai ekonomi Pantai Wediombso. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2019 di Pantai Wediombo. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara kepada 100 wisatawan dan 1 pengelola wisata menggunakan kuisioner dengan teknik sampling accidental sampling. Analisis valuasi ekonomi wisata menggunakan pendekatan Travel Cost Method. Potensi yang dimiliki oleh Pantai Wediombo mencakup keindahan dan kondisi daya tarik pantai termasuk dalam  kategori sangat baik, sarana dan prasarana yang sudah memadai, pelayanan pengelola yang cukup baik serta potensi budaya masyarakat seperti Upacara Ngalangi. Nilai ekonomi Pantai Wediombo sebesar Rp.52.787.622.096,00/tahun dengan rata-rata biaya perjalanan individu sebesar Rp. 208.296,00/kunjungan. ABSTRACTWediombo Beach located in Jepitu Village, Girisubo District, Gunungkidul Regency. Wediombo Beach is one of the aquatic ecosystems which has attraction that can be a good tourist destination. The benefits from Wediombo Beach were not yet measure in economic terms and it is important to study the magnitude of the economic value of tourist areas. The purpose of this research is to find out the potential and economic value of the beach. The research held on March at Wediombo Beach. The study used descriptive methods. Data obtained through interviews with 100 tourists and 1 tourism manager using questionnaires with accidental sampling. Analysis of tourism economic valuation using Travel Cost Method approach. The potential of Wediombo Beach including the beauty and conditions of coastal appeal is in a very good category, adequate facilities and infrastructure, good management services and potential cultural communities such as the Ngalangi ceremony. The economic value of Wediombo Beach based on tourist travel cost is about Rp.52.787.622.096.00 / year and average individual travel cost about Rp.208.296 / visit.

One Ecosystem ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Cristina Marta-Pedroso ◽  
Lia Laporta ◽  
Ivo Gama ◽  
Tiago Domingos

Demonstrating economic benefits generated by protected areas is often pointed out as pivotal for supporting decision-making. We argue in this paper that the concept of ecosystem services (ES), defined as the benefits humans derive from ecosystems, provides a consistent framework to approach this issue as it links ecosystem functioning and benefits, including benefits with economic value. This study aimed at providing evidence on how to bring the economic value of protected areas to the decision-making process and contributing to extend current EU Member States' experience in mapping and assessing the economic value of ES in the context of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 (Action 5). In doing so, we used the Natural Park of Serra de S. Mamede (PNSSM), located in the Alentejo NUTS II region, as a case study. We followed a three-step approach to pursue our goals, entailing stakeholders' engagement for selecting relevant ES (through a participatory workshop), biophysical mapping of ES flows (based on a multi-tiered approach depending on data availability) and spatial economic estimation of such flows (using value transfer, willingness-to-pay and market price methods). Our results indicate that the ES with highest economic value are not always the ones with higher perceived value by stakeholders. For most ES, the economic value increased with increasing protection level within the park, except for the crop production service. Although no formal uncertainty or sensitivity analysis has been performed, the following range is based on a critical assessment of non-primary data used. We estimated the aggregate annual value of PNSSM to be 11 to 33M€/year (representing 0.1 to 0.3% of the regional NUTSII Alentejo Gross Domestic Product). Our findings reinforce the need to adopt mixes of monetary and non-monetary valuation processes and not to rely just on one approach or measure of value while bringing ES into protected areas management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 03001
Iwan Juwana ◽  
Muhammad Sirdar Albar

Cibodas Botanical Garden (CBG) is believed to have high environmental value for its function as conservation area and beautiful scenery. However, prior to this research, there is lack of economic valuation to determine the total value of CBG, including its environment. The local government, on the other hand, needs such environmental economic valuation to execute better decisions related to the CBG. This study aims at providing the mostly-needed economic valuation through the application of Travel Cost Method. The Travel Cost Method (TCM) is a method to calculate the economic value of products or services that do not own market value. This method utilises total cost of consumers who travel to certain places, preferably tourist destinations. The cost spent by consumers are considered as their willingness to pay (WTP) for the visited destination(s). In this study, TCM is used by preparing questionnaires for Cibodas visitors, analysing the results of the questionnaires, calculating the total economic value (TEV) of Cibodas, determining the consumer surplus, and proposing environmental programs at CBG. At the end, it was calculated that the TEV of Cibodas Botanical Garden is IDR113,072,532,700 with average WTP of the visitors IDR202,484 per visitor and the consumer surplus of IDR32,344 per visitor. Also, this study reveals that solid waste management improvement at CBG can be funded by potential income from the consumer surplus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 326-332
Yosua Sandro ◽  
Suradi Wijaya Saputra ◽  
Dian Wijayanto

ABSTRAK Sumberdaya Waduk Cengklik merupakan sebuah waduk wisata yang terdapat di Desa Ngargorejo, Boyolali. Penelitian yang dilakukan pada bulan Oktober 2016 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai manfaat langsung dan tidak langsung kawasan Waduk Cengklik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan besarnya nilai manfaat langsung dan tidak langsung Waduk Cengklik.Waduk Cengklik memiliki banyak peran penting dari sektor ekologi dan ekonominya. Manfaat Nilai Ekonomi dari Waduk Cengklik dapat ditinjau dari manfaat langsung dan tidak langung. Untuk menganalisis pemanfaatan waduk mengenai hasil valuasi ekonomi digunakan beberapa metode yaitu metode penilaian harga pasar untuk sektor perikanan tangkap, metode biaya perjalanan untuk sektor pariwisata, metode Market Price Method untuk sektor air bersih. Metode penentuan responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk perikanan tangkap, convenience sampling untuk pariwisata, cluster sampling untuk air bersih, sensus untuk penyedia transportasi, convinience sampling untuk pengguna transportasi dan convenience sampling untuk transportasi serta sampling untuk irigasi. Hasil yang didapatkan dari perhitungan menunjukkan nilai manfaat langsung pada sektor perikanan tangkap yaitu sebesar Rp. 3.384.038.000/tahun, sektor pariwisata sebesar Rp.2.340.591.000/ tahun, sektor air bersih sebesar Rp 73.944.000/tahun, sedangkan sektor transportasi sebesar Rp 55.700.000/tahun. Total nilai ekonomi manfaat langsung yaitu Rp. 5.854.273.000/tahun. Sedangkan nilai ekonomi manfaat tidak langsung yaitu dari sektor irigasi mempunyai nilai ekonomi sebesar Rp. Kunci  : Valuasi Ekonomi, Manfaat Langsung, Manfaat Tidak Langsung, Waduk Cengklik. ABSTRACT                                                                              Cengklik Reservoir Resource is a tourism reservoir located in Ngargorejo Village, Boyolali. The research which was conducted in October 2016 aims to determine the value of direct and indirect benefits of Cengklik Reservoir area. This study intends to determine the value of direct and indirect benefits of Cengklik Reservoir. Cengklik Reservoir possesses many significant roles in both ecological and economic sectors. The Benefit of Economic Value from Cengklik Reservoir can be observed from direct and indirect benefits. In order to analyze the utilization of reservoirs on the economic valuation result, several methods are used: market price valuation method for capture fishery sector, Travel Cost Method for tourism sector, and Market Price Method for clean water sector. This research used purposive sampling technique for capture fishery, convenience sampling for tourism, cluster sampling for clean water, census for transportation provider, convenience sampling for transportation user and convenience sampling for transportation and sampling for irrigation. The results which were obtained from the calculation show the value of direct benefits in fishing sector which is IDR 3 384 038 000 per years, tourism sector of IDR 2 340 591 000 per years, clean water sector of IDR  73 944 000 per years, while transportation sector of IDR 55 700 000 per years. Total economic value of direct benefit is IDR  5 854 273 000 per years. While the economic value of indirect benefits from irrigation sector has an economic value of  IDR 1 245 000 000 per years.Keywords: Economic Valuation, Direct Benefit, Indirect Benefit, Cengklik Reservoir.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Ary Hendri Pribadi ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti ◽  
Churun Ain

ABSTRAK Pulau Karimunjawa adalah salah satu objek destinasi wisata keindahan ekosistem terumbu karang. Kunjungan wisatawan di Karimunjawa dapat berdampak pada terumbu karang dan nilai ekonomi pariwisata. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada April-Mei 2019 di Kepulauan Karimunjawa, Kabupaten Jepara. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dampak pariwisata terhadap nilai status tutupan terumbu karang dengan menggunakan metode Line Intercept Transect (LIT) di Pulau Tanjung Gelam, Pulau Menjangan Besar dan Pulau Cemara Kecil serta nilai valuasi ekonomi pariwisata dengan menggunakan metode biaya perjalanan atau Travel Cost Method (TCM). Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini yaitu jumlah kunjungan wisatawan yang datang ke Pulau Karimunjawa meningkat sejak tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2018. Kondisi status tutupan terumbu karang yang diperoleh dalam kondisi baik dengan nilai karang hidup yang didapatkan pada Pulau Tanjung Gelam 61,6%, Pulau Menjangan Besar 70,8% dan Pulau Cemara Kecil 57,3%. Luasan terumbu karang pada tahun 2016 hingga tahun 2018 di Pulau Mejangan Besar dan Cemara Kecil mengalami penurunan. Sedangkan nilai valuasi ekonomi tahun 2016 sejumlah Rp.125.426.860,- 2017 dan 2018 sejumlah Rp.135.437.480,- dan Rp.156.932.039,-. Dampak wisatawan yang berkunjung tahun 2016-2018 pada valuasi ekonominya tiap tahunnya mengalami peningkatan. Hasil nilai valuasi ekonomi yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini,nilai rata-rata TCM pada wilayah Kabupaten Jepara Rp.1.111.023,- dan nilai ekonomi pertahunnya Rp.3.369.031.988,-. Rata-rata biaya perjalanan luar wilayah Kabupaten Jepara Rp.1.146.314,- dan nilai biaya pertahunnya Rp.12.324.171.938,-. Nilai total valuasi ekonomi dari dalam wilayah Kabupaten Jepara dan luar wilayah Kabupaten Jepara yaitu Rp.156.693.203.925,-. ABSTRACT Karimunjawa Island is one of the tourist destinations of the beauty of the coral reef ecosystem. Tourist visits in Karimunjawa can have an impact on coral reefs and the economic value of tourism. This research was conducted in April-May 2019 in the Karimunjawa Islands, Jepara Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of tourism on the status of coral cover status using the Line Intercept Transect (LIT) method on Tanjung Gelam Island, Menjangan Besar Island and Cemara Kecil Island and the economic valuation value of tourism using the travel cost method or the Travel Cost Method ( TCM). The results obtained from this study are the number of tourist arrivals to Karimunjawa Island increased from 2016 to 2018. The status of coral cover status obtained in good condition with the value of live coral obtained on Pulau Tanjung Gelam 61.6%; Pulau Menjangan Besar 70.8% and Pulau Cemara Kecil 57.3%. The extent of coral reefs in 2016 to 2018 on Pulau Mejangan Besar and Pulau Cemara Kecil declined. While the value of economic valuations in 2016 amounted to Idr.125,426,860,- 2017 and 2018 amounted to Idr.135,437,480,- and Idr.156,932,039,-. The impact of tourists visiting 2016-2018 on their economic valuations has increased each year. The results of the economic valuation obtained in this study, the average value of TCM in the Jepara Regency region is Idr.1,111,023, and the annual economic value is Idr.3,369,031,988. The average cost of trips outside the area of Jepara Regency is Idr.1,146,314, and the annual cost is Idr.12,321,171,938. The total value of economic valuations from within the Jepara Regency and outside the Jepara Regency is Idr.156,693,203,925. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Tri Dian Handayani ◽  
Trisla Warningsih ◽  
Lamun Bathara

This research was conducted at Marjoly Beach and Resort, Bintan Regency, Riau Islands Province. This study aims to describe the accommodation and entertainment as well as the socio-economic characteristics of visitors to Marjoly Beach and Resort, to analyze the factors that influence tourist visits to Marjoly Beach and Resort, to analyze the amount of economic value obtained by Marjoly Beach and Resort by accidental sampling with a total of 30 respondents. . The data needed in this research include primary and secondary data. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and multiple linear regression and from consumer surplus using the travel cost method. Respondents are determined using the travel cost method approach by estimating the economic value seen from the consumer surplus. The results showed that the total travel costs incurred by all visitors as respondents were around Rp. 38,035,000. Factors that influence tourist visits to Marjoly Beach and Resort are travel costs, income and age. The consumer surplus value obtained from the travel cost method is Rp. 50,276,669.60/ person per year or Rp. 17,955,953.4/ person per visit, then the total economic value obtained from assuming a surplus of tourism consumers in Marjoly Beach and Resort is Rp. 2,295,129,967.25.

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