scholarly journals Loop variables and gauge invariant exact renormalization group equations for (open) string theory

2012 ◽  
Vol 862 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-74 ◽  
B. Sathiapalan
2003 ◽  
Vol 18 (05) ◽  
pp. 767-809 ◽  

The loop variable approach is a proposal for a gauge-invariant generalization of the sigma-model renormalization group method of obtaining equations of motion in string theory. The basic guiding principle is space–time gauge invariance rather than world sheet properties. In essence it is a version of Wilson's exact renormalization group equation for the world sheet theory. It involves all the massive modes and is defined with a finite world sheet cutoff, which allows one to go off the mass-shell. On shell the tree amplitudes of string theory are reproduced. The equations are gauge-invariant off shell also. This paper is a self-contained discussion of the loop variable approach as well as its connection with the Wilsonian RG.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (32) ◽  
pp. 1530055 ◽  
B. Sathiapalan

This paper is a self-contained review of the loop variable approach to string theory. The Exact Renormalization Group is applied to a world sheet theory describing string propagation in a general background involving both massless and massive modes. This gives interacting equations of motion for the modes of the string. Loop variable techniques are used to obtain gauge invariant equations. Since this method is not tied to flat space–time or any particular background metric, it is manifestly background independent. The technique can be applied to both open and closed strings. Thus gauge invariant and generally covariant interacting equations of motion can be written for massive higher spin fields in arbitrary backgrounds. Some explicit examples are given.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 1701-1715 ◽  

The exact renormalization group is applied to the worldsheet theory describing bosonic open string backgrounds to obtain the equations of motion for the fields of the open string. Using loop variable techniques the equations can be constructed to be gauge invariant. Furthermore they are valid off the (free) mass shell. This requires keeping a finite cutoff. Thus we have the interesting situation of a scale invariant worldsheet theory with a finite worldsheet cutoff. This is possible because there is infinite number of operators whose coefficients can be tuned. This is in the same sense that "perfect actions" or "improved actions" have been proposed in lattice gauge theory to reproduce the continuum results even while keeping a finite lattice spacing.

2013 ◽  
Vol 28 (24) ◽  
pp. 1350116 ◽  

We formulate the Exact Renormalization Group on the string worldsheet for closed string backgrounds. The same techniques that were used for open strings are used here. There are some subtleties. One is that holomorphic factorization of the closed string vertex operators does not hold in the presence of a cutoff on the Euclidean worldsheet. This introduces extra terms in the Lagrangian at the cutoff scale and they turn out to be crucial for implementing gauge invariance. This naive generalization from open string to closed string requires a massive graviton and the gauge symmetry is Abelian, just as in open string theory. Interestingly, it turns out that if one introduces a nondynamical background metric (as in background field formalism) and combines a gauge transformation on the field with a transformation on the coordinates and background metric, the graviton can be massless. Some examples of background coordinate covariant equations are worked out explicitly. A preliminary discussion of massive modes, massive gauge transformations and the role of worldsheet regulator terms is given. Some of the gauge transformations can be given a geometric meaning if space–time is assumed to be complex at some level.

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (23n24) ◽  
pp. 4627-4761 ◽  

Within the framework of the Exact Renormalization Group, a manifestly gauge invariant calculus is constructed for SU (N) Yang–Mills. The methodology is comprehensively illustrated with a proof, to all orders in perturbation theory, that the β function has no explicit dependence on either the seed action or details of the covariantization of the cutoff. The cancellation of these nonuniversal contributions is done in an entirely diagrammatic fashion.

2001 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 2101-2104 ◽  
P. PANZA ◽  

The Exact Renormalization Group (ERG) approach to massive gauge theories in the axial gauge is studied and the smoothness of the massless limit is analysed for a formally gauge invariant quantity such as the Euclidean Wilson loop.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (01) ◽  
pp. 107-121 ◽  

A linear cosmological perturbation theory of an almost homogeneous and isotropic perfect fluid Universe with dynamically evolving Newton constant G and cosmological constant Λ is presented. A gauge invariant formalism is developed by means of the covariant approach, and the acoustic propagation equations governing the evolution of the comoving fractional spatial gradients of the matter density, G, and Λ are thus obtained. Explicit solutions are discussed in cosmologies where both G and Λ vary according to renormalization group equations in the vicinity of a fixed point.

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