gauge theories
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Universe ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Dmitry Antonov

The primary goal of this Special Issue was to create a collection of reviews on the modern approaches to the problem of quark confinement in QCD [...]

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 08003
Biagio Lucini ◽  
Ed Bennett ◽  
Jack Holligan ◽  
Deog Ki Hong ◽  
Ho Hsiao ◽  

We review numerical results for models with gauge group Sp(2N), discussing the glueball spectrum in the large-N limit, the quenched meson spectrum of Sp(4) with Dirac fermions in the fundamental and in the antisymmetric representation and the Sp(4) gauge model with two dynamical Dirac flavours. We also present preliminary results for the meson spectrum in the Sp(4) gauge theory with two fundamental and three antisymmetric Dirac flavours. The main motivation of our programme is to test whether this latter model is viable as a realisation of Higgs compositeness via the pseudo Nambu Goldstone mechanism and at the same time can provide partial top compositeness. In this respect, we report and briefly discuss preliminary results for the mass of the composite baryon made with two fundamental and one antisymmetric fermion (chimera baryon), whose physical properties are highly constrained if partial top compositeness is at work. Our investigation shows that a fully non-perturbative study of Higgs compositeness and partial top compositeness in Sp(4) is within reach with our current lattice methodology.

2022 ◽  
Vol 137 (1) ◽  
M. Kachelrieß ◽  
M. N. Malmquist

AbstractCovariant gauges lead to spurious, non-physical polarisation states of gauge bosons. In QED, the use of the Feynman gauge, $$\sum _{\lambda } \varepsilon _\mu ^{(\lambda )}\varepsilon _\nu ^{(\lambda )*} = -\eta _{\mu \nu }$$ ∑ λ ε μ ( λ ) ε ν ( λ ) ∗ = - η μ ν , is justified by the Ward identity which ensures that the contributions of non-physical polarisation states cancel in physical observables. In contrast, the same replacement can be applied only to a single external gauge boson in squared amplitudes of non-abelian gauge theories like QCD. In general, the use of this replacement requires to include external Faddeev–Popov ghosts. We present a pedagogical derivation of these ghost contributions applying the optical theorem and the Cutkosky cutting rules. We find that the resulting cross terms $$\mathcal {A}(c_1,\bar{c}_1;\ldots )\mathcal {A}(\bar{c}_1,c_1;\ldots )^*$$ A ( c 1 , c ¯ 1 ; … ) A ( c ¯ 1 , c 1 ; … ) ∗ between ghost amplitudes cannot be transformed into $$(-1)^{n/2}|\mathcal {A}(c_1,\bar{c}_1;\ldots )|^2$$ ( - 1 ) n / 2 | A ( c 1 , c ¯ 1 ; … ) | 2 in the case of more than two ghosts. Thus the Feynman rule stated in the literature holds only for two external ghosts, while it is in general incorrect.

2022 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 08002
Gabriele Ferretti

I review attempts to construct models of partial compositeness from strongly coupled gauge theories. A few minimal assumptions allow one to isolate a small number of representative models. After presenting the main idea, I discuss a recent proposal to detect a light pseudo-scalar, predicted in all these models, at the LHCb detector.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Arash Arabi Ardehali ◽  
Junho Hong

Abstract We present a prototype for Wilsonian analysis of asymptotics of supersymmetric partition functions of non-abelian gauge theories. Localization allows expressing such partition functions as an integral over a BPS moduli space. When the limit of interest introduces a scale hierarchy in the problem, asymptotics of the partition function is obtained in the Wilsonian approach by i) decomposing (in some suitable scheme) the BPS moduli space into various patches according to the set of light fields (lighter than the scheme dependent cut-off Λ) they support, ii) localizing the partition function of the effective field theory on each patch (with cut-offs set by the scheme), and iii) summing up the contributions of all patches to obtain the final asymptotic result (which is scheme-independent and accurate as Λ → ∞). Our prototype concerns the Cardy-like asymptotics of the 4d superconformal index, which has been of interest recently for its application to black hole microstate counting in AdS5/CFT4. As a byproduct of our analysis we obtain the most general asymptotic expression for the index of gauge theories in the Cardy-like limit, encompassing and extending all previous results.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Maxim Kurkov ◽  
Patrizia Vitale

Abstract We construct a family of four-dimensional noncommutative deformations of U(1) gauge theory following a general scheme, recently proposed in JHEP 08 (2020) 041 for a class of coordinate-dependent noncommutative algebras. This class includes the $$ \mathfrak{su} $$ su (2), the $$ \mathfrak{su} $$ su (1, 1) and the angular (or λ-Minkowski) noncommutative structures. We find that the presence of a fourth, commutative coordinate x0 leads to substantial novelties in the expression for the deformed field strength with respect to the corresponding three-dimensional case. The constructed field theoretical models are Poisson gauge theories, which correspond to the semi-classical limit of fully noncommutative gauge theories. Our expressions for the deformed gauge transformations, the deformed field strength and the deformed classical action exhibit flat commutative limits and they are exact in the sense that all orders in the deformation parameter are present. We review the connection of the formalism with the L∞ bootstrap and with symplectic embeddings, and derive the L∞-algebra, which underlies our model.

2022 ◽  
Vol 82 (1) ◽  
Rabin Banerjee

AbstractRecent discussions of fractons have evolved around higher rank symmetric gauge theories with emphasis on the role of Gauss constraints. This has prompted the present study where a detailed hamiltonian analysis of such theories is presented. Besides a general treatment, the traceless scalar charge theory is considered in details. A new form for the action is given which, in $$2+1$$ 2 + 1 dimensions, yields area preserving diffeomorphisms. Investigation of global symmetries reveals that this diffeomorphism invariance induces a noncommuting charge algebra that gets exactly mapped to the algebra of coordinates in the lowest Landau level problem. Connections of this charge algebra to noncommutative fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics are shown.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 (1) ◽  
Horacio Casini ◽  
Javier M. Magán ◽  
Pedro J. Martínez

Abstract The entropic order parameters measure in a universal geometric way the statistics of non-local operators responsible for generalized symmetries. In this article, we compute entropic order parameters in weakly coupled gauge theories. To perform this computation, the natural route of evaluating expectation values of physical (smeared) non-local operators is prevented by known difficulties in constructing suitable smeared Wilson loops. We circumvent this problem by studying the smeared non-local class operators in the enlarged non-gauge invariant Hilbert space. This provides a generic approach for smeared operators in gauge theories and explicit formulas at weak coupling. In this approach, the Wilson and ’t Hooft loops are labeled by the full weight and co-weight lattices respectively. We study generic Lie groups and discuss couplings with matter fields. Smeared magnetic operators, as opposed to the usual infinitely thin ones, have expectation values that approach one at weak coupling. The corresponding entropic order parameter saturates to its maximum topological value, except for an exponentially small correction, which we compute. On the other hand, smeared ’t Hooft loops and their entropic disorder parameter are exponentially small. We verify that both behaviors match the certainty relation for the relative entropies. In particular, we find upper and lower bounds (that differ by a factor of 2) for the exact coefficient of the linear perimeter law for thin loops at weak coupling. This coefficient is unphysical/non-universal for line operators. We end with some comments regarding the RG flows of entropic parameters through perturbative beta functions.

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