The European Consensus Doctrine and the ECtHR Quest for Public Confidence

Or Bassok
2006 ◽  
Vol 37 (9) ◽  
pp. 81

VASA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (3) ◽  
pp. 0220-0228 ◽  
Marion Vircoulon ◽  
Carine Boulon ◽  
Ileana Desormais ◽  
Philippe Lacroix ◽  
Victor Aboyans ◽  

Background: We compared one-year amputation and survival rates in patients fulfilling 1991 European consensus critical limb ischaemia (CLI) definition to those clas, sified as CLI by TASC II but not European consensus (EC) definition. Patients and methods: Patients were selected from the COPART cohort of hospitalized patients with peripheral occlusive arterial disease suffering from lower extremity rest pain or ulcer and who completed one-year follow-up. Ankle and toe systolic pressures and transcutaneous oxygen pressure were measured. The patients were classified into two groups: those who could benefit from revascularization and those who could not (medical group). Within these groups, patients were separated into those who had CLI according to the European consensus definition (EC + TASC II: group A if revascularization, group C if medical treatment) and those who had no CLI by the European definition but who had CLI according to the TASC II definition (TASC: group B if revascularization and D if medical treatment). Results: 471 patients were included in the study (236 in the surgical group, 235 in the medical group). There was no difference according to the CLI definition for survival or cardiovascular event-free survival. However, major amputations were more frequent in group A than in group B (25 vs 12 %, p = 0.046) and in group C than in group D (38 vs 20 %, p = 0.004). Conclusions: Major amputation is twice as frequent in patients with CLI according to the historical European consensus definition than in those classified to the TASC II definition but not the EC. Caution is required when comparing results of recent series to historical controls. The TASC II definition of CLI is too wide to compare patients from clinical trials so we suggest separating these patients into two different stages: permanent (TASC II but not EC definition) and critical ischaemia (TASC II and EC definition).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-153
Resti Fadhilah Nurrohmah ◽  
Radia Purbayati

The purpose of this study was to study the level of Islamic financial literacy and public confidence in the interest in saving in Islamic banks. The variables in this study are the level of Islamic financial literacy (X1), public trust (X2), and interest in saving (Y).The method of this study is descriptive quantitative approach. The data source of this study are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires. Respondents taken are residents in the city of Bandung, with samples domiciled in the city of Bandung and at least 17 years old. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variable level of islamic financial literacy and public trust has positive effect in the interest in saving in Islamic banks. The findings in this study provide a reference to Islamic banks, the level of literacy and public trust regarding interest in saving, therefore Islamic banks must socialize to the public.

Sri Sugiyarti ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal Arrosyad

The charitable endeavors of Muhammadiyah in the Bangka Belitung Region in the field of education from the levels of Elementary Schools, Junior High Schools, and High Schools and Vocational High Schools are spread to all districts/cities. However, the discussion about Muhammadiyah education in Bangka Belitung is very minimal. This research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. This study took the sample of the oldest and best senior high school as an illustration of Muhammadiyah education management in Bangka Belitung. The results showed that Muhammadiyah Education experienced various obstacles to the threat of closure, however, they were able to rise from adversity. Muhammadiyah Pangkalpinang High School as the oldest school departed from a school that boarded at Muhammadiyah Middle School and later became one of the most popular schools in the era of the 1990s to accommodate students up to 18 classes, but later it fell free and was almost closed due to the lack of students. Several times the change of school principals has not improved, a new hope is obtained when the management of this school is submitted to the STKIP Muhammadiyah Bangka Belitung to become its lab school. Now with new facilities and management, the number of students is increasing, slowly but surely this school is starting to improve itself. Meanwhile, Muhammadiyah Toboali High School, South Bangka Regency, which was established in 1994, almost lost public confidence, due to a large number of students who failed the National Examination for the 2006/2007 school year. The situation changed along with Supiandi's leadership, his persistence in managing the school, and finally, the trust in the community returned. Now the number of students has reached nearly 500 students

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. 1800-1816
G.B. Kozyreva ◽  
T.V. Morozova ◽  
R.V. Belaya

Subject. The article provides considerations on the formation and development of a successful person model in the modern Russian society. Objectives. The study is an attempt to model a successful person in the Russian society, when the ideological subsystem of the institutional matrix is changing. Methods. The study relies upon the theory of institutional matrices by S. Kirdina, theories of human and social capital. We focus on the assumption viewing a person as a carrier of social capital, which conveys a success, socio-economic position, social status, civic activism, doing good to your family and the public, confidence in people and association with your region. The empirical framework comprises data of the sociological survey of the Russian population in 2018. The data were processed through the factor analysis. Results. We devised a model of a successful person in today's Russian society, which reveals that a success, first of all, depends on the economic wellbeing and has little relation to civic activism. The potential involvement (intention, possibility, preparedness) in the social and political life significantly dominates the real engagement of people. The success has a frail correlation with constituents of the social capital, such as confidence in people and doing good to the public. Conclusions and Relevance. Based on the socio-economic wellbeing, that is consumption, the existing model of a successful person proves to be ineffective. The sustainability of socio-economic wellbeing seriously contributes to the social disparity of opportunities, which drive a contemporary Russian to a success in life.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 1737
Ira Alia Maerani

Abstract                Indonesian Criminal Justice System consists of the police, public prosecutor and the courts. The role of the police investigators is certainly vital as the frontline in building public confidence in the rule of law in Indonesia. The role of the investigator is quite important in realizing society’s  justice. The era of globalization requires a pattern fast-paced, instant, measurable, and transparent of life and it requires investigators to follow the times by optimizing the use of technology. The aim of this study is to give effect to the rule of law in Indonesia that provides fairness, expediency and certainty. However, it considers to have priority of Pancasila values in the process of inquiry and investigation. The values of supreme divinity, God (religious), humanity, unity, democracy and justice are values that establish a balance (harmony) in enforcing the law. Law and its implementation can create product which meets the demands for social justice. This paper will examine the role of the investigator according to positive law currently in force as well as the role of investigator in implementing the values of Pancasila, accompanied by optimizing the use of technology. Keywords: Re-actualizing, Investigation, Police, values of Pancasila, Technology   AbstrakSistem Peradilan Pidana Indonesia meliputi institusi kepolisian, kejaksaan, dan pengadilan. Peran penyidik dalam institusi kepolisian tentunya amat vital sebagai garda terdepan dalam membangun kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap penegakan hukum di Indonesia. Peran penyidik amat besar dalam terwujudnya keadilan di masyarakat. Era globalisasi yang menuntut pola kehidupan yang serba cepat, instan, terukur, dan transparan menuntut penyidik untuk mengikuti perkembangan zaman dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan teknologi. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberikan arti bagi penegakan hukum di Indonesia yakni memberikan keadilan, kemanfaatan, dan kepastian. Namun yang harus diperhatikan adalah mengutamakan nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam melakukan proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan. Nilai-nilai ketuhanan yang maha esa (religius), kemanusiaan, persatuan, kerakyatan dan keadilan merupakan nilai-nilai yang membangun keseimbangan (harmoni) dalam menegakkan hukum. Sehingga produk hukum dan pelaksanaannya memenuhi rasa keadilan masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan mengkaji tentang peran penyidik menurut hukum positif yang saat ini berlaku serta peran penyidik dalam mengimplementasikan  nilai-nilai Pancasila dengan diiringi optimalisasi pemanfaatan teknologi.Kata Kunci: Reaktualisasi,Penyidikan,Kepolisian,Nilai-nilai Pancasila,Teknologi

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