high schools
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Learning through social media platforms is a nascent pedagogy that opens up new virtual online e-instructional modalities and avenues to be explored especially in these challenging emergency times of COVID-19. This research focuses on a self-directed initiative of a math teacher who taught her students in an open virtual class via Instagram. This study explores how the main features of Instagram -inherently used as social interaction platform - were maximized for educational purposes. It also investigates the effects, be they positive or negative, on the learning-teaching process in terms of engagement and communication. For this, a mixed-method sequential exploratory design was opted for to conduct the study which surveyed 100 students across 22 different high schools who took part in the virtual open math classes. The findings highlight the different patterns of Instagram use and platform features that lend this social media website the requisite feasibility to educationalize it. Furthermore, the results reveal both the favourable and disadvantageous aspects of Instagram.

Kybernetes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Yang Li ◽  
Jiaze Li ◽  
Qi Fan ◽  
Zhihong Wang

PurposeThe teenager community is the most affected community by cybercrime in the COVID-19 era. Increasing social networks and facilitating teenager access to the Internet have increased the probability of cybercrimes. On the other hand, entertainment such as mobile and computer games is top-rated among teenagers. Teenagers' tendency to cybercrime may be influenced by individual, parent, social, economic and political factors. Studying the impact of social networks, mobile games and parents' religious attitudes on teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era is the primary goal of this paper.Design/methodology/approachThe outbreak of COVID-19 caused a considerable change in the world and the lifestyle of all people. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) was also affected by the special conditions of this virus. Changes in ICT and rapid access to it have empowered individuals and organizations, and people have increased civic participation and interaction through ICT. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 has created new challenges for the government and citizens and may cause new crimes. Cybercrime is a type of crime that occurs in a cyber environment. These crimes range from invasions of privacy to crimes in which the offender vaguely paralyzes the macroeconomic. In this research, 265 students of high schools and universities are used for collecting data by utilizing a survey. Measuring actions have been done in all surveys employing a Likert scale. The causal pattern is assessed through a constructional equation modeling procedure to study the scheme's validity and reliability.FindingsThe outcomes have indicated that social networks have no significant relationship with teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era. Mobile games have a mild effect on teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era, and parents' religious attitudes significantly impact teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era.Research limitations/implicationsCurrent research also has some restrictions that must be noticed in assessing the outcomes. First, sample research was selected from high schools and universities in one city. So, the size of the model is small, and the generalization of results is limited. Second, this research may have ignored other variables that affect the tendency of teenagers' to cybercrime. Future researchers intend to investigate the parents' upbringing system's impact on teenager's trend to cybercrime in the COVID-19 era. Future research can also examine practical factors such as parental upbringing, attitudes toward technology development and virtual addiction in the COVID-19 era.Originality/valueIn this study, teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era is investigated, and a procedure is applied depending on a practical occasion. This article's offered sample provides a perfect framework for influencing parents' social networks, mobile games and religious attitudes on teenagers' tendency to cybercrimes in the COVID-19 era.

2022 ◽  
Achmad Shabir

The aim of this study was to describe the quality of English testing intrument used in Try Out National Exam conducted by 40 Junior High Schools in Makassar-Sulawesi Selatan, using Item Response Theory (IRT) especially based on one (1PL), two (2PL), and three (3PL) parameters models. The data consist of 1.267 student’s answer sheets and the test has 50 multiple choice items. Results showed that the test is preferably good at both item difficulty and item dicrimination as suggest by 1PL and 2PL estimation. But at 3PL estimation, the test unable to discriminate students ability, while 38 % of the items were easy to guess.

2022 ◽  
Louise L Hardy ◽  
Kym Rizzo Liu ◽  
Emma Sainsbury ◽  
Smita Shah

Abstract Background: The Students As LifeStyle Activists (SALSA) Program is an effective Australian peer-led leadership program offered to high schools. SALSA Youth Voices (SYV) is a novel extension of the SALSA program, providing SALSA Peer Leaders with an opportunity to further develop leadership skills, and to design and implement an intervention to promote healthy eating and physical activity within their school. The objectives of this study were to 1) measure the acceptability of the SYV program, 2) determine skills gained by peer leaders from participating in SYV, and 3) determine whether peer leaders successfully implemented a student-designed healthy eating/physical activity intervention. Methods: Schools which participated in the SALSA program in 2019 were invited to a Leadership Day workshop (Term 3) where SALSA Peer Leaders identified and planned an activity to promote healthy eating and/or physical activity at their school, and an Action Day (Term 4) where peer leaders presented their interventions to 100 health and education professionals. Peer leaders completed two brief online surveys at the end of the Leadership Day and upon registration at the Action Day. Results: Eighty-four peer leaders (aged 14–15 years) from seven high schools in western Sydney (mean Index of Community Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) = 951) participated in SYV. Peer leaders reported their involvement with the SYV program as positive, with 68% rating it as “very valuable”. Skills gained by the peer leaders included teamwork (90%), communication (85%), leadership (77%) and confidence (65%). Peer leaders planned and devised interventions included installing water refill stations, improving school gyms, redesigning girls’ sports shorts, and other strategies to engage girls in physical activity. Most peer leaders reported their intervention was successfully implemented and sustainable in their school. Conclusions: SYV provides a unique leadership opportunity for students from socio-economically disadvantaged areas to be effective agents of change to create opportunities for students to participate in physical activity and improve healthy food options at school.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Abdurahman Milad ◽  
Dwi Rukmini ◽  
Dwi Anggani ◽  
Rudi Hartono

This study instigates the teachers’ perceptions towards the implementation of the adapted communicative approach to teach English language in Libyan high schools in the city of Khoms. The participants were six teachers of different gender-based high schools. The study followed a pure qualitative method to collect and analyze the date, and the data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire. The findings reveal that the majority of English language teachers in Libyan high schools in Khoms city have positively perceived the implementation of the communicative approach (CA) to teach English language in their high schools’ contexts. They agreed to the majority of the questionnaire’s items such as: the CA emphasizes the communication in the target language and emphasizes that the learners need meaningful communication. All the participants said that they modify the principles of the communicative approach to meet the students’ needs and goals and most of them have agreed that the allocated time is not enough to complete the lesson in the classroom. This study draws out the pedagogical implication that the implementation of the adapted CA to teach English language in high schools in Libya can be quite adaptable, especially when the teachers have to fulfil the students’ needs.

2022 ◽  
Herbert Alexander Horace Insull

It is becoming abundantly evident that art instruction in New Zealand high schools must concern itself with something more than the practice of drawing and its allied crafts if pictorial Art is to play its proper part in the life of the community. The fact that a very large number of so-called "well-educated" people disclaim any real knowledge of pictorial art shows how ineffective our system of art education has been in the past.

2022 ◽  
Herbert Alexander Horace Insull

It is becoming abundantly evident that art instruction in New Zealand high schools must concern itself with something more than the practice of drawing and its allied crafts if pictorial Art is to play its proper part in the life of the community. The fact that a very large number of so-called "well-educated" people disclaim any real knowledge of pictorial art shows how ineffective our system of art education has been in the past.

Sexes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-48
Mahama Mubarik ◽  
John Elvis Hagan ◽  
Akaribo William Aduko ◽  
Kasenyi Sulley Abubakari ◽  
Oladokun Michael Yemisi ◽  

The purpose of this study was to investigate the sexual behavior patterns of student athletes of senior high schools in the Upper East Region of Ghana and to assess the differences in sexual behavior patterns between male and females. A sample of 400 student athletes using a convenience sampling technique from public senior high schools was drawn to complete a self-designed research study. Descriptive statistics and the Chi-square test tool were used to analyze the collected data. The results showed that student athletes practiced various forms of sexual behaviors such as celibacy, foreplay, vaginal-penile sex, sexual fantasy, masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex. The Chi-square analysis showed significant gender differences in prevalence of masturbation (χ2 (1, n = 400) = 4.6962, probability = 0.030) and sexual fantasy (χ2 (1, n = 400) = 6.8477, probability = 0.009), but not vaginal-penile intercourse (χ2 (1, n = 400) = 1.3197, probability = 0.251) and celibacy (χ2, (1, n = 400) = 0.0721, probability = 0.788). The study concludes that student athletes of senior high schools might be vulnerable to unplanned parenthood and are at risk of STIs, including HIV. Regular health promotion campaigns on sexual risk-taking behaviors are required to help reduce the prevalence of student athletes’ indulgence in risky sexual behavior patterns that can harm their health. It is essential to implement gender-specific interventions (e.g., decision-making skills) when addressing the problems of sexual behaviors among the student athletes in the region.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Mohammed Kamil Naail

<p>The present study examines the effect of workplace friendship on teacher citizenship behaviour, moderated by workplace jealousy among senior high schools in Ghana. The study employs a quantitative research approach, whereby 384 respondents were sampled from among 22 public owned institutions in the Kumasi metropolis, using a simple random sampling technique. Employing Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, the surveyed data was analysed using SPSS version 23.0. All three (3) hypotheses in this study were supported. In particular, the study found that workplace friendship has a significant and positive effect on teacher citizenship behaviour; workplace jealousy has a significant and positive effect of teacher citizenship behavior; and workplace friendship interacting with workplace jealousy has a significant but very weak effect on teacher citizenship behaviour. It can be noted that, hypotheses two (2) of this study which is positively and significantly supported, seem different from that of previous studies with data from different countries. The perception of workplace jealousy from the Ghanaian context is perceived positive and quite different from that of other countries due to differences in historical and cultural backgrounds. Higher education institutions may derive enormous benefits from the findings of this study. Several implications to theory and practice were discussed.</p>

Sarwahita ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 157-170
Henderite Loisa Ohee ◽  
Yokelin Tokoro

Abstract   Lake Sentani is located in Jayapura, Papua. Sentani people live in 26 villages along the coast and small islands around the lake. One of those islands is Yoboy Village, where a Onomi Niphi Reading House has been operating to provide library for elementary and senior high schools. The reading house is becoming center for various programs from various parties. Lake Sentani education program for students in Onomi Niphi Reading House was conducted to increase their knowledge of characteristics and fish species of Lake Sentani, as well as to develop digital education package and distributed to students in Yoboi Village and other students through social media. The program was conducted in Onomi Niphi Reading House, Jayapura at June 26 and July 3, 2021 through seminar and answer-question methods. Pretest was conducted before the class started and posttest applied after the class. Evaluation of the program was based on tests result and categorized to be distinguished, excellent, moderate, and poor. The test results showed the improvement of students’ knowledge on Lake Sentani. The documentation of the lake knowledge in digital format was distributed to the students and through social media. This will help the students to be aware of the improtance of conserving Lake Sentani.   Abstrak   Danau Sentani terletak di Kabupaten Jayapura, Papua. Danau ini ditempati oleh penduduk asli Sentani di 26 kampung yang menyebar di pulau-pulau dan tepian danau. Salah satunya adalah Kampung adat Yoboy, dimana terdapat Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi yang menyediakan perpustakaan bagi pelajar. Pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani diberikan kepada siswa Rumah Baca Onomi Niphi di kampung ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mereka tentang karakteristik dan jenis-jenis ikan Danau Sentani, membuat media pembelajaran digital (video) nya serta menyebar luaskannya ke pelajar di rumah baca ini dan melalui berbagai media sosial. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan di Rumah Baca Onomi-Niphi, Kampung Adat Yoboy, Kabupaten Jayapura, tanggal 26 Juni dan 3 Juli 2021 dalam bentuk ceramah dan tanya jawab. Pre test diberikan sebelum pembelajaran dan post test diberikan setelah pembelajaran. Evaluasi hasil pembelajaran ditentukan berdasarkan hasil-hasil test yang dikelompokkan menjadi kategori sangat baik, baik, cukup dan kurang. Hasil pre test dan post test pada pembelajaran tentang Danau Sentani menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan anak-anak meningkat setelah pembelajaran lingkungan tentang Danau Sentani. Dokumentasi materi pembelajaran dalam bentuk digital dan penyebar luasannya diharapkan dapat mempertahankan pengetahuan anak tentang Danau Sentani.  Pengetahuan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepedulian anak terhadap Danau Sentani.  

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