scholarly journals Recurrence Formulae for the Functions which represent Solutions of the Differential Equation:

1914 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 107-117
H. T. Flint

The contents of this paper were suggested by a discussion of the equation:in a paper by Glaisher which appears in the Philosophical Transactions, 1881, Part III.The solutions in series of (1) are:and in the paper referred to it is shewn that the coefficients of hp+1 in the expansions of and of satisfy equation (1) when p is a positive integer.

1932 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-173
G. H. Hardy ◽  
E. C. Titchmarsh

1. The integral equationwhere x, f (x), and λ are real and α positive, may be regarded as a differential equation of order α. Suppose for example that α is a positive integer p, that f (x) tends to 0, when x → ∞, with sufficient rapidity, and thatThen, if we integrate repeatedly by parts, and write z for fp (x), (1·1) becomesThe only solutions are finite combinations of exponentials.

1915 ◽  
Vol 34 ◽  
pp. 45-60 ◽  
S. Brodetsky

The linear differential equation of the second orderis not in general integrable by any method at present available. At the same time, several equations of this type have been integrated, either in terms of finite functions or by means of expansions in series. Some properties of the integrals of the general equation have also been obtained. It is the object of this paper to develop some general properties of these integrals, which throw some light on the nature of the solutions, even if not obtainable in explicit terms.

1913 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 2-14 ◽  
Arch Milne

Hermite, in 1864 (Comptes Rendus, vol. 58) introduced into analysis the polynomials defined by the relationwhere n is a positive integer. He showed that they satisfied the differential equationthat they were orthogonal functions, and that an arbitrary function f(x) could be expanded in the form

1923 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 88-92
T. M. MacRobert

A Generalisation of Christoffel's Summation Formula. The Recurrence Formulais valid for all values of n and m; but, if m is a positive integer, , hence, when n = m, (1) becomes

1960 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 439-464 ◽  
R. C. Thorne

AbstractUniform asymptotic formulae are obtained for solutions of the differential equation for large positive values of the parameter u. Here p is a positive integer, θ an arbitrary parameter and z a complex variable whose domain of variation may be unbounded. The function ƒ (u, θ, z) is a regular function of ζ having an asymptotic expansion of the form for large u.The results obtained include and extend those of earlier writers which are applicable to this equation.

1961 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40 ◽  
R. A. Rankin

For any positive integers n and v letwhere d runs through all the positive divisors of n. For each positive integer k and real x > 1, denote by N(v, k; x) the number of positive integers n ≦ x for which σv(n) is not divisible by k. Then Watson [6] has shown that, when v is odd,as x → ∞; it is assumed here and throughout that v and k are fixed and independent of x. It follows, in particular, that σ (n) is almost always divisible by k. A brief account of the ideas used by Watson will be found in § 10.6 of Hardy's book on Ramanujan [2].

1905 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 615-629
Thomas Muir

(1) This is a subject to which very little study has been directed. The first to enunciate any proposition regarding it was Jacobi; but the solitary result which he reached received no attention from mathematicians,—certainly no fruitful attention,—during seventy years following the publication of it.Jacobi was concerned with a problem regarding the partition of a fraction with composite denominator (u1 − t1) (u2 − t2) … into other fractions whose denominators are factors of the original, where u1, u2, … are linear homogeneous functions of one and the same set of variables. The specific character of the partition was only definable by viewing the given fraction (u1−t1)−1 (u2−t2)−1…as expanded in series form, it being required that each partial fraction should be the aggregate of a certain set of terms in this series. Of course the question of the order of the terms in each factor of the original denominator had to be attended to at the outset, since the expansion for (a1x+b1y+c1z−t)−1 is not the same as for (b1y+c1z+a1x−t)−1. Now one general proposition to which Jacobi was led in the course of this investigation was that the coefficient ofx1−1x2−1x3−1…in the expansion ofy1−1u2−1u3−1…, whereis |a1b2c3…|−1, provided that in energy case the first term of uris that containing xr.

1968 ◽  
Vol 64 (2) ◽  
pp. 439-446 ◽  
D. Naylor ◽  
S. C. R. Dennis

Sears and Titchmarsh (1) have formulated an expansion in eigenfunctions which requires a knowledge of the s-zeros of the equationHere ka > 0 is supposed given and β is a real constant such that 0 ≤ β < π. The above equation is encountered when one seeks the eigenfunctions of the differential equationon the interval 0 < α ≤ r < ∞ subject to the condition of vanishing at r = α. Solutions of (2) are the Bessel functions J±is(kr) and every solution w of (2) is such that r−½w(r) belongs to L2 (α, ∞). Since the problem is of the limit circle type at infinity it is necessary to prescribe a suitable asymptotic condition there to make the eigenfunctions determinate. In the present instance this condition is

1986 ◽  
Vol 102 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 253-257 ◽  
B. J. Harris

SynopsisIn an earlier paper [6] we showed that if q ϵ CN[0, ε) for some ε > 0, then the Titchmarsh–Weyl m(λ) function associated with the second order linear differential equationhas the asymptotic expansionas |A| →∞ in a sector of the form 0 < δ < arg λ < π – δ.We show that if the real valued function q admits the expansionin a neighbourhood of 0, then

1964 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-194 ◽  
J. C. Butcher

An (explicit) Runge-Kutta process is a means of numerically solving the differential equation , at the point x = x0+h, where y, f may be vectors.

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