scholarly journals A Case For Alfven Wave Heating

1990 ◽  
Vol 142 ◽  
pp. 223-229
F. Califano ◽  
C. Chiuderi ◽  
G. Einaudi

The resistive dissipation of Alfvén waves in magnetically structured media is examined within the framework of an analytically solvable model in plane geometry. A new class of rapidly oscillations solutions is found, for which the role of resistivity extends to the whole system.

1977 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-226 ◽  
J. M. Kappraff ◽  
J. A. Tataronis

We consider the effects of resistive dissipation on energy absorption by spatially localized Alfvén waves which form a part of the continuous spectrum of ideal magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). We demonstrate that the strong absorption rate found in ideal MHD is unaltered for plasma resistivities of the order found in tokamaks, thus implying the possibility of effective heating of these machines by Alfvén waves.

1964 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 906-917
R. E. Burgess ◽  
J. G. Cook

Transverse waves propagating along an applied magnetic field are studied, with special attention to the role of the magnetic field in determining the behavior of the wave. No restrictions are placed on the hole (or ion) mass, and the electron and hole densities may differ. The behavior of the magnetic-field-dominated waves is studied, and it is shown that it is profitable to extend the concept of an Alfvén wave to include those waves for which essentially B0 instead of B02 appears in the dispersion equation. Both intrinsic and extrinsic cases are studied.The dispersion equation approach is compared with the equation of motion and Ohm's law approach used by Watanabe for a study of Alfvén waves, and Watanabe's starting equations are generalized to make a study of Alfvén waves in solid-state plasmas with Watanabe's approach possible.

1991 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-228 ◽  
I. J. Donnelly ◽  
B. E. Clancy

Equations are derived for the kinetic-theory analysis of small-amplitude Alfvén waves in cylindrical plasmas carrying force-free currents. The equations, which include ion Larmor-radius effects to second order, are applicable to reversed-field pinches as well as to tokamaks. Fourier mode amplitudes are derived for model antennas with radial current feeds, and a quantitative analysis is made of the antenna resistance and the wave density fields in a small tokamak during Alfvén-wave heating. The effect of the plasma current on the wave thermal energy flux is discussed.

1994 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-221 ◽  
C. Uberoi

It is shown that, although the mathematical analysis of the Alfvén-wave equation does not show any variation at non-zero or zero singular points, the role of surface waves in the physical mechanism of resonant absorption of Alfvén waves is very different at these points. This difference becomes even greater when resistivity is taken into account. At the neutral point the zero-frequency surface waves that are symmetric surface modes of the structured neutral layer couple to the tearing mode instability of the layer. The importance of this study for the energy balance in tearing modes and the association of surface waves with driven magnetic reconnection is also pointed out.

1999 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 463-489 ◽  
P. Prikryl ◽  
J. W. MacDougall ◽  
I. F. Grant ◽  
D. P. Steele ◽  
G. J. Sofko ◽  

Abstract. A long series of polar patches was observed by ionosondes and an all-sky imager during a disturbed period (Kp = 7- and IMF Bz < 0). The ionosondes measured electron densities of up to 9 × 1011 m-3 in the patch center, an increase above the density minimum between patches by a factor of \\sim4.5. Bands of F-region irregularities generated at the equatorward edge of the patches were tracked by HF radars. The backscatter bands were swept northward and eastward across the polar cap in a fan-like formation as the afternoon convection cell expanded due to the IMF By > 0. Near the north magnetic pole, an all-sky imager observed the 630-nm emission patches of a distinctly band-like shape drifting northeastward to eastward. The 630-nm emission patches were associated with the density patches and backscatter bands. The patches originated in, or near, the cusp footprint where they were formed by convection bursts (flow channel events, FCEs) structuring the solar EUV-produced photoionization and the particle-produced auroral/cusp ionization by segmenting it into elongated patches. Just equatorward of the cusp footprint Pc5 field line resonances (FLRs) were observed by magnetometers, riometers and VHF/HF radars. The AC electric field associated with the FLRs resulted in a poleward-progressing zonal flow pattern and backscatter bands. The VHF radar Doppler spectra indicated the presence of steep electron density gradients which, through the gradient drift instability, can lead to the generation of the ionospheric irregularities found in patches. The FLRs and FCEs were associated with poleward-progressing DPY currents (Hall currents modulated by the IMF By) and riometer absorption enhancements. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the VHF backscatter and associated riometer absorptions closely resembled those of poleward moving auroral forms (PMAFs). In the solar wind, IMP 8 observed large amplitude Alfvén waves that were correlated with Pc5 pulsations observed by the ground magnetometers, riometers and radars. It is concluded that the FLRs and FCEs that produced patches were driven by solar wind Alfvén waves coupling to the dayside magnetosphere. During a period of southward IMF the dawn-dusk electric field associated with the Alfvén waves modulated the subsolar magnetic reconnection into pulses that resulted in convection flow bursts mapping to the ionospheric footprint of the cusp.Key words. Ionosphere (polar ionosphere). Magneto- spheric physics (magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions; polar wind-magnetosphere interactions).

2005 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 321-336 ◽  
B. T. Tsurutani ◽  
G. S. Lakhina ◽  
J. S. Pickett ◽  
F. L. Guarnieri ◽  
N. Lin ◽  

Abstract. Alfvén waves, discontinuities, proton perpendicular acceleration and magnetic decreases (MDs) in interplanetary space are shown to be interrelated. Discontinuities are the phase-steepened edges of Alfvén waves. Magnetic decreases are caused by a diamagnetic effect from perpendicularly accelerated (to the magnetic field) protons. The ion acceleration is associated with the dissipation of phase-steepened Alfvén waves, presumably through the Ponderomotive Force. Proton perpendicular heating, through instabilities, lead to the generation of both proton cyclotron waves and mirror mode structures. Electromagnetic and electrostatic electron waves are detected as well. The Alfvén waves are thus found to be both dispersive and dissipative, conditions indicting that they may be intermediate shocks. The resultant "turbulence" created by the Alfvén wave dissipation is quite complex. There are both propagating (waves) and nonpropagating (mirror mode structures and MDs) byproducts. Arguments are presented to indicate that similar processes associated with Alfvén waves are occurring in the magnetosphere. In the magnetosphere, the "turbulence" is even further complicated by the damping of obliquely propagating proton cyclotron waves and the formation of electron holes, a form of solitary waves. Interplanetary Alfvén waves are shown to rapidly phase-steepen at a distance of 1AU from the Sun. A steepening rate of ~35 times per wavelength is indicated by Cluster-ACE measurements. Interplanetary (reverse) shock compression of Alfvén waves is noted to cause the rapid formation of MDs on the sunward side of corotating interaction regions (CIRs). Although much has been learned about the Alfvén wave phase-steepening processfrom space plasma observations, many facets are still not understood. Several of these topics are discussed for the interested researcher. Computer simulations and theoretical developments will be particularly useful in making further progress in this exciting new area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-14
Анатолий Леонович ◽  
Anatoliy Leonovich ◽  
Цюган Цзун ◽  
Qiugang Zong ◽  
Даниил Козлов ◽  

We study Alfvén waves generated in the magnetosphere during the passage of an interplanetary shock wave. After shock wave passage, the oscillations with typical Alfvén wave dispersion have been detected in spacecraft observations inside the magnetosphere. The most frequently observed oscillations are those with toroidal polarization; their spatial structure is described well by the field line resonance (FLR) theory. The oscillations with poloidal polarization are observed after shock wave passage as well. They cannot be generated by FLR and cannot result from instability of high-energy particle fluxes because no such fluxes were detected at that time. We discuss an alternative hypothesis suggesting that resonant Alfvén waves are excited by a secondary source: a highly localized pulse of fast magnetosonic waves, which is generated in the shock wave/plasmapause contact region. The spectrum of such a source contains oscillation harmonics capable of exciting both the toroidal and poloidal resonant Alfvén waves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 490 (3) ◽  
pp. 3440-3447 ◽  
Zubair I Shaikh ◽  
Anil Raghav ◽  
Geeta Vichare ◽  
Ankush Bhaskar ◽  
Wageesh Mishra ◽  

ABSTRACT Generally, interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) triggers intense and strong geomagnetic storms. It has been established that the ICME sheath-moulded planar magnetic structure enhances the amplitude of the storms. Alfvén waves embedded in ICME magnetic clouds or high solar streams including corotating interacting regions (CIRs) in turn extend the recovery phase of the storm. Here, we investigate a geomagnetic storm with a very complex temporal profile with multiple decreasing and recovery phases. We examine the role of planar magnetic structure (PMS) and Alfvén waves in the various phases of the storm. We find that fast decrease and fast recovery phases are evident during transit of PMS regions, whereas a slight decrease or recovery is found during the transit of regions embedded with Alfvénic fluctuations.

2005 ◽  
Vol 23 (12) ◽  
pp. 3699-3713 ◽  
B. Grison ◽  
F. Sahraoui ◽  
B. Lavraud ◽  
T. Chust ◽  
N. Cornilleau-Wehrlin ◽  

Abstract. On 23 March 2002, the four Cluster spacecraft crossed in close configuration (~100 km separation) the high-altitude (10 RE) cusp region. During a large part of the crossing, the STAFF and EFW instruments have detected strong electromagnetic wave activity at low frequencies, especially when intense field-aligned proton fluxes were detected by the CIS/HIA instrument. In all likelihood, such fluxes correspond to newly-reconnected field lines. A focus on one of these ion injection periods highlights the interaction between waves and protons. The wave activity has been investigated using the k-filtering technique. Experimental dispersion relations have been built in the plasma frame for the two most energetic wave modes. Results show that kinetic Alfvén waves dominate the electromagnetic wave spectrum up to 1 Hz (in the spacecraft frame). Above 0.8 Hz, intense Bernstein waves are also observed. The close simultaneity observed between the wave and particle events is discussed as an evidence for local wave generation. A mechanism based on current instabilities is consistent with the observations of the kinetic Alfvén waves. A weak ion heating along the recently-opened field lines is also suggested from the examination of the ion distribution functions. During an injection event, a large plasma convection motion, indicative of a reconnection site location, is shown to be consistent with the velocity perturbation induced by the large-scale Alfvén wave simultaneously detected.

2020 ◽  
Vol 639 ◽  
pp. A45
B. Kuźma ◽  
D. Wójcik ◽  
K. Murawski ◽  
D. Yuan ◽  
S. Poedts

Context. We present new insight into the long-standing problem of plasma heating in the lower solar atmosphere in terms of collisional dissipation caused by two-fluid Alfvén waves. Aims. Using numerical simulations, we study Alfvén wave propagation and dissipation in a magnetic flux tube and their heating effect. Methods. We set up 2.5-dimensional numerical simulations with a semi-empirical model of a stratified solar atmosphere and a force-free magnetic field mimicking a magnetic flux tube. We consider a partially ionized plasma consisting of ion + electron and neutral fluids, which are coupled by ion-neutral collisions. Results. We find that Alfvén waves, which are directly generated by a monochromatic driver at the bottom of the photosphere, experience strong damping. Low-amplitude waves do not thermalize sufficient wave energy to heat the solar atmospheric plasma. However, Alfvén waves with amplitudes greater than 0.1 km s−1 drive through ponderomotive force magneto-acoustic waves in higher atmospheric layers. These waves are damped by ion-neutral collisions, and the thermal energy released in this process leads to heating of the upper photosphere and the chromosphere. Conclusions. We infer that, as a result of ion-neutral collisions, the energy carried initially by Alfvén waves is thermalized in the upper photosphere and the chromosphere, and the corresponding heating rate is large enough to compensate radiative and thermal-conduction energy losses therein.

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