scholarly journals Non-commutative Iwasawa theory of elliptic curves at primes of multiplicative reduction

2012 ◽  
Vol 154 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-324 ◽  

AbstractThis paper studies the compact p∞-Selmer Iwasawa module X(E/F∞) of an elliptic curve E over a False Tate curve extension F∞, where E is defined over ℚ, having multiplicative reduction at the odd prime p. We investigate the p∞-Selmer rank of E over intermediate fields and give the best lower bound of its growth under certain parity assumption on X(E/F∞), assuming this Iwasawa module satisfies the H(G)-Conjecture proposed by Coates–Fukaya–Kato–Sujatha–Venjakob.

2007 ◽  
Vol 142 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-204 ◽  

AbstractLet E be an elliptic curve over ${\mathbb Q}$, and τ an Artin representation over ${\mathbb Q}$ that factors through the non-abelian extension ${\mathbb Q}(\sqrt[p^n]{m},\mu_{p^n})/{\mathbb Q}$, where p is an odd prime and n, m are positive integers. We show that L(E,τ,1), the special value at s=1 of the L-function of the twist of E by τ, divided by the classical transcendental period Ω+d+|Ω−d−|ε(τ) is algebraic and Galois-equivariant, as predicted by Deligne's conjecture.

1997 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 749-771 ◽  
Lawrence Howe

AbstractFollowing a method outlined by Greenberg, root number computations give a conjectural lower bound for the ranks of certain Mordell–Weil groups of elliptic curves. More specifically, for PQn a PGL2(Z/pnZ)–extension of Q and E an elliptic curve over Q, define the motive E ⊗ ρ, where ρ is any irreducible representation of Gal(PQn /Q). Under some restrictions, the root number in the conjectural functional equation for the L-function of E ⊗ ρ is easily computable, and a ‘–1’ implies, by the Birch and Swinnerton–Dyer conjecture, that ρ is found in E(PQn) ⊗ C. Summing the dimensions of such ρ gives a conjectural lower bound ofp2n–p2n–1–p–1for the rank of E(PQn).

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  

A result of Bleher, Chinburg, Greenberg, Kakde, Pappas, Sharifi and Taylor has initiated the topic of higher codimension Iwasawa theory. As a generalization of the classical Iwasawa main conjecture, they prove a relationship between analytic objects (a pair of Katz’s $2$ -variable $p$ -adic $L$ -functions) and algebraic objects (two ‘everywhere unramified’ Iwasawa modules) involving codimension two cycles in a $2$ -variable Iwasawa algebra. We prove a result by considering the restriction to an imaginary quadratic field $K$ (where an odd prime $p$ splits) of an elliptic curve $E$ , defined over  $\mathbb{Q}$ , with good supersingular reduction at $p$ . On the analytic side, we consider eight pairs of $2$ -variable $p$ -adic $L$ -functions in this setup (four of the $2$ -variable $p$ -adic $L$ -functions have been constructed by Loeffler and a fifth $2$ -variable $p$ -adic $L$ -function is due to Hida). On the algebraic side, we consider modifications of fine Selmer groups over the $\mathbb{Z}_{p}^{2}$ -extension of $K$ . We also provide numerical evidence, using algorithms of Pollack, towards a pseudonullity conjecture of Coates–Sujatha.


AbstractWe study infinite families of quadratic and cubic twists of the elliptic curveE=X0(27). For the family of quadratic twists, we establish a lower bound for the 2-adic valuation of the algebraic part of the value of the complexL-series ats=1, and, for the family of cubic twists, we establish a lower bound for the 3-adic valuation of the algebraic part of the sameL-value. We show that our lower bounds are precisely those predicted by the celebrated conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer.

Chan-Ho Kim ◽  
Masato Kurihara

AbstractIn this paper, we study the Fitting ideals of Selmer groups over finite subextensions in the cyclotomic $\mathbb{Z}_p$-extension of $\mathbb{Q}$ of an elliptic curve over $\mathbb{Q}$. Especially, we present a proof of the “weak main conjecture” à la Mazur and Tate for elliptic curves with good (supersingular) reduction at an odd prime $p$. We also prove the “strong main conjecture” suggested by the second named author under the validity of the $\pm $-main conjecture and the vanishing of a certain error term. The key idea is the explicit comparison among “finite layer objects”, “$\pm $-objects”, and “fine objects” in Iwasawa theory. The case of good ordinary reduction is also treated.


AbstractLet$E_{/{\mathbb{Q}}}$be a semistable elliptic curve, andp≠ 2 a prime of bad multiplicative reduction. For each Lie extension$\mathbb{Q}$FT/$\mathbb{Q}$with Galois groupG∞≅$\mathbb{Z}$p⋊$\mathbb{Z}$p×, we constructp-adicL-functions interpolating Artin twists of the Hasse–WeilL-series of the curveE. Through the use of congruences, we next prove a formula for the analytic λ-invariant over the false Tate tower, analogous to Chern–Yang Lee's results on its algebraic counterpart. If one assumes the Pontryagin dual of the Selmer group belongs to the$\mathfrak{M}_{\mathcal{H}}$(G∞)-category, the leading terms of its associated Akashi series can then be computed, allowing us to formulate a non-commutative Iwasawa Main Conjecture in the multiplicative setting.

2008 ◽  
Vol 144 (3) ◽  
pp. 535-574 ◽  

AbstractWe construct a pairing on the dual Selmer group over false Tate curve extensions of an elliptic curve with good ordinary reduction at a primep≥5. This gives a functional equation of the characteristic element which is compatible with the conjectural functional equation of thep-adicL-function. As an application we compute the characteristic elements of those modules – arising naturally in the Iwasawa-theory for elliptic curves over the false Tate curve extension – which have rank 1 over the subgroup of the Galois group fixing the cyclotomic extension of the ground field. We also show that the example of a non-principal reflexive left ideal of the Iwasawa algebra does not rule out the possibility that all torsion Iwasawa-modules are pseudo-isomorphic to the direct sum of quotients of the algebra by principal ideals.

2009 ◽  
Vol 05 (05) ◽  
pp. 911-932

Let E be an elliptic curve of conductor p. Given a cyclic subgroup C of order p in E[p], we construct a modular point PC on E, called self-point, as the image of (E,C) on X0(p) under the modular parametrization X0(p) → E. We prove that the point is of infinite order in the Mordell–Weil group of E over the field of definition of C. One can deduce a lower bound on the growth of the rank of the Mordell–Weil group in its PGL 2(ℤp)-tower inside ℚ(E[p∞]).

Anna ILYENKO ◽  
Sergii ILYENKO ◽  

In this article, the main problems underlying the current asymmetric crypto algorithms for the formation and verification of electronic-digital signature are considered: problems of factorization of large integers and problems of discrete logarithm. It is noted that for the second problem, it is possible to use algebraic groups of points other than finite fields. The group of points of the elliptical curve, which satisfies all set requirements, looked attractive on this side. Aspects of the application of elliptic curves in cryptography and the possibilities offered by these algebraic groups in terms of computational efficiency and crypto-stability of algorithms were also considered. Information systems using elliptic curves, the keys have a shorter length than the algorithms above the finite fields. Theoretical directions of improvement of procedure of formation and verification of electronic-digital signature with the possibility of ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information were considered. The proposed method is based on the Schnorr signature algorithm, which allows data to be recovered directly from the signature itself, similarly to RSA-like signature systems, and the amount of recoverable information is variable depending on the information message. As a result, the length of the signature itself, which is equal to the sum of the length of the end field over which the elliptic curve is determined, and the artificial excess redundancy provided to the hidden message was achieved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Matteo Verzobio

AbstractLet P and Q be two points on an elliptic curve defined over a number field K. For $$\alpha \in {\text {End}}(E)$$ α ∈ End ( E ) , define $$B_\alpha $$ B α to be the $$\mathcal {O}_K$$ O K -integral ideal generated by the denominator of $$x(\alpha (P)+Q)$$ x ( α ( P ) + Q ) . Let $$\mathcal {O}$$ O be a subring of $${\text {End}}(E)$$ End ( E ) , that is a Dedekind domain. We will study the sequence $$\{B_\alpha \}_{\alpha \in \mathcal {O}}$$ { B α } α ∈ O . We will show that, for all but finitely many $$\alpha \in \mathcal {O}$$ α ∈ O , the ideal $$B_\alpha $$ B α has a primitive divisor when P is a non-torsion point and there exist two endomorphisms $$g\ne 0$$ g ≠ 0 and f so that $$f(P)= g(Q)$$ f ( P ) = g ( Q ) . This is a generalization of previous results on elliptic divisibility sequences.

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