scholarly journals MGR-DCB: A Precise Model for Multi-Constellation GNSS Receiver Differential Code Bias

2015 ◽  
Vol 69 (4) ◽  
pp. 698-708 ◽  
Mohamed Abdelazeem ◽  
Rahmi N. Çelik ◽  
Ahmed El-Rabbany

In this study, we develop a Multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Receiver Differential Code Bias (MGR-DCB) model. The model estimates the receiver DCBs for the Global Positioning System (GPS), BeiDou and Galileo signals from the ionosphere-corrected geometry-free linear combinations of the code observations. In order to account for the ionospheric delay, a Regional Ionospheric Model (RIM) over Europe is developed. GPS observations from 60 International GNSS Servoce (IGS) and EUREF reference stations are processed in the Bernese-5·2 Precise Point Positioning (PPP) module to estimate the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC). The RIM has spatial and temporal resolutions of 1° × 1° and 15 minutes, respectively. The receiver DCBs for three stations from the International GNSS Service Multi-GNSS Experiment (IGS-MGEX) are estimated for three different days. The estimated DCBs are compared with the MGEX published values. The results show agreement with the MGEX values with mean difference and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) values less than 1 ns. In addition, the combined GPS, BeiDou and Galileo VTEC values are evaluated and compared with the IGS Global Ionospheric Maps (IGS-GIM) counterparts. The results show agreement with the GIM values with mean difference and RMSE values less than 1 Total Electron Content Unit (TECU).

2018 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 702-720 ◽  
Erman Şentürk ◽  
Hamdullah Livaoğlu ◽  
Murat Selim Çepni

In this study, possible ionospheric precursors of the Mw7·1 Van earthquake are investigated with temporal, spatial and spectral analyses. For this purpose, Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data of 11 International GNSS Service (IGS) stations and 17 Turkish National Permanent Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Network (TNPGN-Active) stations were utilised. In addition, Global Ionosphere Map (GIM) data produced by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) was used to obtain GIM-vertical Total Electron Content (vTEC) values for the epicentre. The results of the temporal and spectral analysis indicate an increase (2–8 Total Electron Content Units (TECU)) before the Van earthquake occurred on 9 October, 15–16 October and 21–23 October within 15 days, 8–9 days and 1–3 days prior to the earthquake. The Cross-Wavelet Transform (CWT) method was used to examine the presence of correlation between noticeable variations and space-weather. It is deduced from the CWT analysis that the anomalies should originate from either solar effects or the Van earthquake due to coupling between the F10·7 solar activity index and TEC variations on the anomaly days. The results demonstrate that interdisciplinary approaches and various methods including frequency domain could be used to determine the presence of an earthquake-related anomaly in the ionosphere accurately.

2020 ◽  
Paulina Woźniak ◽  
Anna Świątek ◽  
Mariusz Pożoga ◽  
Łukasz Tomasik

<p>The signal emitted by the GNSS (<em>Global Navigation Satellite System</em>) satellite, on the way to the receiver located on the Earth’s surface, encounters a heterogeneous layer of ionized gas and free electrons, in which the radio wave is dispersed. As the ionosphere is the source of the highest-value errors among the different factors that affect GNSS positioning accuracy, it is necessary to minimize its negative impact. Various methods are used to compensate for the ionospheric delay, one of which is the usage of models.<br>The intensity of the processes occurring in the ionosphere is closely related to the Sun activity. As a consequence, with respect to a given location on the Earth's surface, the activity of the ionosphere changes throughout the year and day. Therefore, a model dedicated to a specific region is especially important in case of high-precision GNSS applications.<br>The assimilated H2PT model was based on the dual-frequency observations from GNSS stations belonging to EPN (<em>EUREF Permanent Network</em>), as well as on ionosondes participating in the DIAS (<em>European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server</em>) project. The H2PT model covers the Europe area, data with a 15-minutes interval were placed in similar to IONEX (<em>IONosphere Map EXchenge</em>) files in two versions of spatial resolution: 1- and 5-degree. Data provided by the H2PT model are the VTEC (<em>Vertical Total Electron Content</em>) values and the hmF2 (<em>maximum height of the F2 layer</em>) parameters.<br>The subject of this research is the comparison of the H2PT model with NeQuick-G model and IONEX data published by IGS (<em>International GNSS Service</em>) in the context of TEC values as well as determining differences between regional hmF2 data and its commonly used fixed value for the entire globe, amounting to 450 km. In order to perform the analysis, appropriate visualizations were made and statistical parameters determined. Additionally, data from selected periods of positive and negative disturbances were analysed in details based on the developed time series.<br>The relatively high temporal and spatial resolution is undoubtedly an advantage of the H2PT model, because unlike global models, the regional one allows conscientious analysis of the ionosphere characteristics for the area of Europe. Importantly, solutions regarding hmF2 show significant deviations from the fixed value approximated for the whole Earth. Taking into account the parameter appropriate for a given location and time during GNSS data processing may improve the obtained positioning quality. </p>

2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-246 ◽  
Wagner Carrupt Machado ◽  
Edvaldo Simões da Fonseca Junior

Uma forma de se prever o conteúdo total de elétrons na direção vertical (VTEC - Vertical Total Electron Content) usando a arquitetura de redes neurais artificiais (RNA) denominada de perceptrons de múltiplas camadas (MLP - MultipLayer Percetrons) é apresentada e avaliada nesta pesquisa. As entradas do modelo foram definidas como sendo a posição dos pontos ionosféricos (IPP - Ionospheric Pierce Point) e o tempo universal (TU), enquanto que a saída é o VTEC. As variações sazonais e de períodos mais longos são levadas em conta através da atualização do treinamento diariamente. Testes foram conduzidos sobre uma área que abrange o Brasil e sua vizinhança considerando períodos de alta e baixa atividade solar. As RNA foram treinadas utilizando informações dos mapas globais da ionosfera (GIM - Global Ionospheric Maps) produzidos pelo serviço internacional do GNSS (IGS - International GNSS Service) das 72 horas anteriores à época de início da previsão. As RNA treinadas foram utilizadas para prever o VTEC por 72 horas (VTEC RNA). Os VTEC RNA foram comparados com os VTEC contidos nos GIM (VTEC GIM). A raiz do erro médio quadrático (RMS) da diferença entre o VTEC GIM e o VTEC RNA variou de 1,4 a 10,7 unidades de TEC (TECU). O erro relativo mostra que a RNA proposta foi capaz de prever o VTEC com 70 a 85% de acerto.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (17) ◽  
pp. 2062
Di Wang ◽  
Xiaowen Luo ◽  
Jinling Wang ◽  
Jinyao Gao ◽  
Tao Zhang ◽  

The global ionospheric model built by the International Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Service (IGS) using GNSS reference stations all over the world is currently the most widely used ionospheric product on a global scale. Therefore, analysis and evaluation of this ionospheric product’s accuracy and reliability are essential for the practical use of the product. In contrast to the traditional way of assessing global ionospheric models with ground-based static measurements, our study used shipborne kinematic global positioning system (GPS) measurements collected over 18 days to perform a preliminary analysis and evaluation of the accuracy of the global ionospheric models; our study took place in the Arctic Circle. The data from the International GNSS Service stations near the Arctic Circle were used to verify the ionospheric total electron contents derived from the kinematic data. The results suggested that the global ionospheric model had an approximate regional accuracy of 12 total electron content units (TECu) within the Arctic Circle and deviated from the actual ionospheric total electron content value by about 4 TECu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 3290
Claudio Cesaroni ◽  
Luca Spogli ◽  
Giorgiana De Franceschi

IONORING (IONOspheric RING) is a tool capable to provide the real-time monitoring and modeling of the ionospheric Total Electron Content (TEC) over Italy, in the latitudinal and longitudinal ranges of 35°N-48°N and 5°E-20°E, respectively. IONORING exploits the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data acquired by the RING (Rete Integrata Nazionale GNSS) network, managed by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV). The system provides TEC real-time maps with a very fine spatial resolution (0.1° latitude x 0.1° longitude), with a refresh time of 10 min and a typical latency below the minute. The TEC estimated at the ionospheric piercing points from about 40 RING stations, equally distributed over the Italian territory, are interpolated using locally (weighted) regression scatter plot smoothing (LOWESS). The validation is performed by comparing the IONORING TEC maps (in real-time) with independent products: i) the Global Ionospheric Maps (GIM) - final product- provided by the International GNSS Service (IGS), and ii) the European TEC maps from the Royal Observatory of Belgium. The validation results are satisfactory in terms of Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between 2 and 3 TECu for both comparisons. The potential of IONORING in depicting the TEC daily and seasonal variations is analyzed over 3 years, from May 2017 to April 2020, as well as its capability to account for the effect of the disturbed geospace on the ionosphere at mid-latitudes. The IONORING response to the X9.3 flare event of September 2017 highlights a sudden TEC increase over Italy of about 20%, with a small, expected dependence on the latitude, i.e., on the distance from the subsolar point. Subsequent large regional TEC various were observed in response to related follow-on geomagnetic storms. This storm is also used as a case event to demonstrate the potential of IONORING in improving the accuracy of the GNSS Single Point Positioning. By processing data in kinematic mode and by using the Klobuchar as the model to provide the ionospheric correction, the resulting Horizontal Positioning Error is 4.3 m, lowering to, 3.84 m when GIM maps are used. If IONORING maps are used as the reference ionosphere, the error is as low as 2.5 m. Real-times application and services in which IONORING is currently integrated are also described in the conclusive remarks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 304 ◽  
Jin Wang ◽  
Guanwen Huang ◽  
Peiyuan Zhou ◽  
Yuanxi Yang ◽  
Qin Zhang ◽  

The determination of slant total electron content (STEC) between satellites and receivers is the first step for establishing an ionospheric model. However, the leveling errors, caused by the smoothed ambiguity solutions in the carrier-to-code leveling (CCL) method, degrade the performance of ionosphere modeling and differential code bias (DCB) estimation. To reduce the leveling errors, an uncombined and undifferenced precise point positioning (PPP) method with ambiguity resolution (AR) was used to directly extract the STEC. Firstly, the ionospheric observables were estimated with CCL, PPP float-ambiguity solutions, and PPP fixed-ambiguity solutions, respectively, to analyze the short-term temporal variation of receiver DCB in zero or short baselines. Then, the global ionospheric map (GIM) was modeled using three types of ionospheric observables based on the single-layer model (SLM) assumption. Compared with the CCL method, the slight variations of receiver DCBs can be obviously distinguished using high precise ionospheric observables, with a 58.4% and 71.2% improvement of the standard deviation (STD) for PPP float-ambiguity and fixed-ambiguity solutions, respectively. For ionosphere modeling, the 24.7% and 27.9% improvements for posteriori residuals were achieved for PPP float-ambiguity and fixed-ambiguity solutions, compared to the CCL method. The corresponding improvement for residuals of the vertical total electron contents (VTECs) compared with the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) final GIM products in global accuracy was 9.2% and 13.7% for PPP float-ambiguity and fixed-ambiguity solutions, respectively. The results show that the PPP fixed-ambiguity solution is the best one for the GIM product modeling and satellite DCBs estimation.

2019 ◽  
Telmo dos Santos Klipp ◽  
Adriano Petry ◽  
Gabriel Sandim Falcão ◽  
Jonas Rodrigues de Souza ◽  
Eurico Rodrigues de Paula ◽  

Abstract. In this work, a period of two years (2016–2017) of vertical total electron content (VTEC) from ionosondes operating in Brazil is compared to the International GNSS Service (IGS) data. Sounding instruments from National Institute for Space Research (INPE) provided the ionograms used, which were filtered based on confidence score (CS) and C-level flags evaluation. Differences between TEC from IGS maps and ionograms were accumulated in terms of root mean square error (RMSE). It has been noticed the TEC values provided by ionograms are systematically underestimated, which is attributed to a limitation in the electron density modeled for the ionogram topside that considers maximum height only around 800–900 Km, while IGS takes in account electron density from GNSS stations up to the satellite network orbits. The ionogram topside profiles covering the plasmasphere were re-modeled using an adaptive alpha-Chapman exponential decay that includes a transition function between the F2 layer and plasmasphere, and electron density integration height was extended to compute TEC. Chapman parameters for the F2 layer were extracted from each ionogram, and plasmaspheric scale height was set to 10,000 Km. Our analysis has shown the plasmaspheric basis electron density, assumed to be proportional to the electron peak density, plays an important role to reduce the RMSE values. Depending on the proportionality coefficient choice, mean RMSE reached a minimum of 5.32 TECU, that is 23 % lower than initial ionograms TEC errors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-459
Fabiane Piovesan de Moraes Cordeiro ◽  
Tiago Lima Rodrigues ◽  
Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira

Quando se almeja maior acurácia no posicionamento GNSS, é imprescindível a correção dos efeitos de ordem superior da refração ionosférica. O erro associado à ionosfera é diretamente proporcional ao conteúdo total de elétrons (Total Electron Content – TEC) presentes na atmosfera e inversamente proporcional à frequência do sinal. Ao usar a combinação linear livre de geometria com as observações advindas dos códigos, o cálculo do TEC é influenciado pelo erro sistemático conhecido como tendência diferencial devido ao atraso do código (Differential Code Bias – DCB). Esta pesquisa tem como principal objetivo a determinação do DCB C1C-C2W de um receptor GPS, utilizando a técnica da Simples Diferença, para utilização no cálculo do TEC e na correção dos efeitos de ordem superior da refração ionosférica diretamente em campo. Os experimentos foram realizados no contexto do PPP (Posicionamento por Ponto Preciso). Experimentos adicionais considerando a propagação dos valores de DCB por três e quatro semanas foram conduzidos. Isso, a fim de verificar a possibilidade de diminuir a frequência de idas a campo para o cálculo dos valores de DCB. Os resultados obtidos considerando-se a correção de ordem superior da refração ionosférica mostram uma melhorana ordem do milímetro na direção leste-oeste e na direção normal ao elipsoide, quando comparados com o processamento considerando apenas as correções de primeira ordem. Para a componente norte-sul, a melhora apresentou-se na ordem do centímetro. Quando utilizados os DCBs propagados, os resultados apresentaram uma acurácia média no PPP de 0,2 cm para latitude, 1,4 cm para longitude e 1,5 cm para altitude.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. 1599-1612 ◽  
Weiping Jiang ◽  
Yifang Ma ◽  
Xiaohui Zhou ◽  
Zhao Li ◽  
Xiangdong An ◽  

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