Bayesian theory based software reliability demonstration test method for safety critical software


The original software reliability demonstration test (SRDT) does not take adequate account of prior knowledge or the prior distribution, which can lead to an expensive use of many resources. In the current paper, we propose a new improved Bayesian based SRDT method. We begin by constructing a framework for the SRDT scheme, then we use decreasing functions to construct the prior distribution density functions for both discrete and continuous safety-critical software, and then present schemes for both discrete and continuous Bayesian software demonstration functions (which we call DBSDF and CBSDF, respectively). We have carried out a set of experiments comparing our new schemes with the classic demonstration testing scheme on several published data sets. The results reveal that the DBSDF and CBSDF schemes are both more efficient and more applicable, and this is especially the case for safety-critical software with high reliability requirements.

Genetics ◽  
1997 ◽  
Vol 147 (4) ◽  
pp. 1855-1861 ◽  
Montgomery Slatkin ◽  
Bruce Rannala

Abstract A theory is developed that provides the sampling distribution of low frequency alleles at a single locus under the assumption that each allele is the result of a unique mutation. The numbers of copies of each allele is assumed to follow a linear birth-death process with sampling. If the population is of constant size, standard results from theory of birth-death processes show that the distribution of numbers of copies of each allele is logarithmic and that the joint distribution of numbers of copies of k alleles found in a sample of size n follows the Ewens sampling distribution. If the population from which the sample was obtained was increasing in size, if there are different selective classes of alleles, or if there are differences in penetrance among alleles, the Ewens distribution no longer applies. Likelihood functions for a given set of observations are obtained under different alternative hypotheses. These results are applied to published data from the BRCA1 locus (associated with early onset breast cancer) and the factor VIII locus (associated with hemophilia A) in humans. In both cases, the sampling distribution of alleles allows rejection of the null hypothesis, but relatively small deviations from the null model can account for the data. In particular, roughly the same population growth rate appears consistent with both data sets.

2011 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-238 ◽  
Wen Bo Liao ◽  
Zhi Ping Mi ◽  
Cai Quan Zhou ◽  
Ling Jin ◽  
Xian Han ◽  

AbstractComparative studies of the relative testes size in animals show that promiscuous species have relatively larger testes than monogamous species. Sperm competition favours the evolution of larger ejaculates in many animals – they give bigger testes. In the view, we presented data on relative testis mass for 17 Chinese species including 3 polyandrous species. We analyzed relative testis mass within the Chinese data set and combining those data with published data sets on Japanese and African frogs. We found that polyandrous foam nesting species have relatively large testes, suggesting that sperm competition was an important factor affecting the evolution of relative testes size. For 4 polyandrous species testes mass is positively correlated with intensity (males/mating) but not with risk (frequency of polyandrous matings) of sperm competition.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. e192 ◽  
Corina Anastasaki ◽  
Stephanie M. Morris ◽  
Feng Gao ◽  
David H. Gutmann

Objective:To ascertain the relationship between the germline NF1 gene mutation and glioma development in patients with neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1).Methods:The relationship between the type and location of the germline NF1 mutation and the presence of a glioma was analyzed in 37 participants with NF1 from one institution (Washington University School of Medicine [WUSM]) with a clinical diagnosis of NF1. Odds ratios (ORs) were calculated using both unadjusted and weighted analyses of this data set in combination with 4 previously published data sets.Results:While no statistical significance was observed between the location and type of the NF1 mutation and glioma in the WUSM cohort, power calculations revealed that a sample size of 307 participants would be required to determine the predictive value of the position or type of the NF1 gene mutation. Combining our data set with 4 previously published data sets (n = 310), children with glioma were found to be more likely to harbor 5′-end gene mutations (OR = 2; p = 0.006). Moreover, while not clinically predictive due to insufficient sensitivity and specificity, this association with glioma was stronger for participants with 5′-end truncating (OR = 2.32; p = 0.005) or 5′-end nonsense (OR = 3.93; p = 0.005) mutations relative to those without glioma.Conclusions:Individuals with NF1 and glioma are more likely to harbor nonsense mutations in the 5′ end of the NF1 gene, suggesting that the NF1 mutation may be one predictive factor for glioma in this at-risk population.

Parasitology ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 135 (7) ◽  
pp. 751-766 ◽  

SUMMARYExperimental data establish that interactions exist between species of intestinal helminths during concurrent infections in rodents, the strongest effects being mediated through the host's immune responses. Detecting immune-mediated relationships in wild rodent populations has been fraught with problems and published data do not support a major role for interactions in structuring helminth communities. Helminths in wild rodents show predictable patterns of seasonal, host age-dependent and spatial variation in species richness and in abundance of core species. When these are controlled for, patterns of co-infection compatible with synergistic interactions can be demonstrated. At least one of these, the positive relationship betweenHeligmosomoides polygyrusand species richness of other helminths has been demonstrated in three totally independent data-sets. Collectively, they explain only a small percentage of the variance/deviance in abundance data and at this level are unlikely to play a major role in structuring helminth communities, although they may be important in the more heavily infected wood mice. Current worm burdens underestimate the possibility that earlier interactions through the immune system have taken place, and therefore interactions may have a greater role to play than is immediately evident from current worm burdens. Longitudinal studies are proposed to resolve this issue.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Hadi Masoumi ◽  
Bahar Farahani ◽  
Fereidoon Shams Aliee

Purpose Open government data (OGD) has emerged as a radical paradigm shift and endeavor among government administrations across the world mainly due to its promises of transparency, accountability, public-private collaboration, civic participation, social innovation and data-driven value creation. Complexity, cross-cutting nature, diversity of data sets, interoperability and quality issues usually hamper unlocking the full potential value of data. To tackle these challenges, this paper aims to provide a novel solution using a top-down approach. Design/methodology/approach In this paper, the authors propose a systematic ontology-based approach combined with a novel architecture and its corresponding processes enabling organizations to carry out all the steps in the OGD value chain. In addition, an OGD Platform including a portal ( and a data management system ( are developed to showcase the proposed solution. Findings The efficiency and the applicability of the solution are evaluated by a real-life use case on energy consumption of the buildings of the city of Tehran, Iran. Finally, a comparison was made with existing solutions, and the results show the proposed approach is able to address the existing gaps in the literature. Originality/value The results imply that modeling and designing the data model, as well as exploiting an ontology-based approach are critical pillars to create rich, relevant and well-described OGD data sets. Moreover, clarity on processes, roles and responsibilities are the key factors influencing the quality of the published data services. Thus, to the best of the knowledge, this is the first study that exploits and considers an ontology-based approach in a top-down manner to create OGD data sets.

Robotica ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-23
Linh Nguyen ◽  
Sarath Kodagoda ◽  
Ravindra Ranasinghe ◽  
Gamini Dissanayake

SUMMARY This paper addresses the issue of monitoring spatial environmental phenomena of interest utilizing information collected by a network of mobile, wireless, and noisy sensors that can take discrete measurements as they navigate through the environment. It is proposed to employ Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) represented on an irregular discrete lattice by using the stochastic partial differential equations method to model the physical spatial field. It then derives a GMRF-based approach to effectively predict the field at unmeasured locations, given available observations, in both centralized and distributed manners. Furthermore, a novel but efficient optimality criterion is then proposed to design centralized and distributed adaptive sampling strategies for the mobile robotic sensors to find the most informative sampling paths in taking future measurements. By taking advantage of conditional independence property in the GMRF, the adaptive sampling optimization problem is proven to be resolved in a deterministic time. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is compared and demonstrated using pre-published data sets with appealing results.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-47
Daniel Lapresa Ajamil ◽  
Javier Pascual Laguna ◽  
Javier Arana ◽  
M. Teresa Anguera

Se ha diseñado un instrumento de observación ad hoc, combinación de formato de campo y sistemas de categorías, que permite analizar la interacción social -conductas prosociales y antisociales- que tiene lugar en la competición por equipos en el juego de boccia. El registro y codificación de los datos se ha desarrollado mediante el software Lince. La validez de contenido del instrumento de observación ha quedado avalada por el equipo técnico de la Selección Española de boccia. Los resultados relativos a la concordancia entre los registros generados por tres observadores diferentes, calculada mediante el coeficiente Kappa de Cohen, indican una elevada fiabilidad de los datos obtenidos mediante el sistema de observación. En el seno de la teoría de la Generalizabilidad, mediante el software SAGT, se ha desarrollado el plan de medida [Jugador] [Categoría] / [Parcial], que ha permitido asegurar que, con el número de parciales analizados, se consigue una elevada fiabilidad de precisión de generalización. Además, se ha procedido a la optimización del plan de medida [Parciales] [Categorías] / [Jugador]. La operatividad del sistema de observación desarrollado ha quedado patente en los T-patterns detectados mediante el software Theme, versión 6. Edu. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que el juego de boccia constituye un entorno favorable de elevado valor formativo para el colectivo de la discapacidad. The observation instrument was purpose-built and combines a field format with systems of categories. The observation instrument allows to analyze the social interaction -prosocial and antisocial behaviors- that takes place in team boccia competition. The content validity of the observation instrument has been guaranteed by the coaching staff of the Boccia Spanish Team. The data were coded with the Lince software programme. Cohen's Kappa coefficient obtained by comparing the data sets generated by three observers indicates a high reliability of the data. We also performed a generalizability study, [Player][Category]/[End], demonstrating the consistency of the data based on the Ends observed. The application of the optimization module for [End][Category]/[Player] facets showed us how many players would constitute an optimal sample in future studies. The practical application of the observation system was demonstrated by performing T-pattern analysis using Theme software programme. The results obtained show that boccia is a very favorable educational environment for the disability group. O instrumento de observação foi construído ad hoc e combina um formato de campo com sistemas de categorias. O instrumento de observação permite analisar a interação social - comportamentos anti-sociais e anti-sociais - que ocorre na competição de bocha em equipe. A validade de conteúdo do instrumento de observação foi garantida pela equipe técnica da Equipe Espanhola de Boccia. Os dados foram codificados com o programa de software Lince. Coeficiente Kappa de Cohen obtido pela comparação dos conjuntos de dados gerados por três observadores indica alta confiabilidade dos dados. Também realizamos um estudo de generalização [Jogador] [Categoria] / [Parcial], demonstrando a consistência dos dados com base nas extremidades observadas. A aplicação do módulo de otimização para as facetas [Parciales] [Categorias] / [Jogador] nos mostrou quantos jogadores seriam uma ótima amostra em estudos futuros. A aplicação prática do sistema de observação foi demonstrada através da análise do padrão T usando o programa de software Theme. Os resultados obtidos são desprezíveis que o jogo de bocha é constituído por um formulário de valor favorável para o colectivo da discapacidade.

2001 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 167 ◽  
SD Whiting

THERE are few published studies of dive times of dugongs (Dugong dugon). Direct observations are problematic because D. dugon are shy and difficult to observe in the wild from boats without creating observer effects. Time Depth Recorders (TDR?s) can record dive and surface times during dive behaviour, but there are no published data as yet for D. dugon using this technology. Although studies on dive times using Time Depth Recorders (TDR?s) result in larger data sets, their results are difficult to relate to particular behaviours such as foraging. This paper provides submergence and surface interval times for D. dugon obtained by direct observations in Darwin Harbour. Direct observations, although time consuming, can produce important information related to the ecology of D. dugon.

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