Project Management Journal
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Published By Sage Publications

1938-9507, 8756-9728

2022 ◽  
pp. 875697282110458
Ananth Natarajan

This article develops and describes rigorous oil and gas project forecasting methods. First, it builds a theoretical foundation by mapping megaproject performance literature to these projects. Second, it draws on heuristics and biases literature, using a questionnaire to demonstrate forecasting-related biases and principal-agent issues among industry project professionals. Third, it uses methodically collected project performance data to demonstrate that overrun distributions are non-normal and fat-tailed. Fourth, reference-class forecasting is demonstrated for cost and schedule uplifts. Finally, a predictive approach using machine learning (ML) considers project-specific factors to forecast the most likely cost and schedule overruns in a project.

2022 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-83
Virpi Turkulainen ◽  
Inkeri Ruuska

One of the focal challenges in managing global operations is how to utilize existing knowledge to avoid reinventing the wheel, yet to critically assess current knowledge and develop new knowledge when adapting to local conditions. Research indicates that successful organizations manage these tensions by developing ambidexterity. We elaborate on contextual ambidexterity—one specific form of ambidexterity—in the global operations expansion program at Neste. We conclude with illustrations of tools used to facilitate alignment and adaptability over time. Interestingly, different tools are used in different phases of the program. Moreover, the emphasis cycles between alignment and adaptability.

2022 ◽  
pp. 875697282110631
Shahida Mariam ◽  
Kausar Fiaz Khawaja ◽  
Muhammad Nawaz Qaisar ◽  
Farooq Ahmad

We examined the impact of knowledge-oriented leadership on project success via team cohesion and the moderating role of valuing people and project complexity on this relationship. We collected data from 121 project employees in Pakistan in a two-wave field survey at an interval of 15 days. The results showed a positive association between knowledge-oriented leadership and project success, and team cohesion partially mediated this relationship. Valuing people positively moderated the relationship between knowledge-oriented leadership and team cohesion. Project complexity had a negative but insignificant moderating effect on project success. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.

2022 ◽  
pp. 875697282110617
Vered Holzmann ◽  
Daniel Zitter ◽  
Sahar Peshkess

Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are rapidly developing these days and are expected to impact the field of project management on multiple levels; however, there remains a high level of uncertainty regarding the effect that AI might have on project management practices. This article aims to address this topic based on a Delphi study with a panel of 52 project management experts who reflected on future potential AI applications for the project management Knowledge Areas. The article provides a visionary perspective that can be further translated into practical solutions in the near and far future to improve project management practices.

2021 ◽  
pp. 875697282110472
Brian Manata ◽  
Vernon D. Miller ◽  
Sinem Mollaoglu ◽  
Angelo J. Garcia

This study examines the influence of project managers’ communication behaviors in integrated project delivery (IPD) projects. This study also considers the impact of team-level information sharing on team-level outcomes (i.e., goal alignment, decision quality, process commitment, and project quality). Results indicate that team information sharing was perceived as beneficial, but the effects of project manager communication behaviors were inconsistent. Interaction analyses indicated that project managers’ communication behaviors hindered team functioning if teams were already engaging in adequate levels of information sharing. This manuscript contributes to the project management corpus by explicating an integrative model whereby project manager and team-level information-sharing behaviors are modeled simultaneously.

2021 ◽  
pp. 875697282110473
Yongcheng Fu ◽  
Lihan Zhang ◽  
Yongqiang Chen

This study investigates how transnational interorganizational projects (IOPs) cope with institutional complexity and voids. A case study of a cross-border gas pipeline suggests the coexistence of institutional complexity and voids that amplify collaboration hazards in developing transnational IOPs. Institutional complexity harms the feasibility of a unified form of organizing, whereas institutional voids sabotage the ability of involved organizations to collaborate in a market-based approach. A hybrid organization featured by modular structure, complementary advantages, and system integrator, was designed to navigate complex institutional environments. This study contributes to the project–organization–institution linkage by depicting the impacts of institutions on project organizing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 875697282110617
Weisheng Lu ◽  
Liupengfei Wu ◽  
Fan Xue

This research aims to develop a multicriteria decision matrix (MCDM) for project management practitioners, which will support blockchain type selection, evaluate blockchain platforms, and plan blockchain systems. The MCDM is substantiated through a case study, which includes a questionnaire and an illustrative example pertinent to the construction industry. It was discovered in this study that consortium blockchain is superior in dealing with the characteristics of projects, and Hyperledger Fabric is chosen as the best applicable platform. In planning a blockchain-based project management system, project management practitioners should consider user requirements such as network participants, principal transactions, communication channels, and smart contracts.

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