Successful treatment of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the brachial artery with percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin injection and antibiotics

VASA ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-183 ◽  
Poloczek ◽  
Amann-Vesti ◽  
Thalhammer ◽  
Meier ◽  

We report the case of a 48 year old male with human immuno-deficiency virus and hepatitis C virus infection and previous grafting of a thoracic aortic aneurysm. He returned from a trip to India with fever and in a poor physical condition. Diagnostic work-up revealed septicaemia with staphylococcus aureus, infection of the aortic graft with covered rupture of the proximal anastomosis and mitral valve endocarditis. Following antibiotic therapy, implantation of a transcutaneous endovascular aortic prosthesis and mitral valve repair were performed. During the postoperative period, the patient complained of pain and a palpable pulsating mass in the right cubital fossa. Ultrasound scan revealed a pseudoaneurysm at the brachial artery bifurcation. Since there were no signs of venous puncture in this area, we assumed this to be a mycotic pseudoaneurysm resulting from septic embolism. In the absence of clinical signs of inflammation, this pseudoaneurysm was successfully treated by ultrasound-guided thrombin injection. Irrespective of the cause for this mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the brachial artery, percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin closure in combination with antibiotic therapy might be a feasible, safe, cheap and minimally-invasive alternative to surgery.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
GurpreetSingh Gulati ◽  
SadisuMohammed Maaji ◽  
Madhan Kumar ◽  
Sanjeev Kumar

e-CliniC ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Natalia Ch. Polii ◽  
Janry A. Pangemanan ◽  
Agnes L. Panda ◽  
Ira Posangi

Abstract: Post-catheterization PSA occurs at the site of arterial puncture followed by incomplete hemostasis. We reported a 63-year-old male visited the emergency department of Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital with chief complaints of swelling and severe pain on the right arm, occured 6 days prior to the ER visit. His right arm looked darker and felt colder than the counterpart, felt numb, and was hard to move due to pain. Three months ago, the patient had a history of percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography through brachial artery access. Examination of the right upper extremity revealed hematoma at brachial artery puncture site, edema at 1/3 distal of the brachial region, cold acral areas, strong right brachial artery pulses, yet small radial ones. Vascular Doppler examination showed a superficial hematoma above the brachial artery and a PSA pouch of 1.23 x 1.67 cm with a small neck (<0.5 cm). Colour Doppler displayed a “yin and yang” flow at pouch, while pulsed-wave Doppler showed a “to and fro” wave through the neck. Patient was diagnosed as iatrogenic brachial artery pseudoaneurysm and managed with ultrasound-guided compression technique followed by continuous compression with elastic bandage. This technique was selected due to the PSA size less than 3 cm yet symptomatic, small neck size (<1 cm), and no size progression. Patient discharged after the PSA pouch and neck shrinked. On 6 months follow-up, neither neck nor pseudoaneurysm pouch were found.Keywords: pseudoaneurysm, ultrasound-guided compression Abstrak: PSA pasca kateterisasi terjadi pada arteri yang dipungsi tetapi tidak terjadi hemostasis sempurna. Kami melaporkan seorang laki-laki berusia 63 tahun datang di Instalasi Rawat Darurat Medik RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou dengan keluhan utama bengkak dan nyeri hebat pada lengan kanan sejak 6 hari SMRS dan memberat pada satu hari terakhir. Tangan kanan tampak lebih gelap dibandingkan tangan kiri, teraba dingin, terasa kebas dan sulit digerakkan karena nyeri. Tiga bulan sebelumnya pasien dilakukan tindakan intervensi koroner perkutan. Pada pemeriksaan ekstremitas atas kanan tampak hematoma di daerah pungksi, edema setinggi 1/3 distal regio brachialis sampai ujung jari, akral teraba dingin, pulsasi arteri brakialis teraba kuat tetapi arteri radialis teraba kecil. Pemeriksaan Doppler vascular mendapatkan gambaran hematoma superfisial dari arteri brakialis dan tampak kantong PSA berukuran 1,23x1,67 cm dengan neck berukuran kecil (<0,5 cm) Pada colour Doppler didapatkan aliran pada kantong pseudoaneurisma seperti gambaran yin dan yang. Pada pulsed-wave Doppler di saluran PSA (neck) didapatkan gelombang “to and fro”. Berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang pasien ini didiagnosis dengan PSA arteri brakialis iatrogenik (pasca kateterisasi). Penanganan dengan ultrasound-guided compression dan dilanjutkan dengan kompresi kontinu dengan bebat elastik. Pemilihan teknik kompresi ini berdasarkan pada ukuran kantong <3 cm namun bergejala, ukuran neck kecil <1cm serta tidak didapatkan pembesaran progresif. Pasien dipulangkan setelah kantong maupun neck PSA tampak mengecil, dan 6 bulan setelahnya tidak lagi terlihat neck maupun kantong PSA.Kata kunci: pseudoaneurisma, ultrasound-guided compression

e-CliniC ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Natalia Ch. Polii ◽  
Janry A. Pangemanan ◽  
Agnes L. Panda ◽  
Ira Posangi

Abstract: Post-catheterization PSA occurs at the site of arterial puncture followed by incomplete hemostasis. We reported a 63-year-old male visited the emergency department of Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital with chief complaints of swelling and severe pain on the right arm, occured 6 days prior to the ER visit. His right arm looked darker and felt colder than the counterpart, felt numb, and was hard to move due to pain. Three months ago, the patient had a history of percutaneous transluminal coronary angiography through brachial artery access. Examination of the right upper extremity revealed hematoma at brachial artery puncture site, edema at 1/3 distal of the brachial region, cold acral areas, strong right brachial artery pulses, yet small radial ones. Vascular Doppler examination showed a superficial hematoma above the brachial artery and a PSA pouch of 1.23 x 1.67 cm with a small neck (<0.5 cm). Colour Doppler displayed a “yin and yang” flow at pouch, while pulsed-wave Doppler showed a “to and fro” wave through the neck. Patient was diagnosed as iatrogenic brachial artery pseudoaneurysm and managed with ultrasound-guided compression technique followed by continuous compression with elastic bandage. This technique was selected due to the PSA size less than 3 cm yet symptomatic, small neck size (<1 cm), and no size progression. Patient discharged after the PSA pouch and neck shrinked. On 6 months follow-up, neither neck nor pseudoaneurysm pouch were found.Keywords: pseudoaneurysm, ultrasound-guided compression Abstrak: PSA pasca kateterisasi terjadi pada arteri yang dipungsi tetapi tidak terjadi hemostasis sempurna. Kami melaporkan seorang laki-laki berusia 63 tahun datang di Instalasi Rawat Darurat Medik RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou dengan keluhan utama bengkak dan nyeri hebat pada lengan kanan sejak 6 hari SMRS dan memberat pada satu hari terakhir. Tangan kanan tampak lebih gelap dibandingkan tangan kiri, teraba dingin, terasa kebas dan sulit digerakkan karena nyeri. Tiga bulan sebelumnya pasien dilakukan tindakan intervensi koroner perkutan. Pada pemeriksaan ekstremitas atas kanan tampak hematoma di daerah pungksi, edema setinggi 1/3 distal regio brachialis sampai ujung jari, akral teraba dingin, pulsasi arteri brakialis teraba kuat tetapi arteri radialis teraba kecil. Pemeriksaan Doppler vascular mendapatkan gambaran hematoma superfisial dari arteri brakialis dan tampak kantong PSA berukuran 1,23x1,67 cm dengan neck berukuran kecil (<0,5 cm) Pada colour Doppler didapatkan aliran pada kantong pseudoaneurisma seperti gambaran yin dan yang. Pada pulsed-wave Doppler di saluran PSA (neck) didapatkan gelombang “to and fro”. Berdasarkan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan penunjang pasien ini didiagnosis dengan PSA arteri brakialis iatrogenik (pasca kateterisasi). Penanganan dengan ultrasound-guided compression dan dilanjutkan dengan kompresi kontinu dengan bebat elastik. Pemilihan teknik kompresi ini berdasarkan pada ukuran kantong <3 cm namun bergejala, ukuran neck kecil <1cm serta tidak didapatkan pembesaran progresif. Pasien dipulangkan setelah kantong maupun neck PSA tampak mengecil, dan 6 bulan setelahnya tidak lagi terlihat neck maupun kantong PSA.Kata kunci: pseudoaneurisma, ultrasound-guided compression

2018 ◽  
Vol 89 (6) ◽  
pp. A30.1-A30 ◽  
Ariadna Fontes-Villalba ◽  
John DE Parratt

IntroductionAlemtuzumab, a humanised monoclonal antibody directed at CD52, is a highly active treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) that induces rapid depetion of circulating lymphocytes. Infusion-associated reactions and autoimmune disorders are established adverse effects. We describe two cases of alemtuzumab associated allergic inflammatory syndrome involving the lungs and gallbladder in two young patients after their first course of Alemtuzumab.Case 1 A 26 year old female with relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) received her first course of alemtuzumab. On the fourth day of treatment, she developed bronchospasm, chest pain and an interstitial infiltrate in the right lower lobe on chest X-ray. She had right upper quadrant pain and a positive Murphy’s sign and ‘gallbladder sludge’ on ultrasound. Blood tests showed lymphopenia and eosinophilia. The patient was diagnosed with acalculous cholecystitis. Antibiotic therapy was initiated but laparoscopic cholecystectomy was required. The pathology demonstrated eosinophilic cholecystitis.Case 2 A 29 year old man with RRMS was switched to alemtuzumab due to positive JCV antibody status. He had an episode of hemoptysis on the fifth day of the infusion. Two days later, haemoptysis was accompanied by chest tightness. Physical examination revealed a palpable liver and positive Murphy sign. Blood tests were remarkable for abnormal liver enzymes. Signs of interstitial changes in the right lower lobe were observed on a chest X-ray. The patient was diagnosed with acalculous cholecystitis and antibiotic therapy was initiated. The infiltrate resolved and the clinical signs quickly improved.ConclusionThe characteristics of this condition are acute onset (within days of alemtuzumab) and non-infective inflammation of the lung (right lower lobe in these cases) and gallbladder. The pathology in one case indicates this is likely to be a drug related, allergic phenomenon with extensive eosinophilic infiltration of the gallbladder.

M. Jlidi ◽  
D. Selim ◽  
N. Jedidi ◽  
K. Khelil ◽  
Y. Trabelsi ◽  

Introduction: Acute osteomyelitis usually occurs in the metaphysis of the long bones, the lower limb being more commonly affected than the upper limb. Pelvic localization is rare. Observation: An 11-year-old boy with no remarkable history of illness visited our emergency room complaining from high fever and atromatic right hip pain. The orthopedic examination objectified a limitation of the right hip joint motions especially in extension, the palpation of the groin’s crease was slightly painful without local inflammatory signs nor lymphadenopathies. Blood laboratory tests found an inflammatory syndrome. Hip X-rays did not show any abnormality, the ultrasound of the right hip showed a joint effusion of low abundance measuring 1 mm. Magnetic resonance imaging detected anhypointense signal on T1-weighted sequences and a high intensity signal on T2-weighted on the right acetabulum with contrast enhacement after gadolinium administration. It combines a fat infiltration and a collection of 13x6 mm in the internal obturator muscle. The diagnosis of acute osteomyelitis of the posterior column with soft tissue invasion and reactive arthritis was confirmed. The blood cultures did not isolate a germ and the urinalysis was negative. The child was given antibiotic therapy: amoxicillin clavulanic acid and fusidic acid intravenously for a period of 21 days and then orally for a total duration of 12 weeks. The evolution was marked by a clinical improvement and a negation of the CRP. A 3-month control MRI showed total regression of the soft tissue collections. Discussion: Pelvic osteomyelitis is rare, patients with pelvic osteomyelitis can present various clinical signs, which gives place to late or erroneous diagnosis. The prognosis of pelvic osteomyelitis is very favorable. The rate of recovery without sequelae is greater than 95%, but decreases with late diagnosis and treatment failure. Conclusion: Osteomyelitis remains an endemic pathology in Tunisia despite the development of diagnostic’ means and antibiotic therapy. Pelvic osteomyelitis is rare; it poses a diagnostic problem especially with Ewing's sarcoma. Its prognosis is favorable but decreases with a delay of antibiotic administration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 99 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-135

Introduction: Abdominal emergencies occur in pregnant women with the rate of 1:500−635 pregnancies. Such conditions usually develop from full health and worsen rapidly. Symptoms are often similar to those in physiological pregnancy (abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation). The diagnostic process is thus difficult and both the mother and her child are at risk. Our aim was to evaluate the frequency of abdominal emergencies in the Department of Surgery, University Hospital in Pilsen and to consider their impact on pregnancy and on the newborn. Methods: We acquired a set of patients by retrograde collection of data. We searched for pregnant patients suspected of developing an abdominal emergency admitted to the Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Pilsen between 2004 and 2015. We evaluated a number of clinical signs to statistically describe the set. Results: The set included 121 patients; 42 of the patients underwent a surgical procedure and 79 received conservative treatment. 38 patients underwent appendectomy; 6 appendixes were with no pathologies. McBurney’s incision was an approach of choice in most cases. The most frequent symptom was pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant. The foetus has been lost in none of the cases. Conclusion: Acute appendicitis was the most frequent abdominal emergency in our set and also the most frequent reason for surgical intervention. The most specific sign was pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant. No impact of appendicitis or appendectomy on the health of the newborn has been observed. Even though abdominal emergencies in pregnancy are relatively rare, the results of the department are very good.

2007 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. E325-E328 ◽  
Ali Gürbüz ◽  
Ufuk Yetkin ◽  
Ömer Tetik ◽  
Mert Kestelli ◽  
Murat Yesil

Choonpa Igaku ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 45 (6) ◽  
pp. 605-610
Masahito MINAMI ◽  
Yasuhiro OONO ◽  

Fernando Eduardo Coria-Valdiosera

Introduction: The microorganisms own different resistance mechanisms that allow them to resist the chemo-mechanical cleanliness of root canal and antibiotic therapies causing the persistence of apical lesions. Methods: This clinical case describes a male patient diagnosed with pulp necrosis in the right lower central incisor due to trauma, which developed apical periodontitis manifesting itself extra orally. Root canal treatment along with antibiotic therapy was performed, but because the infectious process persisted, endodontic retreatment and a new antibiotic therapy were carried out, however, the clinical evolution was not favorable. For this reason, the intentional replantation was chosen as the outright treatment, performing apicectomy and curettage of the periapical lesion, from which the isolation and taxonomic study of microorganisms were carried out, with the respective antibiogram. Results: In the 10-day clinical follow-up, the extraoral infectious process disappeared almost completely and 6 months later, a complete repair of the bone tissue was observed on the tomography. Conclusion: A better understanding of the persistence of apical periodontitis was achieved by taxonomic identification of bacteria and the intentional replantation allowed to remove the apical biofilm gaining an excellent wound healing.

Vincenzo Giordano ◽  
Jan G. Grandjean

A 51-year-old man developed severe mitral regurgitation 10 years after previous mitral valve repair; the echocardiographic images showed a remarkable eccentric jet toward posterior wall of left atrium associated with a high degree of pulmonary vein retrograde flow. The coronary arteriography pointed out no pathologic lesions but a coronary fistula from the proximal right coronary to the right atrium. The standard approach was avoided, and a right anterolateral minithoracotomy was chosen, providing an excellent view. Under cardiopulmonary bypass and mild hypothermia, the mitral valve was re-repaired, and a new ring was implanted. After aortic cross-clamp release, the right coronary fistula was closed through the right atrium. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the fourth postoperative day. In such a high-risk reintervention and concomitant procedure, we think that this different approach may represent a feasible and reliable alternative.

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