Intraindividual Variability and Stability of Affect and Well-Being

GeroPsych ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-199 ◽  
Christina Röcke ◽  
Annette Brose

Whereas subjective well-being remains relatively stable across adulthood, emotional experiences show remarkable short-term variability, with younger and older adults differing in both amount and correlates. Repeatedly assessed affect data captures both the dynamics and stability as well as stabilization that may indicate emotion-regulatory processes. The article reviews (1) research approaches to intraindividual affect variability, (2) functional implications of affect variability, and (3) age differences in affect variability. Based on this review, we discuss how the broader literature on emotional aging can be better integrated with theories and concepts of intraindividual affect variability by using appropriate methodological approaches. Finally, we show how a better understanding of affect variability and its underlying processes could contribute to the long-term stabilization of well-being in old age.

2017 ◽  
Edward Francis Diener

We review evidence on whether subjective well-being (SWB) can influence health, why it might do so, and what we know about the conditions where this is more or less likely to occur. This review also explores how various methodological approaches inform the study of the connections between subjective well-being and health and longevity outcomes. Our review of this growing literature indicates areas where data are substantial and where much more research is needed. We conclude that SWB can sometimes influence health, and review a number of reasons why it does so. A key open question is when it does and does not do so – in terms of populations likely to be affected, types of SWB that are most influential (including which might be harmful), and types of health and illnesses that are most likely to be affected. We also describe additional types of research that are now much needed in this burgeoning area of interest, for example, cross-cultural studies, animal research, and experimental interventions designed to raise long-term SWB and assess the effects on physical health. This research area is characterized both by potentially extremely important findings, and also by pivotal research issues and questions.

A. l. Moro-Egido ◽  
M. Navarro ◽  
A. Sánchez

AbstractThis article analyzes the main determinants of changes in subjective well-being over time in Germany distinguishing between long-term and short-term changes. Our findings for the long term indicate that social capital and values and cultural dimensions have the greatest capacity to predict changes in subjective well-being. Likewise, the correlation between economic resources and subjective well-being is weaker due to the small increase registered in household income and because people compare their income with those who are better off and feel envy. In the short term, economic resources have the highest capacity to predict both improvements (ups) and declines (downs) in subjective well-being. Finally, we also suggest that, whenever information is available, personality traits should be taken into account in the analysis of changes in subjective well-being over time in order to achieve more reliable estimates.

Michael A. Cohn ◽  
Barbara L. Fredrickson

Positive emotions include pleasant or desirable situational responses, ranging from interest and contentment to love and joy, but are distinct from pleasurable sensation and undifferentiated positive affect. These emotions are markers of people's overall well-being or happiness, but they also enhance future growth and success. This has been demonstrated in work, school, relationships, mental and physical health, and longevity. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions suggests that all positive emotions lead to broadened repertoires of thoughts and actions and that broadening helps build resources that contribute to future success. Unlike negative emotions, which are adapted to provide a rapid response to a focal threat, positive emotions occur in safe or controllable situations and lead more diffusely to seeking new resources or consolidating gains. These resources outlast the temporary emotional state and contribute to later success and survival. This chapter discusses the nature of positive emotions both as evolutionary adaptations to build resources and as appraisals of a situation as desirable or rich in resources. We discuss the methodological challenges of evoking positive emotions for study both in the lab and in the field and issues in observing both short-term (“broaden”) and long-term (“build”) effects. We then review the evidence that positive emotions broaden perception, attention, motivation, reasoning, and social cognition and ways in which these may be linked to positive emotions' effects on important life outcomes. We also discuss and contextualize evidence that positive emotions may be detrimental at very high levels or in certain situations. We close by discussing ways in which positive emotions theory can be harnessed by both basic and applied positive psychology research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 72-72
Emily Ihara ◽  
Catherine Tompkins ◽  
William Kennedy ◽  
Rhea Vance-Cheng ◽  
Bianca Kwan ◽  

Abstract Research indicates that family caregivers of individuals living with dementia are at risk for high levels of stress, depression, physical health declines, and illness. The health and well-being of family caregivers is critically important to a long-term care system that is dependent on them to continue their caregiving role. In-depth individual and focus group interviews of 16 dementia caregivers were conducted to explore the emotional experiences of caregiving stress during transitions of individuals living with dementia to a higher level of care. Data were transcribed verbatim, checked for accuracy, and analyzed by at least two members of the research team. Line-by-line coding, memo writing, and constant comparative analyses were conducted until redundancy, when no new themes were discovered. Caregivers described various levels of feeling overwhelmed and symptom progression leading to the move to a nursing facility. Social isolation featured prominently, with caregivers describing a gradual erosion of their social network and socializing opportunities because of their caregiving responsibilities and the care recipient’s deteriorating symptoms. Caregivers described feeling isolated and stigmatized. One caregiver said, “…you’re being less invited, you’re being less involved. People don’t know how to deal with you…I don’t know if they become the pariah or I become the pariah.” At the same time, maintaining social connections and having help with caregiving featured prominently in the coping mechanisms described. The health of caregivers is equally as important as the person living with dementia, and programs, interventions, and resources should be a priority for supporting families through transitions.

2004 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-56 ◽  
Sigrid Pemberger ◽  
Reinhold Jagsch ◽  
Eva Frey ◽  
Rosemarie Felder-Puig ◽  
Helmut Gadner ◽  

1991 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 661-665 ◽  
Donald H. Kausler ◽  
Judith G. Wiley

Peter Warr

Prominent among frameworks of well-being is the Vitamin Model, which emphasizes nonlinear associations with environmental features. The Vitamin Model has previously been described through average patterns for people in general, but we need also to explore inter-individual variations. For presentation, those differences can either be viewed generically, based on divergence in age, personality and so on, or through short-term episodes of emotion regulation, such as through situation-specific attentional focus and reappraisal. Both long-term and short-term variations are considered here.

2009 ◽  
Vol 71 (5) ◽  
pp. 1254-1270 ◽  
Judith P. M. Soons ◽  
Aart C. Liefbroer ◽  
Matthijs Kalmijn

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