The law of photochemical equivalence and the place of the quantum theory in relation to the atomic theory and energetics

1926 ◽  
Vol 21 (February) ◽  
pp. 463 ◽  
Daniel Berthelot ◽  
H. Borns

In Einstein’s theory of gravitation it is assumed that the geometry of space- time is characterised by the following equation for the measurement of displacement:— ds 2 = g mn dx m dx n { m n = 1, 2, 3, 4, the sign of summation being omitted for convenience. It is supposed that the coefficients, of which g mn is the type, are dependent upon the content of space, and the relation existing between them is the law of gravitation.

Philip Ball

‘The eightfold path: organizing the elements’ explains the history and rationale of the Periodic Table. Atomic theory was not fully accepted until Jean Perrin proved the existence of atoms in 1908. Rutherford et al went further, elucidating subatomic particles. This provided new insights into the Periodic Table, created decades earlier by Mendeleyev. Mendeleyev was not the first to attempt to group the elements. However, an improved set of atomic weights published in 1860 caused an upsurge in research. Mendeleyev's Table showed the order underlying the elements, left gaps for new elements, and questioned irreconcilable data. This data was eventually reconciled partly by Rutherford, and partly by Bohr's application of quantum theory.

N. F. Mott

The Statistical Mechanics which has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the new Quantum Theory is concerned with distribution laws over energy values only—over, that is, the characteristics of Schrödinger's equation. To obtain a space distribution law, even for the Classical limit, some use must be made of the characteristic functions. A formula has been suggested by Fowler, but it has not been shown that this formula gives the Classical law for gases at ordinary temperatures and pressures. In this paper we shall show that this is so, but before doing so we shall sketch the analogous method of obtaining the law, on the Classical theory.

The quantum theory has provided a means of calculating the interaction energies of two atoms by a perturbation method. It appears that, the short range interaction forces are due mainly to electron exchange phenomena between the two atoms, while the van der Waals forces arise from mutual polarization effects. The theory gives the first of these forces in the first approximation, while the van der Waals forces appear only in the second approximation, At large distances, where the interaction is small, it is somewhat surprising that the first approximation is not sufficient, and one is led to doubt the accuracy of the method when applied at distances at which the first and second approximations give comparable results. At these distances the mutual potential energy is comparable with the mean kinetic energy of a gas atom at ordinary temperatures, and it is therefore clear that a study of gas-kinetic collision phenomena should provide a satisfactory test of the validity of the perturbation method in this region. It is the object of this paper to carry out a number of calculations with this aim in view. In a previous paper the quantum theory of collisions was applied to gas-kinetic collisions, and it was shown that, although the classical theory can be used with accuracy to determine the law of force from viscosity and diffusion phenomena associated with heavy gases, it cannot he applied with safety to hydrogen and helium. The method to he used in such cases was given, and it was also shown that the existence of a definite total collision area—a feature of the quantum theory of scattering by a centre of force, the potential of which falls of more rapidly than r -2 at large distances—provides a further means of determining the law of force. As this collision area can now be directly measured with accuracy by molecular ray experiments, the range of applicability of tins method is considerably greater than that of methods based on transport phenomena.

1932 ◽  
Vol 78 (323) ◽  
pp. 803-818
J. H. MacDonald

The physicist, in his endeavour to explain natural phenomena, has, in the course of his investigations and observations, discovered certain laws which appear to be constant and applicable to the phenomena in question. On the basis of those laws he has evolved theories which provide him with an intelligible appreciation of the mechanism involved. The law embraces and synthetizes a large number of observations, but it also serves as a point of departure for new observations. Whilst the law may be constant, the theories may undergo modification, as new facts come to light, as has occurred, for example, in the case of the atomic theory. Amongst physicists there is, however, a readiness to consider new discoveries, to put them to the test, and, if they are found to be in harmony with determined laws, to incorporate them in the theoretical scheme.

The present work was originally undertaken as a sequel to a recent paper in which I discussed certain questions connected with the refractive index, but its scope has widened out considerably. The presence of a static magnetic field in no way effects the central difficulty of the earlier work, and it seemed therefore worth while to make the small extension which would include such fields. But a study of the literature of magneto-optics suggested that the whole subject ought to be presented in a more systematic way than has hitherto been usual, and so the first part of the paper develops a formal method suitable for the discussion of magneto-optics, no matter what the underlying atomic theory may be. There follows a discussion of the magneto-optics effects of material of any atomic character, which is worked out with the same quasi-classical model as was used in I. The formulae are then applied to an examination of the Kerr magneto-optics effect, and the experimental results are tested. The experimental measures are very variable and discrepant, and the test cannot be regarded as satisfactory; but it does seem rather probable that it is fulfilled, so that the Kerr effect may be treated as if due to the disturbance of the ordinary optical effects by a strong intrinsic magnetic field, though this proves to be quite different from the Weiss field. The model used are mainly classical. It is not, of course, claimed that they are as close to actuality as would be models making explicit use of the quantum theory; nevertheless, there are pronounced advantages in the present method. In the ordinary treatment in the quantum theory of the refraction of light, the argument leads, after the Raman scattering has been removed from consideration, to formulae involving “virtual electrons’ which obey the laws of classical electromagnetics. Things are a little different , for magnetic gyration, and the changes will be briefly described; but these differences are not the main interest of the subject. The main difficulty is the same for the quantum as for the classical theory. This is the question of the Lorentz correction, which arises whenever what is essentially a problem of many electrons is simplified into a problem of a single electron. In metals the effect can hardly be called a correction, as it entirely alters the numerical magnitudes. Some writers have maintained that the correction should not be applied in metals; but in a recent paper Kronig and Groenewold, using the methods of quantum theory, show that some correction of the kind is demanded, and though they have not evaluated it, their work does not exclude the possibility that the result of the classical model is correct. The problem must certainly be solved properly before we can feel any confidence in theories of metallic optics. In the meantime there is still perhaps room, here as in many other branches of atomic theory, for work that simplifies the problem by the use of classical models.

Although the classical electrodynamic theory meets with a considerable amount of success in the description of many atomic phenomena, it fails completely on certain fundamental points. It has long been thought that the way out of this difficulty lies in the fact that there is one basic assumption of the classical theory which is false, and that if this assumption were removed and replaced by something more general, the whole of atomic theory would follow quite naturally. Until quite recently, however, one has had no idea of what this assumption could be. A recent paper by Heisenberg* provides the clue to the solution of this question, and forms the basis of a new quantum theory. According to Heisen­berg, if x and y are two functions of the co-ordinates and momenta of a dyna­mical system, then in general xy is not equal to yx . Instead of the commutative law of multiplication, the canonical variables q r p r ( r = 1... u ) of a system of u degrees of freedom satisfy the quantum conditions, which were given by the author in the form q r q s ― q s q r = 0 p r p s ― p s p r = 0 q r p s ― p s q r = 0 q r p r ― p r q r = ih ( r ≠ s ) } (1) where i is a root of — 1 and h is a real universal constant, equal to (2 π ) -1 times the usual Planck’s constant. These equations are just sufficient to enable one to calculate xy — yx when x and y are given functions of the p’ s and q’ s, and are therefore capable of replacing the classical commutative law of multi­plication. They appear to be the simplest assumptions one could make which would give a workable theory.

2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 72-84 ◽  
Paula Leslie ◽  
Mary Casper

“My patient refuses thickened liquids, should I discharge them from my caseload?” A version of this question appears at least weekly on the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association's Community pages. People talk of respecting the patient's right to be non-compliant with speech-language pathology recommendations. We challenge use of the word “respect” and calling a patient “non-compliant” in the same sentence: does use of the latter term preclude the former? In this article we will share our reflections on why we are interested in these so called “ethical challenges” from a personal case level to what our professional duty requires of us. Our proposal is that the problems that we encounter are less to do with ethical or moral puzzles and usually due to inadequate communication. We will outline resources that clinicians may use to support their work from what seems to be a straightforward case to those that are mired in complexity. And we will tackle fears and facts regarding litigation and the law.

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