scholarly journals Aspects of administrative responsibility in a digital environment: problems and prospects

2021 ◽  
Vol 109 ◽  
pp. 01041
Vyacheslav Volkov ◽  
Yelena Yevsikova ◽  
Natalia Kravchenko ◽  
Aleksandr Ponomarev ◽  
Svetlana Rusanova

The article examines the features of administrative liability under the administrative proceedings in the context of the trend towards the widespread digitization of different types of judicial proceedings. The authors research current Administrative-tort legislation of the Russian Federation and elements of the electronic justice system typical for such administrative procedures. It is revealed the features of digitalization during the procedure for handling cases on administrative offenses provided by the Draft of Procedural Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses. Researching the peculiarities of the procedure for bringing to administrative responsibility, the authors come to the conclusion that a number of significant problems and violations of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of persons participating in the case are inevitable, which will arise as a result of the introduction of an electronic justice system in cases of administrative offenses. As a result of the study, the authors come to the conclusion that there is a need for further scientific and practical understanding of all aspects of the implementation of the electronic justice system in cases of administrative offenses in order to focus it on ensuring high-quality and effectiveimplementation by the participants in proceedings in cases of administrative offenses of their rights, freedoms and legal interests.

Aleksandr Fedorovich Voronov

The article is devoted to the classification of participants in civil proceedings, it also touches on some issues of classification of participants in the commercial judicial proceedings and administrative judicial proceedings. Using logical methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction, General scientific and special scientific methods and techniques knowledge of social phenomena and processes: historical, comparative, system-structural and others, the author concludes that the generally accepted classification of civil process participants is imperfect; based on the study of classification criteria, he proposes to identify new categories of participants in the process, to legislate their rights and obligations, to clarify their names. The author reveals the imperfection of some norms of the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation and Code of Administrative Judicial Procedure of the Russian Federation, justifies the need to change them. The relevance of the research topic is justified by the fact that the new procedural legislation sometimes does not fully take into account the classification of participants in the process, which determines the status of the participant, the scope of his procedural rights and obligations, and this is directly related to the constitutional guarantees of protection of rights, freedoms and interests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 60-77
D. M. Mustafina-Bredikhina ◽  

The review examines the procedure of courts ' actions when considering administrative cases that arise in the course of challenging administrative responsibility in the field of health protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population; analyzes the practice of courts in various regions of the Russian Federation. The paper examines various types of judicial proceedings in this category of cases, examines the competence of both courts of General jurisdiction and arbitration courts, and focuses on administrative cases that arise in the course of challenging decisions on bringing to administrative responsibility taken by judicial bodies and state control and supervision bodies in the field of public health protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

Lex Russica ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 81-91
M. A. Zheludkov

The relevance of the article is that in modern society, ensuring a full fight against crime involves including a solution to various problems in the implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of persons against whom the crime has been committed. For example, in the criminal procedure the rights and obligations of “persons involved in the proceedings when checking reports of a crime are explained under the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Alongside it provides the possibility of exercising these rights to the extent that the procedural actions and procedural decisions affect their interests, including the right not to testify against themselves, their spouses and other close relatives, the range of whom is defined in para. 4 of art. 5 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. Such persons are provided with the right to use the services of a lawyer, as well as to bring complaints about actions (inaction) and decisions of the investigating officer, the head of division of inquiry, the chief of body of inquiry, the investigator, the head of investigative body in the order established by Chapter 16 of the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation”. Still this sound rule lacks referencing to certain subjects defined in the Criminal Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. This leads to the fact that legal guarantees for persons who have not received the status of a participant in criminal proceedings remain declarative. The analysis of criminal cases revealed many inaccuracies, legislative gaps and contradictions, which play an important role in the fact that individuals or legal entities in respect of whom the crime has been committed do not have procedural rights to protect their interests within the period up to 30 days. The article aims to develop a mechanism for their protection from the moment of registration of a crime report by law enforcement agencies, taking into account a certain amount of knowledge on the activities of persons who were involved in the criminal process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 107-116
V. N. Ivakin

The science of civil procedural law advances an opinion that it is necessary to distinguish between the  factual and legal basis of a claim. The latter needs to be singled out, since the specific claim always results from a  specific legal relationship, from the subjective right of the plaintiff to be protected. The main argument, according to  A. A. Dobrovolskiy, is not the presence of the relevant norm in the law but its practical necessity to recognize these  legal grounds as an integral part of a claim. However, the author here confuses two different issues: the expediency  and the obligatory existence of a legal basis for the claim, although in fact these are far from identical concepts.  The author also wrongfully identifies the concepts of "basis of a claim" and "basis of satisfaction of a claim", as  a result of which the legal basis of a claim is always included in the basis of a claim. This position is supported by  some other scientists who dealt with the problems of the claim (G. L. Osokina, O. V. Isaenkova). Meanwhile, if we  consider a claim as a legal phenomenon in general, then the legal basis is indeed a necessary component of the  general concept of “the basis of a claim”. However, if we turn to specific claims, then the legal basis of the claim  can be either optional (Code of Civil Procedure of the RSFSR 1964) or mandatory (Code of Civil Procedure of the  Russian Federation 2002). Currently, in accordance with paragraph 4, Part 2 of Art. 131 of the Civil Procedural Code  of the Russian Federation, the statement of claim must indicate what constitutes the violation or threat of violation  of the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of the plaintiff. The paper draws attention to the shortcomings of  this norm, and thus suggests to remove it from the Civil Procedural Code of the Russian Federation. At the end of  the paper, it is suggested that with the development of civil procedural legislation, reference to the norms of law  in a statement of claim will become mandatory. However, the recognition by V. V. Yarkov of this provision as valid  by virtue of imposing the burden of proof on the parties seems to be unreasoned.

2019 ◽  
pp. 51-58
Alexei Popov

The article analyzes the substantive and procedure legal issues of bringing citizens to administrative responsibility for entrepreneurial activities without state registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity (an administrative offense provided for by p. 1 of Art. 14.1 of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation). Based on the analysis of legal acts and practice of initiating administrative proceedings the author concludes that there is the need to clarify a number of norms of the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-291
A. A. Grishkovets

The article deals with the problem of understanding the administrative process in modern Russia. Discussion about its essence has not stopped in the science of administrative law for many years. There are two main points of view. The administrative process is understood in a narrow sense as a jurisdictional activity and in a broad sense as a set of administrative procedures, administrative jurisdiction and administrative justice. The opinion is expressed that the understanding of the administrative process should be based on the understanding of the subject of administrative law. After the adoption of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of the Russian Federation in our country, a real legal basis appeared for the creation of administrative justice, which resolves disputes between a citizen and the state. The legal nature of administrative justice and administrative jurisdiction is not the same. They belong to various subbranches of administrative law. The situation should be preserved when one part of cases of administrative offenses is considered by courts, and the other - by other bodies of administrative jurisdiction. The proposal to consider cases of administrative offenses in accordance with the norms of the Code of Administrative Proceedings is critically assessed. An attempt to create administrative courts in the Russian Federation is analyzed and evaluated. The experience of creating administrative courts in France and Germany is presented. The reasons why the administrative courts were never created are indicated. Administrative cases are considered by courts of general jurisdiction. An attempt to adopt the Administrative and Administrative Procedure Codes of the Russian Federation is analyzed. The Code of Administrative Proceedings of 2015, on the basis of which administrative cases are considered, is, in fact, the Administrative Procedure Code. The proposal to develop and adopt the Federal Law “On Administrative Procedures” is critically assessed. It is concluded that the administrative process is a judicial procedure for considering cases arising from public legal relations according to the norms of the Code of Administrative Proceedings of the Russian Federation, as well as the activities of bodies of administrative jurisdiction, including the court, to consider cases of administrative offenses in the manner established by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 129-140
A. A. Usachev

The paper is devoted to an important problem of legal certainty in the Russian criminal procedural law and the criminal procedural activity regulated by it in modern conditions. These are characterized, among other things, by the development of digital technologies, in the context of improving the legal (procedural) and organizational aspects of pre-trial and judicial proceedings. The author conducts an analysis of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, which considers the principle of legal certainty as inherent in the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and as one of the fundamental manifestations of the rule of law. The author studies legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation showing that legal uncertainty leads to arbitrariness; the principle of legal certainty is generally recognized and general legal; the need to ensure the operation of the analyzed principle in the Russian legal system follows from the international obligations of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that both legal norms and law enforcement practice must meet the principle of legal certainty. Given the legal nature of criminal proceedings, objectively characterized by the possibility of restricting the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities, the widespread use of measures of state coercion, the author, in order to increase the efficiency of the activities of the participants in criminal proceedings endowed with powers of authority and the guarantee of the rights and legitimate interests of other participants in criminal proceedings, proposes to make additions to Art. 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation as the first step towards solving the problems of legal certainty of pre-trial and judicial proceedings in criminal proceedings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (12) ◽  
pp. 133-137

The article analyzes the problem of correlation and distinction of types of legal proceedings, in particular, it considers how civil and administrative proceedings are qualified when considering certain categories of cases by courts of general jurisdiction at different stages of the process. In modern domestic legislation there are no clear criteria for distinguishing the type of legal proceedings when choosing a procedure for protecting violated rights, freedoms 134 IUS PUBLICUM ET PRIVATUM В 2015 г. вступил в силу Кодекс административного судопроизводства Российской Федерации (КАС РФ) – процедура защиты прав, законных интересов граждан и организаций от нарушений со стороны органов государственной власти была регламентирована и зафиксирована как самостоятельная правовая основа1 . Нельзя не заметить, что юридическое закрепление порядка рассмотрения дел и разрешения споров, возникших из административно-правовых отношений, в принятом КАС РФ спровоцировало появление коллизий при применении норм Гражданского процессуального кодекса Российской Федерации (ГПК РФ)2 и КАС РФ в процессе рассмотрения дел различных категорий. Кроме того, встал принципиальный вопрос: как правильно разграничить виды судопроизводства в целях должной защиты нарушенных прав? КАС РФ содержит перечень дел, подлежащих рассмотрению по правилам административного судопроизводства, но не дает разъяснения, в чем состоит отличие от дел, рассматриваемых в порядке гражданского судопроизводства. Верховным Судом Российской Федерации сформулированы правила определения вида судопроизводства для судов общей юрисдикции. Так, в первую очередь выделяется разграничение характера публичных и непубличных правоотношений. В данном случае во внимание берется наличие или отсутствие властных полномочий у субъектов административных правоотношений. Вовторых, Верховный Суд Российской Федерации рекомендует учитывать последствия, к которым приводят споры о признании решений, действия (бездействия) органов власти недействительными3. Изучение судебной практики показывает, что в некоторых случаях у судов возникали сложности при разрешении вопроса о том, в порядке какого судопроизводства следует рассматривать и разрешать дела об оспаривании решений, действий (бездействия) органов государственной власти, органов местного самоуправления, организаций, наделенных отдельными государственными или иными публичными полномочиями, должностных лиц, государственных и муниципальных служащих. Так, например, гражданин Р. обратился в Вологодский городской суд с административным исковым заявлением к БУЗ ВО «Вологодский областной наркологический диспансер № 1» о признании незаконными действий врача учреждения по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения и акта медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения. В обосновании требований истец указал, что медицинское освидетельствование в отношении него проведено в отсутствие законных оснований, акт медицинского освидетельствования не содержит сведений о концентрации каннабиноидов в исследованной пробе, копия акта незаконно направлена работодателю, что послужило основанием для увольнения. Определением Вологодского городского суда от 24.12.2018 гражданину Р. отказано в принятии административного искового заявления, поскольку акт медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения не влечет самостоятельных последствий для лица, в отношении которого он составлен, следовательно, не может быть предметом самостоятельного оспаривания в суде. Также судом указано, что требования истца о признании незаконными действий врача по проведению медицинского освидетельствования на состояние опьянения подлежат рассмотрению в порядке, предусмотренном ГПК РФ. Суд апелляционной инстанции в своем определении от 06.03.2019 № 33а-1227/2019 and legitimate interests. The article analyzes the norms of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation in determining the jurisdiction of cases to courts of general and arbitration jurisdiction and also touches on the issue of transition to consideration of cases according to the rules of civil and (or) administrative proceedings.

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