scholarly journals Mangrove ecosystem introduction on elementary students through nature school in coastal area of Samkai urban village Merauke regency

R Purwanty ◽  
Sunarni ◽  
N S Monika ◽  
R Tambaru ◽  
S Fakhriyyah
2020 ◽  
Vol 202 ◽  
pp. 06016
Irene Natalia Siahaan ◽  
Jafron Wasiq ◽  

Mangrove ecosystems have unique characteristics and forms and have functions and benefits as a development resource both as an economic resource and an ecological resource that has long been felt by the people who live around the coastal area. In the last few years, mangrove ecosystems in Mangunharjo Urban Village have been continuously under pressure due to human activities. The main factors causing mangrove damage, namely: (1) Pollution, (2) Conversion of mangrove ecosystems into ponds and (3) Excessive logging. Mangunharjo Village has brackish water fishery potential by having a pond area of ± 10.45 hectares. The research method used in this research is to use a descriptive research method. The data collection technique used is the study of literature. The results showed that the condition of mangrove ecosystems in Mangunharjo Subdistrict decreased from 1990 to 1995 by 50%, but began to increase again in 2002 to 2015 by 18.42%. Mangrove species found in this study were Rhizophora sp, Avicennia sp, Xylocarpus sp and Bruguiera sp. Mangunharjo mangrove ecosystem has the highest density of mangrove species, namely Avicennia sp. As for the results of the analysis of the extent of mangrove ecosystems on the coast of Mangunharjo with the results of fisheries production, it shows that during the period before abrasion the farmer's income was IDR 1,000,000.00 / day these conditions continue to decline to IDR 100,000.00 to IDR 30,000.00 / day until early in 2000.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1380-1388
Rukaesih A. Maolani ◽  
Achmad Sudiyar Dalimunthe ◽  
Dwi Haryanto ◽  
Rivo Bifa ◽  
Putri Azzahra ◽  

One of the disasters caused by humans is global warming. Global warming is a big problem that is being faced by all human beings and living things on earth. One of the activities that can be carried out in mitigating the risk of global warming is through Mangrove Ecosystem Rehabilitation. The existence of the Mangrove ecosystem in the coastal area of ​​DKI Jakarta Province is currently experiencing a decline in line with the development that changes the function of the area from a protected function to a cultivation function. One area that has experienced this is the coastal area in Muara Angke which has had a negative impact on the environment, namely the function of protecting and securing the coast will naturally be lost. In this 2021 Community Service program, STMA Trisakti has participated in helping to solve the problem of the rate of degradation of the Mangrove Forest by planting 1000 mangrove seedlings in the Muara Angke Eco-tourism area. The planting was carried out on World Environment Day on 5 June 2021.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Sarwo Edy Saputra ◽  
Agus Setiawan

Merak Belantung village in Kalianda sub district of South Lampung regency is a village located in coastal area. This village has a big ecotourism potential especially in its mangrove ecosystem. Despite of Merak Belantung tourism resource potentials, no research has been conducted to study aspects supporting this area into mangrove tourism development, so that data and information about this village is too general. A tourism development of a particular area needs a deep study from various aspects. The objectives of this research were to find out potentials and attractiveness of mangrove tourism in Merak Belantung village and to estimate the values of beauty from these potentials so that this area could be developed into tourism area supporting natural preservation and improving people welfare around it. This research was conducted from April to Desember 2013. Data were collected with direct observations in the fields and direct interviews with respondents to give assessment to tourism beauty potentials. Data were analyzed using descriptive method and scenic beauty estimation (SBE). The results showed that potentials and attraction of mangrove tourism object in Merak Belantung village was the mangrove ecosystem, mangrove water flow, river downstream and beach, local dance art, and handy craft. Activities could be conducted were photography, swimming, bird watching, canoeing, mangrove walk and fishing. Mangrove potential and tourism attraction in Merak Belantung village based on scenic beauty estimation (SBE) were high with the following SBE values: beach was 42, mangrove water flow was 20, and mangrove downstream was 19.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 613-624
Nella Tri Agustini ◽  
Dietriech G. Bengen ◽  
Tri Prartono

Lokan shell Geloina erosa closely related to mangrove ecosystem in Enggano island. Mangrove is one supplier of organic materials required by Lokan shell. The research conducted in September 2015 - January 2016 at mangrove ecosystems in Kahyapu coastal area, aims to analyse lokan shells Geloina erosa conditions and its association with mangrove ecosystems. Sampling of mangrove vegetation was taken using line transect and lokan shell sampling using plot in mangrove ecosystem. The results show that mangrove condition of the Kahyapu coastal area was in healthy condition for the growth of lokan shell. Lokan shell are significantly assosiated with mangrove in Kahyapu coastal area of Enggano Island.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
Kamaruddin Eddiwan ◽  
Abu Hanifah

Meranti Islands Regency is a coastal area located in the cluster of Sumatra, Indonesia, right on the outskirts of the Malak Strait. The coastal area is known as a very good, fertile mangrove habitat, has a high carrying capacity as a living area for various aquatic organisms. The existence of mangrove ecosystems on the coast has a very large and beneficial effect on the life of fisheries resources, as well as beneficial for fishing fisheries due to the high productivity in the region. This study aims to obtain information and a clear picture of the development of fishing, and the correlation between the existence of mangrove ecosystems and productivity of fishing. This research uses the descriptive method based on regression and correlation analysis. Each type of data used in this study is primary data on observation and interviews, as well as secondary data on fishing and mangrove areas from the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Forestry, and the Environmental Management Agency, Meranti Islands Regency. The Meranti Islands over a 15-year period experienced a completely increase or almost completely. Then, the mangrove ecosystem area has no significance that can influence and are closely related to the productivity of shrimp and shellfish in the area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 125 ◽  
pp. 01021 ◽  
Andin Irsadi ◽  
Sutrisno Angggoro ◽  
Tri Retnaningsih Soeprobowati

Since the 1990s, the Semarang-Demak coastal area experienced abrasion. To protect abrasion, there have been many attempts such as planting mangroves, in which its development has shown success. The purpose of this study was to analyze environmental factors that play a role in the growth of mangroves ecosystem in the Semarang-Demak coastal area. Mangrove data were obtained by field studies using the transect method in three coastal areas. Each station is determined by the next station with five plots of size 20 m x 20 m. Data on supporting environmental factors are measured in each area including temperature, salinity, pH, light intensity, nutrients, and rainfall. Based on the results of analysis and calculations, the order of important values from large to small is A. marina, A. alba, R. mucronata, S. casseolaris, and R. stylosa, while environmental factors still fulfill mangrove growth. However, it needs to be aware of the increase in waves and temperatures that could threaten the survival of mangroves.

Fabian Novy Jocephs Souisa ◽  
Elizabeth Juleny Tapotubun

The application of science and technology (iptek) for society is one strategic way to encourage and to increase awareness about the significance of mangrove ecosystem for environment and human being. Ohoi Ngilngof is one <em>ohoi</em> (village) located in the Southeast Maluku District which is largely coastal area. One of the most perceived development activities that have crucial impact to the coastal environment in this region is the eviction of coastal land for expanding roads and constructing talud. This condition caused considerable pressure on the coastal area of <em>Ohoi</em> Ngilngof in general and particularly bring about crucial impact to the villagers. IbM activity process started with the phase of approach, and next activity are socialization, planting mangrove seedling, training (from selecting seed of mangrove seedlings to the treatment procedures) and assistance for partner of Soneratia and Rhizopora so that the output yielded from this activity is to restore the mangrove area of Mangi <em>Ohoi</em> Ngilngof into its original function as a place spawning, providing food, and its preservation to support the government program of Southeast Maluku District in preserving coastal areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 800 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
Y A Nugraha ◽  
Sulistiono ◽  
H A Susanto ◽  
C PH Simanjuntak ◽  
D M Wildan

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