Over the Hill and Out of Sight

Sari Edelstein

The fourth chapter reads New England regionalism as a response to this pathologization of old age. The old maids, spinsters, and widowers that populate the short fiction of Mary Wilkins Freeman and Sarah Orne Jewett stage a subversive dialogue with the scientific and cultural denigration of the elderly, particularly elderly women, and resist the homogenizing effects of this discourse. While much scholarship acknowledges the prevalence of elderly people in regionalism, linking old age to the passing of old modes of living, this chapter urges us to see the elderly characters in this genre not as metaphors for dying ways of life but as representations of elderly bodies and subjectivities in their own right. These authors force us to question the celebration of independence and autonomy imbricated in fantasies of adulthood and in American identity itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-132 ◽  
Tatjana Milivojević ◽  
Ljiljana Manić ◽  
Nataša Simeunović Bajić

The topic of this article is the phenomenon of double, namely cross or additive discrimination against senior women in the media sphere. Many studies and articles are devoted to ageism, discrimination against the elderly and gender inequality as discrimination against women. Rarely and hardly ever in Serbia, research is focused on the topic of gender differences that determine the quality of life in old age. While some believe that gender inequality and stereotypes end with age, which is in itself a basis for discrimination, and that gender differences are equalized, others believe that gender differences are particularly pronounced in old age, especially when considering marginalized elderly populations such as elderly people belonging to the Roma nationality, people with disabilities, LGBT people and HIV-positive people. This article is a comprehensive literature review article. The authors applied theoretical and interpretative methods of research, discursive and critical thematic analysis. The interpretative method is based on the meanings and representation of different aspects of the issue. The main finding of this article is the existence and prevalence of a gap and contradiction between the reality of longer and better quality of life and outdated media representation of old age, especially of elderly women.

2013 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-33
Mahjabeen Sultana Begum ◽  
Mohammad Zaid Hossain ◽  
Sudip Ranjan Deb ◽  
Md Mosaraf Hossain Khan ◽  
Mostafizur Rahman ◽  

Objective: The study was carried out to find out the health care seeking practice among the elderly women attending a selected hospital in Dhaka city. Materials and methods: This was a cross sectional study and included 164 women aged 60 years and above. The study was carried out from March to June, 2001, at Prabin Hitayishi Hospital, Bangladesh Associated of Aged and Institute of Geriatric Medicine (BAAIGM), Agargaon, Sher E Bangla Nagar, Dhaka. Results: In the present study, 58.5% women were aged less than 65 years, 51.2% were illiterates, 65.9% were married, only 7.3% were living with their spouse, 86.6% were housewives, only 9.8% had self income, 25.6% were earning between Taka 10,001 and 15,000 per month, and 41.5% were staying in families with 7 8 members, 90.2% had regular daily bath, 80.5% with soap, 90.2% brushed their teeth at least once a day, only 12.2% were taking regular exercise, 70.7% had knowledge about self health care, however, only 22% were on regular health check up, 12.2% women thought egg, milk, fish, meat and fruits were good for health. Regarding old age diseases, 43.9% knew about diabetes, 39% high blood pressure, 36.6% heart, 17.1% respiratory and 2.4% orthopaedic diseases. Most common diseases were eye (26.8%), cardiovascular and orthopaedic (19.5%) and ENT (14.6%). Other diseases were gastrointestinal (9.8%), respiratory (7.1%), dental and endocrine (4.9%). Conclusion: Old women of our society should be made aware on old age diseases and self health care practices. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jdmc.v22i1.15602 J Dhaka Medical College, Vol. 22, No. 1, April, 2013, Page 30-33

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Alana Duque Dos Santos ◽  
Alana Libania de Souza Santos ◽  
Luana Machado Andrade ◽  
Elionara Teixeira Boa Sorte ◽  
Ester Da Silva Santos ◽  

Objetivo: analisar a concepção de mulheres idosas sobre a sexualidade na velhice. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto de extensão Universidade Aberta à Terceira Idade, com dez mulheres idosas. Coletaram-se as informações por meio de um roteiro semiestruturado, analisando-as pela técnica de Análise de Conteúdo Temática. Resultados: apontaram-se, a partir dos dados, três categorias: Sexualidade: superando o modelo cultural tradicional; Concepção de sexualidade e Experiência da sexualidade na velhice. Conclusão: observou-se que as mulheres idosas concebem a sexualidade como uma experiência viável na velhice, mesmo diante das limitações corporais e funcionais atreladas ao envelhecimento. Descritores: Sexualidade; Idoso; Envelhecimento; Saúde do Idoso; Saúde da Mulher; Relação Sexual.AbstractObjective: to analyze the conception of elderly women about sexuality in old age. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study, developed within the scope of the Open University to the Third Age extension project, with ten elderly women. The information was collected through a semi-structured script, analyzing it by the technique of Thematic Content Analysis. Results: from the data, three categories were pointed out: Sexuality: surpassing the traditional cultural model; Conception of sexuality and Experience of sexuality in old age. Conclusion: it was observed that elderly women conceive sexuality as a viable experience in old age, even in the face of bodily and functional limitations linked to aging. Descriptors: Sexuality; Old Man; Aging; Health of the Elderly; Women's Health; Sexual Intercourse.ResumenObjetivo: analizar la concepción de las mujeres mayores sobre la sexualidad en la vejez. Método: este es un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, desarrollado en el proyecto de extensión Universidad Abierta a la Tercera Edad, con diez mujeres de edad avanzada. La información se recopiló con un guión semiestructurado, analizándolos mediante la técnica de análisis de contenido temático. Resultados: surgieron tres categorías: Sexualidad: superando el modelo cultural tradicional; Concepción de la sexualidad; y Experiencia de sexualidad en la vejez. Conclusión: se observó que las mujeres de edad avanzada conciben la sexualidad como una experiencia viable en la vejez, incluso frente a las limitaciones corporales y funcionales relacionadas con el envejecimiento. Descriptores: La sexualidade; Personas de Edad Avanzada; Envejecimiento; Salud del Anciano; Salud de la Mujer; Relación Sexual.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 276-281
Anatolii Vladimirovich Gribanov ◽  
Irina Sergeevna Deputat ◽  
Yulia Sergeevna Dzhos ◽  
Alexandra Nikolaevna Nehoroshkova ◽  
Irina Leopolidovna Bolshevidtseva ◽  

The article presents the results of a study designed to assess the anxiety and an analysis of its individual components in 104 elderly women. Summary of the data obtained shows that women between ages 55-64 years have higher anxiety in comparison with older women (65-74 years of age). This is due to emotional difficulties associated with a person’s transition to old age. The anxiety is expressed as emotional discomfort indicators and in anxious assessment of near-term perspective. High indication of asthenic symptoms were present in both age groups, which is likely to be associated not only with the manifestation of anxiety but also with a separate state characterizing the elderly.

Smita Verma

The demographic feature of twenty-first century has been the rise of the aged population, making them socially visible. However, the concern is that an aging world is also a feminized world. But this transition does not hold a very vivid future as the elderly women are the most vulnerable section of the population. They make up for the majority of the poor due to scarce access to education, property, and employment opportunities. Widowhood often leaves them impoverished and victims of abuse. Until recently, aging women have not been considered a subject requiring serious attention in India. Most of the studies on old age have adopted a gender-neutral approach to the problems of ageing. It is a paradox that the feminist movement has marginally addressed this issue even though gender along with social, economic, and political factors has a profound impact on how people age, thus making aging a gendered experience. The question remains why aging has not been taken up as a feminist issue in India. This chapter gives insight into the reasons for their vulnerability.

В.Н. Келасьев ◽  
О.В. Келасьев ◽  
А.М. Рогова

В статье предложена социальная типология пожилых российских женщин, вынужденных адаптироваться к требованиям жилищно-коммунальной сферы (ЖКС), переполненной проблемами и конфликтами. В основу типологии положено сочетание параметров адекватности отражения пожилыми окружающей их проблемной ситуации в ЖКС и выраженности их активности. Выделены следующие типы: социально адекватные и активно действующие (по отстаиванию личных и коллективных интересов); социально адекватные, но пассивные - группа пожилых, которые хорошо понимают уровень и качество предоставляемых им жилищно-коммунальных услуг, но ничего не предпринимают; социально неадекватные, но активные, предрасположенные к инициации конфликта с управленцами ЖКС; социально неадекватные и пассивные. Из среды пожилых выделены активно действующие и адекватные, располагающие свободным временем и необходимыми компетенциями активистки, которые готовы представлять интересы всех жителей многоквартирного дома. Этот тип активисток старается выйти на стратегию равноправного партнёрства с управленцами ЖКС, но сталкивается с недружественной или безразлично настроенной средой, формально-бюрократическим подходом государственных контролирующих организаций. Теоретико-методологической рамкой исследования послужило рассмотрение пожилого возраста как периода раскрытия, проявления новых возможностей в самореализации, проявляющихся прежде всего в решении повседневных проблем. The article proposes a social typology of elderly Russian women who are forced to adapt to the requirements of the housing and communal services sector, overflowing with problems and conflicts. The typology is based on a combination of the parameters of the adequacy of the reflection by the elderly of the problem situation surrounding them in the housing and communal services and the severity of their activity. The following types are identified: socially adequate and active (in defending personal and collective interests); socially adequate, but passive - a group of elderly people who understand well the level and quality of housing and communal services provided to them, but do nothing; socially inadequate, but active, charged with conflict with managers of the housing and communal sphere; socially inadequate and passive. Active and adequate activists with free time and the necessary competencies who are ready to represent the interests of all residents of an apartment building are singled out from among the elderly. This type of activist is trying to enter into a strategy of equal partnership with managers of the housing and communal services sector, but is faced with an unfriendly or indifferent environment, a formal bureaucratic approach of state regulatory organizations. The theoretical and methodological framework of the study was the consideration of old age as a period of disclosure, the manifestation of new opportunities in self-realization, manifested primarily in solving everyday problems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Magda Wieteska

The issues of old age, once neglected in terms of reflection and research on this period of life, in recent years took on another dimension. With the growth of the elderly population in the world, gradually more attention is paid to issues related to improving the quality of life of seniors. Of particular interest are those aspects of life that have a direct impact on the sense of well-being of the elderly, namely: family, health, finances. The aspect of health is however considered mostly in the context of an overall psychophysical fitness, access to health care, adequate pensions enabling the purchase of medicines, rehabilitation, etc. In contrast, they less frequently deal with issues related to sexual attractiveness of the seniors and their erotic needs. Old age still does not go hand in hand with the sexual appeal. Elderly women are seen as unnecessary, invisible. They are not perceived as being able to evoke sexual desire. This social reception affects the senior women’s perception of themselves. In the eyes of a community an elderly woman may still be attractive intellectually, but not physically. Stereotypes built around the old age also assume that people in late adulthood have no sexual needs

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-102
Marina Vaidya Shrestha ◽  
Sunil Kumar Joshi

Ageing is a natural process. The elderly population is increasing in Nepal.When there is presence of diseases, physical inability, and financial harshness, the elderly in Nepal have to face many problems. This study was thus conducted to assess the socio-economic milieu and spectrum of gynaecological problems among women living in old age homes of Kathmandu valley. For this a cross sectional study was conducted in 21old age homes of three districts of Kathmandu valley. In this study, they were 234 particants. Privacy and confidentiality of information about the individual were strictly maintained. One-third of the aged women living in the old age homes belonged to 70-80 years.50.9% were from outside Kathmandu valley, while 49.1% were from the valley. The elderly were mostly not visited by their relatives and friends. Most of them (74.4%) were interested in praying than other activities. Out of the total Urine samples (190), 68.4% were normal, and 9.4% had a urinary tract infection. There were only 15.6% uterine prolapse cases. Out of total, 70.9% of Pap smear report was normal, while 25.1% had inflammatory smear. This study revealed that the old age homes have become a shelter for most of elderly women. The socio-economic condition was poor. Gynaecological probems like UTI, Urinary incontinence were not high but the prolapse cases (uterine proplase, cystocele, rectocele) were remarkably high. Cervical cancer screening through Pap smear showed negative results.

2010 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 75-97
Ljubica Milosavljević

This paper is the result of a three-month monitoring of Serbian television commercials which aimed to study the way elderly people are represented in the media. Elderly people appear in only six commercials, more often as a functional part of a series than as protagonists. Yet in spite of the small number of commercials in which they appear, it is easy to identify the stereotypes which are translated from a social paradigm into the sphere of the media. The stereotypes on which commercials are based belong for the most part to the corpus of negative stereotypes of elderly people as hopelessly behind the times, feeble, lonely, irritating, cantankerous, etc. Some positive stereotypes are also evident, but they are mostly limited to a perception of elderly people as kindly givers of useful advice. It is interesting to note that the "cantankerous people next door" are as a rule anonymous elderly people, as are those "lost in time and space", who are mostly elderly women. In contrast, those who let their careers and images be associated with a certain product, in order to pass on their great experience and knowledge, are as a rule famous persons. Just as it is possible to make a distinction between commercials depending on whether or not the products advertised are targeted at the elderly – which they rarely are – and whether elderly people appear in leading or supporting roles, in order to make viewers laugh or annoy them, so it is possible to distinguish between the "real-life principle", which involves the translation of the society’s dominant attitudes into commercials, and "commercial reality", which either makes old age invisible or "masks" it so that it is pleasant to the eye. The reason that old people are absent from television commercials or are mostly represented in a negative light is to be found in the low purchasing power of this age group, but also in the fact that advertising in Serbia developed practically overnight, and therefore has not always been able to follow foreign advertising trends, which treat the elderly as a worthy target audience for commercials.

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Muhammad Arshad ◽  
Nasreen Aslam Shah

Respect for the elderly has always been a prevalent social norm in Pakistani society. Retired People in Pakistan have recently become visible due to changing social values. Karachi is the mega city of Sindh province. It is occupied with peculiar issues that need to be addressed at local, provincial and federal level. The aim of this study is to highlight the salient features on the life of the retired personnel in Pakistan. Retirement is often the first major transition faced by the older people. The objective of this study is to explore different aspects of retired people. Two hundred retired persons both male and female are interviewed by questionnaire method. The results were tabulated and analyzed by simple frequency and chi-square method. Results show that Pakistan is one of such countries where retired ageing people are becoming apparent. The old age affects males and females differently in terms of social adjustment at this stage of life. In old age, they are more likely to suffer from disabilities and multiple health problems. Family structure and living conditions influence the lives of elderly people. The present situation for elderly women is also quite poor. There is needed to make gender specific policies and programmes that can encourage and facilitate the elderly to have more involvement in activities of life through greater social and economic participation.

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