System Usability Scale and Net Promoter Score on Donation Application of Toddlers Equipment

Iklima Ermis Ismail ◽  
Rizki Elisa Nalawati ◽  
Anrel Putra
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-68
Gramandha Wega Intyanto ◽  
Narandha Arya Ranggianto ◽  
Vika Octaviani

Pada dunia pendidikan website memiliki peran penting dalam memberikan informasi terkait dengan instansi pemilik website dan juga media promosi. Salah satu website pada lingkungan pendidikan yaitu website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan. Pengunjung atau pengguna juga memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap website. Beberapa tinjauan tersebut yang mendorong kami dalam penganalisaan usability website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan, yang mana pengukuran dan analisa menggunakan System Usability Scale (SUS) yang dilakukan uji validitas yang menyatakan valid dengan hasil Rhitung Rtabel pada item kuesioner dan uji Reliabilitas dengan hasil 0.637 yang menyatakan reliabel. Hasil Skor pada website kampus Akademi Komunitas Negeri Pacitan yaitu 60,75, dimana mendapat predikat D, kategori OK, tingkat penerimaan (feel) pengunjung yaitu margin low dan sudut pandang Net Promoter Score (NPS) berdasarkan skor SUS dinyatakan bahwa berpotensi detractor. Hasil ini menjabarkan bahwa dianggap belum efektif, efisien dan memuaskan bagi pengguna/pengunjung serta belum usable.

10.2196/23904 ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. e23904
Anthony J Levinson ◽  
John Bousfield ◽  
William Douglas ◽  
Stephanie Ayers ◽  
Richard Sztramko

Background It is estimated that 564,000 Canadians are currently living with dementia and there are approximately 486,000 to 1.1 million informal family/friend caregivers. Family/friend caregivers often receive little to no education or training about dementia but are expected to provide ongoing support for a complex condition. Web-based family/friend caregiver interventions may be helpful, but little is known about how best to implement them. Objective The objectives of this study were to 1) design and develop a novel education prescription application to help scale and spread web-based dementia education to family/friend caregivers, 2) conduct user testing, and 3) conduct a larger-scale field trial. Methods A novel education prescription web-based application was designed and developed. Initial user testing used task completion and the “think aloud” technique with a small sample of representative clinicians who work with people living with dementia and family/friend caregivers. Following iterative incorporation of feedback, a larger field trial was conducted with a convenience sample of clinicians. Account invitations were sent to 55 clinicians and, following a 2-month trial period, surveys were administered to participants including the System Usability Scale and the Net Promoter Score. Results During the initial user testing phase, participants (N=7) from representative disciplines easily completed associated tasks, and had very positive feedback with respect to the usability of the application. The System Usability Scale score during this phase was 91.4. Suggestions from feedback were incorporated into the application. During the larger field trial phase, participants (total N=55; activated account n=17; did not activate account n=38) were given access to the iGeriCare education prescription application. During this period, 2 participants created educational prescriptions; a total of 3 educational prescriptions were sent. Survey completers who did not activate their account (n=5) identified that their lack of use was due to time constraints, competing priorities, or forgetting to use the application. Survey completers who activated their account (n=5) identified their lower use was due to lack of time, lack of eligible family/friend caregivers during trial period, and competing priorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The System Usability Scale score during this phase was 78.75, and the Net Promoter Score was 50. Conclusions Study findings indicate a generally positive response for the usability of a web-based application for clinicians to prescribe dementia education to family/friend caregivers. The dissonance between the promising data and widespread enthusiasm for the design and purpose of the education prescription application found in the initial user testing phase and subsequent lack of significant adoption in the field trial represents both an important lesson for other novel health technologies and a potential area for further investigation. Further research is required to better understand factors associated with implementation of this type of intervention and impact on dissemination of education to family/friend caregivers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-49
Harvin Raslin ◽  
Endro Sulaksono ◽  
Whisnu Argo Bintoro ◽  
Mohamad Yunus ◽  
Mulyanto Mulyanto

Salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan pelayanan di bidang hukum atau penegakan hukum kepolisian adalah pendekatan sistem elektronik Manajemen Penyidikan (e-MP). E-MP merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang sangat membantu anggota reserse dari level pimpinan hingga penyidik serta penyidik pembantu untuk dapat berinteraksi dalam bekerja di dalam sebuah sistem manajemen penyidikan. Interaksi dimulai dari laporan polisi, penugasan personel dalam menangani suatu perkara hingga perkara tersebut selesai ditangani. Bagi pimpinan aplikasi e-MP ini berguna untuk melakukan analisa dan evaluasi kinerja anggota Polri khususnya jajaran Bareskrim. Hal ini sejalan dengan Perkap Nomor 6 Tahun 2019 pasal 45 ayat (1) dan (2) ditegaskan juga bahwa untuk mengukur keberhasilan penyidikan yang dilakukan oleh penyidik/penyidik pembantu, dilakukan evaluasi kinerja melalui aplikasi e-MP. Bareskrim Polri menargetkan penggelaran perangkat lunak (software rollout) secara masif penggunaan e-MP sebesar 90% pada tahun 2024. Hal ini memerlukan perubahan organisasi secara mendasar baik dari aspek sumber daya manusia (culture and people), proses, dan teknologi. Penelitian ditujukan untuk meingkatkan efektivitas penggelaran sistem e-MP Reskrim dalam mewujudkan pelayanan prima. Penelitian menggunakan metode campuran. Analis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk data kuantitaif, sementara Teknik reduksi data, kategorisasi, display data dan pengukuran loyalitas pengguna melalui Net Promoter Score (NPS) dan System Usability Scale (SUS) untuk data kualitatif. Temuan yang menjadi sorotan terdapat aspek sumber daya manusia serta sarana dan prasarana sehingga diperlukannya penyelenggaraan pelatihan pengoperasian e-MP dan peningkatan sarana dan prasarana.

2020 ◽  
Anthony J Levinson ◽  
John Bousfield ◽  
William Douglas ◽  
Stephanie Ayers ◽  
Richard Sztramko

BACKGROUND It is estimated that 564,000 Canadians are currently living with dementia and there are approximately 486,000 to 1.1 million informal family/friend caregivers. Family/friend caregivers often receive little to no education or training about dementia but are expected to provide ongoing support for a complex condition. Web-based family/friend caregiver interventions may be helpful, but little is known about how best to implement them. OBJECTIVE The objectives of this study were to 1) design and develop a novel education prescription application to help scale and spread web-based dementia education to family/friend caregivers, 2) conduct user testing, and 3) conduct a larger-scale field trial. METHODS A novel education prescription web-based application was designed and developed. Initial user testing used task completion and the “think aloud” technique with a small sample of representative clinicians who work with people living with dementia and family/friend caregivers. Following iterative incorporation of feedback, a larger field trial was conducted with a convenience sample of clinicians. Account invitations were sent to 55 clinicians and, following a 2-month trial period, surveys were administered to participants including the System Usability Scale and the Net Promoter Score. RESULTS During the initial user testing phase, participants (N=7) from representative disciplines easily completed associated tasks, and had very positive feedback with respect to the usability of the application. The System Usability Scale score during this phase was 91.4. Suggestions from feedback were incorporated into the application. During the larger field trial phase, participants (total N=55; activated account n=17; did not activate account n=38) were given access to the iGeriCare education prescription application. During this period, 2 participants created educational prescriptions; a total of 3 educational prescriptions were sent. Survey completers who did not activate their account (n=5) identified that their lack of use was due to time constraints, competing priorities, or forgetting to use the application. Survey completers who activated their account (n=5) identified their lower use was due to lack of time, lack of eligible family/friend caregivers during trial period, and competing priorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The System Usability Scale score during this phase was 78.75, and the Net Promoter Score was 50. CONCLUSIONS Study findings indicate a generally positive response for the usability of a web-based application for clinicians to prescribe dementia education to family/friend caregivers. The dissonance between the promising data and widespread enthusiasm for the design and purpose of the education prescription application found in the initial user testing phase and subsequent lack of significant adoption in the field trial represents both an important lesson for other novel health technologies and a potential area for further investigation. Further research is required to better understand factors associated with implementation of this type of intervention and impact on dissemination of education to family/friend caregivers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Ririn Suharsih ◽  
Rinanda Febriani ◽  
Sutadi Triputra

The application of interactive learning multimedia is one of the factors that impact the learning process for achieving learning outcomes. In developing a mobile application, the main principle is usability. This research goal is to presents a usability evaluation of the Jawara Sains, which is a mobile application to learn science subjects. This research used a System Usability Scale (SUS) questionnaire to measure the level of users’ perceived usability. This score can indicate the usability performance of effectiveness, efficiency, and ease of use. Jawara Sains's SUS score achieved 75.45, which indicates a B grade, acceptable, and categorized in the good range. This score can also indicate whether a user is a promoter or not. The analysis showed that the Jawara Sains is categorized into the passive Net Promoter Score (NPS), which means users will not influence other people. Therefore, recommendations are needed for its usability improvements.

2018 ◽  
pp. 51-58
Judyta Przyłuska-Schmitt

Celem artykułu jest określenie wpływu digitalizacji branży ubezpieczeniowej na zadowolenie klientów. A dokładniej, w jaki sposób proces zmian, spowodowany potrzebą wzmocnienia użyteczności technologii cyfrowej, wpływa na działalność niemieckiego sektora ubezpieczeniowego w budowaniu nowej jakości relacji z klientem. Artykuł opiera się na analizie literatury przedmiotu i zagadnień dotyczących koncepcji budowania relacji z klientem w sieci. Efekty procesu zmian zachodzących na rynku pod wpływem rozwoju i wykorzystania nowych technologii odczuwają wszyscy uczestnicy życia gospodarczego, a zwłaszcza branża ubezpieczeniowa, która jest szczególnie predystynowana w tym zakresie. Dzięki wykorzystaniu Big Data i metody Net Promoter Score ubezpieczyciele mogą w sposób efektywny oferować wartość dodaną swoim klientom oraz dbać o własną markę i lojalność klienta. Przedstawione w artykule treści podkreślają zarówno nowe możliwości wykorzystania w branży ubezpieczeniowej nowoczesnych technologii do budowania nowych jakości interakcji z klientem, jak też wskazują potrzebę dostosowania się do rzeczywistości podyktowanej oczekiwaniami społeczeństwa informacyjnego.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-126 ◽  
Nicoleta Valentina Florea ◽  
Dorina Antoneta Tănăsescu ◽  
Anişoara Duică

Abstract We are in the fifth era of marketing development, that of relationship marketing, where the environment is influenced by globalization, informatization, market liberalization, and the overcapacity of production, and the focus will be not on increasing the volume of production, but on obtaining profit using relationship with profitable customers. Customer-centricity, customization, one-to-one relationship and measuring the value of each customer is an advantage in the fearless market. Organizations if they knew what customers wants would offering only those products or services they want, but to help them to know the customers’ needs better, they use models, new methods and calculation of performance indicators. One of the models which help organizations to determine the customer value and centricity is Net Promoter Score (NPS), its formula being developed by Reichheld F. in 2006. Our research is made on 10 organizations and on 150 respondents and is consisting in using NPS in order to observe customers’ perception of the analysed brands, to measure how well the brand is having satisfayed and loyal customers, and the desire for recommendation of the analysed brand. Our article is using simulation, modeling and IT programs to observe possible relationships and future trends.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-43
Fitri Purwaningtias ◽  
Usman Ependi

Website saat ini telah digunakan diberbagai jenis instansi termasuk instansi pendidikan seperti Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah. Saat ini website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah menjadi tulang punggung dalam penyebaran informasi terkain pondok pesantren kepada wali santri, alumni, calon santri dan masyarakat luas. Mengingat pentingnya website bagi Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah maka perlu untuk dilakukan evaluasi apakah informasi yang diberikan dan website yang ada telah memiliki nilai kebergunaan bagi pengguna atau tidak. Untuk itu di dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi untuk melihat perspektif pengguna terhadap website. Prose evaluasi dilakukan dengan system usability scale dengan sepuluh instrumen sebagai pernyataan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan nilai akhir 88. Nilai 88 berarti website Pondok Pesantren Qodratullah mendapatkan adjective rating yang excellence, grade scale tergolong kelompok B dan tingkat acceptability termasuk acceptable. The website is currently used in various types of institutions including educational institutions such as Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School. Currently the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website is the backbone in the dissemination of information about Islamic boarding schools to the guardians of students, alumni, prospective students and the wider community. Considering the importance of the website for the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School, it is necessary to evaluate whether the information provided, and the existing website have a useful value for the user or not. For this reason, in this study an evaluation was conducted to see the user's perspective on the website. The evaluation process is carried out with a system usability scale with ten instruments as evaluation statements. Evaluation results show that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets a final score of 88. A value of 88 means that the Qodratullah Islamic Boarding School website gets an adjective rating that excellence, grade scale belongs to group B and the level of acceptability is acceptable

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