Implementation of Naive Bayes classifier algorithm on social media (Twitter) to the teaching of Indonesian hate speech

Naufal Riza Fatahillah ◽  
Pulut Suryati ◽  
Cosmas Haryawan
Mohammad Zoqi Sarwani ◽  
Muhammad Shubkhan Salafudin ◽  
Dian Ahkam Sani

With the development of social media trends among students by using Facebook social media, students can communicate and pour out everything that is felt in the form of status. Personality is the character or various characters of a person - therefore, how a person to adjust to the surrounding environment for the achievement of communication smoothly. In the personality category, many things classify a person's category in the psychologist theory. In this exercise, the Big Five, the psychologist theory, is described in five codes, namely Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeables, Neuroticism. Naive Bayes Classifier is used to determine the highest probability value with the aim to determine the highest value. The data used are two namely training data and testing data obtained from the Facebook status of students. From the data obtained can be tested in the system that the accuracy value is 88%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 185-199
Khoirul Zuhri ◽  
Nurul Adha Oktarini Saputri

Twitter is a social media that is currently popular, where the public is free to comment and write anything. It is not uncommon for the public to comment with harsh words and even hate speech. The 2019 presidential election drew many comments, some praised, criticized and insulted. To be able to dig up information and classify a text, sentiment analysis is needed. In this study, sentiment analysis is a process of classifying textual documents into two classes, namely negative and positive sentiment classes. Opinion data were obtained from the Twitter social network in the form of tweets. The data used was 3337 tweets consisting of 80% training data and 20% training data. Training data is data with known sentiment. This study aims to determine whether a tweet is a positive or negative tweet conveyed on Twitter in Indonesian. The classification of tweet data uses the naïve Bayes classifier algorithm. The classification results of the test data show that the Naïve Bayes Classifier algorithm provides an accuracy value of 71%. The accuracy value for each sentiment is 71% for positive sentiment and 70% for negative sentiment

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Paisal Paisal

<p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>The use of social media today is not only to communicate between friends, but also is needed to make facilities to convey the aspirations of certain people in Indonesia about legal issues relating to government and other issues. One of the aspirations conveyed through social media is a hash that is widely seen by one of the Sjakhyakirti University from the use of social media. Then there arises a lot of sentiment from every community, there are those that give positive sentiments and also negative sentiments that can have a good or bad impact on daily life. days in the community. Some reasons for positive and negative sentiments sourced from this social media, will use social media. From this debate the researchers found a solution where this hashtag can provide good results for the general public or vice versa. In analyzing this, the researcher uses the Naïve Bayes Classifier method which is one of the machine learning methods that uses calculations, the classification of automated hashes can help minimize personal misclassification by obtaining positive or negative sentiment information by using data mining that is carried out by using tools that execute the tools that execute data mining operations that have been determined based on the analysis of models of hidden data on big data thus outlining the discovery of knowledge about Sjakhyakirti University.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords </em></strong><strong><em>:</em></strong><strong><em> </em></strong><em>Social</em><em> </em><em>Media, Sjakhyakirti, Naïve Bayes Classifie</em></p><p class="SammaryHeader" align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p><em>Pemanfaatan sosial media </em><em>saat </em><em>ini tidak hanya untuk berkomunikasi antara teman saja, akan tetapi sering juga dijadikan sebuah sarana untuk menyampaikan suatu aspirasi bagi masyarakat khususnya masyarakat indonesia mengenai masalah hukum ataupun masalah yang berhubungan dengan pemerintahan</em><em> serta masalah lainnnya</em><em>. Salah satu aspirasi yang disampaikan melalui sosial media ini adalah sebuah hastag yang banyak dilihat setiap harinya </em><em>salah satunya </em><em>mengenai </em><em>Universitas Sjakhyakirti </em><em>dari </em><em>pemanfaaat sosial media </em><em>ini </em><em>maka </em><em>munculah banyak sentimen dari setiap masyarakat, ada yang memberikan sentimen positif dan juga sentimen negatif mengenai tanggapan terhadap hastag tersebut yang dapat berdampak baik atau buruk bagi kehidupan sehari-hari dimasyarakat.</em><em> B</em><em>eberapa alasan sentimen posit</em><em>i</em><em>f</em><em> </em><em>dan negatif yang bersumber dari sosial media ini</em><em>, </em><em>akan memanfaatkan sosial media</em><em>. Dari </em><em>permasalahan ini peneliti menghasilkan sebuah solusi dimana hastag tersebut apakah dapat memberikan dampak yang baik bagi masyarakat umumumnya ataupun sebaliknya. Dalam menganalisa ini, peneliti menggunakan metode Naïve Bayes Classifier yang merupakan salah satu metode machine learning yang menggunakan perhitungan probabilitas, pengklasifikasian hastag otomatis ini dapat disesuaikan sehingga meminimalisasi aksi salah pengklasifikasian secara personal dengan memproleh informasi sentimen positif atau negative</em><em> dengan menggunakan data mining yang dilakukan dengan tool weka yang mengeksekusi operasi data mining yang telah didefinisikan berdasarkan model analisis dari data tersembunyi pada sejumlah data besar sehingga menguraikan penemuan pengetahuan mengenai Universitas Sjakhyakirti.</em></p><strong><em>Kata kunci : </em></strong><em>Sosial Media, Sjakhyakirti, Naïve Bayes Classifie</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 87
Yono Cahyono ◽  
Saprudin Saprudin

At present the development of the use of social media in Indonesia is very rapid, in Indonesia there are a variety of regional languages, one of which is the Sundanese language, where some people especially those living in West Java use Sundanese language to express comments, opinions, suggestions, criticisms and others in social media. This information can be used as valuable data for individuals or organizations in decision making. The huge amount of data makes it impossible for humans to read and analyze it manually. Sentiment analysis is the process of classifying opinions, analyzing, understanding, evaluating, emotions and attitudes towards a particular entity such as individuals, organizations, products or services, topics, events, in order to obtain information. The purpose of this research is the Naїve Bayes Classifier (NBC) classification algorithm and Feature Chi Squared Statistics selection method can be used in Sundanese-language tweets sentiment analysis on Twitter social media into positive, negative and neutral categories. Chi Square Statistic feature test results can reduce irrelevant features in the Naïve Bayes Classifier classification process on Sundanese-language tweets with an accuracy of 78.48%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 220-232
Suhardiman Suhardiman ◽  
Fitri Purwaningtias

The current use of social media is not only to communicate between friends, but is often also used as a means to convey an aspiration to the community, especially the Indonesian people regarding government issues, or problems related to health and other problems. One of the uses of this social media is to use it as a means of conveying digital aspirations, such as some slogans that are used as hashtags, namely #dirumahaja #lockdown, #usemasker, #protocol, #imun, #vaccine. From the slogan used as a hashtag, researchers are interested in conducting research on how much negative sentiment and positive sentiment there are, using the Naïve Bayes Classifier method, which is a machine learning method that uses probability calculations. The basic concept used by Nave Bayes is the Bayes Classifier Theorem, which is a theorem in statistics to calculate probability, the Bayes Optimal Classifier calculates the probability of one class from each existing attribute group, and determines which class is the most optimal, as for the advantages of using Nave Bayes Classifier in document classification can be viewed from the process that takes action based on existing data to provide solutions to these sentiments.

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