Network Topology-aware Service Function Chaining in Software Defined Network

M. Mihaeljans ◽  
A. Skrastins
Ankur Dumka ◽  
Hardwari Lal Mandoria ◽  
Anushree Sah

The chapter surveys the analysis of all the security aspects of software-defined network and determines the areas that are prone to security attacks in the given software-defined network architecture. If the fundamental network topology information is poisoned, all the dependent network services will become immediately affected, causing catastrophic problems like host location hijacking attack, link fabrication attack, denial of service attack, man in the middle attack. These attacks affect the following features of SDN: availability, performance, integrity, and security. The flexibility in the programmability of control plane has both acted as a bane as well as a boon to SDN. Like the ARP poisoning in the legacy networks, there are several other vulnerabilities in the SDN architecture as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 251 ◽  
pp. 02049
Joanna Waczyńska ◽  
Edoardo Martelli ◽  
Edward Karavakis ◽  
Tony Cass

Network traffic optimisation is difficult as the load is by nature dynamic and seemingly unpredictable. However, the increased usage of file transfer services may help the detection of future loads and the prediction of their expected duration. The NOTED project seeks to do exactly this and to dynamically adapt network topology to deliver improved bandwidth for users of such services. This article introduces, and explains the features of, the two main components of NOTED, the Transfer Broker and the Network Intelligence component. The Transfer Broker analyses all queued and on-going FTS transfers, producing a traffic report which can be used by network controllers. Based on this report and its knowledge of the network topology and routing, the Network Intelligence (NI) component makes decisions as to when a network reconfiguration could be beneficial. Any Software Defined Network controller can then apply these decision to the network, so optimising transfer execution time and reducing operating costs.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Abu Riza Sudiyatmoko ◽  
Sofia Naning Hertiana ◽  
Ridha Muldina Negara

Software Defined Network (SDN) merupakan paradigma baru dalam sistem jaringan. Konsep dasar yang diusung oleh SDN adalah pemisahan antara layer control dan forward dalam perangkat yang berbeda. Konsep inilah yang menjadi perbedaan anatar SDN dan jaringan konvensional. Selain itu SDN memberikan konsep network topology virtualisation dan memungkinkan administrator untuk melakukan customize pada control plane. Dengan diterapkannya protokol OpenFlow pada SDN maka terdapat peluang untuk menerapkan perutingan flow based pada jaringan SDN dalam pendistribusian data dari source sampai ke destination. Link state IS-IS merupakan protokol routing yang menggunakan algoritma djikstra untuk menentukan jalur terbaik dalam pendistribusian paket. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis terhadap implementasi Link State IS-IS pada paltform SDN dengan menggunakan arsitektur RouteFlow. Parameter yang digunakan adalah  throughput, delay, jitter dan packet loss serta performansi perangkat controller. Hasil pengujian pada kondisi overload yaitu dengan background traffic 125 Mb nilai packet loss mencapai 1,23%, nilai throughput 47,6 Mbp/s dan jitter 2.012 ms. Nilai delay terbesar adalah pada topology 11 switch 11 host yaitu berkisar diangka 553 ms. Sedangkan performansi perangkat controller  dengan konsumsi memory pada saat menjalankan mengontrol jaringan berkisar diantara 25,638%  sampai  39,04%

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