scholarly journals Elicitation of Protective Antibodies against a Broad Panel of H1N1 Viruses in Ferrets Preimmune to Historical H1N1 Influenza Viruses

2017 ◽  
Vol 91 (24) ◽  
Donald M. Carter ◽  
Christopher A. Darby ◽  
Scott K. Johnson ◽  
Michael A. Carlock ◽  
Greg A. Kirchenbaum ◽  

ABSTRACT Most preclinical animal studies test influenza vaccines in immunologically naive animal models, even though the results of vaccination may not accurately reflect the effectiveness of vaccine candidates in humans that have preexisting immunity to influenza. In this study, novel, broadly reactive influenza vaccine candidates were assessed in preimmune ferrets. These animals were infected with different H1N1 isolates before being vaccinated or infected with another influenza virus. Previously, our group has described the design and characterization of computationally optimized broadly reactive hemagglutinin (HA) antigens (COBRA) for H1N1 isolates. Vaccinating ferrets with virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines expressing COBRA HA proteins elicited antibodies with hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) activity against more H1N1 viruses in the panel than VLP vaccines expressing wild-type HA proteins. Specifically, ferrets infected with the 1986 virus and vaccinated with a single dose of the COBRA HA VLP vaccines elicited antibodies with HAI activity against 11 to 14 of the 15 H1N1 viruses isolated between 1934 and 2013. A subset of ferrets was infected with influenza viruses expressing the COBRA HA antigens. These COBRA preimmune ferrets had superior breadth of HAI activity after vaccination with COBRA HA VLP vaccines than COBRA preimmune ferrets vaccinated with VLP vaccines expressing wild-type HA proteins. Overall, priming naive ferrets with COBRA HA based viruses or using COBRA HA based vaccines to boost preexisting antibodies induced by wild-type H1N1 viruses, COBRA HA antigens elicited sera with the broadest HAI reactivity against multiple antigenic H1N1 viral variants. This is the first report demonstrating the effectiveness of a broadly reactive or universal influenza vaccine in a preimmune ferret model. IMPORTANCE Currently, many groups are testing influenza vaccine candidates to meet the challenge of developing a vaccine that elicits broadly reactive and long-lasting protective immune responses. The goal of these vaccines is to stimulate immune responses that react against most, if not all, circulating influenza strains, over a long period of time in all populations of people. Commonly, these experimental vaccines are tested in naive animal models that do not have anti-influenza immune responses; however, humans have preexisting immunity to influenza viral antigens, particularly antibodies to the HA and NA glycoproteins. Therefore, this study investigated how preexisting antibodies to historical influenza viruses influenced HAI-specific antibodies and protective efficacy using a broadly protective vaccine candidate.

2014 ◽  
Vol 88 (14) ◽  
pp. 8139-8152 ◽  
Yumiko Matsuoka ◽  
Amorsolo Suguitan ◽  
Marlene Orandle ◽  
Myeisha Paskel ◽  
Kobporn Boonnak ◽  

ABSTRACTLive attenuated cold-adapted (ca) H5N1, H7N3, H6N1, and H9N2 influenza vaccine viruses replicated in the respiratory tract of mice and ferrets, and 2 doses of vaccines were immunogenic and protected these animals from challenge infection with homologous and heterologous wild-type (wt) viruses of the corresponding subtypes. However, when these vaccine candidates were evaluated in phase I clinical trials, there were inconsistencies between the observations in animal models and in humans. The vaccine viruses did not replicate well and immune responses were variable in humans, even though the study subjects were seronegative with respect to the vaccine viruses before vaccination. Therefore, we sought a model that would better reflect the findings in humans and evaluated African green monkeys (AGMs) as a nonhuman primate model. The distribution of sialic acid (SA) receptors in the respiratory tract of AGMs was similar to that in humans. We evaluated the replication ofwtandcaviruses of avian influenza (AI) virus subtypes H5N1, H6N1, H7N3, and H9N2 in the respiratory tract of AGMs. All of thewtviruses replicated efficiently, while replication of thecavaccine viruses was restricted to the upper respiratory tract. Interestingly, the patterns and sites of virus replication differed among the different subtypes. We also evaluated the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of H5N1, H6N1, H7N3, and H9N2cavaccines. Protection fromwtvirus challenge correlated well with the level of serum neutralizing antibodies. Immune responses were slightly better when vaccine was delivered by both intranasal and intratracheal delivery than when it was delivered intranasally by sprayer. We conclude that live attenuated pandemic influenza virus vaccines replicate similarly in AGMs and human subjects and that AGMs may be a useful model to evaluate the replication ofcavaccine candidates.IMPORTANCEFerrets and mice are commonly used for preclinical evaluation of influenza vaccines. However, we observed significant inconsistencies between observations in humans and in these animal models. We used African green monkeys (AGMs) as a nonhuman primate (NHP) model for a comprehensive and comparative evaluation of pairs of wild-type and pandemic live attenuated influenza virus vaccines (pLAIV) representing four subtypes of avian influenza viruses and found that pLAIVs replicate similarly in AGMs and humans and that AGMs can be useful for evaluation of the protective efficacy of pLAIV.

Vaccines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 793
Ying Huang ◽  
Monique S. França ◽  
James D. Allen ◽  
Hua Shi ◽  
Ted M. Ross

Vaccination is the best way to prevent influenza virus infections, but the diversity of antigenically distinct isolates is a persistent challenge for vaccine development. In order to conquer the antigenic variability and improve influenza virus vaccine efficacy, our research group has developed computationally optimized broadly reactive antigens (COBRAs) in the form of recombinant hemagglutinins (rHAs) to elicit broader immune responses. However, previous COBRA H1N1 vaccines do not elicit immune responses that neutralize H1N1 virus strains in circulation during the recent years. In order to update our COBRA vaccine, two new candidate COBRA HA vaccines, Y2 and Y4, were generated using a new seasonal-based COBRA methodology derived from H1N1 isolates that circulated during 2013–2019. In this study, the effectiveness of COBRA Y2 and Y4 vaccines were evaluated in mice, and the elicited immune responses were compared to those generated by historical H1 COBRA HA and wild-type H1N1 HA vaccines. Mice vaccinated with the next generation COBRA HA vaccines effectively protected against morbidity and mortality after infection with H1N1 influenza viruses. The antibodies elicited by the COBRA HA vaccines were highly cross-reactive with influenza A (H1N1) pdm09-like viruses isolated from 2009 to 2021, especially with the most recent circulating viruses from 2019 to 2021. Furthermore, viral loads in lungs of mice vaccinated with Y2 and Y4 were dramatically reduced to low or undetectable levels, resulting in minimal lung injury compared to wild-type HA vaccines following H1N1 influenza virus infection.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
James D. Allen ◽  
Ted M. Ross

AbstractWhile vaccines remain the best tool for preventing influenza virus infections, they have demonstrated low to moderate effectiveness in recent years. Seasonal influenza vaccines typically consist of wild-type influenza A and B viruses that are limited in their ability to elicit protective immune responses against co-circulating influenza virus variant strains. Improved influenza virus vaccines need to elicit protective immune responses against multiple influenza virus drift variants within each season. Broadly reactive vaccine candidates potentially provide a solution to this problem, but their efficacy may begin to wane as influenza viruses naturally mutate through processes that mediates drift. Thus, it is necessary to develop a method that commercial vaccine manufacturers can use to update broadly reactive vaccine antigens to better protect against future and currently circulating viral variants. Building upon the COBRA technology, nine next-generation H3N2 influenza hemagglutinin (HA) vaccines were designed using a next generation algorithm and design methodology. These next-generation broadly reactive COBRA H3 HA vaccines were superior to wild-type HA vaccines at eliciting antibodies with high HAI activity against a panel of historical and co-circulating H3N2 influenza viruses isolated over the last 15 years, as well as the ability to neutralize future emerging H3N2 isolates.

mSphere ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Z. Beau Reneer ◽  
Amanda L. Skarlupka ◽  
Parker J. Jamieson ◽  
Ted M. Ross

ABSTRACT Influenza vaccines have traditionally been tested in naive mice and ferrets. However, humans are first exposed to influenza viruses within the first few years of their lives. Therefore, there is a pressing need to test influenza virus vaccines in animal models that have been previously exposed to influenza viruses before being vaccinated. In this study, previously described H2 computationally optimized broadly reactive antigen (COBRA) hemagglutinin (HA) vaccines (Z1 and Z5) were tested in influenza virus “preimmune” ferret models. Ferrets were infected with historical, seasonal influenza viruses to establish preimmunity. These preimmune ferrets were then vaccinated with either COBRA H2 HA recombinant proteins or wild-type H2 HA recombinant proteins in a prime-boost regimen. A set of naive preimmune or nonpreimmune ferrets were also vaccinated to control for the effects of the multiple different preimmunities. All of the ferrets were then challenged with a swine H2N3 influenza virus. Ferrets with preexisting immune responses influenced recombinant H2 HA-elicited antibodies following vaccination, as measured by hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) and classical neutralization assays. Having both H3N2 and H1N1 immunological memory regardless of the order of exposure significantly decreased viral nasal wash titers and completely protected all ferrets from both morbidity and mortality, including the mock-vaccinated ferrets in the group. While the vast majority of the preimmune ferrets were protected from both morbidity and mortality across all of the different preimmunities, the Z1 COBRA HA-vaccinated ferrets had significantly higher antibody titers and recognized the highest number of H2 influenza viruses in a classical neutralization assay compared to the other H2 HA vaccines. IMPORTANCE H1N1 and H3N2 influenza viruses have cocirculated in the human population since 1977. Nearly every human alive today has antibodies and memory B and T cells against these two subtypes of influenza viruses. H2N2 influenza viruses caused the 1957 global pandemic and people born after 1968 have never been exposed to H2 influenza viruses. It is quite likely that a future H2 influenza virus could transmit within the human population and start a new global pandemic, since the majority of people alive today are immunologically naive to viruses of this subtype. Therefore, an effective vaccine for H2 influenza viruses should be tested in an animal model with previous exposure to influenza viruses that have circulated in humans. Ferrets were infected with historical influenza A viruses to more accurately mimic the immune responses in people who have preexisting immune responses to seasonal influenza viruses. In this study, preimmune ferrets were vaccinated with wild-type (WT) and COBRA H2 recombinant HA proteins in order to examine the effects that preexisting immunity to seasonal human influenza viruses have on the elicitation of broadly cross-reactive antibodies from heterologous vaccination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Minjin Kim ◽  
Yucheol Cheong ◽  
Jinhee Lee ◽  
Jongkwan Lim ◽  
Sanguine Byun ◽  

Influenza virus infections can cause a broad range of symptoms, form mild respiratory problems to severe and fatal complications. While influenza virus poses a global health threat, the frequent antigenic change often significantly compromises the protective efficacy of seasonal vaccines, further increasing the vulnerability to viral infection. Therefore, it is in great need to employ strategies for the development of universal influenza vaccines (UIVs) which can elicit broad protection against diverse influenza viruses. Using a mouse infection model, we examined the breadth of protection of the caspase-triggered live attenuated influenza vaccine (ctLAIV), which was self-attenuated by the host caspase-dependent cleavage of internal viral proteins. A single vaccination in mice induced a broad reactive antibody response against four different influenza viruses, H1 and rH5 (HA group 1) and H3 and rH7 subtypes (HA group 2). Notably, despite the lack of detectable neutralizing antibodies, the vaccination provided heterosubtypic protection against the lethal challenge with the viruses. Sterile protection was confirmed by the complete absence of viral titers in the lungs and nasal turbinates after the challenge. Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) activities of non-neutralizing antibodies contributed to cross-protection. The cross-protection remained robust even after in vivo depletion of T cells or NK cells, reflecting the strength and breadth of the antibody-dependent effector function. The robust mucosal secretion of sIgA reflects an additional level of cross-protection. Our data show that the host-restricted designer vaccine serves an option for developing a UIV, providing pan-influenza A protection against both group 1 and 2 influenza viruses. The present results of potency and breadth of protection from wild type and reassortant viruses addressed in the mouse model by single immunization merits further confirmation and validation, preferably in clinically relevant ferret models with wild type challenges.

Vaccines ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 133 ◽  
Magen E. Francis ◽  
Mara McNeil ◽  
Nicholas J. Dawe ◽  
Mary K. Foley ◽  
Morgan L. King ◽  

Influenza virus imprinting is now understood to significantly influence the immune responses and clinical outcome of influenza virus infections that occur later in life. Due to the yearly cycling of influenza viruses, humans are imprinted with the circulating virus of their birth year and subsequently build a complex influenza virus immune history. Despite this knowledge, little is known about how the imprinting strain influences vaccine responses. To investigate the immune responses of the imprinted host to split-virion vaccination, we imprinted ferrets with a sublethal dose of the historical seasonal H1N1 strain A/USSR/90/1977. After a +60-day recovery period to build immune memory, ferrets were immunized and then challenged on Day 123. Antibody specificity and recall were investigated throughout the time course. At challenge, the imprinted vaccinated ferrets did not experience significant disease, while naïve-vaccinated ferrets had significant weight loss. Haemagglutination inhibition assays showed that imprinted ferrets had a more robust antibody response post vaccination and increased virus neutralization activity. Imprinted-vaccinated animals had increased virus-specific IgG antibodies compared to the other experimental groups, suggesting B-cell maturity and plasticity at vaccination. These results should be considered when designing the next generation of influenza vaccines.

2020 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. e01526-20
Z. Beau Reneer ◽  
Parker J. Jamieson ◽  
Amanda L. Skarlupka ◽  
Ying Huang ◽  
Ted M. Ross

ABSTRACTInfluenza viruses have caused numerous pandemics throughout human history. The 1957 influenza pandemic was initiated by an H2N2 influenza virus. This H2N2 influenza virus was the result of a reassortment event between a circulating H2N2 avian virus and the seasonal H1N1 viruses in humans. Previously, our group has demonstrated the effectiveness of hemagglutinin (HA) antigens derived using computationally optimized broadly reactive antigen (COBRA) methodology against H1N1, H3N2, and H5N1 viruses. Using the COBRA methodology, H2 HA COBRA antigens were designed using sequences from H2N2 viruses isolated from humans in the 1950s and 1960s, as well as H2Nx viruses isolated from avian and mammalian species between the 1950s and 2016. In this study, the effectiveness of H2 COBRA HA antigens (Z1, Z3, Z5, and Z7) was evaluated in DBA/2J mice and compared to that of wild-type H2 HA antigens. The COBRA HA vaccines elicited neutralizing antibodies to the majority of viruses in our H2 HA panel and across all three clades as measured by hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) and neutralization assays. Comparatively, several wild-type HA vaccines elicited antibodies against a majority of the viruses in the H2 HA panel. DBA/2J mice vaccinated with COBRA vaccines showed increase survival for all three viral challenges compared to the wild-type H2 vaccines. In particular, the Z1 COBRA is a promising candidate for future work toward a pandemic H2 influenza vaccine.IMPORTANCE H2N2 influenza has caused at least one pandemic in the past. Given that individuals born after 1968 have not been exposed to H2N2 influenza viruses, a future pandemic caused by H2 influenza is likely. An effective H2 influenza vaccine would need to elicit broadly cross-reactive antibodies to multiple H2 influenza viruses. Choosing a wild-type virus to create a vaccine may elicit a narrow immune response and not protect against multiple H2 influenza viruses. COBRA H2 HA vaccines were developed and evaluated in mice along with wild-type H2 HA vaccines. Multiple COBRA H2 HA vaccines protected mice from all three viral challenges and produced broadly cross-reactive neutralizing antibodies to H2 influenza viruses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Aneesh Chandran ◽  
Kerstin Williams ◽  
Tom Mendum ◽  
Graham Stewart ◽  
Simon Clark ◽  

AbstractBovine tuberculosis (BTB) caused by Mycobacterium bovis remains a major problem in both the developed and developing countries. Control of BTB in the UK is carried out by test and slaughter of infected animals, based primarily on the tuberculin skin test (PPD). Vaccination with the attenuated strain of the M. bovis pathogen, BCG, is not used to control bovine tuberculosis in cattle at present, due to its variable efficacy and because it interferes with the PPD test. Diagnostic tests capable of Differentiating Infected from Vaccinated Animals (DIVA) have been developed that detect immune responses to M. bovis antigens absent in BCG; but these are too expensive and insufficiently sensitive to be used for BTB control worldwide. To address these problems we aimed to generate a synergistic vaccine and diagnostic approach that would permit the vaccination of cattle without interfering with the conventional PPD-based surveillance. The approach was to widen the pool of M. bovis antigens that could be used as DIVA targets, by identifying antigenic proteins that could be deleted from BCG without affecting the persistence and protective efficacy of the vaccine in cattle. Using transposon mutagenesis we identified genes that were essential and those that were non-essential for persistence in bovine lymph nodes. We then inactivated selected immunogenic, but non-essential genes in BCG Danish to create a diagnostic-compatible triple knock-out ΔBCG TK strain. The protective efficacy of the ΔBCG TK was tested in guinea pigs experimentally infected with M. bovis by aerosol and found to be equivalent to wild-type BCG. A complementary diagnostic skin test was developed with the antigenic proteins encoded by the deleted genes which did not cross-react in vaccinated or in uninfected guinea pigs. This study demonstrates the functionality of a new and improved BCG strain which retains its protective efficacy but is diagnostically compatible with a novel DIVA skin test that could be implemented in control programmes.

Vaccine ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 32 (26) ◽  
pp. 3216-3222 ◽  
Vanessa Neuhaus ◽  
Jessica A. Chichester ◽  
Thomas Ebensen ◽  
Katharina Schwarz ◽  
Caitlin E. Hartman ◽  

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