scholarly journals Supplemental Material: Tectonic geomorphology and Plio-Quaternary structural evolution of the Tuzgölü fault zone, Turkey: Implications for deformation in the interior of the Central Anatolian Plateau

2020 ◽  
N.J. Krystopowicz ◽  
et al.

Includes map and tables for all morphometrically analyzed basins and river profiles for the 23 analyzed basins.

Geosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 1107-1124 ◽  
Neil J. Krystopowicz ◽  
Lindsay M. Schoenbohm ◽  
Jeremy Rimando ◽  
Gilles Brocard ◽  
Bora Rojay

Abstract Situated within the interior of the Central Anatolian Plateau (Turkey), the 200-km-long Tuzgölü extensional fault zone offers first-order constraints on the timing and pattern of regional deformation and uplift. In this study, we analyze the morphometrics of catchments along the Tuzgölü range-front fault and the parallel, basinward Hamzalı fault using a variety of measured morphometric indicators coupled with regional geomorphic observations and longitudinal profile analysis. In addition, we use field and remote mapping to constrain the geometry of two key marker beds, the Pliocene Kızılkaya ignimbrite and Kışladaǧ limestone, in order to investigate deformation in the footwall of the Tuzgölü fault zone. The marker beds form a broad arch along the footwall of the fault, with greatest cumulative displacement along the central part of the fault zone, suggesting early Pliocene extensional reactivation of the Tuzgölü fault with a typical fault-displacement profile. However, a change in deformation pattern is marked by transient knickpoints along river channels; morphometric indicators sensitive to shorter (1−3 Ma) time scales, including river steepness, basin elongation, and mountain front sinuosity, indicate an overall southeastward increase in footwall uplift rate of the Tuzgölü fault zone, which could reflect block rotation or interaction with the Hasan Dag volcano. Basin asymmetry and basin-fault azimuth measurements indicate north-northwest tilting of footwall catchments, which may be linked to regional tilting across the Central Anatolian Plateau interior. Varying patterns of spatial and temporal deformation along the length of the Tuzgölü fault zone are likely due to the interference of crustal- and lithospheric-scale processes, such as rotation of crustal blocks, extrusion of the Anatolian microplate, crustal heating, gravitational collapse associated with plateau uplift, and mantle-driven vertical displacements.

2011 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 345-359 ◽  
Erman Özsayin ◽  
Kadir Dirik

The role of oroclinal bending in the structural evolution of the Central Anatolian Plateau: evidence of a regional changeover from shortening to extensionThe NW-SE striking extensional Inönü-Eskişehir Fault System is one of the most important active shear zones in Central Anatolia. This shear zone is comprised of semi-independent fault segments that constitute an integral array of crustal-scale faults that transverse the interior of the Anatolian plateau region. The WNW striking Eskişehir Fault Zone constitutes the western to central part of the system. Toward the southeast, this system splays into three fault zones. The NW striking Ilıca Fault Zone defines the northern branch of this splay. The middle and southern branches are the Yeniceoba and Cihanbeyli Fault Zones, which also constitute the western boundary of the tectonically active extensional Tuzgölü Basin. The Sultanhanı Fault Zone is the southeastern part of the system and also controls the southewestern margin of the Tuzgölü Basin. Structural observations and kinematic analysis of mesoscale faults in the Yeniceoba and Cihanbeyli Fault Zones clearly indicate a two-stage deformation history and kinematic changeover from contraction to extension. N-S compression was responsible for the development of the dextral Yeniceoba Fault Zone. Activity along this structure was superseded by normal faulting driven by NNE-SSW oriented tension that was accompanied by the reactivation of the Yeniceoba Fault Zone and the formation of the Cihanbeyli Fault Zone. The branching of the Inönü-Eskişehir Fault System into three fault zones (aligned with the apex of the Isparta Angle) and the formation of graben and halfgraben in the southeastern part of this system suggest ongoing asymmetric extension in the Anatolian Plateau. This extension is compatible with a clockwise rotation of the area, which may be associated with the eastern sector of the Isparta Angle, an oroclinal structure in the western central part of the plateau. As the initiation of extension in the central to southeastern part of the Inönü-Eskişehir Fault System has similarities with structures associated with the Isparta Angle, there may be a possible relationship between the active deformation and bending of the orocline and adjacent areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-202 ◽  
J. A. Hook

AbstractThe Hewett Field has been in production for some 50 years. Unusually for a Southern North Sea field in the UK Sector, there has been production from several different reservoirs and almost entirely from intervals younger than the principal Leman Sandstone Formation (LSF) reservoir in the basin. Some of these reservoirs are particular to the Hewett area. This reflects the location of the field at the basin margin bound by the Dowsing Fault Zone, which has influenced structural evolution, deposition and the migration of hydrocarbons. The principal reservoirs are the Permo-Triassic Hewett Sandstone (Lower Bunter), Triassic Bunter Sandstone Formation (BSF) (Upper Bunter) and Permian Zechsteinkalk Formation. There has also been minor production from the Permian Plattendolomit Formation and the LSF. Sour gas is present in the BSF only. Several phases of field development are recognized, ultimately comprising three wellhead platforms with production from 35 wells. Gas is exported onshore to Bacton, where the sour gas was also processed. Peak production was in 1976 and c. 3.5 tcf of gas has been recovered. Hewett has also provided the hub for six satellite fields which have produced a further 0.9 tcf of gas. It is expected that the asset will cease production in 2020.

1996 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-215 ◽  
Benoît Dubé ◽  
Kathleen Lauzière

The Cape Ray Fault Zone is a major Paleozoic structure in southwestern Newfoundland, and occurs at or close to the boundary between two major continental blocks, Laurentia and Avalonia. A detailed structural analysis demonstrates that the fault records early reverse-sinistral thrusting of the Grand Bay Complex at amphibolite grade (D2), followed by a protracted event (D3) characterized by reverse-dextral thrusting of the Grand Bay Complex rocks on top of the supracrustal rocks of the Windsor Point Group and retrogression to greenschist facies, as well as a pre-384 Ma orogen-parallel dextral transcurrent mylonite (D4) during the later stages of the collision. Regional-scale strain partitioning induced heterogeneity of strain both along and across the strike of the Cape Ray Fault Zone. The east–west-oriented segment of the Cape Ray Fault Zone is a tear fault that accommodated differential displacement along the length of the fault. Later stages of the deformation include post-384 Ma sinistral transcurrent reactivation of the dextral mylonite and extension. The reverse-sinistral thrusting and the reverse-dextral motion occurred between 415 and 386 Ma and correspond to the two-phase Acadian orogeny recognized at the scale of the orogen and believed to be related to collision between Laurentia and Avalonia. The Cape Ray Fault Zone preserves evidence of large-scale geodynamic processes affecting rocks where the kinematics and the timing are well constrained.

2020 ◽  
Stefan Hergarten ◽  
Jörg Robl

<p>Longitudinal river profiles have been a central if not even the most important subject in tectonic geomorphology since the 1950s. During the last decades, considerable progress has been made in unraveling the tectonic history from river profiles. Going along with the rapidly increasing availability of DEMs, however, scientists try to derive more and more information from the topography. So the quality of the DEM is still a limiting factor in many studies. In particular, local channel slopes are strongly affected by the DEM. Several approaches have been proposed in order to reduce the errors and to distinguish specific features such as knickpoints from noise of the DEM.</p><p>In this study we use DEMs with a mesh width of 1 m obtained from airborne laser scans and reduce their resolution artificially in order to analyze the effect of the mesh width on the accuracy of river profiles systematically. Based on the results, we present an idea how the errors in channel slope could be reduced with focus on narrow valleys. Going beyond the majority of the previously published approaches, our idea does not only take into account the elevation along the river profile, but also the curvature of the topography in direction normal to the valley floor.</p><p> </p>

2011 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 394-402 ◽  
Sebastian A. Turner ◽  
Jian G. Liu ◽  
John W. Cosgrove

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