1974 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 691-695 ◽  
Lina Lucciola ◽  
Hiroko Kaita ◽  
Jeanne Anderson ◽  
Sandra Emery

A random sample of Cree Indian women of child-bearing age was examined for their phenotypes in 17 blood group and 21 enzyme systems. Eleven of the blood group systems and ten of the enzyme systems proved to be polymorphic. The observed phenotypes and calculated gene frequencies are reported.

Blood specimens were collected from 184 Kurds living in those parts of northwest Iran from which many of the Kurdish Jews, tested in Israel, or their parents, came. Tests were done for the antigens of 10 blood group systems, for the genetic variants of six systems of plasma proteins, and of nine systems of red cell enzymes, and for abnormal haemoglobins. The gene frequencies calculated from the results do not differ greatly from those found in neighbouring populations. They also show a general resemblance to those of the Kurdish Jews, except that the latter have a very much higher incidence of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. The possible reasons for this marked difference affecting one genetic system only, are discussed.

1981 ◽  
Vol 56 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-145 ◽  
Tatyana M. Karaphet ◽  
Rem I. Sukernik ◽  
Ludmila P. Osipova ◽  
Yuriy B. Simchenko

Blood ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 122 (21) ◽  
pp. 4823-4823
Eeva Juvonen ◽  
Inna Sareneva ◽  
Katri Haimila ◽  
Anu Elina Korhonen ◽  
Susanna Sainio

The Finnish Red Cross Blood Service performs blood grouping of all blood donations in Finland and serves as a national reference laboratory in pre-transfusion testing of patients. In addition to ABO and RhD blood groups, other Rh antigens and K antigen are also determined from all red cell units. The antigens of JK, FY, and MNS blood group systems are analyzed from selected donors. The extensive donor typing procedure includes antigens from KEL, LW, LU, CO, DO, DI, YT, GE and CROM blood group systems, performed either serologically or by genotyping. Patients negative for a high frequency blood group antigen present a challenge for transfusion laboratories. A blood group is considered rare if the prevalence is 1:1000 or less, with the most common rare phenotypes in Finland being LWa neg, Jk:-3 and Pk. To ensure the availability of matching blood for patients with a rare blood group, we started a freezing program of rare blood in Finland with Haemonetics ACP 215 process in April 2010. The system is closed, therefore after thawing the units are safe for use for 7 days. 18 blood groups which were included in the program were determined based on the known rare blood groups in the Finnish population. Blood groups which are globally rare but more common in Finland, such as Jk:-3 and LWa neg, are represented in our storage and also available internationally. The aim of the present study was to analyze the status of the freezing program of rare red blood cells in Finland. For the analysis we asked the transfusion data of rare red blood cell units delivered to 10 national and 2 international hospitals. Results: In 2010-2012, altogether 204 units of rare blood were stored, including units of all the predefined rare phenotypes except Vel neg. With the exception of Vel neg, Hrs neg and Oh blood groups, we have been able to meet the need for rare blood in Finland using Finnish donors. Altogether 55 units have been thawed and distributed to 27 adult patients. The indication was delivery in 3 cases, surgery in 6 cases, and chronic anemia in 4 cases. For the present analyses the transfusion data of 49 units was available. The data of 6 Coa neg units is missing. Altogether 22 / 49 (45%) of the units were transfused. In 14 cases the blood was transfused to the patient it was intended for, and in 8 cases to another patient, 27 units were discarded. There were no transfusion associated complications. The hemoglobin response was evaluable in 7 patients. In 4 patients with a chronic anemia the median blood hemoglobin response per a unit was +8 g/l, range +2 - +16 g/l. In 3 patients with blood loss during an operation the median increase in blood hemoglobin value was +7 g/l per unit, range +4 – +12 g/l. Conclusions: Compared to the common 24 hour eligibility of thawed red cell units, our units valid for 7 days are preferable in countries like Finland with long distances and in international rare blood deliveries. We have been able to offer rare blood to Finnish patients. The hemoglobin response was reasonable and there were no transfusion associated complications. Our next challenge will be to recruit Finnish blood donors with different ethnic backgrounds (eg. immigrants) and identify their rare blood groups. We have already expanded our program to include rare combinations of common blood groups. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

1969 ◽  
Vol 31 (3) ◽  
pp. 391-398 ◽  
Braxton M. Alfred ◽  
T. D. Stout ◽  
John Birkbeck ◽  
Melvin Lee ◽  
Nicholas L. Petrakis

1992 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
P. Amirshahi ◽  
E. Sunderland ◽  
D. D. Farhud ◽  
S. H. Tavakoli ◽  
P. Daneshmand ◽  

Inga Tymofiychuk ◽  
Svetlana Semenenko

In ancient times there was blood a symbol of life flow and energy. It was believed that it gives strength. Red paint and wine were used in traditional rites.Blood type is able to tell a lot of interesting things about its "owner" facts. Having information about your own blood type can be better to understand yourself and your body. The purpose of the article. In Article studies on the history of medicine, which form new ones, are considered ideas about the formation of blood groups. The novelty of the study due to the fact that the idea of ​​blood groups from year to year replenished with new data, which encourages the historical sketch. Main part. With increasing population and changing the environment reduces the possibility to get meat food. As a result, this led to the emergence "Vegetarian" second blood group A. Resettlement of peoples in Europe is the reason for the predominance of people with the second blood group there at this time. It is believed that the homeland of the gene of the third group B is located in the foothills of the Himalayas, in present-day India and Pakistan. The fourth blood group AB arose as a result of mixing holders of gene A and carriers of gene B. Today only 6% Europeans have a fourth blood type, which is the youngest in ABO system. The uniqueness of this group in the inheritance of high immunological protection, which is manifested in resistance to autoimmune and allergic diseases. Conclusions. Evolution human is impossible without a systematic change in gene frequencies population. Is evolution continuing now? Thoughts sometimes contradictory. Some believe that man has reached the top evolutionary tree, others disagree with such conclusions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Vivi Keumala Mutiawati

Abstrak. Pemahaman penyakit hemolitik pada bayi baru lahir telah berubah selama beberapa dekade terakhir. Penyakit hemolitik akibat inkompatibilitas ABO dan aloantibodi lainnya kini muncul sebagai penyebab utama. Banyak negara telah mengidentifikasi aloantibodi selain anti D sebagai penyebab penyakit hemolitik dengan gejala klinis sedang sampai dengan berat. Prevalensi dan frekuensi populasi antibodi anti-A dan anti B dari golongan darah ABO berguna dalam memprediksi perkiraan anak yang lahir oleh wanita golongan darah O yang menikahi suami golongan darah bukan O yang berisiko menjadi ABO HDN. Kelainan ABO HDN disebabkan oleh antibodi IgG pada ibu disebabkan kemampuan IgG untuk melewati sawar darah plasenta. Eritrosit yang peka oleh antibodi dihancurkan oleh makrofag pada limpa janin dengan gejala klinis hiperbilirubinemia. Kelainan ABO HDN memberikan gambaran klinis yang lebih ringan pada populasi, dan ditandai dengan derajat hemolisis yang ringan. Diagnosis biasanya dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan bayi baru lahir yang telah mengalami ikterus pada hari pertama kehidupan. Keywords: Penyakit hemolitik bayi baru lahir, aloantibodi golongan darah, ikterus Abstract. The spectrum of hemolytic disease of the newborn has changed over the last decades. Hemolytic disease due to ABO incompatibility and other alloantibodies has now emerged as major causes. Many countries have identified alloantibodies other than anti D as a cause of moderate-severe hemolytic disease. The prevalence of immune anti A and anti B antibodies and the population and gene frequencies of the various ABO blood groups are useful in predicting an estimate of children born by blood group O women married to non-group O husband who are at risk of developing ABO HDN. ABO HDN is caused by IgG maternal antibodies which have the ability to cross the placental barrier. The red cells which are sensitized by the antibodies are destroyed by macrophages in fetal spleen with consequent hyperbilirubinemai. ABO HDN is described as a condition having a very low incidence in the population and characterized by a a mild degree of hemolysis. Diagnosis is usually made by investigation of a newborn baby who has developed jaundice during the first day of life. Keywords: Hemolytic disease of the newborn, blood groups alloantibodies, joundice 

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